Great warships

Chapter 633 I work, you pay

Chapter 633 I work, you pay

Once a nuclear submarine is killed, it is not only the safety of the crew on it and the loss of a submarine, but also the possibility of a terrible nuclear leak. This danger may continue to exist for tens of thousands of years in the future.

Therefore, after knowing the following situation, Qin Tao continued to ask this key question.

The sailor shook his head: "I don't know, I'm not behind."

What happened to the nuclear reactor, then you have to ask the engineer behind.

Back in time to the moment when the explosion happened, Alexi, the crew member in the engine room, trembled when he heard the huge explosion all over his body. What's going on?How could it suddenly explode?
He looked at the nuclear reactor behind him, gritted his teeth, closed the hatch, and locked himself in the engine room.

The noise in the engine room is very loud, and there may be radiation, so usually only one person stays inside to patrol, and the others are outside. At this time, Alexi closed the door and let the entire engine room completely cut off from the front.

He stared at the Geiger counter he carried on his body. If the number on it soared, the nuclear reactor had leaked. Fortunately, the value remained normal. He took a few deep breaths, hoping that there would be no second Chernobyl , and picked up the phone.

"Engineer room call, engine room call, what happened?"

No one answered him, and the command tower was also in chaos at this time. He put down the phone helplessly and felt the dynamics of the submarine.

Submarines are sinking, sinking!

At this time, if the sea water can be emptied immediately, will the submarine float up?Such a thought appeared in Alexi's mind, but this operation was out of his control, he continued to look at the row of buttons in front of him, should he emergency stop?
Sweat dripped from Yaresi's forehead. He felt his legs go weak, and he slowly leaned against the bulkhead and sat on the floor.

I don't know how long it took before the phone rang. He picked it up, and the captain's voice came from inside: "Engineer room, shut down the nuclear reactor immediately, and come to the control tower!"

"Yes, captain!" Alexi was overjoyed, he pulled the operating handle with his hand, and inside the reactor, the cadmium rods descended slowly, absorbing a large amount of neutrons, the chain reaction slowly decreased, and finally almost disappeared.

The reactor has cooled down.

Alexi struggled to open the cabin door, supported her body, and walked out of the engine room. At this time, the emergency power had been switched on, and the corridor lights also flickered.

When he came to the conning tower, he saw the captain Avakyants holding a pistol and pointing it at the head of the chief engineer.

"Ivan, you have let me down so much. At this critical moment, you are so scared that you want to run away. Do you still remember what your mission is?"

"Captain, it was my fault. When I heard the explosion, I thought I was going to die. I was terrified."

"Hmph, you're so cowardly, look at Alexi, you have completed the mission of your entire engineer by yourself!" Avakyantz withdrew his pistol: "I won't shoot you now, after you go up, you wait Go to court-martial!"

After finishing speaking, Avakyantz looked at Alexi: "Alexi, the lifeboat will be coming again soon, you follow this round of people up."

"Yes." Alexi wanted to raise his hands in salute, but his body softened and he collapsed there.

When the second round of rescue came, the sky was already dark, and the wind and waves on the sea became even bigger. When Alexi stood on the deck of No. 908 and reported to Nicholas, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. .

Alexi saved the nuclear reactor!
"The nuclear reactor is safe. Next, we should consider the issue of this submarine." Nikolai said with a gloomy face, "Whether we want to salvage it."

"I think the total cost of salvage at this depth will exceed [-] million." Qin Tao said: "It is not a small burden for you. And..."

"And if salvage is to be carried out, others will inevitably be alarmed, and the reputation of our navy will be slandered at that time." Nicholas said: "However, if this submarine is left underwater, it will always be a legacy."

This naval joint exercise is very important, and it is considered a sign of Da Mao's rejuvenation. What is the result?The torpedo on the submarine exploded, the submarine sank, and the sailors in the torpedo cabin were all killed. If this incident spreads, the whole world will probably see Da Mao as a joke!
So, what should they do?
"Until now, we haven't found the perpetrator. The damn Yankee will never admit it!" Nicholas was very annoyed.

"Even if they didn't find it, that's what they did. Now, it's up to Moscow to choose. If it is to settle the matter and treat it as if it never happened, then forget it. I won't say anything. If Moscow If you want to salvage, then, I have ideas to help solve the problems of reputation and funds.”

Nicholas was overjoyed immediately: "Qin, you have always had a lot of ideas, now, hurry up and talk about it!"

