Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1353 Missing

Chapter 1353 Missing
Luo Yunshan leaned back on the back of the chair and sighed slowly. At this moment, the silver-haired old man showed a rare look of sadness. Luohe is his grandson, blood is thicker than water, He is also the helmsman who he believes can revive the Luo family in the future, but now...

Not long after, someone knocked on the door, and after obtaining Luo Yunshan's permission, a fat woman walked in, then walked straight to Luo Yunshan's side, bent down, and whispered something in the latter's ear.

Jiang Cheng frowned slightly, because he noticed that Luo Yunshan's expression changed slightly, and he looked at himself. After a pause, he was the first to ask, "Mr. Luo, do you have something to tell me?"

Luo Yunshan hesitated for a moment, seeming to be thinking, and finally nodded, "Commissioner Lin is already awake, she wants you to come over, she must have something to say to you."

On the 2nd and the 13th also stood up, but was stopped by Luo Yunshan, "Commissioner Lin only asked him to go alone, and now I only want to see him alone."

Hearing this, he no longer hesitated, and Jiang Cheng followed the woman out of the room, turning and turning all the way, and finally came to a heavily guarded room. The woman stayed outside the door and let Jiang Cheng go in by himself.

Pushing open the door, the layout of the room is very simple, there is only a bed, a small folding table, and two chairs. Lin Wan'er sat up with her upper body, leaning on the pillow behind her, her face was pale, and the gap between her brows was also lost. The look of the past.

It wasn't until seeing Jiang Cheng's appearance that Lin Wan'er's eyes came alive, "You're here."

Seeing Lin Wan'er's appearance, Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say for a moment. He came to the chair beside her bed and sat down, picked up the apple on the folding table, and peeled it with a knife.

His movements are very skillful, obviously this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, finally he picked up the peeled apple and handed it to Lin Wan'er, who took it, put it on his mouth and took a small bite, the whole picture was smooth and natural.

"Don't you know how capable I am? I broke into the mountains recklessly." Jiang Cheng said calmly, "To be honest, I didn't expect you to survive this time."

"Thanks to you, our small town is the best." Lin Wan'er leaned on the pillow and smiled comfortably.

Jiang Cheng's already very formal expression became more and more indifferent, "I knew you were so happy, so I would have come later, I think you can have more fun. Lin Wan'er, I'm here to talk to you about something serious, so be serious with me." a little."

"Some of us leaked the news. The level of secrecy of this operation is unimaginably high. Even Mr. Luo, who is in command of the dark army, does not know the details of the mission and the exact time and location. Only I and No. 1 know inside Crimson, so The source of the leak of the news is not us executors, but..." Lin Wan'er paused, then stretched out a finger and pointed at it.

"I understand." Jiang Cheng nodded. He knew that there must be surveillance in this room, and Lin Wan'er had already made it clear that the source of the leak was at the top.

The faction that Lin Wan'er belongs to is not monolithic either, which is expected, after all, for ordinary people, the ability of disciples, and the long years that can almost rival time have an unparalleled attraction.

"By the way, we found hundreds of corpses in the cave. They belonged to the previous geological survey team in name and the people you brought in the second time. Among them, only you and No. 3 survived. We didn't find any corpses." No. 1, and those disciples who were frozen in the plan." Jiang Cheng cut to the chase.

Lin Wan'er had obviously gotten the news, so she just nodded her chin, "Old Mr. Luo has made arrangements, and the surrounding roads have been strictly controlled. The conditions for transporting these frozen disciples are very strict. As long as you are looking for it, you will be able to find it." , don't worry, even if these disciples fall into the hands of the night watchmen, they won't be able to leave here, and..."

Having said this, Lin Wan'er stopped, her eyebrows slightly frowned, as if she was still undecided about something, this kind of expression was rarely seen on Lin Wan'er's face in Jiang Cheng, and in his impression, she was a very decisive woman .

