Great warships

Chapter 697 Starlink

Chapter 697 Starlink
If it were a normal chief teacher, he would definitely shake his head again and again. Impossible, how is it possible, our rocket will never explode!

However, Max is an honest man. To be honest, no matter how careful you are in the design stage and the construction stage, there may be accidents during the launch. Any small accident may explode.

In particular, in order to pursue a near-Earth carrying capacity of [-] tons, their rocket installed eighteen engines on the first-stage rocket, and six engines on the second-stage rocket. If so many rocket engines are connected in parallel, the failure rate will be higher .

"If it is going to explode, the company may face a lot of pressure." Qin Tao said: "You also know that in our country, aerospace is run by the government, and this is the first time privately engaged in aerospace. In our words, it is only allowed to succeed and not allowed to fail.”

A trace of doubt flashed on Max's face: "Mr. Qin, you promised me before that you can give us sufficient financial guarantee!"

"Yes, I promised, but it is also based on success. If the rocket explodes, our investment will be in vain. Our entire group has more than a dozen subsidiaries and tens of thousands of people. Their eyes are watching, and they will definitely put a lot of pressure on me. I personally support Starship, because my dream is to land on Mars, but, you know, I can't just go my own way. "

Aerospace is a waste of money, so in the past, it was all done by the state. After all, only the state can continue to invest regardless of the cost.Rocket launch failures are also common, especially for a brand new rocket. It must be good to say that the first launch can be a complete success. However, if it fails, it is also normal. If it fails, try again. After all, failure is the mother of success.

In particular, they have to master the technology of rocket recovery, and they have to experience how many failures they have to go through before they can land the rockets that have been launched.

Mr. Qin won't allow even one failure?How can this be?

At this time, Max's expression was very ugly. He even wanted to slap his ass and leave, but if he left, where would he find a company willing to invest in him?If he started his own business, he would start from scratch. Now that he has created such a big battle, it would be too difficult for him to throw everything away and start again!
Max didn't want to leave everything here, so he looked at Qin Tao again: "Boss Qin, is there no other way?"

"There is one way." Qin Tao said: "We can start a profitable project. If our rocket is just a test launch, it would be too wasteful. We want to launch a satellite. We have a carrying capacity of [-] tons. We can Launch lots of satellites."

Max shook his head: "It can be launched in the later stage, but now, it is too difficult to launch the satellite with the first rocket. There is no company in the world to insure us. Once it fails, the insurance company will lose a lot of money. The risk is too high gone."

"It can be in the later stage, but we have to publicize it now, so that even if the first rocket fails, the group can see the future. We have to make money to start a starship company." Qin Tao said.

"Well, that's fine, then, let's contact Commercial Launch now?"

"Even if there is an insurance company willing to insure the satellites we launch, do you think there will be satellite companies willing to give us their precious satellites?"

Qin Tao's question made Max ponder again, yes, Mr. Qin is right!Many ideas of their starship company are not recognized by others. Even if they engage in repetitive rockets to reduce costs, no company dares to be the first to eat crabs and hand over their precious satellites to the starship company for launch. After all, even if they got the premium, they were wasting time!For a company operating normally, it cannot wait for the second satellite to be manufactured, and the compensation is not enough for the loss during this period.

"Then what should we do?" Max was depressed again.

"We build it ourselves." Qin Tao said, "We build satellites and launch them ourselves, so we don't have to worry about these problems."

Make it yourself?Max frowned. It is not so easy to build a satellite by yourself. It is also starting from scratch, and it will cost a lot of money. Moreover, what are satellites for?
"Mr. Max, have you noticed that the Internet is very hot recently?" Qin Tao asked Max.

Why did you suddenly change the subject?
Max was very curious, but he thought for a while, and answered honestly: "The Internet has become a global facility, and the business prospect of the Internet is very promising. At present, the United States is building an information superhighway, which will become a technological revolution." , not only let the technology of the United States develop, but also the economy of the United States has developed greatly, and we have achieved fiscal surplus for the first time."

This is a great era, an era of rare economic development and financial prosperity, thanks to the information superhighway plan.

