Haoyu Zhenxian

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Putting away the black stone, Chen Ping said in a neutral tone.

It turned out that the two children were frightened by the strange uncle's ferocity, and they didn't even care about asking for the eagle meat. They supported each other and ran a dozen steps toward the island.

Hearing the menacing shout behind them, the two fled even faster in panic.

"Am I scary?"

Chen Ping rubbed his chin angrily, kicked his legs, leaped a few feet away, and blocked their way.

"Infuriating master!"

The boy opened his mouth wide, and said intermittently: "Uncle, the stone... I'll give it to you, and Le'er and I won't eat eagle meat anymore..."

"Little guy, uncle keeps his word. If he accepts your stone, the eagle meat will be yours."

Chen Ping said with a smile, trying to make the expression on his face gentler.

"Go back with me!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up the two of them from left to right, and returned to the bonfire.


After half an hour.

Only a skeleton of the door-panel-sized Sapphire Eagle remained.

The two little guys cleaned up the eagle meat and burped a few times in satisfaction.

Regarding this, Chen Ping was speechless.

With such a small body, he actually finished eating more than ten catties of bird meat, which really surprised him.

"Uncle is really powerful. The sapphire eagle is like a stone, and the masters in the city are no match for it. Uncle can beat it down and roast it."

Wiping the oil stains around his mouth, the boy said in an adoring tone.


Chen Ping smiled and said calmly.

After a short time of eating meat, he has already become acquainted with the two of them.

The boy's name is Zhao Pan, and the girl's name is Zhao Le'er. They are brothers and sisters.

The home of the two is in a village more than ten miles away from the beach, and their parents are ordinary fishermen.

Just now, the brothers and sisters of the Zhao family came to play on the beach and were attracted by the smell of meat. They immediately became so hungry that they couldn't walk.

Zhao Pan's jaw almost dropped when he saw the sapphire eagle roasting on the fire grill.

According to his words, the Sapphire Eagle is a monster that dominates one side of the island. A dozen strong men can't get close to it, and even ordinary masters of zhenqi can't do anything to it.

The few true qi masters in the city may have the strength to defeat this eagle.

As for the true qi master, it refers to the martial arts masters among ordinary people.

Those who cultivate true qi also have a complete system.

From a martial apprentice, to a master of true energy, to a master of true energy, to a great master of true energy, all the way to the Xiantian realm.

However, in the eyes of cultivators, ordinary people's means are obviously scoffed at.

A congenital warrior who is as strong as the peak will be defeated by a single move in front of a qi training monk who has a magic weapon.

This "Lansuo Island", which has been called "Lansuo Island" by the locals for hundreds of years, is quite large in size. More than ten thousand mortals live in Lansuo City alone.

Outside the city, there are more than a dozen large and small villages, where people usually make a living by fishing and farming.

After revealing the miraculous skill of crushing rocks with a flick of a finger, Zhao Pan and Zhao Le'er were once shocked and told all about the origin of the black stone.

About half a month ago, there was a dazzling flow mark over Lansuo Island. On the way of falling, many stones fell, and finally fell into the eastern grassland of the island.

The black stone that Zhao Pan exchanged for was dropped by that meteor back then.

No matter how much information there is, the brothers and sisters of the Zhao family will not know.

"Oh? It seems that not only this meteorite has fallen from the sky."

With burning eyes, Chen Ping had some thoughts.


The night sky is like a navy blue curtain, dotted with twinkling stars.

In front of the three wooden houses side by side, Zhao Pan skillfully opened the fence, and shouted crisply inside: "Father, mother, Pan'er is back!"

"You bastard, you still know how to go home, don't you know it's past dinner? Mother didn't leave any food for you."

A pleasant female voice came from inside the room. Although it was a reproach, the person had already hurried over.

This is a haggard woman, with her face facing the sky, and only a wooden hairpin is used to decorate her hair.

"Pan'er, you are too wild today, my sister's wind and cold are just right!"

Behind her, a middle-aged man with a stooped body and a small beard spoke.

Needless to say, this person must be Zhao Pan's father, and the two were almost carved out of the same mold.

"Who is he?"

Only then did the couple notice that there was another person in the yard, and immediately pulled Zhao Pan and Zhao Le'er over, asking in a vigilant tone.

"He is Master Ye."

Zhao Pan tugged at the corners of his parents' clothes and introduced them respectfully.

Zhao Le'er on the side nodded seriously in agreement.

"Dazong... Master?"

The couple looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

Great Master of True Qi, in Lansuo City where there are so many masters, there are only three of them.

Each of them is high and high, with a noble status, only under the island owner.

Although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they have heard that the three great masters are all old men in their fifties and sixties, but this Qingshangke is young, how dare he brag about himself?
By the way, there must be some purpose to fool their children.

Thinking of this, the couple immediately hugged Zhao Pan and Zhao Le'er, and were about to sneak into the house.