"And what?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It's strange. I asked other people, including Mr. Luo, who is also a high-level disciple, but except for me, almost everyone's dreams are nihilistic, which means that they all remember having a dream, but I don't know the exact content of the dream."

"Do you remember the content of the dream?"

"It's hard, but I do remember a little bit. I found a towering pavilion floating on the water, and I went in. I've never seen such a luxurious scene inside. There were many people, who seemed to be having a dinner party, drinking and drinking. The guests and hosts enjoy themselves..."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help being disappointed. After all, he had seen these things himself. In that weird dream, the scenes in the Bliss Building would never be forgotten for the rest of his life, until... Lin Waner's next words .

Lin Wan'er took a deep breath, her expression was distant, and she seemed to be recalling, "I...I vaguely remember that I saw many people in that towering tower, and...and there are some familiar faces in it."

Jiang Cheng's pupils suddenly tightened, and he said in surprise, "Do you know the people inside?"

"I can't remember very well, but I can be sure that I have seen a few faces in it. Among them is a hunchbacked old man, nicknamed Dry Bones, who is also a disciple, with very old qualifications, and a person of the same period as the Flower Picker , the ability is similar to that of witchcraft, it can extract the flesh and blood of a living person by casting a spell, making the victim reduced to a dry bone in a short period of time, withered but not dead, it is very strange."

"Not only him, but also a man in a cloak, nearly 3 meters tall, who was a master of puppetry. The puppet master who became famous later was his apprentice. It is rumored that this man died at the hands of Gong Zhe, but I I know that this person has been coveting Gong Zhe's door for a long time. Many years ago, he was seriously injured by Gong Zhe after a sneak attack failed. "

"There is also a strange man with only half a face left, nicknamed Tomb, whose ability is related to mourning. He is also a high-level disciple who became famous very early, but like the previous two, he disappeared suddenly one day, and has never been seen again. trace."

Hearing Lin Wan'er's introduction, Jiang Cheng slowly felt a chill in his heart, "You mean these long-famous masters disappeared after being invited into this Bliss Tower."

Lin Wan'er shook her head, "I don't know how to describe it to you, anyway, the people I saw were definitely not the same as they were back then, they were more like their souls were taken away by something, and now they are like puppets , numb in that haunted building, at the mercy of others."

"And more importantly, I don't feel threatened by them, that is to say... these disciples who have been famous for a long time, they no longer have the breath of the door."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Cheng instantly thought of the current No. 3, and before he could open his mouth, he saw Lin Wan'er nodded slightly to him, and said in a sad tone: "That's right, it's the same as No. 3, the only one The difference is that No. 3 left there, and they were left in the building forever."

This incident greatly exceeded Jiang Cheng's expectations, "So... that ghost building has existed for a long, long time, and it is alive. It is still arresting people to go in and hunting for the doors on these disciples."

A similar scene is scary enough just to imagine it, but Jiang Cheng smelled a familiar atmosphere in this horror, this weird ability...why does it seem to be familiar?

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng's breath stopped, and he remembered, it was that bus!

That's right, the ability of this ghost building is almost the same as that of the bus!
No wonder... No wonder Li Bai misunderstood that the mission was not over yet, and a doubt that Jiangcheng had had a long time ago was also solved. How did they get involved in this supernatural incident after being branded by the bus?

Now it seems that all of this is inseparable from that bus. This ghost building may not be as restrictive as a bus to everyone, but it is even more weird. The two have the same origin.

He still underestimated the background of the night watchman. Apart from the old president's bus, they actually have a haunted building, both of which can eat people.

She must have seen what Jiang Cheng was thinking, Lin Wan'er slowly shook her head, "Unlike that bus, this ghost building is obviously man-made, otherwise how could it appear in the middle of the mountain, and it happened to be the same as ours? overlap near the designated mission location."

"This is also a door, and it's a very special door. Its abilities are beyond our imagination." Lin Wan'er's expression also became gloomy.

