Great warships

Chapter 688 We Are a Responsible Multinational Group

Chapter 688 We Are a Responsible Multinational Group

"No, the efficiency of this excavator is too low, if only we had a dredger!" Derby said anxiously.

"Yeah, it would be great if there was a dredger! Doesn't the Eastern Mingzhou Group have the most powerful dredger in the world? Invite them, needless to say, help this cargo ship get out of trouble, even if it is a new excavation A canal is not a big deal." Walid said: "Quickly, contact Mingzhou Group and invite their dredgers over!"

In the past, it was only blocked for a few hours at most. Now, it has been blocked for three days. Seeing that they cannot continue to pass and the losses are increasing, they are completely anxious.

Waleed's mood was even more tense, the higher-ups had already issued a death order, and if the delay continued, Waleed's position would be exhausted.

This position is a fat job. If some freighters want to jump in line, they have to give him a gift!Although every person in charge will end badly, no one can resist the temptation of money, and Walid is the same, but the method is more secretive, and it must not be known to outsiders.

Now, the canal is blocked, and his fat job is afraid of flying.

"Mingzhou Group's dredger? If there is no fee of 200 million US dollars, I'm afraid I can't get it. Moreover, if they rush over, it may take more than ten days. We can't afford to wait here." Derby said .

Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group is cheering for the North Pole route. They may not support this project. Besides, even if they spend a huge amount of money to invite them, they may not have time. If they have time, they have to hurry.

Therefore, the dredgers of Mingzhou Group are not good enough, they can only hire other dredgers.

"Really?" Waleed also hesitated. The dredger of Mingzhou Group is the most powerful, but that dredger is as high as the sky and the emperor is far away. In this case, he can only give up.


"Then hire other dredgers, fast, fast! Don't be afraid to spend money, all the expenses will be borne by the owner of the Tropical Glory!"

This ship got into a catastrophe and brought big troubles to the world's economy. Countries all over the world are entitled to claim compensation. Of course, they don't have the ability to do so, and the shipowner can't afford it. However, the management of the canal The situation is different. After the ship is rescued, it must be detained when it leaves the canal. This time, hundreds of millions of compensation will be required. Anyway, it will be paid by the insurance company.

Our own losses are too great!

Derby ran to make contact.

There are still dredgers nearby, although the price is equally expensive. Although the power of the dredger is not large, it is faster than the excavator. In this way, the dredger worked for a day, and on the fourth day when the channel was blocked In the evening, we ushered in an exciting moment.

"Please rest assured that we will be able to complete the rescue of the Tropical Glory today, and the canal will be dredged soon. Our canal management office has full confidence! Of course, we are deeply sorry for the losses caused to the shipowners in the past few days. , Next, we will pursue the relevant responsibilities and ensure that similar incidents will not happen again." Waleed stood in front of the TV cameras and made a promise to the world.

Just behind him, more than a dozen tugboats are ready, some pulling on the starboard side, some pushing on the port side, working together, with the bottom silt cleared, dispatched at the critical moment of high tide, must complete This escape operation!

Countless gazes and several cameras are watching here. Under their attention, the hull of the huge Tropical Glory finally started to move. Although the movement is relatively small, it is also full of excitement. expect.

This is a good beginning!
Walid held his breath and stared at the hull, watching it move little by little, ten centimeters, twenty centimeters, fifty centimeters, one meter!
"Okay, we can definitely get out of trouble!" Walid let out a long breath. According to their previous operating experience, it should be considered successful. If we knew that it would take such a lot of effort, we shouldn't be too rash in the first place. It's a pity. ah!
With self-blame still in Waleed's heart, the cargo ship continued to move outward, two meters, three meters, five meters, ten meters!
The freighter finally left the stranded river bank!

"Successful, we succeeded!" Walid was very excited: "Our shipping route will be restored soon! Now, the tugboat is evacuated and the freighter is allowed to go out. It's time for us to talk about the issue of compensation!"

The blocking time this time was too long, which made it almost difficult for him to explain, so he took the blame and resigned. Fortunately, it was finally over, and an inexplicable excitement surged in his heart.

A gust of wind blew, carrying the fresh, damp smell of the Mediterranean, and he took a deep breath.

and many more!

what happened?

Why did the bow of that freighter start to move?
Oh damn!
Waleed yelled angrily: "Tugboat, come on, tugboat is in position, control that boat!"