After hearing Qin Tao's plan, Nicholas's eyes sparkled: "Yes, your method is very good, I will report it immediately, and Moscow will definitely agree with your plan!"

This night is bound to be restless.

The eastern part of this sea area is the island country, and the people on the island country are also paying attention to this exercise.

For a long time, they have been trembling under the majesty of Lao Maozi's Pacific Fleet. Later, the Red Empire collapsed, and Da Mao's naval fleet became weaker and weaker. Their hearts were slowly let go, and their Eighty-Eight Fleet fought against Da Mao. It's getting more and more promising.

"Their exercise today is very strange." Masano Kazuken said: "Our early warning aircraft has been monitoring them. At the beginning, they were conducting a rescue exercise, but in the middle of the exercise, the ship that has been outside the exercise circle The No. 908 comprehensive supply ship became the focus, and later, they launched an anti-submarine formation. I don’t know what they are doing.”

"Our coastal monitoring system also monitored a weak seismic wave, which came from the location where they were practicing. I don't know what they are doing." Zhenwu Liangsen said.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with their underwater nuclear submarine?" Their superior leader Long Fu Wu Gengtian asked.

Something wrong with the nuclear submarine?Everyone's eyes brightened immediately: "If this is the case, we must publicize it and let the whole world know that the polar bear is getting weaker and weaker."

"Report, Moscow has broadcast a message to the outside world." While they were discussing, an adjutant hurried up.

"Release it."

A figure appeared on the TV screen.

"Today, we seriously protest against the malicious ramming and sinking of our nuclear submarine by the American nuclear submarine in the waters of the Peace 97 exercise!"

Underwater nuclear submarine crashed?

They were all stunned.

Underwater confrontation is blind, and it is definitely not the intention to hit it. In 92, Lao Maozi's 971 Sierra-class nuclear-powered attack submarine B-276 Kostroma was underwater from the American Baton Rouge The belly of the USS floated up, and directly gave the belly of the USS Baton Rouge to the top bar. The USS Costema only suffered damage to the conning tower.

In every collision, Lao Maozi's double-hull nuclear submarine has an advantage. How could it suffer a disadvantage in the collision this time?
"It was a sneak attack. They hit the bow of our submarine. At that time, our submarine carried a torpedo, which caused the torpedo to explode. Even in this case, our submarine still kept the middle and rear intact. With a strong multi-compartment structure and reserve buoyancy..."

sneak attack?

This is even more nonsense. It’s not like being on land under the water. It’s pitch black below, and no one can see anyone. Relying on sonar to search for the other party, the accuracy cannot be improved to the meter level. How can it be accurately hit? your head?
However, since Da Mao said so, it is useless to question it.Moreover, although it crashed and the torpedo exploded, the hull remained intact, and the strength of the big hairy submarine was still verified.

"Now, the nuclear reactor has also shut down, and the submarine is sitting on the bottom of the sea, waiting for rescue." The host is still telling the follow-up: "We strongly condemn..."

"Hmph, Da Mao also has today!"

"Anyway, the sinking of their nuclear submarine is a serious blow to them!"

"That's right, this is a symbol of Big Mao's weakness."

Everyone present was very happy, as if they had defeated Da Mao. Only Long Fu Wu Gengtian had a gloomy face: "Everyone, are your brains full of shit? Have you ever thought about it? The submarine has sunk. Did Da Mao have any?" Money salvage? If they don't salvage, what will we do?"

How to do?
Everyone reacted: "Are you afraid of nuclear radiation? What's so scary about it, our nuclear wastewater is planned..."

"Can it be the same? The nuclear wastewater will flow away and spread to the entire sea, so that the concentration will be reduced. Now, if that submarine is left in the sea area, it will be destroyed in the next few decades, hundreds of years, or even thousands of years. , we will all be affected by it! And, who knows if it has a nuclear warhead on it! Did you see it? It's Oscar grade!"

The shadow of a submarine appeared on the TV screen just now, but it was only fleeting. They didn't watch the details. Now, everyone is stunned.

The longer the time drags on, the worse the submarine soaks below, the more difficult it will be to salvage, and the higher the danger will be!
The biggest weapon of the Oscar-class nuclear submarine is the anti-ship missiles on both sides, and those anti-ship missiles can also carry nuclear warheads!
What if the nuclear warhead fails, or the nuclear warhead insurance fails, and it explodes suddenly?

"Damn it, Da Mao did this to force us coastal countries to help them clean up their garbage!" Longfu Wu Gengtian was extremely annoyed.