"Whose... whose door is it?" Jiang Cheng didn't expect Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon among the night watchmen. Judging from Lin Wan'er's performance, even though she has been undercover for so many years, she still doesn't know anything about such a door.

Lin Wan'er pursed her lips tightly, her voice gradually hoarse, "I have been in the Night Watch for so many years, I have seen all the famous high-level disciples, and I have roughly figured out their abilities, except for one person." Lin Wan'er suddenly After a pause, "The current president of the Night Watchman, I have never seen him make a move. The only time I heard of it was with the former head of the executive department. My news is that the head of the Executive Department has lost."

"What's really frightening is that our president didn't show much of his ability in this competition. It is said that many years ago, some people were dissatisfied with the new president's appointment, and even rumored in private , saying that the president is not a disciple, but a complete ghost in human skin."

"The president turned a deaf ear to this matter and chose to deal with it coldly. As a result, within a few days, those regional leaders who spread the most ruthless rumors mysteriously disappeared. The night watchman sent a large number of manpower to investigate, and the fanfare lasted for a long time. It turned out that there was no clue at all, and in the end it was forgotten little by little with the passage of time."

"But since that incident, no one has dared to put pressure on the chairman. Although there are many hills inside the night watchman, they are more convinced of the chairman, and they are also under the leadership of the chairman. , the Night Watchers are getting stronger and stronger, and even have the confidence to dare to confront the country."

"Moreover, the whereabouts of this lord president are secretive. Even the insiders of the Night Watchman rarely see him. I am not a low-ranking member of the Night Watchman, and I have only seen him a few times."

Lin Wan'er said so much, but it was still far from enough for Jiang Cheng to compose the president in his mind, "What kind of person is this president?"

"It looks like a young man, but it must be an old monster who has lived for many years. I have too little contact with him, and I don't know what he is, but he is a very powerful disciple. , the feeling that the door in my body is being suppressed again, but I don’t have this feeling when facing other disciples such as the chief judge Bingzhuren.”

Thinking that this mysterious president is the owner of this ghost building, Jiang Cheng felt more and more uneasy. It seems that his premonition was correct, and there will be a chance to meet again in the future.

But now is not the time to think about these things, there are more urgent things in front of you, "By the way, what do you think about No. 1 and the whereabouts of those disciples?"

Lin Wan'er pondered for a moment, "I don't think they were captured by the night watchmen. They are probably still in the mountains. I have asked Mr. Luo to arrange people to search the mountains, but there are not enough people now, so it will take a long time. If... if in the end If it is confirmed that these people are not in the mountains, then I think all this should be the work of No. 1."

Although he didn't want to think this way, Jiang Cheng still asked the question from an objective point of view, "You mean that everything here is related to No. 1, and he is the traitor hiding in Crimson?"

"No, I've said it before, the leaker is at the top, he won't, and he doesn't have the ability." Lin Wan'er's face became solemn, "I mean these frozen disciples are not missing, but were taken away by No. 1 gone."

Jiang Cheng was taken aback, "What do you mean, where did you take it?"

"The ability of No. 1 is related to space, and it is also a very weird ability. I think that at the last moment of his dream, he probably had a premonition. In order to avoid greater losses, he forcibly activated the ability to freeze those frozen His disciples were sent into the turbulence of time and space, and he himself was lost in it."

Just listening to these descriptions, I knew the danger. Although I had never met No. 1 in Jiangcheng's memory, I still couldn't help worrying, "Then...does he...have a chance to leave from the turbulence of time and space?"

Lin Wan'er tightened the corners of her mouth, and finally couldn't help sighing, "I don't know, although he already has a strong control over the power of space, I'm not him, and..."

It could be seen that Lin Wan'er was already very tired. Jiang Cheng told her to rest more. Before leaving, Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped, turned around and asked the last question: "How are you going to deal with the matter about Luohe?"

"Don't tell him the truth yet, I understand him, if...if I guessed right, it was the president who used some kind of weird method to hunt for his ability."

"Everything we have experienced is in a dream created by him."

(End of this chapter)

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