Nightmare Attack

Chapter 67 Mirror

Chapter 67 Mirror
"Here." Luo Yi walked carefully in the equipment center. He and Zhen Jianren stood one after the other, ears erected, listening to the sounds from all around.

The inside is bigger than expected, and the structure looks simple from the outside, but as soon as you come in, after turning a few corners, you are a little lost.

The crisscrossed brick walls are more than 4 meters high, as if they can split the sky.

Zhen Jianren couldn't help but admire Qi Jiangcheng, he was able to sneak into such a place, not only encountered a ghost, but also escaped completely.

Now it is difficult for him to find his way in.

The only thing that made him feel slightly relieved was that there was someone by his side to accompany him.

Ghosts can only kill one person at a time most of the time.

That is to say, even if the ghost wants to shoot at the two of them, one of them will survive.

Zhen Jianren felt that he was doing his part in this place.

the reason is simple.

He is smarter than Luo Yi, and his physical strength is more abundant.

And Luo Yi's real name has been exposed by himself - Luo Zhanfei.

The ghosts in this quest are very special.

Zhen Jianren felt that she would not ignore this point.

Looking at the rooms one by one, most of them are stored with some old tables and chairs, as well as basketball and football that have been eliminated.

It seems that the storage time is not short, and a thick layer of ash has accumulated on it.

At this moment
There was a rustling sound of footsteps not far away.

The footsteps are very different from ordinary people, you can hear them, and the person who comes should be leaning on a relatively heavy cane.

The base of the crutch occasionally hit the ground, making a crisp "click" sound.

But at this moment, it sounded like a bell that reminded death.

It's the old man!

Zhen Jianren was shocked.

For the time being, the identity of the old man was not clear. Zhen Jianren decided not to contact him rashly. He turned to look for Luo Yi, but found that there was nothing behind him.

Luo Yi is gone.

But there was no better way at this time, Zhen Jianren had to walk a few steps quickly, trying to find a room to hide.

I pushed the doors of several rooms in a row, and found that the doors were all locked, and only one crack could be pushed out.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Zhen Jianren was a little panicked.

The area where he was located was a dead end, and the surrounding brick walls were too high, making it impossible to climb over.

Worse still, time doesn't allow it.

At this time, Zhen Jianren scolded Luo Yi, an idiot, in his heart, not knowing where he got lost.

Just when Zhen Jianren was about to despair, his ears trembled, and he heard a strange rubbing sound in a trance.


He followed the sound and saw that an old door not far away suddenly opened a crack.

At the end of the corridor, the largest room.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, as if they are separated by a corner.

A few seconds later, a strange old man with a cane was about to appear in front of him.

This is a very real threat.

Compared to him, the door that suddenly opened seemed nothing.

Zhen Jianren was ruthless and ran towards the room at the end of the corridor.

He pushed open the door carefully.

With airflow disturbance, countless tiny dusts danced in the air.

There was a thick layer of ash on the ground.

The dust is very evenly distributed, and it is full of traces left by time.

The room was larger than it looked from the outside, with red curtains hanging all around, as if it were an auditorium abandoned many years ago.

After finding no abnormality for the time being, he closed the door with his backhand.

There was a red-painted wooden box not far from the door. The wooden box was very large, similar to the kind used to store bedding decades ago, and it was empty inside.

Although this room is large, it is not concealed, and there is no way to hide anyone. Just a glance in and you can find it out for him.

Zhen Jianren had no choice but to open the box and hide inside.

He held his breath and listened quietly.

The sound of footsteps slowly crept into another nearby room, and then the sound of scratching when moving heavy objects was a bit harsh, and he was upset to hear it.

It should be something like a table, chair or bench.

Fortunately, the old man didn't want to move the table and chair, just wanted to change the position.

So after more than 10 minutes of tossing, I locked the door and left.

After the footsteps disappeared, Zhen Jianren let out a slow sigh of relief, but just as he was about to open the door of the box—

"Dong dong dong."

A strange sound came from the ear.

It was not loud, but it was very close, as if it was just outside the door.

Zhen Jianren's heart skipped a beat.

He dared to listen to it for a few seconds, and found that the sound was not messy, but seemed to have some obvious rhythm.

This rhythm is very strange, as if there is a kind of demagogic shock.

His legs were rhythmically following without knowing it.


His pupils shrank suddenly, and then his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The sound of "dong dong dong" is getting faster and more flexible. Zhen Jianren gritted his teeth and could even feel the beauty of the woman's dance.

That's right.

It was the sound of ballet pointe shoes hitting the floor.

It's a ghost outside! !
Just when Zhen Jianren felt that he was about to die, the strange voice finally stopped outside the box where he was.

Time stands still at this moment.


There was the sound of the door being pushed open, and the old door shaft made a sour rubbing sound.

"dong dong dong"

The female ghost actually gave up the box he was in
Strange footsteps drifted away.


gone? !
The feeling of the rest of the life after the catastrophe is completely indescribable in words.

Zhen Jianren's whole body collapsed, his legs went weak, and he collapsed into the box.

After a long while, there was the sound of rustling footsteps.

This time Zhen Jianren was not very nervous, because he had passed through the gap in the box and saw Luo Yi, who had been missing for a long time, and walked carefully into the room.

He lifted the lid of the box and let out a long sigh, "I'm here."

Luo Yi, who was about to close the door, was taken aback, but he didn't feel relieved until he saw that it was Zhen Jianren, "You scared me to death, I just now" He shuddered, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, "You know I saw it just now. what?"

"That ghost" Zhen Jianren was weak to answer, the shock just now seemed to have overdrawn all his energy.

After digging out the box, the two rested behind the door.

Zhen Jianren, who survived the disaster, looked up and down this strangely furnished room. He opened a corner of the red curtain and found that the red cloth was covering a huge mirror.

He lowered his head and wiped the dust with his leather shoes, revealing the wooden floor covered by the dust.

There is also a set of overturned, parallel bars on one side of the room.

Zhen Jianren knows that this is called a lever, and its function is to assist dancers to complete the basic movements before dance training.

Here is. A dance studio.

Just as Zhen Jianren continued to think down, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the corner of the red cloth that had been lifted, revealing the mirror behind him.

In the mirror, he was standing upright, while Luo Yi stood beside him on tiptoe, his arms drooped unnaturally, and his chin fell.
Zhen Jianren suddenly widened his eyes.

He had no chin, the lower half of his face was bloody, and a pair of gloomy pupils reflected in the mirror, colliding with his own line of sight.

 Fourth more!It's really not moving anymore, everyone rest early, and get up tomorrow morning at five watch

Love you guys

(End of this chapter)

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