"Help them? Why? If we interfere with our ecology, we will claim compensation from them!" Zhenwu Liangsen said.

"Claims? Use your brains, they might pay us compensation? If you make them anxious, they dare to sink another scrapped submarine into that damned sea!" Long Fu Wu Gengtian said.

Everyone calmed down, and they had already thought of this ending. Now, instead of holding Da Mao accountable, they even offered money to help Da Mao salvage!
"We have to contact Kimchi Country. They are also coastal countries. They will also pay a sum of money for this salvage."

"They? They haven't recovered from the economic crisis."

"Then lend them the money first." Longfu Wu Gengtian said.

On the third day of the accident, the Pacific Fleet base.

"Mr. Nikolai, we hope that you can salvage that nuclear submarine as soon as possible to avoid accidents." Longfu Wu Gengtian appeared in the conference room of the base and made a formal request to Nikolai.

"We also want to salvage that submarine as soon as possible, but, as you know, we are short of cash. We have already asked, and salvage that submarine needs [-] million U.S. dollars."

"What, [-] million U.S. dollars?" Long Fu Wu Gengtian's eyes widened in surprise: "You are joking! At most [-] million U.S. dollars can complete the salvage work! Our domestic rescue team can carry out this kind of salvage mission."

"That's really great." Nicholas said: "Just, when you go down, you must pay attention to it, bring a qualified Geiger counter, and a professional medical ship, there must be a doctor for radiation sickness, and you must give them Buy enough insurance."

Long Fu Wu Gengtian came to his senses: Lao Maozi lied, the submarine was likely to be seriously damaged, maybe there was nuclear radiation!In this case, the salvage crew is taking too much risk!

He immediately gave up the idea of ​​helping salvage, and he should pay, at least he won't risk his life if he pays!
"We will bear 8000 million yuan, South Kimchi Country will bear 2000 million yuan, and the remaining [-] million yuan will be raised by you yourself. How about it? I hope you can salvage it as soon as possible! Don't delay it until next year."

Winter has come, and the wind is cold, so salvage will become more and more difficult. In a month or two, the sea may start to freeze, and we can only wait for the next year to salvage. Will there be any accidents to the submarine?No one knows.

"Well, we are also a responsible big country. Since you are willing to help provide half of the funds, we will try our best to raise the other half of the funds and complete the salvage as soon as possible." Nicholas said.

Qin's method is really good, and now the salvage funds are immediately available!
After seeing off Longfu Wu Gengtian, Nicholas walked briskly towards the pier.

After the exercise, the fleet from the East also moved to the home port of the Pacific Fleet. Here, the two sides conducted further friendly exchanges. Although the accident of K-442 made the exercise a little unpleasant, the follow-up was handled in a timely and proper manner. very grateful.

At this time, a large number of Da Mao officers were observing on the No. 138 destroyer.

"These vertically launched medium-range anti-aircraft missiles of yours are very similar to our Shijili missiles." An officer said.

"Yeah, it is indeed very similar. However, before we introduced the Hyundai-class destroyer, this HQ-16 missile had already been developed. Therefore, this should be called a hero who sees the same thing. Our technicians came to the same goal by different routes. technical route." Qin Tao introduced to everyone.

"That's right, different routes lead to the same goal, which means that our technicians' route is the best." Nicholas walked over and said to his subordinates: "Our vertical launchers are also cold launchers, and these are our best. Good choice."

"Nicolas, you're here." Qin Tao said, "How's the matter?"

"Everything is going well, let's continue admiring the boat. I've been too busy these days." Nicholas said, "I'm going to go to the bridge to have a look."

The most important part of a warship is the bridge. When the warship is open to the public, the bridge is usually closed, but now, treating old friends is different.

Nicholas had a request, and of course Qin Tao wanted to take him up, so a large group of people cheered and entered the bridge.

When they walked in, they were shocked.

The design here is completely different from theirs!A row of computers replaced the original chart table, looking at the flat LCD monitor, looking at the spotless keyboard and mouse, they were a little envious.

"You upgraded the combat command system of the entire warship?" Nicholas was also surprised.

"Yes, we replaced it with a brand new combat command system, which makes it easier to unify all weapons. When encountering a situation, it is convenient to allocate weapons reasonably to strike the enemy."

