Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1358 Speculation

Chapter 1358 Speculation
Slowly, it seemed that those clueless clues were all threaded together. No. 2 remembered clearly that Qian Mowen's state at that time was more like being invaded by spirit.

Lin Waner's ability is related to mental power, so what she said should be reliable. Most importantly, Lin Waner suspects that the person who invaded Qian Mowen is the current president of the Night Watchman.

Now it seems that in that incident, the spiritual power of the current president of the night watchmen also affected No. 3, and what makes No. 2 and No. 13 feel chills is that this process was in a dream created by No. 3!

What kind of weird power is needed to invade the spirit of the dreamer in the illusory dream?

It seems that everything is correct, and the clues are completely right. This trap was actually set by the current president of the Night Watchman himself, and the time was much earlier than they thought.

Jiang Cheng pondered for a moment, and was about to ask a question when he heard a quick knock on the door. Luo Yunshan stood up and opened the door. Outside was a burly man with a piece of paper in his hand, his face full of eagerness, " Mr. Luo, this is the latest news."

After receiving the paper, Luo Yunshan only glanced at it, then suddenly frowned. The words on the paper were short, but the content was very important, "It has been found out that these recruited high-ranking disciples received An order, the order is very high-level, the content of the order, and the person who issued it are unknown, but the specific executor of this order has been found out, and it is the candle holder."

"The candle holder..."

This name is no stranger to the few people in this room. This is a guy with terrifying strength, and his ability is very strange. No. 2 is not sure to defeat him.

"Bingzhuren is the executor, that's right, this order must have been issued by the current president of the Night Watchman!" Luo Yunshan was very sure, "I know this old guy, Candlebearer, he is a guy with his eyes above the top , Compared with the presiding judge, he hardly shows up inside the Night Watch, and the room he is in is the confessional deep underground in the Night Watch headquarters."

"But this candle bearer is more troublesome than the presiding judge. He has a very high status among the night watchmen and belongs to the oldest group of existing elders. If he can be ordered to leave the confession room to do such a thing, then the other party will not It will be someone else, it can only be the current president!"

"And I heard very early on that the relationship between the current president and Candle Holder is very unusual, because the president, Shenlong, can't see the end, and his whereabouts are secretive, so many internal arrangements of the Night Watch are handled or conveyed by the Candle Holder. Even in many cases, even if other veterans want to see the president, they need the Candle Holder to report on their behalf."

"What does the president of the night watchman want these disciples to do?" Fatty asked. After all, these people are not core members, and in Fatty's opinion, he is not at ease entrusting some important matters to these people.

But now, No. 13 seems to have reacted suddenly, and couldn't help taking a breath, "We broke the dream carefully created by the night watchman president. Judging from the scale of this dream, even his mental power No matter how strong it is, it will definitely be backlashed, so... so he needs to recover, through devouring doors, a lot of doors!"

"No wonder he let these people go back instead of the core figures of the night watchman. This is using these people as food for free!" Fatty also reacted, and he hated this cruel act even more.

Luo Yunshan, on the other hand, seemed much calmer. After all, he finally pieced together the clues bit by bit, and the situation gradually became clear, "Judging from this situation, his injury is much more serious than we expected, otherwise we wouldn't be so urgent. Swallowing a large number of gates in a short period of time can certainly heal the wound, but correspondingly, there will be extremely strong side effects, and it will not be used as a last resort unless it is absolutely necessary."

Hearing that the other party was injured, the fat man who was bored just now immediately regained his spirits and said excitedly: "We must not miss this good opportunity to find him and kill him while he is sick!"

"Old Mr. Luo, do you have any other clues, such as the current location of the Night Watchman Guild Leader, the approximate location is enough." Obviously, the Crimson brothers are from the same lineage, and they also want to go together.

Luo Yunshan did not answer immediately, but took out the phone and dialed a number. Soon, the phone was connected, and Luo Yunshan's tone became polite, "Can you provide me with the detailed information I need to report now?"

After receiving an affirmative answer from the other party, Luo Yunshan asked: "Where are the last locations of those missing persons? You should have the route track, right?"

Later, Luo Yunshan hung up the phone, and then nodded to Jiang Cheng and the others, "The routes where these missing disciples last appeared overlapped, and the overlapping points were all concentrated in a small place called Linxianzhuang, which is not far from here. It's far."


At night, Jiang Cheng lay on the bed with his eyes open, unable to sleep.

Scenes during this period of time played in his mind like a movie. The journey was too hard, and he was exhausted, but he didn't dare to stop, because if he stopped, he would die. Not only he, but even the Fatty and the others would also, this is a road of no return, Lin Wan'er reminded him, and the most frightening thing is that this road was not chosen by him, but forced.

Just like Lin Wan'er once said, this is fate, his fate.

"Mr. Jiang."

A very soft voice came from not far from Jiangcheng. Jiangcheng turned his head, just in time to see a figure on the other bed with its upper body straightened up, with the soft curves of a woman.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Li Bai asked.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, then also straightened his body, and sat up from the bed, "I can't sleep, my head is very messy."

Soon, another voice sounded from not far away, and the same person sat up from the bed and looked in the direction of Jiangcheng, "Me too, I can't sleep, I'm worried that once I fall asleep, something out of control will happen, maybe... maybe That car will come to me."

It was Yao Shunyu who spoke. For those who have experienced the nightmare of the bus, they know how terrifying it is. Yao Shunyu almost never expected to escape from that ghost car. All he can do is to try his best to survive. Even if it's just for a few days, that's all he can do.

Originally, Yao, Shunyu would have thought that such days would last forever, without any hope, without any change, but until that person appeared, Yao, Shunyu turned his head and looked at another bed, where lay a fat guy with a big heart, The fat man slept soundly, and he seemed to sleep with a high quality.

Yao Shunyu's expression gradually became more relaxed, yes, it was the appearance of this person that made him feel the long-lost hope.

He couldn't say why, anyway, standing by his side gave him a rare sense of security.

(End of this chapter)

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