Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1721 Choice

Chapter 1721 Choice
But until the sharp blade cut his flesh, old man Yao didn't change his words. Bright red blood flowed out, and old man Yao cried for his father and mother in pain.

He opened the wound and looked inside, but he still didn't find any problems, Wu's eyes became sharper, just when he was about to continue cutting, the old man Yao suddenly shouted: "Kill me, kill me, you don't even want to live! You smashed the altar of Dahetian, Dahetian will not let you go!"

Tang Qisheng's lingering anger still persisted, "Da Heitian has already been slaughtered by us, the old man should give up his heart!"

"Fart! What a god is Daheitian, how can you wait for it?" Old man Yao knew that this was his last chance to save his life, and shouted loudly: "And counting the time, there is no time for Daheitian to come , let me go, maybe everyone can survive."

"Didn't you see Daheitian just now?" Jiang Cheng once again realized that something was wrong. It was just now that it was completely dark. If Old Man Yao was in the village, he wouldn't miss it.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If Daheitian knows that you have smashed its altar, you will still be alive when it comes?" Little life was held in Wushou's hands, old man Yao didn't seem to be telling lies.

Following the invincible old man Yao on the ground, the hunchbacked old woman also broke free from Zhu Jie, and the two clenched their hands and leaned on each other, looking very pitiful.

The weirdness of this world is obvious. Everything that happened before was like a dream, but the injuries on everyone's bodies, as well as the uncontrolled heart-eating demons have really disappeared, and no matter how many things are hidden in it, there are One thing is certain, this mission is not over yet.

"Outsiders, hurry up and make a decision! We're all going to die when the dark sky comes late!" Seeing that Jiang Cheng was the one who could make the decision, Old Man Yao said in a trembling voice.

"What can you do?" Jiang Cheng asked bluntly.

" have to promise to let me and my mother-in-law go first."

The old man Yao's last stubbornness was immediately resolved the moment Wu raised the knife, and explained with a mournful face: "I don't want to escape, you really need to let us go, a pair of boys and girls can't keep us, once we are killed by Daheitian If we see through, we will all die."

Unexpectedly, this proposal was directly rejected by Jiang Cheng, "No, you must stay and find another way."

"Then there is no other way, let's wait for death together." Old man Yao smashed his cans.

Turning his head, Jiang Cheng looked at Wu, and said in a very calm tone: "These two people are useless, cut off their hands and feet, and throw them beside the two paper figurines behind the door."

Without hearing any words, he walked towards the old man Yao, his expressionless face made the old man Yao keep begging for mercy, "Okay... the hero, please forgive me! I have a way, and there is another way! There are still two pieces of paper in my old house. Man, bring those two here too, maybe...maybe it will be useful!"

The next second, old man Yao saw a horrifying scene. The young man in black with the knife in his hand suddenly disappeared like a puff of smoke. After a while, he dragged two paper figurines out of the door. When he came in, it was the paper man he had placed in the old house halfway up the mountain.

"That house is fine, there is no altar, nothing." Without leaving the paper figurines behind, Tang Qisheng Zhu Jie arranged the four paper figurines together neatly behind the door.

The old man Yao and his hunchbacked mother-in-law didn't dare to delay. The two quickly fetched tools and painted on the paper figurines, while Tang Qisheng and Zhu Jie watched from the side.

The rest of the people retreated into the room. After thinking about it, Jiang Cheng had a terrible guess. Could it be that all of this was planned? Dr. Zhou and others are night watchmen, but they are just pawns , These people dragged them here at the cost of their own lives, and then made them think they had seen through the other party's conspiracy, and then guided them step by step to destroy the altar in the backyard. They didn't know that destroying the altar was what attracted the real Dahetian The premise, that... that altar is the key!
The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead. Jiangcheng was at least 7% sure that they were being tricked. If he followed this direction, the old Yao and his wife outside were probably also pretending to be night watchmen. Ring, drag them here, waiting for the arrival of the great black sky.

But this doesn't make sense. According to Jiang Cheng's understanding of previous missions, the old man Yao and his wife are the only living people in the village. They should be characters that originally existed in the mission world. The purpose of such characters is to provide clues. They didn't involve positions, so how could they get involved with the night watchman.

His thoughts became more and more chaotic, but Jiang Cheng knew that he had reached the core of the problem, and how to deal with the old man Yao and his wife became a difficult problem.

Soon Zhu Jie came back and told everyone that the four paper figurines had been dealt with, and asked everyone how to deal with the old couple, whether to lock them up first or try again.

Jiang Cheng was struggling, Yao Shunyu staggered to his feet, he was seriously injured, his scalp and half of his face were ruined, and there were still herbal dregs left on it, "You guys talk first, I'll go to examine For the two old guys in the first trial, I have a way to make them speak the truth."

Yao Shunyu, who had gone out alone, came to Old Man Yao unsteadily, with one arm around his shoulder, and the other hand dragging the hunchbacked old lady, leading them to the backyard, "Tang Qisheng, you go back first, I have Ask them individually." Yao Shunyu turned his head and said to Tang Qisheng naturally.

Yao Shunyu's terrifying appearance and his temperament made the old man Yao and his wife shudder, "Little... little brother, you can't harm us, we...we are kind to you, I will treat the wound on your head for you Yes, I crushed the herb for you myself."

"I know, hehe, I know everything." Yao Shunyu didn't even look at the old couple, and continued to lead them towards a more remote place. There was a dead corner next to the firewood house, and it was very dark there.

Old man Yao was about to break free and run back, but Yao Shunyu's hands on his shoulders were like iron tongs. Who knows where this man, who was half-breathed, got so much strength.

Just as he was about to turn into the darkness, a series of footsteps sounded behind him. He turned his head to face Shangjiang Cheng's face, Yao Shunyu frowned suddenly, "Go back, it's none of your business."

Ignoring Yao, Shunyu's threats, Jiangcheng approached him and reached out to pull out a rusty knife from his back, then handed him the rope in his hand, "Tie them up and throw them in the yard."

Yao Shunyu's eyes were fierce, "Why are you crazy? What if they are night watchmen? You can't see such a simple question?"

"I doubt it too, but if they are really clues, don't you know what will happen if you kill them?" Jiang Cheng asked back.

"That's my business, it has nothing to do with you! Your task is to lead everyone out! Jiangcheng, this is what you should do! I will bear my own life!" Yao Shunyu was enraged, and his eyes were fixed on him. Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Cheng, look at me, look at me like this, there is still a long way to go, there is Da Hei Tian, ​​and the old president, my body will definitely not be able to hold on, I can't get out but you can!"

"Even if these two people are clue characters, it's useless now. Killing them is nothing more than me being backlashed by myself, but once they are night watchmen, things will be troublesome!"

"If you don't stop, you will be subject to chaos!" Yao Shunyu's eyes changed, and he threw his elbow at Old Man Yao's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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