What do you mean by God's help?
The Tropical Glory, which had already escaped from trouble, continued to drift towards the original stranded position under the blowing of the wind!

Not only the wind, but also various influences such as ocean currents. In fact, if the Tropical Glory's own engine starts and starts sailing, this crosswind will not be able to affect it at all.

But now, under the influence of sea breeze, ocean current, and the extra water flow brought by the excavated place, under the eyes of everyone, Tropical Glory has returned to its original position again!
(This is not the nonsense of the hero of East China. The container ship Changci recently got out of trouble on the 29th, and was blown back to its original position by a demon wind!)

Walid only felt his knees go limp, and then he knelt there unexpectedly.

There is no way, he really knelt down, God is playing with him!

When the tugboat came over, it was already too late, the tide had already started to ebb, and the water surface dropped, revealing the bow of the Tropical Glory. It was stranded this time closer to the shore than last time. The ditch dug has become a further step for it!

Damn it, this is a big trouble!

The other people stared wide-eyed, watching this unbelievable scene, the engine of the freighter has not started yet, so these actions are not done by the freighter, is this God's arrangement?
The crew members who were still waiting on the freighters on both sides were also stunned when they got the news.

What?It was already dragged out, but in the end, a gust of evil wind blew back?
Is this God's will to prevent everyone from advancing on this route?
No, there should be a mysterious person with supernatural powers who used supernatural powers to do it!

There are various speculations, but one ending is obvious: they can only continue to wait, it is better to detour around the Cape of Good Hope!
If they had decided to bypass the Cape of Good Hope from the very beginning, they would have already passed the Cape of Good Hope and sailed on the Atlantic Ocean. Every day they were delayed, they would lose one more day. Now Europe is eagerly waiting for their cargo!

"I heard that the cargo ship on the Arctic route is running smoothly."

"That's right, as long as you hire an icebreaker, you can travel normally on the Arctic route. Going there will save a lot of fuel. If more than ten cargo ships form a fleet and jointly hire an icebreaker, the cost of hiring will also be higher. It will be cheap, about the same as going through the Suez Canal."

How about taking the Arctic route on the next trip?
Many people were tempted.

Especially those shipowners, all turned their attention to the North Pole. Although there are still many disputes there, for example, whether the shipping route belongs to Da Mao or the public, but Da Mao does not require tolls and allows everyone to sail for free. It's just hiring an icebreaker, and they can still accept this kind of cost.

At this time, on the Arctic route, the fleet is still advancing normally, continuing to advance towards Europe. After Qin Tao and Nicholas made a show, they returned to the Far East base. On the one hand, this is Nicholas’ hometown. On the other hand, Qin Tao had to pass through the Far East if he wanted to return to China, so the two revisited their old places.

In that familiar tavern, the two raised vodka again.

"God is helping us." Nicholas said, "The freighter was already out of trouble, but who would have thought that it would go in again!"

For the Pyramid Kingdom, this is a tragedy. The canals continue to be blocked, and the world's shipping is not smooth. Once bitten by a snake for ten years, I am afraid of well ropes. Many cargo ships may change their routes. How can they collect tolls in the future? ?
"Yeah, this kind of thing is definitely not something human can do." Qin Tao said: "It's too fragile there, I can't stand it anymore, and our Mingzhou Group will issue a statement."

"What statement?"

"Of course it's helping, we want to contribute to the development of the world economy." Qin Tao said.

"I thought you were going to strongly recommend the Arctic route." Nicholas was a little dissatisfied.

"The Arctic shipping route is not year-round. In winter, this shipping route will be impassable. Our ships still have to go through the Suez Canal. We cannot be blacklisted by the Pyramid State. Moreover, our Mingzhou Group has a business with the Pyramid State We even build diesel-electric submarines for them, this goodwill must be released.”

"Whatever you want." Nicholas raised his glass: "Next, let's go to the mining area?"

"it is good."

Just after the Tropical Glory ran aground again, Mingzhou Group publicly issued a statement, Qin Baoshan was in front of the TV camera with a kind face.

"Our Mingzhou Group is paying close attention to this accident of the Suez Canal. As a group with the most advanced dredgers in the world, we are willing to extend our hand of friendship. As long as the Canal Administration sends an invitation, we are willing to send our We don’t charge any fees for the dredgers moving over to help clear the waterway! As a well-known multinational group, we want to contribute to the development of the world economy!"