Chen Ping was expressionless. He stepped on the ground with his feet. There was a loud bang, and the mud trembled violently. Then, a crack three inches long and half a foot deep appeared quickly, and he climbed up to the steps of the wooden house.

"Ah, it's really a great master!"

"Xiaomin Zhao Xin, I have met Grandmaster Ye."

The faces of the couple turned completely pale with fright, they hurriedly fell to their knees, and saluted tremblingly.

"Get up."

Chen Ping slowly raised his hand, pointed at Zhao Xin, and said calmly, "Follow me, Ye Mou has something to ask you."

"As ordered."

Zhao Xin still said no, patted the dust on his knees, and followed Chen Ping's footsteps.

Pushing open a wooden door at will, Chen Ping's eyes fell on the palm of his hand, and he asked straight to the point: "Did you pick up this stone?"

"Back to Grandmaster, the stone was indeed picked up by a villain."

Zhao Xin nodded heavily, and said: "At midnight half a month ago, a meteor passed over the village and smashed many of these stones down. Many people in our village and the neighboring village picked them up, and some of them were more than piece."

"Old Wang from the west of the village is unlucky. His ribs were broken when he fell asleep, and now he is still lying on the bed and needs his wife to wait on him!"

"Could it be a group of meteorites from outside the sky?"

Ignoring his last sentence, Chen Ping asked: "Where did the meteor fall?"

"The eastern steppe sixty miles away."

Zhao Xin said honestly: "Several great masters in the city and the island owner rushed to inspect it overnight, and then the grassland area became a forbidden area, and we are not allowed to wait for the grasslanders to approach."

"Is the owner of Guidao an immortal master?"

Chen Ping's heart moved, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Of course, the island master has boundless magic power, and has the ability to move mountains and fill seas!"

Zhao Xin's eyes were full of respect, as if he had thought of something, and then he said: "One time, the island owner came to the village to cast a rain spell, and he only threw out a piece of blue talisman paper, and then the heavy rain fell. .”

"Air Condensation and Precipitation Talisman."

According to Zhao Xin's description, Chen Ping knew it well.

Although the Condensation and Precipitation Talisman is a low-grade Talisman of the first level, it needs to be injected with spiritual power to activate it normally.

The owner of this island must be a monk, so I don't know how strong he is.

As for Zhao Xin's description of boundless mana, moving mountains and filling seas, Chen Ping obviously didn't believe it.

The vision of a mortal is tantamount to looking at the sky from a well, with only a narrow view.

Chen Ping estimated that the island owner was probably a qi training monk who had no hope of advancing.

That's why I enjoyed the glory and wealth on Lansuo Island, which has no spiritual veins, and forgot about seeking immortality.

Then, Chen Ping continued to ask some questions, which further confirmed his judgment.

Island owner Hong Qifa, he was the island owner here when Zhao Xin was born.

Over the past 30 years, his face has gradually aged from a middle-aged person.

This person has a very high reputation in the local area, and he is very kind to the residents of the island, and he can be said to be responsive to every request.

Begging for rain, expanding fields, splitting mountains to build roads, things that are difficult for ordinary people, just ask Master Hong, and he will help when he is free.

While talking, Zhao Xin also pointed to the dirt road outside the house, saying that there was originally a six-foot-high hill that was blocked here, but it took Master Hong only half a year to level it alone.

After listening, Chen Ping couldn't help showing a weird smile.

From this point of view, the master of Hong Island with all-powerful mana is really just a little grasshopper in the realm of Qi training.

In short, it is absolutely impossible to be a foundation cultivator.

Otherwise, removing a small hill is only a matter of a few swords.


"Don't let go of a single piece!"

At this moment, a group of dozens of red-armored knights roared past the door with a cold voice: "Hand over the black stone, and anyone who hides it will be killed!"

"Red Armored Cavalry?"

Through the crack of the door, Zhao Xin's heart skipped a beat, and he explained to Chen Ping who was looking over at him: "They are the retainers of Grandmaster Tan, and they cannot be selected unless they are true qi masters."

In Zhao's courtyard, two tall and mighty red-armored knights walked in, and one of them said proudly: "Everyone inside comes out!"

After three breaths, Zhao Xin's family of four hurried out.

"Under the master's order, collect the black ore that fell half a month ago, I hope you will not make it difficult for me."

The red-armored knight who spoke earlier said again: "Take off all your clothes."

After the words fell, another monk in red armor ran towards the house with a machete in his hand.

"Master Hongqi, it doesn't matter if you are a small boy, but the wife and the girl are both female relatives, so I'm afraid it's not convenient."

Zhao Xin knelt down, bit the bullet and said.

"Haha, those who resist are shot to death!"

With a cruel and bloodthirsty look in the red rider's eyes, he swung his sword and slashed at his neck.


