Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361
At the foot of Xieming Mountain, in the town, Jiangcheng and his group are still waiting for news.

On the second day after receiving Lin Wan'er's call, Luo Yunshan went to the door to convey the latest instructions to them. The higher-ups had agreed to their plan. After the support troops arrived, they would set off together to find out what happened in Linxianzhuang.

He also emphasized that their goal this time is just to find out the way and determine the real situation in Linxianzhuang. Once the existence of the high-level night watchman is confirmed, they have many ways to eliminate these guys.

To Luo Yunshan's surprise, not only Fatty Jiangcheng and others rejected his plan, but also No. 2 and No. 13, who were eager for revenge, also rejected it. It seemed that some kind of unknown tacit understanding had been reached between these people.

"Do you have any concerns?"

Luo Yunshan didn't force it, because it wasn't a death order from above, but he wanted to know the reason. He didn't see him overnight. It seemed that many things happened that he didn't know. This feeling of being unable to control the overall situation made him very uneasy.

"It's not a matter of concern, but we have too little information now, I think we should at least be more prepared." No. 2 replied calmly, with no waves on his face.

As for Jiang Cheng's reasons, he said bluntly that in order to save himself, his door broke through the opponent's block several times in his dreams, so the backlash he received was strong, and he temporarily lost contact with him.

Disciples without door power are no different from ordinary people, even worse than ordinary people to some extent, and are obviously no longer suitable for such tasks.

Compared with this mission, Luoyun Mountain is more concerned with Jiangcheng's physical condition, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise we don't know how many people we will take in. How is it? Is your condition serious?"

"It should be fine, but I need time to recover."

After hearing Jiang Cheng's answer, Luo Yunshan was relieved a little, and at the same time assured Jiang Cheng and others, "In this case, the action plan will be postponed, and I will explain the situation to the higher-ups."

"There is old Mr. Laurel."

"Also, although this matter seems to have come to an end, no one knows if there will be sequelae. If you feel any discomfort, please tell me. Don't worry, I will do my best to help you."

Luo Yunshan's sincere attitude won everyone's favor. After Jiang Cheng and others thanked him, Luo Yunshan turned and left.

"Mr. Luo is really nice, I thought we would be forced to go." After Luo Yunshan left, the fat man collapsed on the sofa and let out a long sigh.

Hearing this, Yao Shunyu turned his head to look at the fat man, and reminded in a low voice: "Brother Fugui, you know people, face but not heart. In my opinion, this old Mr. Luo is not a simple person. Now, he doesn't dare to force us to Too tight, after all, you and Brother Jiang's strength is here, and these two brothers, he doesn't dare to go too far."

Relying on Yao, Shunyu's knowledge, he naturally knows what kind of guys are in Crimson. These people have a bad reputation, whether it is Yao, Shunyu or Li Bai, they are very polite to No. 2 and No. 13.

On the contrary, No. 13, who seemed to be the most unreliable, stood up and waved his hand to Yao Shunyu, who was frowning slightly, "You worry too much, this old Mr. Luo is not that kind of person, if we don't want to go, he won't force us to go." We, he just needed a reason to talk to the top."

Hearing what No. 13 said, Yao Shunyu shut up wisely.

6 people sat down and began to discuss what should be done next.

At noon, good news came. No. 3 had completely escaped from the dangerous period, but he was in a bad mood. No. 2 speculated that as the carrier of the dream, he probably knew everything in the dream, but he was powerless to prevent the tragedy from happening.

No. 13 sighed pretentiously, "Other things may be acceptable to No. 3, but he will never forgive himself for the fact that he almost killed his husband."

Fatty kindly defended No. 3, "But it's not his fault either!"

"That's a very conceited guy. Sir is his belief, which is more important than his life."

No. 2 is also not optimistic about No. 3's situation. He knows the other party very well. Compared with hurting the husband, losing the door is nothing to No. 3.

"But losing the door, even though he lost his strength, he also escaped the curse, right? As long as No. 3 can come out of the shadows, it's not a bad thing for him."

Fatty looked at this problem in a different way. He vaguely remembered that a similar situation almost happened to a doctor. It was in a mansion, in the script of the Midnight Murderer.