The current Qin Baoshan has already retreated to the second line, but it is not bad to be introduced as a press spokesman now. His kind face immediately aroused the goodwill of the whole world.

Look, this is the style of Mingzhou Group. Their rise is not unreasonable. They are very concerned about the economic development of the world!
Look at the financial turmoil last year, those hateful capitalists were thinking about how to plunder the wealth of the world, and Mingzhou Group was thinking about how to benefit all mankind!
For a time, there were countless reputations. After receiving the news, the Canal Management Office made a decision half an hour later: Thank you for the strong support of Mingzhou Group, and we look forward to the dredgers of Mingzhou Group coming as soon as possible !
It doesn't matter how long it takes him to come, or whether the river has been dredged here before he comes, in short, as long as the Mingzhou Group is willing to come, and it's free, of course they will applaud and welcome!

Good stuff for free, isn't it delicious?

When Qin Tao returned to Mingzhou Group, everyone was still talking about this matter.

"Mr. Qin, the cost of our dredger dispatch is very expensive. Now, just for this false name, why don't we go all the way to help?"

"Yes, the key is still free. We lost at least 500 million this trip back and forth!"

How many people are staring at the island-making artifact of Mingzhou Group, and how many people want to order it but can't. Now, Mingzhou Group actually sends this kind of thing over?This is too inconsistent with one's own interests, even if one is a good person, this is not the way to be one!

Hearing everyone's words, Qin Tao smiled: "The most expensive things are free ones, don't you know that?"

At the beginning, Lao Maozi wanted to give Ah San aircraft carrier free of charge, as long as the modification fee was attached, what happened?Didn't the result cost a fortune?
The price is clearly marked, and there is no deception. If you don’t spend money, you can take advantage. How can there be such a reason in the world!Those low-priced tour groups, whose prices are so low that they don’t even have enough accommodation and fares, think about it and know there is a problem.

At this time, when Qin Tao said this, everyone realized: "Mr. Qin, is our dredger going there to make a lot of money?"

"Yeah, the river is blocked repeatedly, which means that it is not enough at all and needs to be widened. The dredgers of our Mingzhou Group have passed by, and of course it can help to widen the channel." Qin Tao said: "Help the Tropical Glory get out of trouble. , we don’t need to charge, but to help widen the river, it will definitely cost money.”

Everyone's eyes brightened.

"So now, our task is to build momentum!" Yang Dawei said: "President Qin, shall we continue to ask Zhang Zhong to help?"

"This is inappropriate. Zhang Zhong has a great influence, but at the same time, he has also imprinted our brand. This project should be discussed by foreigners, especially those who are deeply affected by the blockage of the air route."

"That's right, if there is a trend in Europe to widen the canal, the Pyramid Kingdom can only agree." Cong Ju said, "It's just that if the canal is widened, it will conflict with our Arctic route plan! "

Because the canal is blocked, ship owners will choose the Arctic route. If the canal is unimpeded, who else will go to the North Pole?After all, it's too cold there, and there are no suitable ports along the way. Once something goes wrong, you can only wait for death.

"No contradiction." Qin Tao shook his head: "You don't think that if the canal is widened, it won't be blocked?"

If it is widened to two-way traffic and completely becomes a big river, then there is really no problem, but, does the pyramid country have so much money?
Therefore, after building momentum, in order to appease everyone's anger and show their responsibility for the air route, the Pyramid Kingdom will definitely expand it, but this is only symbolic. At best, it is to expand the navigation capacity of 20 tons to 30 tons. It may even be only 24 tons, which is the project launched in 2015. Even if this kind of canal is widened, it will still be blocked as needed.

Therefore, the Arctic route is still needed, and the so-called Mingzhou Group in the world applauds the canal being blocked, and the statement that the Mingzhou Group is vigorously promoting the Arctic route will also be self-defeating.

We Mingzhou Group are responsible, we are the most responsible and responsible multinational enterprise in the world!
Money has also been earned, and the reputation has also improved. This is definitely a double gain of fame and fortune.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, the big guy finally smiled. Mr. Qin is right, of course Mr. Qin will come up with the best plan!

