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Chapter 227 Push Bang! LCK is dead, LPL is now! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 227 Push Bang! LCK is dead, LPL is now! 【Subscribe】

The Enchantress fled in a flash, and Qian Jue turned and went back to do Nightmare.

Nightmare saw the enchantress running away, so she also fled to the defense tower, but how could Qian Jue let Nightmare go like this?

Immediately use the red buff to stick Nightmare and start output. Facing the two long hands of Qianjue and Ryze, Nightmare can only choose to flash, otherwise, once the skill CDs of Qianjue and Ryze are turned, Nightmare will die!

"IG! This is IG! Every one of them can stand up! When King Ning shocked us when he was a rhythm jungler, he also proved in front of the audience all over the world that he can also play wild core, and even play It’s better than other junglers!” Miller shouted happily: “I’ve handed in both the enchantress’ flash ult and Nightmare’s ult flash, and then SKT can only passively defend against Qian Jue’s attack!”

"Nightmare's ult is one of the ults with the longest CD in League of Legends. In the next 2 minutes, SKT will have no rhythm!" Wawa said with a smile: "And the impact of Lulu's death on the bottom lane is actually quite large. It's huge! Canyon Pioneer is stable!"

"To be honest, Faker's wave is a bit unreasonable!" PDD slowly shook his head and sighed: "Qianjue has synthesized a first-level red jungler knife, and then got a fifth-level imprint. The method is second to Qian Jue, there is no need to go up and consume it at all! And after Qian Jue took the red buff, his level has reached level 6, as long as he releases his big move, it is not impossible to hit two in one, not to mention there is a Ryze in the middle !"

"Qian Jue with the five-layer imprint is at least ahead of the equipment worth 1500 economy. To be honest... Qian Jue is invincible at this time point!" Miller agreed with PDD's words, and said: "And now Kenan is already difficult. , Qian Jue has marked Kenan...

The Jeston Line has started to cross the tower!what to do?Nakano couldn't provide support for Kenan at all, and switched to resisting the tower... Kenan's big move was Tianlei, he did not electrify Jess and Qian Jue, but chose to clean up the line of troops! Huni's choice is really good, and the big move to Qingbing is the best solution at the moment! "

"Qian Jue got Kenan's head, and Qian Jue's 6th layer of imprint!" Wawa exclaimed: "The game time is only 9 minutes now!"

"IG! IG! IG!"

The scene was full of cheers from IG.

"Shoe King? Ning King!!! It's too good!"

"Fuck, I feel that King Ning should be restricted by this version. This version is full of fleshy junglers! If it was changed to last year's version, wouldn't King Ning kill randomly?"

"Little peanuts? Batch peanuts! Just little peanuts!"

"Are you really winning and bragging about losing? You can't see the support of the other four IG teammates for Qian Jue, right? At the beginning, Jess didn't press Kenan to get the river crab, and Ryze decisively gave Qian Jue his big move, and the bottom lane The assistant came to support early! Without these, Qian Jue would be so happy?"

"You're the one who doesn't have a brain, really! When King Ning was TheShy's dog in the last round, didn't you always brag about TheShy?"

"Ning Mazi! I want to marry you! I just like the pockmarks on your face!"

"Grass! The taste is really strong!"

"666666... ​​IG come on!"

"Go RNG, come on EDG, come on LPL!"

"The bird's nest wins the championship, the bird's nest wins the championship! If you don't get sick, you can definitely win this game!"

"Our LPL finally has hope to win a championship of our own, woo woo woo woo..."


For everyone in the LPL at this moment, it can be described by the passive skill of the wine barrel-happy time!
IG, Ning (Eternal Hunting Twins) killed SKT, Huni (Heart of Rage)! ! !

"Brother Shanjiu..." Huni looked at the screen that was plunged into darkness. Huni was silent for a long time, and he felt like a dog in his heart. After a long time, he couldn't help looking at Blank, and asked in an extremely resentful voice: "No Alright, come on the road to catch it when you reach level 6?"

"Uh..." Blank's complexion couldn't help changing for a moment, and then he smiled brightly: "Didn't you just want to save Lulu, and fight while Qian Jue is not yet level 6?"

"Hey..." Huni shook his head slightly and sighed, but didn't speak any more.

This is the case in the arena, which is always changing rapidly, and Huni also understands that there is no way to do it.

"The next big move, the next big move will definitely catch Jess!" Blank knew he was wrong, and quickly promised that he would use his big move to catch Jess next time.

"Okay... ba...!" Huni nodded with a lack of interest.

At this time, it is not very meaningful to catch Jess again.

Unless you kill Jess two or three times in a row in a very short period of time, the growth of Jess once killed is still much ahead of Kenan.

But if you get killed more than twice in a row, then the other roads will definitely suffer, and IG will definitely make up for it in other places.