Although Da Mao's Kirov-class and Glorious-class carry a large number of weapons, these weapons are independent of each other. Long-range, medium-range and short-range air defense weapons are all fighting on their own. One of the reasons why the USS was sunk: the air defense radars on the warship all focused on the drones, and did not notice the sea-skimming missiles. Even weapons such as the AK630 close-in anti-aircraft guns did not respond, because the response time was serious. insufficient.

Lao Maozi's electronic technology is backward and cannot solve these problems, but the East is different. The East has advanced electronic technology and its integration capabilities are getting stronger and stronger. It is very powerful to integrate all kinds of weapons on the warship!
Before No. 138 came, the big guys still dismissed No. 138, but now, the weapons and equipment on No. 138 have completely convinced them. This warship is more useful than theirs!
"It would be great if our warships could undergo the same type of modification." Nicholas couldn't help but speak.

"Of course, you can take the Varyag to our shipyard for modification at any time," Qin Tao said.

Nikolai shook his head with a wry smile. Even if they raised enough funds, Moscow would not agree. This is definitely a slap in the face. A few years ago, the East still purchased warships from Da Mao. Now, they are going to the East Upgraded the warship?

I can't afford to lose this person.

"By the way, what are you going to do with the Chelyabinsk when you salvage it?"

Hearing this question, Nicholas frowned again.

"Since there has been an explosion and it has sunk to a depth of more than 1000 meters, it must be scrapped." Nicholas said: "However, in the cemetery of our nuclear submarines, there are more and more scrapped nuclear submarines. It’s too late to dismantle it!”

"If you don't have time to dismantle it, the Chelyabinsk can be handed over to us for help." Qin Tao said: "Since we are friends, we must help to the end."

You disassemble?

Nicholas shook his head: "The dismantling still needs a lot of money, Qin, even if this nuclear submarine is handed over to you for dismantling, we won't have the money to give you."

"You don't have money, but the West has money." Qin Tao said, "You should know what happened in the United States a while ago, right?"

"Of course I know. Now we read the book "Unrestricted Warfare" and found that it is really a masterpiece. This book accurately predicted this war! The enemy's war cannot be seen!" Nicholas was very emotional.

"After this incident, the eyes of Western countries began to change. These invisible enemies are more threatening to them." Qin Tao said: "At present, in your nuclear submarine cemetery, there are one to two hundred nuclear submarines, large and small. The nuclear reactor on it will become the target of some people. They lack the purification technology, but even if it cannot produce a nuclear explosion, it is enough to cause panic as a dirty bomb. You just need to explain this danger to the West, and they should able to donate.”

Nikolai's eyes brightened, they didn't spend money to salvage the nuclear submarine, and of course they couldn't spend money on dismantling the nuclear submarine!

"What if they don't pay?" one officer asked.

"No money? Then break the jar!" Qin Tao said: "Sink a scrapped nuclear submarine directly to the bottom of the sea, to the doorstep of Westerners, and see if they will give you money!"

This time it was an accident, and several countries along the coast were very worried. They hurriedly paid for Da Mao to salvage it. This is a good start!

Qin Tao said so, but there is a basis. In his original time and space, Da Mao asked the West for tens of billions of funds to dismantle and dispose of nuclear submarines, but the West gritted his teeth and promised to give the money, but the money has not arrived. , As a result, Da Mao became impatient. In 2003, the Type 627A nuclear submarine K-159 was sunk directly in the sea. The location was twelve nautical miles away from the coastline of a certain country. Prepared for a rainy day, the level of panic is comparable to that of Chernobyl in 1986.

Now, Qin Tao just took out what Lao Maozi had done, and immediately woke up Lao Maozi.

Nicholas nodded: "That's right, Qin, you're right. Let's take this opportunity to talk to them. If they don't pay you, don't blame us for being rude!"

Nicholas felt confident.

The officers of the Eastern Navy present at Qin Tao changed their eyes. They all said that Mr. Qin is awesome. In the past, they only heard about it, but now they finally understand how defiant Mr. Qin is!
Only Mr. Qin can come up with this kind of idea, which is really bad enough.

However, none of them dared to speak out, and this was a compliment to Mr. Qin, not a belittle.

Da Mao finished visiting the warships of the East, and then the officers of the East visited Da Mao’s warships. When everyone boarded the Varyag, they suddenly realized that it was like returning to decades ago. The layout inside was somewhat similar to that of our own side. The Type 051 destroyer from decades ago has a retro feel.

The rusty warship has a feeling of vicissitudes. This warship should indeed be upgraded in the dock!

(End of this chapter)

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