Their actions were swift, and just as the dredgers had just crossed the Strait of Malacca, Western media began to express their opinions one after another.

"We believe that the Suez Canal must continue to be widened in order to maintain the smooth flow of the canal. As the ships passing through the Suez Canal become larger and larger, the risk of the route being blocked is also increasing. After all, these ships are very heavy. It was difficult to move, just like this time, the freighter had already been pushed out, but when a gust of wind blew, the freighter returned to its original position!"

"The widening of the sea route is very necessary, and now there is a good opportunity. The Tianjing dredger of Mingzhou Group has shown a huge advantage in reclamation and island construction. If this dredger is used to widen the As for the waterway, it may take up to a month to expand the Suez Canal to a sufficient width. After all, this is the largest dredger in the world!"

If you look at the list of dredgers in later generations, the Sky Whale has just entered the top ten. However, you can look at the dredgers ahead of it. They were all built after the new millennium. As for the ranking The ship at the top of the list was only built in 17.Now, the Sky Whale is well-deserved, not only the number one in Asia, but also the number one in the world.

"However, if this kind of dredger can come to the rescue, it is already very good to clear the navigation route. If it is used to widen the navigation route, it must be charged. The daily rent of this level of dredger is as high as hundreds of dollars. However, for the Pyramid country, this is also worth it. If the previous method is used to widen the air route, the cost may be ten times that, and, more importantly, the previous method will be very time-consuming. At least half a year, as much as one or two years, and, during this period, the canal is still unnavigable."

This is the advantage brought by advanced machinery and equipment. Needless to say, digging canals, even farmers who grow grapes have long been too lazy to pick up shovels to dig grape ditches, and can directly dig out grape ditches with small excavators.

This kind of news continued to spread, and soon aroused a wave of discussion in Europe, Asia, and America. Many experts and scholars began to discuss the use of dredgers to dig waterways. They themselves are the engineering directors.

Even ordinary citizens may discuss the widening project of this canal after dinner.

Poor Waleed has already taken the blame and resigned, and he was replaced by Osama. This guy is not happy because he originally had a higher authority, but he was also demoted because he was implicated in the canal. Head of the Canal Administration.

This is enough for him to be depressed, but since he is here, of course he has to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Derby is still working here. At this time, he carefully introduced the reason for the failure of the last operation to Osama.

"Damn it, why did this happen? They were rescued, but they were blown back by a gust of wind?" Osama was very annoyed.

"Yes, Mr. Osama, we analyzed it after the fact. The air, water flow, and additional undercurrents combined to cause this result. Of course, the main problem is that we don't have a powerful tugboat. Therefore, in the Before Mr. Walid left, we had already hired a high-powered tugboat, which is expected to be in place the day after tomorrow, and now we continue to dredge according to the previous plan."

"The day after tomorrow? Can we clear the channel the day after tomorrow?"

"I don't know." Derby couldn't guarantee it. After all, no one can guarantee that what happened last time will not happen again. It's too evil.

"do not know?"

"The worst possibility is to continue to wait. When the dredger from the east arrives, it will definitely be fine. It can clean up all the silt near the Tropical Glory."

"That time is too long. Every day we delay, we will lose a lot of money and expose our incompetence. Therefore, we should continue digging according to the original plan and hope everything goes well." Although Osama was annoyed, However, he didn't get angry with his subordinates either. After all, he also knew that this could not be solved by anger. His subordinates had tried their best. If something happened, it was God's will.

The canal is still blocked, and most of the cargo ships have not turned around. They are expecting the situation to improve, and as time goes by, more and more ships are blocked.

Not only in the Red Sea, but also in the waters of the Gulf of Aden, there are ships waiting.

"We must protect the safety of the cargo ship! If there is a need, we can send marines on it! For us, this is an exam, and we must hand in full marks!"

In the escort formation, the voice of Captain Du Yu of No. 112 echoed in everyone's mind.

Crisis also brings opportunity!

Normally, the cargo ship is in motion. Now, the cargo ship can only anchor, so the possibility of pirate attack is higher and it is easier to succeed. Therefore, according to the original plan, they can send a few soldiers of the Marine Corps to board the ship. Freighter, provide protection!
If the pirates board the boat again, they will no longer be greeted by high-pressure water guns, burning wine bottles and the like, but by bullets from Type 95 rifles!

(End of this chapter)

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