Blank's face darkened, he naturally understood what Huni meant, but there was really nothing he could do.

What's wrong with his game?In fact, there is no problem. The only problem is that Qian Jue reversed the stone beetle at the beginning, and then the rhythm collapsed inexplicably.

Blank is actually very aggrieved at the moment!


After Qian Jue got Kenan's head, after brushing his red zone, he went home to make up his state, and synthesized a red warrior jungler.

During this period, Qian Jue's seventh mark was painted on the stone beetle of Nightmare. This time, Nightmare squatted directly on the stone beetle and destroyed it the moment the mark was printed.

However, Nightmare can only swipe up again after brushing the stone beetle. At this time, there is no way to enter Qian Jue's blue zone to fight against the wild.

Once caught by Qian Jue, he will undoubtedly die if other people from IG enlist him.

After being disgusted by Qian Jue several times in a row, Enchantress' suppression of Ryze has completely collapsed.

Ryze's level has risen, a set of skills can clear the soldiers, and the soldiers can run around after clearing the line.

The enchantress Naruiz has nothing to do!
If the enchantress consumes Ryze with skills, she will be locked under the tower by the pawn line, and Ryze can run farther, so the enchantress' skills can only be used to clear troops with Ryze.

At the same time, Jess returned to the city and synthesized the Demon Sect, but it still needs 100 layers to evolve into the Demon Sect.

After Qian Jue and Jess came out of the house, Qian Jue's 8th layer imprint was refreshed at the same time, and it was applied to Nightmare's blue buff.

Nightmare started with a red buff in this round, and because of being disgusted by Jess later, he was in the early 4 points when he took the blue.

At the point where the Canyon Pioneer is about to be refreshed in 10 minutes, IG chose to let Xia alone defend SKT's bottom duo in the bottom lane.

The hero Xiaopao pushes towers at a ridiculously fast speed, and no one can guard against him.

The auxiliary Fengnv went to the upper half to compete for the vanguard of the canyon!

Facing the luxuriously equipped Jess and the explosive Qian Jue, SKT has no intention of robbing the Canyon Herald at all. Their upper half has only one blue buff, and the three wolves and the toad have been wiped out by Nightmare.

Nightmare chose to invade IG's blue zone, anti-IG wild monsters!
After Qian Jue's blue buff was refreshed, Qian Jue also didn't come to refresh, and Nightmare could replace three groups of wild monsters!
In this way, Qian Jue successfully obtained his 7th layer mark, but the blue buff Qian Jue gave Ryze, but did not take it by himself. After all, Qian Jue can get the mark as long as he participates in assists.

After taking the mark of Blue Buff, IG's Nakanosuke successfully won the Canyon Pioneer.

Qian Jue's next imprint will be painted on the canyon pioneer and the big and small dragons. If IG is willing to wait, it can wait until the canyon pioneer's birth imprint.

However, IG did not choose to wait. Qian Jue took the mark to win the game. Naturally, IG could not put the cart before the horse and delay the game rhythm in order to get the mark of Qian Jue.

The moment I got the Canyon Pioneer, IG was Nakano's assistant bag and went on the road.

Jess made a grassy eye in front of the tower, clearly seeing that Kenan was closing himself under the tower.

And the pawn line on the road has been pushed to the direction close to IG by Kenan while they were playing the vanguard.

Except for Jess, the other three of IG did not take the river, but detoured from the wild area.


The three of IG chose to jump the tower so aboveboard!
The reason why Kenan squatted under the tower was that he wanted to use his big move to clear the troops and try to delay the rhythm of the IG vanguard pushing the tower.

Because SKT's bot lane is doing four packs of one!

But what Huni never expected was that IG would actually use the method of directly resisting the tower to overtake the tower.

The first to resist the tower is Fengnv, the first to walk into the defense tower.

Now the game time is only a little over 10 minutes. Even if the damage of the defense tower is not as abnormal as it was later, but at most 4 damage of the defense tower, Kenan can kill Fengnv with just a little more.

Huni understands that he is mortal, so now it depends on how many he can change.

Immediately, he threw a series of skills at Fengnv, and flashed to take the big move, hoping to play passively to stun Fengnv, so that he might have a chance to replace Fengnv.

But how could IG give Kenan such an opportunity?He did successfully stun Fengnv, but Qian Jue's ultimate move was also released to keep Fengnv. Before the end of the ultimate move, Fengnv got stuck in the attack interval of a wave of defensive towers, and successfully flashed away from the defensive tower attack range.

This time Kenan's head was given to Jess!

IG, TheShy (Guardian of the Future) killed SKT, Huni (Heart of Rage)! ! !

At the same time, Qian Jue, who marked Kenan, also got his 8th floor mark!
Qian Jue immediately cleared the line and prepared to release the canyon vanguard to take SKT on the road, the one-blood tower.