As long as he escaped from the building on that rainy night, the doctor would have a chance to get rid of nothing.

But the doctor still went back to find Wu without hesitation, which made Huai Yi very puzzled.

Number 2 and Number 13 looked at Fatty one after another, with an indescribable strangeness in their eyes. After a moment of silence, Number 13 couldn't help but say, "No. 10, it's not that simple. He also did that with Number 4."

Speaking of this, No. 13 suddenly stopped, but the fat man seemed to have caught something, and asked in a hurried tone: "No. 4, what happened to No. 4?"

Fatty already knew that No. 4 was Pi Ruan, and he had a special feeling for No. 4.

No. 13 knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he stopped talking immediately. He clearly remembered how miserable No. 4 was when he died. His whole body, especially the proud face, was all rotten.

"On the 4th, he walked very peacefully, without any pain, because he was able to be with you for the last time, so he was very satisfied and had no regrets." The voice of the 2nd was very soft, but there was an undeniable persuasive force.

Hearing this, Fatty's eyes turned red immediately, and Jiang Cheng couldn't help but turn his face sideways, pretending to look out the window.

The whole afternoon was spent in this serene and calm atmosphere. After leaving on the 2nd and 13th, Jiang Cheng and Fatty had a tacit understanding and no one mentioned Pi Ruan again, as if this person had never existed.

After nightfall, the whole town was relatively quiet. Luoyun Mountain arranged the strictest security measures for them, although these were of little effect in Jiang Cheng's eyes.

The night gradually deepened. Because of the recent events, everyone was very tired and fell asleep one by one. Only Jiang Cheng was still awake. He tried to contact Wu, but the other party did not respond.

But fortunately, he could sense that Wu's aura was still there, Wu had not left, and what he said to Luo Yunshan before was not entirely prevarication, in that terrifying ghost dream, Wu did indeed expend a lot of energy , and now he needs to rest, so he fell into a deep sleep.

Listening to Fatty's even and steady breathing, recent events rushed into Jiang Cheng's mind one by one, especially the Bliss Building standing in a strange place, as long as you close your eyes, you will be the shadow of that building, singing and dancing, brightly lit , a bustling scene was in sight, but Jiang Cheng knew that all of this was fake.

If Jiang Cheng described it, that building was more like a tomb, and the people dancing gracefully in red gauze were just dead bones, unconscious, like an exquisite puppet show.

Thinking about it, the eyelids began to fall uncontrollably until they were completely closed, as if there was an indescribable breath gradually covering this small space.

The wall clock on the wall was still swaying, and everything around seemed normal, but... but something changed silently.

Slowly, the second hand inside the wall clock seemed to be hindered by some kind of obstacle, and it went slower and slower until it finally stopped with a click.

Almost at the same time, the four people in the room opened their eyes at the same time. After the fat man woke up, he rolled from the bed to the ground in a jerk, and kept beating his body, as if a fire was burning, and shouted: "It's on fire! It's so hot!" , burn me to death!"

Yao, Shun, Yu, and Li Bai were similar, only Jiang Cheng bit his lips tightly and stood up, enduring the burning pain.

After about a few seconds, the burning sensation subsided, and the fat man got up from the ground.

Everyone looked at each other and understood.

Time is up.

What was supposed to come finally came again, but this time it was much faster than everyone expected.

Taking a few deep breaths and calming down, the four of them walked towards the door slowly, and gently pushed the door open. As everyone expected, there was no one in the supposedly heavily guarded corridor, but there were a few chairs.

Jiang Cheng knew that not long ago, there were people sitting on these chairs, who were on duty to protect their safety.

And they are not ordinary people, all disciples.

But now, everyone has disappeared, and it seems that there are only four of them left in this hospital.

The fat man stretched out his hand and pushed open the door next door. It was also arranged as a bedroom. There were two beds squeezed into the small room. Yes, there is no one here, not a single one.

And this room is room No. 2 and No. 13.

Walking all the way downstairs, there was a strange aura spreading everywhere. Jiangcheng had experienced a similar feeling, but it was not as weird and strong as this time.

