Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1723

Chapter 1723
"Doctor, we can't leave Brother Wu behind!" The painful memories of the past flooded out, and this meeting may be a farewell.

"He's right. If we stay, we won't be able to help, it will only be a burden." Jiang Cheng looked at the fat man, "Let's leave first, and find someone to come back to help after we go out!"

This village is full of weirdness, neither Empress Dahe nor Wen Zhao, who has inherited the mantle of Hou Yanhou, can't get in touch, let alone call out for help.

At this moment, the person who merged into the darkness quietly appeared on a sentry tower in the village, which is also the commanding height of the whole village, and the place closest to the sky above.

Wu's face was surprisingly heavy, and the real situation was much more serious than what he described. Having fought against the old president before, he fully understood what kind of terrifying existence he was facing.

But this time there was no Master Shui, only him.

Fortunately, his task is not to kill the old president, he just needs to attract the attention of the old president, and try to damage it as much as possible. Once there is a hole in the surrounding space, Jiangcheng and the others can find a chance to escape.

Memories of the past came to the fore little by little. Unknowingly, we have walked together for so long, but there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. After all, it is time to part.

Wu's eyes suddenly reflected the previous scene. On a rainy night, in a dark and dark office building, a man walked out of the elevator with the lamp turned off, fulfilling his promise.

"Just like that time, someone has to stay."

The darkness above the head is getting deeper and deeper, there seems to be something huge stirring in the darkness, no more hesitation, there is no horizontal knife in front of him, the left hand grabs the blade, and slowly draws across, the red almost black blood cuts through The palm of his hand flowed out, covering the entire blade.

This may be the last knife I swung, so I can't talk about any reservations. Taking a deep breath, Wu slowly closed his eyes.

When the sky was about to erupt due to the thick darkness, Wudu opened his eyes, his momentum changed instantly, his cheekbones protruded, blue blood vessels and tendons covered his face, and a pair of scarlet eyes were inlaid with blood. In the eye sockets that were about to crack, the originally sharp-edged face was ferocious like a ghost, and the black figure leaped upwards at an extremely fast speed. Bringing out a series of phantoms, the originally clear blade was covered by blood-red light and shadow, and the light of the blade stretched out, like a thousand-foot-thousand-foot-burning cloud.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng and the others, who felt the astonishing momentum, rushed out of the room, looked up, and saw a distant and almost unrecognizable black figure waving this blood-colored horse and bumping into the darkness, layer upon layer of saber light Tore the night sky apart.

This scene was unexpected by everyone. Daheitian collapsed, and the darkness above his head was split by a huge gap by the light of the knife.

What was even more shocking was the light coming in along the opening. It was a hazy light, and Jiang Cheng didn't know how to describe it. At the same time, there were shouts of killing from behind the opening. The voice was very far away, but it was extremely tragic.

"Look!" the fat man exclaimed.

Along the cracks in the darkness, the entire night sky was actually collapsing. It was never expected that Wu's knife not only opened the escape route to the outside, but also severely injured the old president, and even made it impossible for him to maintain the world arrive.

With a huge sound like cracking glass, the darkness above his head shattered, and Jiang Cheng and others flew into the air in an instant.

No, it's not flying, it should be falling!
The sky and the earth turned against each other, and the gravity reversed. They smashed hard on the ground. Fortunately, there was a beach-like place under them, which only made them dizzy and did not get hurt.

"It's done!" There were cheers from the crowd not far away, and some voices were inexplicably familiar to Jiang Cheng.

Getting up from the ground, Jiang Cheng finally saw this new world clearly.

Here is a piece of terracotta soil, there is not even a complete big stone or tree nearby, everything has been destroyed by cruel battles, twisted corpses and blood soaked in the soil form the tone of this world.

And not far away, the two armies were confronting each other. Zhongjiang City, who was close to him, saw Lin Wan'er wearing a camouflage training uniform at a glance. There was a light blue ribbon tied on her left arm.

Not just her, but everyone on the team, except for some of the wounded who lost their arms.

"No. 10!" Someone in the team greeted him with dancing and dancing. It was No. 13. He was in a very bad condition. He was missing a hand, and the wound could only be wrapped with a bandage, but his eyes lit up when he saw the fat man. surprisingly.

Under Wu's escort, there was nothing in this distance to sneak attack.

The distance was getting closer, and Jiang Cheng could see clearly the rest of the team. Almost everyone in the team of three to forty people was injured. If the old man pretending to be a night watchman was not lying, more than half of Lin Wan'er's team had been killed or killed.

It can be seen that the composition of this team is very complicated, almost half of the people are wearing camouflage uniforms, the rest are wearing black uniforms of night watchmen, and night clothes belonging to the dark army, and some Jiangcheng people don't wear camouflage uniforms at all. The acquaintance may belong to the major families, or it may be a master recruited by the people.

Regarding the appearance of Jiang Cheng and others, the other side seemed to be quite afraid. With Jiang Cheng's eyesight, he couldn't see the people on the other side clearly. They were hidden in the black mist that was very similar to the darkness seen in the village before, leaving only blurred ones behind. Outline, the number of people is slightly smaller than Lin Wan'er's team.

Before he could be polite, Jiang Cheng went directly to Lin Wan'er, "What's going on?"

Seeing that the people in Jiangcheng were safe and sound, Lin Wan'er also breathed a sigh of relief, "It's thanks to Senior Quanxu, he has figured out the right time to make a move, and our side is also concentrating on the same moment, coordinating internally and externally, thus breaking the trap your prison."

Speaking of which, Lin Wan'er looked aside, and there stood an old man wrapped in a long robe. The old man had white hair and beard and a goatee, but the strange thing was that the lower end of the goatee was not exposed outside, but wrapped in a I got into the robe, and the robe that was dragged on the ground was bulging, and I didn't know what was hidden.

"Just call me old man Quanxu. I will direct this operation." Old man Quanxu spoke concisely. His eyes stayed on Jiang Cheng for a short time, then moved to Wang Fugui, and finally Wu De.

"Thank you, you saved Zero, which at least gave us the determination to persevere." The old man Quanxu spoke in an unusually calm tone, as if this battle was just a bystander to him.

Jiang Cheng caught a glimpse of the ribbon on his arm, the number on it was 001.

 There is only one day left for the fan title event. If you like it, you can leave a message under the post of the operation officer. The post has been pinned to the top, thank you all
(End of this chapter)

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