Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 36 Strange coffin!Fellow Daoist Fan, please leave the coffin under the sword!

Chapter 36 Strange coffin!Fellow Daoist Fan, please leave the coffin under the sword!

"Shop... the shopkeeper! There is a ghost! There is a ghost!" In the lobby on the first floor of the inn, a waiter with a face full of panic screamed in a slightly trembling voice: "Shopkeeper, what... what should we do?"

"How the hell do I know!"

The innkeeper was about to close, but this sudden incident made his scalp tingle!
Both of their legs and feet were shaking violently, as soft as noodles.

It's not that they don't want to run, but they can't move their legs, they can't run!

They stared in horror at the door of the inn ahead.

I saw a strange coffin with a lot of talismans on it, lying at the gate of the inn at some point!
The talisman paper on the coffin was very tattered, as if it had been forcibly torn apart by some mysterious force, or it seemed that it had been torn apart by someone with bare hands.

The temperature in the entire inn...

It's like they've all come down.

Although the shopkeeper and waiter in the inn didn't see a ghost coming out with their own eyes, but in this mysterious world, when encountering such a weird thing... 100% sure it was a ghost encounter at night!
After all, who dares to move the coffin out at night to make such a joke?Aren't you afraid of being haunted by ghosts?


The coffin trembled and moved a few inches into the inn!
It moved! ! !

The innkeeper was so frightened that he took a sharp breath.

His face turned pale in an instant, and his eyes rolled upwards.

Falling limp.

This made the waiter at the side look stupid.

The shopkeeper fainted, wasn't he the only one facing the ghost?

Fear has filled his body and mind.

The temperature in the inn also continued to drop.

The candles were flickering constantly, and gusts of wind blew in the lobby.

The blowing made the tables and chairs shake slightly!

"Ghost...Grandpa ghost! Granny ghost! I...I, Hong Goudan, have never... done anything harmful to the world! The most guilty thing I have ever done in my life is... that is, my past few days. The sky did not tell the shopkeeper, and received a piece of silver from a high-ranking customer as a reward."

The waiter was already paralyzed to the ground.

His crotch was even wet, but he didn't feel it at all.

He was so frightened that he didn't even notice that he was incontinent!

His begging grandpa to sue grandma was useless.

Instead of stopping, the coffin continued to move a certain distance towards the inn!
This time it moved a few steps!
The shop assistants are both numb!
This distance was enough for him to feel the icy aura emanating from the coffin, and he felt as if a piece of ten thousand year old ice was approaching him.

As the coffin got closer and closer, the waiter in the shop was already feeling desperate.

With a sad face, he pinched his unsatisfactory thigh vigorously.

However, it is still useless.

The legs are not listening!

next second.

The waiter in the shop suddenly felt that the collar of his clothes was picked up by some monster.

He watched helplessly as his disobedient feet gradually left the ground by more than two feet!


Two words suddenly sounded from behind him.

Before the waiter could turn his head, he found his body thrown back by someone.

After falling to the ground with no seriousness, the waiter hurriedly looked up.

at once!

He saw a burly figure from behind!

As majestic as a mountain!
This is?

The waiter recalled.

The man in front of him seemed to be a strange person who came to the inn this evening and asked to stay for one night.

The reason why he thinks he is a strange person is because the waiter in the shop has never seen such a tall person since he was a child!

When I first met...

Shocked him!

And now...

Still shocking!


Fan Wu didn't care what the waiter in the shop was thinking.

He lowered his head and glanced at the shopkeeper who had fainted on the ground. He flicked the Demon Severing Sword unsheathed in his hand to the ground.

The shopkeeper seemed like a piece of trash, and was casually pushed aside by Fan Wu.

Then, his eyes turned to a blood-red coffin in front of him.

The coffin is a cuboid, which does not look small.

Most of the talisman papers pasted on it have been damaged, and it looks like they were damaged recently.

It seems that there are still ink fountain lines binding the coffin.

But more than half of those ink fountain lines were broken.

Talisman paper.

Ink fountain line.


Combining these three factors together, anyone with a little imagination and associative ability can guess that there is definitely something weird inside this coffin!
The coffin was still moving forward, and the bottom rubbed against the floor of the inn, making harsh noises.

"Strong...a strong man, that's a ghost..." Xiaoer Dian was very moved by Fan Wu's "rescue" himself, and he felt that he couldn't hide his conscience.

So, he mustered up his courage and reminded him with a trembling voice.

Fan Wu seemed to be unable to hear.

He looked at the coffin that was getting closer and closer, without retreating or dodging.

Instead, lift your foot forward!
Under the stunned gaze of the waiter, Fan Wu directly stepped on the top of the coffin!
"Hiss!" The shop waiter gasped: "Guest...customer, be careful. This... this is going to..."

Speaking of here.

Stopped abruptly.

Because he saw Fan Wu in front of him helplessly, exerting a little force with the leg that was touching the coffin, the solid wooden coffin, which seemed heavy at first glance, was kicked out horizontally!

There was a sharp and ear-piercing friction sound between the coffin and the ground, and it was forced to move straight to the outside of the inn.

The waiter was dumbfounded again!

This is a bit too tough, right?

Is this guest not afraid of ghosts and gods at all?

How dare you kick the coffin out!


What strength is this?

This coffin looks like it must weigh at least three or four hundred catties, right?

Can this go that far?And it doesn't seem like much effort?
Ah this...

and many more!

The shop waiter, who managed to calm down a little, noticed that the clothes Fan Wu was wearing were different.

He recognized this style of clothes, isn't this the clothes worn by Taoist priests?
The waiter widened his eyes and suddenly realized
——Could this be a priest? !

No wonder he was not afraid of ghosts, and even dared to kick the coffin open.

Ganqing is a cultivator! !

"Dao... Daoist! It... It's coming again!!" Before the waiter had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw the coffin kicked out of the inn by Fan Wu, and continued to rush into the inn.

And this time even faster!
If it was at the speed of a tortoise just now, it is now like a crazy bull!
Looking at the coffin rushing on the rampage.

Fan Wu's face was still as calm as ever, without showing any anxiety.

He rested one hand on the hilt of his sword.

The Demon Severing Sword was slowly drawn out, the sharp blades on both sides reflected a cold light under the flickering candlelight.

His entire aura also changed for it!
The killing intent spreads!
The turbulent and majestic aura on his body like a beast directly washed away the yin energy overflowing from the coffin.

Even the shop waiter behind Fan Wu could clearly feel a sense of suffocation.

At this time, something unexpected happened.

A pair of coffins rushed straight, as if they had sensed something, when they were about to break into Fan Wu's five-step range...

Actually a sudden brake.


"Fan Daoyou! Please wait a moment!!"

It was also at this time that an anxious cry came from far and near.

"Leave the coffin under the sword!!"



(End of this chapter)

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