But at this moment, there were three killing sounds from the bottom lane.

IG, Atower (Ni Yu) killed SKT, Wolf (Fairy Witch)! ! !

SKT, Bang (Mailin Gunner) killed IG, Atower (Ni Yu)! ! !
IG, Atower (Ni Yu) killed SKT, Faker (Scheme Enchantress)! ! !

Double kill! ! !

When the announcements of the three systems sounded, everyone was stunned.

Immediately, bursts of commotion erupted at the scene.

Everyone thought that in the face of SKT's four-person siege, Lin Tuyu would definitely die in this wave, but they didn't expect Xia to kill two of them instead.

This is not a bronze game, and the opponent is not even an ordinary professional player, but a top player in a profession like SKT. It is not easy to fight back.

"Ya'er? Facing the siege of four people from SKT, Xia actually killed two of them?" PDD's shocked voice couldn't help but change: "How did you do this? Isn't it too perverted?"

"Wow! Is this the gold content of Brother Wenjian? One hits four and kills two, which is too heaven-defying! The key is the opponent or SKT? How did he do it?" the baby shouted The sound is louder than PDD.

"It's all in operation, IG has played their momentum, SKT must be upset now!" Miller raised his arms and uttered a deafening shout: "It's actually normal to be replaced by one in this wave, but it can be replaced by two , besides Wen Jian is really good, there must be some flaws in SKT's cooperation!"

"Okay...the replay is here, let's watch the replay! How did Xia fight back to kill the two...hahaha!" At the end, the baby's smile could hardly be concealed.

Everyone snorted and began to watch carefully!
I saw Xiaopao and Lulu pushing the line of troops under the tower, and the enchantress came from the river.

Xia stood under the tower and used WQ two skills to cooperate with the passive to start clearing the soldiers, but there were too many soldiers and Xia couldn't finish clearing.

On the contrary, Lulu and Yao Ji were obviously consumed by Xia's soldier-piercing feathers several times.

At this moment, Nightmare in the jungle activated his big move and came towards Xia Fei.

At the same time that Nightmare activated her big move, Yao Ji W stepped on Xia first!

Yao Ji didn't use any fancy combos, but an ordinary set of WQRE, which suppressed Xia's blood volume by more than half, and at the same time the defense tower began to attack Yao Ji.

However, Yao Ji is not afraid at all. He has a second-level W to go back, and a passive mirror to resist the attack of the defensive tower.

Xiaopao hooked up the E skill to Xia and started to level A. At the same time, the nightmare also flew over, and started to output Xia after holding the chain for Xia.

Faced with the output of the three people, Xia's blood volume suddenly dropped, but Xia opened the barrier at this time.

The damage that the barrier can resist is actually not much, but it is enough for Xia Duo to hit two flat A's to finish all the passive feathers.

Just at the moment when Xiaobao's 4th flat A was about to be hit to hit the explosion sparks, Xia activated her big move.

In the sound effect of flying feathers all over the sky, Xia's ultimate move not only successfully evaded the chains of Yao Ji and Nightmare, Xia also used flash at this time!

Xia flashed a distance to the outside of the tower, and stuck more than half of the casting range of her ult into the wall.

When Xayah's ultimate move enters the wall, the feathers will all overlap.

The reason why Lin Yuyu did this was of course to let Lulu suffer most of the damage from his ultimate move.

Lulu, who was already dissatisfied with blood, was consumed by Xia a few times just now, and now she got this big move again, with only the last trace of blood left, Xia can kill Lulu with a flat A!

Under such circumstances, Bang made a special choice in order to save Lulu's life!

Obviously, as long as a flat A can blow up Xia's E skill and kill Xia, Bang chose to use the big move to activate the E skill.

In Bang's view, as long as he pushes Xia away, Lulu will not die.


Atower was frantically pressing the E skill while releasing his ultimate move to adjust his orientation.

The moment Xia's big move disappeared, Xia used the E skill before being hit by the small cannon's big move!
Barb, trigger!
Xia's feathers were all pulled back!
At the same time, she followed Xia's body and flew backwards.

And because of the angle adjustment of the small movement of Xia's big move, Lulu was killed by the feather barb shot by Xia's big move.

At the same time, the barbs in other places controlled the enchantress under the tower.

This control was too deadly, causing Yao Ji's second-stage W to expire, and Yao Ji could only watch helplessly as she was beaten out.

At this time, Xia was already dead, and the defense tower continued to attack the enchantress.

Without flash or W, the witch can only run out of the attack range of the defense tower.

But it is too difficult to run out of the attack range...

After resisting the defense tower several times in a row, the overheated defense tower killed the enchantress with two attacks!

So far, Xia has completed a double kill!

 Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a monthly pass!After writing the second round tomorrow, only the last Bo1 is left to win the championship!

(End of this chapter)

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