Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1712

Chapter 1712

"Yes, but it's more than that!" Old man Yao's tone suddenly became urgent, "We lifted him onto a person's back, but as soon as I put my hands together, I felt something was wrong. This person is too light, so light and frightening. Look at him He was quite a strong man, but in the was about as heavy as a half-grown child."

"Apart from scratches, there is basically no external injury on his body. It's true that he has a good tone, but we can't wake him up. We have no other choice, so we carried him back to the village first."

"As a result, as soon as it was dark that night, he woke up and shouted. You don't know that the crazy people couldn't hold him down, and the shouts were all things we couldn't understand. He let us Don't get in his way, he wants to go with those people! If it's too late, he won't be able to go!"

"Where is he going?" Jiang Cheng knew that the matter was critical.

"Go to the sky and be a fairy."


The old man Yao put away the cigarette bag with a solemn expression, "That's right, that's what he said, and he yelled that he had already climbed the ladder, and seeing that he was going up and up, he was about to touch the sky, but he stepped on the ground. fell down."

"Just when we were helpless, there was a commotion outside, and someone beat the gong desperately. This is also a local method passed down from our ancestors, which is said to scare away evil spirits."

"As soon as I heard the gong beating, I knew it was broken. When I felt something happened again, we all ran to the ancestral hall. The village chief and several elders in the village who could speak were discussing countermeasures there."

"It's dark outside again, the same as before, but this time it came and went quickly, because no one dared to stay outside to watch the night after this incident, so there is no shame in the village this time."

"Is it the person from before that happened this time?" Jiang Cheng looked at Old Man Yao's face.

"Hey!" The old man Yao sighed, pursing his chapped lips, and glanced at Jiangcheng with some meaning, "Young man, I really let you talk, when we rush back, that guy's My mother-in-law is lying on the bed crying, crying heartbreakingly, the bed is wet with water, which is still dripping down, but the person is gone."

"According to the auntie, as soon as we left, the man stopped struggling. He stared blankly at the sky. After a while, his face seemed to be very excited when he saw something. I said something weird like that and started sweating."

"I sweated a lot, soaking the entire mattress, and the color of my body also faded with the sweat, and the whole person became lighter and lighter, etc. When we rushed over, it was just There's only a puddle of water left."

This description could not help but remind Jiang Cheng of what old man Yao said before, after the second dark, those increasingly shallow footsteps ended in a wet depression.

A big living person faded and finally turned into a puddle of water. Everyone has never heard of this kind of evil. After further understanding, everyone finally figured it out. It turns out that the so-called Daheitian was just given by the people in the village based on their imagination. The name of the thing, after all, the thing was completely dark when it came, and no one knew what it was.

"Old man, are there any legends handed down in this village?" Tang Qisheng is good at folklore, and he was keenly aware of something that old man Yao mentioned before. He said that there is a kind of folklore in the village. The way, it is said that beating the gong can drive away the evil spirits, and the normal villages are well-behaved, but they will not provoke any evil spirits.

"There are so many legends, but they are all made up by the villagers to scare the dolls. If you waste food, you will be caught by the starving ghost, and if you lie at night, you will be knocked on the door by the goofy ghost..." After saying this, the old man Yao immediately said Stopping, he slowly opened his mouth with two missing front teeth, as if he suddenly thought of something, "Oh, there is a strange legend."

"What legend?" The atmosphere instantly became tense, and everyone stared at Old Man Yao's wrinkled face.

"I don't remember the details, but there was a battle in the barren mountain behind. The god fought fiercely with a big monster for three days and three nights. In the end, the god won a terrible victory, but the god couldn't kill the big monster." In the end, I had no choice but to use my mountain-moving supernatural powers to restrain the big monster under that barren mountain."

This sounds like the nonsense plot in Journey to the West where the Buddha used Wuzhi Mountain to suppress Sun Houzi. The power of mountain reclamation is not to be overstated, and it is normal for ordinary people to see it as a god.

The old man couldn't help frowning, "The barren mountain behind? If I remember correctly, those footprints also lead to the direction of the back mountain."

"Yes, yes, those footprints are indeed leading to the back mountain!" At this moment, the old man Yao also realized that something was wrong, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more depressed.

Just when Jiang Cheng was about to ask something, the door was pushed open with a "squeak", and the next second the scene that caught his eye almost made the fat man jump up in fright, only to see two paper figurines with eyebrows and eyes knocking open the door Appeared outside the door.

"Master, I'm going to show off boys and girls, you help these foreigners, it's fate to meet each other, it's fate to meet each other!"

A short old woman with extremely hunchbacked feet leaned out from behind the paper figurine. Only then did everyone see clearly that the hunchbacked old lady was carrying a thin pole with a paper figurine on each end of the pole. The human body is quite rough, in fact, there is only one piece of paper that looks like it, which is the body made of straw bales, and then a layer of paper is pasted on the outside.

However, the color on the paper man's body is bright and dazzling, with a green melon skin hat and bright red underwear.

The moment Jiang Cheng saw the clothes and pants, something was wrong with his eyes. The bright red clothes and pants were dazzling, and the paint used was clearly blood, and the blood was still wet.

Just when the old man couldn't stop jumping and was about to strike first, Wu put his hand on Jiang Cheng's shoulder lightly, "It's not human blood, it's animal blood."

Hearing that the old man Yao stared at the man who had not spoken in surprise, blinked and said, "Of course it's animal blood. The roe deer I hunted this morning was hung in the woodshed in the backyard."

"Head of the house, don't neglect others, I have stewed big meat in the pot, remember to take it out to entertain."

After finishing speaking, the hunchbacked old lady left, taking the two paper figurines with her at the same time, but through the door, everyone saw that the old lady first planted two torches on the courtyard gate, and then put the two paper figurines, one on the left and one on the other. The one on the right was placed behind the courtyard gate, with its face facing inward against the wall, facing the room where several people in Jiangcheng lived.

Looking at the weird expressions on the faces of the two paper figurines, Fatty felt the hairs on his back.

"What do these two paper figurines mean behind the door?" Jiang Cheng cut to the chase.

"Don't underestimate it. I can tell you that it is of great use to virgins and girls. It is thanks to them that my mother-in-law and aunt can live till now!"

(End of this chapter)

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