The existing communication network is from the telephone era, so it has to be changed. High-speed optical fiber should be used to build an advanced national information infrastructure. The seamless network of information volume, this information revolution will completely change the way and method of people's life, work and mutual communication.

For people in the 90s, it is difficult to think that they can work, shop, entertain and so on on the Internet.

"So, do you think it is more appropriate to build this network on the ground, or in space?" Qin Tao asked.

Max suddenly understood, and immediately became excited.

"The network on the ground is vulnerable to natural disasters. For example, during floods and earthquakes, the network is most needed to deliver messages, but it is not available." Max said: "If a network system is established in the sky, it can be used anytime, anywhere. With network access, the coverage is wider! Whether it is a mountain, a sea, or a polar region, you will have reliable Internet services, which will be a new revolution! This is much more advanced than maritime satellites!"

Maritime Satellite Network is a communication system that was put into use in the early 90s. It utilizes the limited 34MHz bandwidth frequency resources and provides services for nearly 15 communication terminals all over the world.On the vast sea, it can provide stable voice communication, data service, and interoperability with the public telephone network.Even if it is expensive, it is necessary for maritime communication.

However, it was still too slow, providing only simple voice and data services, not providing the speed required by the Internet at all, and there were very few access terminals.

If there is a global satellite Internet, it will completely change the whole world!
Max saw its commercial prospects at a glance. After all, Max made this thing in the first place!
"Mr. Qin, if it is such a project, I think it is impossible to rely on synchronous satellites in space. Satellites in geosynchronous orbits such as maritime satellites simply cannot meet the needs of accessing the Internet anytime and anywhere. We want To provide a stable network connection, there must be a large number of satellites." Max began to plan: "At least tens of thousands of satellites are needed, so that there will be satellites flying over any sky anytime, anywhere!"

Maritime satellites are currently the most advanced civil communication system. In the first generation, only one was launched over the three oceans. In this way, there is no problem at low and middle latitudes. It is difficult to have a signal at high latitudes. In the second generation, The third generation is still the same plan, but the number of satellites is just a few more, and these satellites cannot cover the whole world, especially the north and south poles.

Max likes to play the big ones the most, just like now, when it comes to this kind of advanced satellites serving the Internet, he immediately started to play it endlessly.

"That's right, that's what I thought too. However, [-] is just the initial networking. In the later stage, tens of thousands more will be added. I think at least [-] will be enough."

"That's right, [-], which is the same as the circumference of the earth's equator!" Max became excited: "Mr. Qin, you really know me best!"

Qin Tao smiled, yes, he really knows Max best.

"These satellites are all deployed in low-earth orbit, so it is easiest to send and receive signals." Max said.

"NO, NO, NO." Qin Tao said three nos in a row: "In low-earth orbit, it is easily affected by the atmosphere. The lifespan of a satellite in orbit may only be a few months. We can't waste precious satellites. We want to increase the height of the orbit, and the middle orbit is the most suitable."

Generally speaking, the altitude below [-] meters is low-Earth orbit, which is relatively low, so it is easy to launch. Many spacecraft fly in low orbit, including the famous space station. However, because The orbit is low, so it will be affected by the thin air, and the speed will become lower and lower until it finally falls into the atmosphere. The space station often needs to start the engine to adjust the orbit. If there is no fuel, it will soon fall into the atmosphere.

Satellites in medium and high orbits generally have an altitude of more than [-] kilometers. In this orbit, the thin air is almost as thin as a vacuum. Therefore, satellites can fly in orbit for a long time, and their lifespan may be several years.

No matter how high it is, it is a geosynchronous satellite. In order to synchronize with the earth, there is no way but to launch it above the equator at [-] kilometers.

"However, medium and high orbits will cause signal delays and the user experience will be worse." Max still firmly believes in him.

"Then let's make a compromise, a part of the low orbit, and a part of the middle and high orbit, which not only takes care of the user's experience, but also takes care of the lifespan. After all, we want to make money and have profitability." Qin Tao said: "What do you think? How about it?"

Max nodded: "Okay, then it's up to you, anyway, our starship has enough thrust, even if it is in the middle orbit, we can launch dozens of them at a time!"

Their low-earth orbit carrying capacity is [-] tons, and the medium orbit has to be [-] tons. Even if it is one ton, they can launch [-].

