Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1701 The Red Room

Chapter 1701 The Red Room


Unexpectedly, a loud noise exploded outside the door, and a door was knocked open, very close to their room, Tang Qisheng's eyes widened in surprise.

"Huh? Why not, I clearly smell a stranger." Along with the sound of rummaging, the voice of a doctor from before came faintly.

Tang Qisheng immediately understood that Zhu Jiezhi's footsteps were wrong because someone was missing, and this person was hiding in the corridor outside the door, waiting for them to fall into his trap.

Fortunately, Zhu Jie is careful, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.


The footsteps came from far to near, and the doctors who pretended to leave before came back, "Well, let me say that you are overthinking, how can there be any strangers at this time, the last batch of patients have already been sent away. Go to Teacher General's room."

"But I clearly smelled it, it's strange..."

The doctor didn't seem to give up. With two loud bangs, two more doors were knocked open, and there was only one wall between the room where Tang Qisheng and Zhu Jie were hiding.

Finally, the sound of footsteps came to their door, and he stood up in front of Zhu Jie. Tang Qisheng couldn't hold back his breath. Although he knew that the effect was minimal, this was all he could do, and he couldn't help but sighed in his heart. However, after all, he failed to save Fugui, the king of Jiangcheng, and fulfilled the other party's expectations in vain.

Just when he was about to fight to the death, there was a sudden rustling sound at the end of the corridor, as if countless claws of a giant centipede were rubbing against the wall at the same time.

"Oops! It's the dean!" A doctor outside the door panicked.

"Hide away! Go back to the office!"

Under the threat of the dean, the four doctors fled in a hurry. Tang Qisheng and Zhu Jie, who had escaped by chance, waited until the outside was completely quiet, then walked out of the room cautiously, then found the stairs on the side of the corridor, and quickly went up to the third floor.

Listening to the previous movement, the two knew that the dean came from the direction of the third floor, and the current environment here also confirmed this point.

There were bloody handprints on the wall, and the chandelier on the ceiling was broken and fell down, shaking slightly in mid-air, and making the sound of electric current from time to time.

Originally, we could continue to go up the stairs, but unfortunately, the stairs leading to the 4th floor were blocked by a white iron gate.

Tang Qisheng tried to push it a few times, but the door didn't move at all. What's even weirder was that there was no lock on the door at all.

"This way doesn't work, is there another way?"

Zhu Jie frowned and looked to the other side of the corridor, "Then it will take a long detour, and the remaining staircase is at the other end."

Now there is no better way, the two of them can only move forward cautiously, this is the third floor, if I remember correctly, there is also a ghost on this floor.



Turning a corner, I came to a strange corridor, and the sharp voices seemed to cut people's heartstrings.

Tang Qisheng remembered that this floor was a doctor ghost with slumped shoulders and a hunchback dragging a pair of huge scissors.

"Damn! Why are these ghosts awake?"

The cursing in Tang Qisheng's heart didn't solve any problems, so he could only look at Zhu Jie with a little luck, "Can you avoid it by detour?"

Zhu Jie shook his head with a bad face, "No, this is the only way to go."

As the distance got closer, the two could hear it more clearly. This huge clicking sound came from a room, and together with it, there was a gloomy red light shining from the room.

Stepping lightly, the two planned to pass by quickly while they were unprepared. Tang Qisheng restrained himself and never looked in when passing by. This was also to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Fortunately, everything was safe and sound. After quickly passing through the door, the two immediately walked through the corridor, turned a corner, and came to a brand new corridor. Before they could take a breather, the scene in front of them shocked them. I froze on the spot for an instant.



There was also a room emitting red light in the depths of the corridor in front of him, and there were sharp clicks one after another.

After reacting, Tang Qisheng quickly turned around and took a few steps back to the corridor he had just passed, but there was no corridor behind him now, only the stairs they came up not long ago behind the corner.

"what's the situation?!"

Tang Qisheng's mind buzzed, it's not like he's never seen a ghost hitting a wall, but the sudden appearance at this juncture still caught him off guard, and more importantly, it meant that their whereabouts had been exposed.

His breathing became short of breath, and he waited for a minute, but the worst result did not happen. There was no scissor ghost with a blue face and fangs rushing out of the door in the corridor to dismember them.

"Let's go, let's go again." Zhu Jie took Tang Qisheng's hand and squeezed it hard, "I think the ghost hasn't found us yet, and the clue is probably in that room."

This time, the two looked into the door while passing by. Although they were mentally prepared, they were still shocked by the bloody scene inside. There was a dead body that was hoisted high by an iron hook through its throat, and its face was corroded beyond recognition.


The huge scissors waved, and the left arm of the corpse was cut off directly.

"Wrong! Wrong again!" roared the hunchbacked doctor wielding scissors, and cut off the corpse's right leg again. "That's right, you disgusting freaks, freaks with deformed hands and feet!"

"But it doesn't matter, you are my patients, I will help you trim the excess parts, I am a doctor! I must heal you!"



Under the almost crazy operation, the corpse was quickly cut into pieces, and the scariest thing was still behind. The hunchbacked doctor threw away the scissors, took out the needle and thread, and sewed back the severed hands and feet. The legs were sewn to the face, and the arms were sewn where the legs would have been.

After working for a long time, the hunchbacked doctor who was out of breath looked up at his work and let out a whirring laugh. The doctor with his back to the two had one shoulder high and the other shoulder low, two arms length, and two legs Their lengths are all different, and you can guess just how weird it is just by looking at it from the back.

The corners of the room are filled with stumps and broken arms, as well as various works that exceed the limits of human physiology, and the strong smell of blood is disgusting.

What surprised Tang Qisheng even more was that the owners of these works were not only patients in hospital gowns, but also doctors in white coats and female nurses. There was also a headless body of a nurse hanging upside down in the corner.

The cruelty of Doctor Scissors was beyond Tang Qisheng's imagination. He not only killed patients, but even his colleagues in the hospital.

A few seconds later, the two of them returned to their previous positions. After the corner, there were still stairs, and the corridor was still in front of them.

It's just that Tang Qisheng noticed something different this time. The bloody slaughter room in the corridor seemed to be closer to them.

(End of this chapter)

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