A round black object hit his chest, and the accompanying force knocked him ten feet into the air, and he rushed to the fence before falling down on his back.

The red-armored knight was shocked to see that what he was holding in his arms was actually the head of his companion!

But before he got up again, his throat was crushed by a man in Tsing Yi's foot, his body twisted like a boiled red shrimp, blood spattered everywhere.

After killing the two of them like lightning, Chen Ping rushed out of the yard expressionlessly and started massacring in the village.

In the lonely night, there was an echo of the horrific begging for mercy, which gradually subsided after a quarter of an hour.

Slapping the heart of the last red-armored knight with one palm, Chen Ping already had more than 20 black stones of different sizes in his hands.

He learned from this person that the island owner Hong Qifa had been captured alive, and the power of Lansuo City was now under the control of the three great masters.

It is also the order of the great masters to collect the black stones privately hidden by the villagers by any means.

Now, the three great masters are guarding the grassland together, trying to find a way to transport the meteorite back to the city.

Because the meteorite was extremely heavy, hundreds of people were mobilized to assist with oxen and horse carts, but they did not move at all.

Standing up without any waves, Chen Ping concentrated his strength on the soles of his feet and ran towards the grassland in the east of the island.

As he expected, these black stones are just associated mines besides the real meteorite.

The meteor that fell into the grassland from the heavy sky was probably the high-grade ore he was looking for!

After running briskly for a stick of incense, Chen Ping finally reached the outskirts of the grassland.

Looking around, he picked out a two-foot-long cotton tree, and pulled it up with his arms together. Then, he lifted the trunk and walked step by step into the depths of the grassland.

At night, the stars are shining brightly, the bright moon shines on the grassland, and there is silence between heaven and earth.

The evening wind blows gently, and the grass waves undulate with the wind, which is very pleasant.

The terrain of the grassland is flat, broad and flat.

Moving forward unhindered, Chen Ping found a dark figure not long after.

The sound of breathing came and went, about five to sixty people.

Similarly, a group of knights on horseback also saw someone breaking in, brandishing their spears without saying a word, and rushed towards him.

Chen Ping sneered coldly, and swept across the half-foot-thick fir tree in his hands without any gaudy, the group of soldiers were beaten into the air like a stack of gourds, their muscles and bones were broken, and they were either dead or injured.

Then, another large group of soldiers came up, and three half-white-haired old men were in the front row. They walked vigorously, and their eyes were like eagles. They seemed to be some of the great masters of zhenqi on the island.

Looking around, Chen Ping looked calm and composed.

He wouldn't frown even if there were ten times as many mortal fighters, it's just the difference in killing time.

"Old man Tan Zonghou, who are you?"

A fat old man with a long chin took half a step forward, picked up the long sword, pointed at Chen Ping and asked.

At the same time, looking at the giant tree in the man's hand, he couldn't help but tremble.

A fir tree more than two feet high weighs at least 1000 catties.

Even if he is a great master of zhenqi, he can't bear to carry it for a long time, let alone use it as a weapon.

Could this young man be the legendary innate master?
Or, like Hong Qifa, he is a fairy teacher with cultivation base?

Thinking of this, Tan Zonghou's heart sank completely.

No matter which possibility is possible, it is undoubtedly very bad news for them.



Without saying a word, Chen Ping held the giant tree and tossed it around very simply. The soldiers vomited blood and were knocked to the ground, dying on the spot.

After paying a heavy price for the annihilation of the entire army, the long swords of the three great masters finally cut off the giant tree.

The next moment, the three of them looked at each other tacitly, and stabbed at Chen Ping's vitals together.

At the same time that Tan Zonghou raised his sword, a bow and crossbow fell from his cuff, and the mechanism was buckled, shooting out a two-fingered long sharp arrow shining with a faint black light.


The three great masters were horrified, and the swords that usually cut iron like mud seemed to have lost their magical effect and were broken inch by inch.

And the fate of the sharp arrow was no different from that of the sword, it was split from the middle and shattered into two pieces.

I saw Chen Ping's figure moving rapidly, pressing hard on their heavenly caps respectively, completely killing the three great masters.

Tsing Yi staggered, killing heartily.

Chen Ping ran around the grassland, killing the remaining soldiers one by one.

It was really hard for Chen Ping to clean up this group of true qi fighters, he couldn't help panting, his legs were filled with lead and weighed more than [-] catties.

After all, he is still in the backlash period of Mo Luo's forbidden curse, and it is reasonable for him to lose energy and get tired easily.

(Tomorrow will be a big recommendation, fellow daoists, give me a subscription, I urgently need a subscription, and the four chapters will explode tomorrow!)
 Recommended by the editor-in-chief who will be on the homepage at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Xiaodao's first big recommendation!I hope everyone has recommendations, and those who have a monthly pass, give it to Xiaodao, and update the four chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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