Sure enough, when the gate of the hospital was pushed open, under the dim street lights, the old bus was parked not far from the gate, lonely, like an old man on the verge of death.

Old-fashioned and lonely.

If I remember correctly, there used to be a parking lot, but now all of these have disappeared, leaving only a dilapidated platform standing there quietly.

Without panic, the four of them walked towards the bus with firm steps. With the door "squeaking" opened, Jiang Cheng stepped into the bus first, followed by Fatty, Yao Shunyu, and Li Bai last.

The car was still shrouded in a layer of light blue mist. After looking around, the light in Jiang Cheng's eyes gradually went out. He didn't find the ghost bride, nor did he see Huai Yi and Wang Qi.

The ominous premonition in my heart is gradually becoming a reality.

After a brief hesitation, Jiang Cheng walked towards the front of the bus. Jiang Cheng had already thought about the driver's seat of this bus for a long time. Now that the two law enforcers on the bus had been resolved, the next step would naturally be this The old president is growing up.

Obviously, Lin Wan'er's teleportation plan has failed, as Lin Wan'er said, they have no other way but to rely on themselves.

Strange to say, Jiang Cheng didn't feel regret or panic after losing the aid. He was quite calm in his heart, as if all this was normal.

In other words, he felt that this was the way it should be. Some roads were destined for him to walk alone.

His body was squeezed into the mist little by little, and his vision was compressed a little bit. He walked a long distance, never walking so far on a bus, passing by seats one by one.

He could even vaguely remember which ghosts had appeared on some seats, but now, these seats were all empty, as if they had been cleared by some terrifying existence, in order to welcome the next big battle.

Without the slightest fear, Jiang Cheng continued to move forward firmly, while Fatty and the others followed behind him.

I don't know how far I have walked, and I don't know how long it has been. Time and distance seem to have lost their meaning at this moment. This is a special world.

But Jiang Cheng knew that they were getting closer and closer to their goal, because a burst of icy chill gradually hit, and then spread all over the body along the limbs, a wave of fear from the heart was spreading, and they were all developing towards irreversible consequences .

Finally, Jiangcheng at the front stopped.

Through the gap, Fatty's pupils also trembled, he saw it, really saw it!This ghost car has finally come to an end, the driver's seat!
An obscure figure sat in the driver's seat, because the driver's seat was surrounded by a layer of transparent glass, and the glass seemed to have gone through a long time, and it was covered with dust.

Looking from the direction of the fat man in Jiangcheng, he could only see a blurry figure from his back. His back was very thin, and haggard was not an exaggeration to describe it. He was wearing black clothes, like some kind of uniform, or an old-fashioned Chinese tunic suit.

In short, this figure sitting there is like a mountain, which makes people daunting.

What surprised Jiang Cheng and others even more was that on the transparent glass surrounding the driver, there were densely distributed knife marks, and there were even scratches obviously left by sharp claws. In such an environment, everything seemed extraordinarily weird .

In particular, the heaviest one is a fist mark, which almost breaks the glass. From this mark, one can fully feel the power of this punch, which is simply unmatched.

But who would attack the old president in this car?
In a daze, Jiang Cheng immediately thought of those people Lin Wan'er mentioned before, and she called these people the Resistance Army.

Yes, that's right, that's the name.

Resistance Army!
The resistance army led by Xia Tan!

For some reason, when he saw the crazy fist mark, Jiang Cheng subconsciously thought that it must have been left by Xia Tan. After all, Xia Tan was the only one who escaped from this ghost car for so many years. At the cost of the complete erosion of the gate, all members of the Resistance Army were sacrificed.

But the achievements of Xia Tan and others are obvious to all. He severely damaged the field of the old president and delayed the plan of the night watchman for 20 years, which also gave them a chance to breathe.

He respects this person, and what this senior has not done, he will finish today, not only for him, but also for himself, and those brothers who died, and those who were deceived by the night watchmen and fell into their lies everyone!

No more hesitation, Jiang Cheng took a step forward and approached the driver's seat. Everything will be settled today!

But before he could touch the glass, suddenly, a hand protruded from the mist on the side of the driver's seat and grabbed him. It was a green ghost hand.

It seems to have been planned for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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