Nightmare Attack

Chapter 54 Rainy Night

Chapter 54 Rainy Night
"It was raining that day," the woman said. "It was raining heavily. I was holding an umbrella, and half of my body was soaked by the rain."

"But when I put away my umbrella and rushed to the door of Block C, I found that the door was locked, and it was two very thick iron chains."

Zhou Taifu's expression changed slightly when he heard these words, and then he turned his head to say something to Yu Wen, but the latter didn't even look at him.

"I was very anxious at the time, because I just came here and I didn't have any very close friends, so I was embarrassed to go to other teachers to spend the night."

"Maybe I didn't give up, so I stepped forward and pushed the door, thinking that if the security guards were negligent, it might not be locked if the door was not locked."

Speaking of this, the next second, the woman's face suddenly changed.

Yu Wen stopped writing, looked at the woman expressionlessly, and said lightly, "It seems that in case it really happens."

After a long while, the woman nodded, "Yes, the two locks are open, as if someone put it there on purpose."

"But at the time, I was thinking that I could get the key, so I didn't have to bother others, and I didn't think much about the rest, just hurried to the office."

"Which floor is the office on?" Yu Wen looked up.

"Three floors," the woman added, "3."

Yu Wen picked up a pen and recorded it in the notebook.

This may be important information.

"The whole building was very quiet at that time. All the classrooms were dark, with only a few emergency lights, which were dimly lit in the depths of the corridor. It made me feel terrified."

Zhou Taifu listened very seriously. He had already substituted himself into that rainy night. When the woman mentioned some strange places, he also became nervous.

"I had to turn on the flashlight on my mobile phone, and then ran to the third floor, in front of the office door. After opening the door, I turned around and locked the door. I don't know why. If I had to explain it, it would be my intuition."

Zhang Yinyin, who had always been silent, suddenly said, "What did you find?"

"I don't know either," the woman shook her head, "until now I don't know what's going on, in short, I just don't feel right, that voice"

Yu Wen stopped the pen in her hand and looked at the woman's expression finally changed.

"Voice?" Zhou Taifu shrank in a position between Yu Wen and Zhang Yinyin, and asked in a hollow tone, "What. What sound?"

"Footsteps," the woman replied, turning her head and looking at Zhou Taifu, "the footsteps when I was running. Because the night was extremely quiet, the footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, very clearly, but" her expression suddenly changed , "But the footsteps were wrong!"

"That's definitely not the sound of my footsteps alone!" The woman said in a lost voice.

"You mean someone is following you?" Yu Wen frowned.

The woman shook her head, "I don't know, I didn't see anyone."

"Then how do you know the footsteps are wrong?" Zhang Yinyin took over. Her tone was very gentle, and with her cute appearance, it was easy to give people a good impression.

"Maybe it's your fear," she reassured. "The scene at the time, and the eerie atmosphere it created, amplifies your unease. The footsteps of another person you hear may just be echoes."

But the woman's next sentence made Zhang Yinyin's smile instantly freeze.

"Impossible!" The woman raised her head suddenly, bright red bloodshot eyes filling her eyes, "I was wearing sneakers at that time, but there was clearly the sound of high heels in the footsteps!!"

Zhou Taifu was stunned for a few seconds, and then there was a chill on his back.

"But when I closed the door of the office, all the sounds disappeared again. I hid behind the door and didn't dare to move. I listened for a long time, about 10 minutes, and it was really quiet outside the door without any sound."

"I turned on all the lights in the office, and the room was bright."

"You finally chose to stay in the office overnight?"

Hearing this, the woman slowly shook her head, "I thought about it, but I gave up in the end," she said, glancing out the window, frowning unnaturally.

"I don't dare, this building feels so strange to me, I don't want to stay longer for a second."

"After I found the key, I thought about it for a long time, and I was about to leave. At that time, I was thinking of using my mobile phone to illuminate it, and then rushed out."

"But just when I gathered up my courage and was about to open the door, the phone in the office suddenly rang."

"You may not feel it, but I was really scared and fainted."

"I hesitated again and again, but moved to the place of the phone. Fortunately, I know the number displayed on it, and it belongs to the school's security department. After I picked it up, I realized that they saw the light in the office in Block C from a distance. I don't know. What's the matter, so I called and asked."

"I was about to cry. It was the first time I felt so happy when someone called me. They agreed to come and pick me up after learning about the situation. They told me to stay in the office and not walk around."

An unnatural look appeared on Yu Wen's face upon hearing this, but it was fleeting and did not attract the woman's attention.


"Soon I heard hurried footsteps, about three or four people, from far to near. Then someone knocked on the door."

"When I opened the door and saw them, I felt like I was alive again for a moment, tears and snot pouring out uncontrollably."

"The leader is a man, with a bald head, a big waist and a round waist. He looks very strong. There are two men and a woman behind."

"They were all wearing security uniforms, and when they came up, they criticized me and asked me why I didn't follow the school's rules."

"I didn't care about anything at the time, I just kept apologizing to them. After all, I had tossed people around because of my own problems, and it was still in this weather."

"The second point is that I hope they don't report it to the school. I just came to work here, and I don't want to leave the impression of disobedience to the leaders."

"It was not easy for them to see me as a little girl at that time, so they didn't say anything anymore. Only the bald head in the lead glanced at the dark corridor from time to time, as if he was wary of something."

"I remember that he was the most vicious at the beginning," the woman recalled as if thinking of something, "I remember him repeatedly saying things like you're going to die. It looks very scary."

"Then they told me to pack up and were going to take me away. But when I was about to walk out the door, I suddenly remembered that I forgot my umbrella by the desk, so I turned around and went back to get it."

After saying this, she suddenly stopped, and then stared at the few people in front of her with a strange expression, her face gradually paled.

"I suddenly realized one thing," the woman's whole body began to tremble abnormally, her pupils gradually tightened, and the next voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat little by little.

"They. They didn't bring umbrellas or raincoats. The clothes looked like new, with no signs of getting wet at all."

 Thanks for the right thinking, the little leopard of meow, the reward of the brother with the tail number 6554!Thanks to Wushan not Brother Yun for three monthly passes!

I came back from my hometown today, everyone has been waiting for a long time!
Are you going to explode?

(End of this chapter)

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