"No, we can launch hundreds of satellites at a time. If we want to realize the plan of tens of thousands of satellites, we have to reduce the weight of the satellites. The weight of each satellite should not exceed [-] kilograms, which is more convenient for our assembly line production."

Now, who dares to say that satellites can be produced with assembly lines?Satellites are high-tech, and if a part fails, it will cause heavy losses. There are too many such accidents encountered in aerospace systems.

But now, the network satellites that Qin Tao and the others want to build need tens of thousands of them, so they must be produced in a streamlined manner. If they are too big, the investment in the construction of the assembly line will be too large. Therefore, a small size is suitable. Production.

And, the smaller the size, the cheaper it is.

Max nodded: "That's right, there are hundreds of them, and we want to create the world's number one! Mr. Qin, please give this project a name?"

At present, there are two stars with one arrow at most, or three stars with one arrow. Which rocket in the world can launch hundreds of satellites at a time?We don't care about the size, it depends on the quantity!

Anyway, this kind of satellite does not need precise timing service, and does not need to have a definite orbit. There are so many satellites in space, just like herding sheep, just go and graze. The orbital height of the satellite only needs to be fixed, and the specific orbital parameters are completely arbitrary. When launching, just adjust the angle of the rocket every time one is launched, or even the rocket keeps turning, like a fan surface, just sprinkle the satellites out!

For such a huge plan, it must have a nice name.

"What do you think is the right name?" Qin Tao restrained his urge to report the name of Starlink, or let Max say it. In this way, the whole plan is led by Max. Even if foreigners want trouble, they are looking for it. Max this foreigner's trouble.

Max has a great influence in the science and technology industry, and now he has become the godfather in the aerospace field. The goal of Starship Company is Mars, which has become a topic that the world talks about. Now, they want to build Starlink to benefit the world. , There will definitely be countless people supporting it.

"How about calling it Starlink? Our tens of thousands of satellites will build a chain of information transmission in space and on the ground." Max said.

"Okay, then we are called Starlink, Max, how about we draft a project statement and announce it to the world?"

"Now? Is this a bit too fast?" Max was a little unprepared.

"Fast? Why is it soon? We are building starships, and we want to conquer space, and companies will follow soon. Now, if we want to build Starlink, maybe other companies will also have ideas. We must be fast, we must Explain to the world that we are original." Qin Tao said: "Moreover, this is also beneficial to our group's investment. In case the starship launch fails this time, we can also use the Starlink project to continue to inject funds."

Mingzhou Group has money, but the money cannot be invested endlessly in a subsidiary that can only spend money. Now, Starship Corporation wants to prove its strength and show a bright future. The current maritime satellite communication network is still powerful, and a space information highway will be established!Each satellite is a super-sized WiFi!
This project must be launched as soon as possible, even if it is only announced to the outside world first, to prove that Starship Company is original, which is also good.

Max nodded: "Okay, then let's do it right away. On the eve of the launch of our Starship MK1, we drafted this project to show that our starship company's profitability is very strong!"

"That's right, that's it." Qin Tao said, "Do it now!"

this afternoon.

The rocket made of stainless steel has appeared in front of the world for the first time. At the open gate of the assembly workshop, countless reporters aimed at the unique rocket. Advanced rockets that will appear.

"Everyone, I am very glad that you can come here and participate in our rocket transfer ceremony. We will transfer the rocket from the vertical state through the rail vehicle from the assembly workshop to the launch pad. When the time is right, our rocket will be launched. Launch." Max stood in front of countless microphones, looked at the countless shots below, and smiled: "This is a new journey. We will use Starship MK1 to verify the launch and recovery technology. This is what we want to enter. The first step on Mars, at the same time, we will also select a group of astronauts to land on Mars!"

The following is very exciting.

Ever since the manned moon landings ended in the 70s and [-]s, many people thought that humans would land on Mars within the next decade and colonize the entire solar system.However, the facts surprised everyone. Since then, not only have humans not landed on Mars, but even returning to the moon has become a luxury. The Red Empire collapsed, and the US space department has become more and more bloated and inefficient. I no longer have the vigor I once had.

Now, there is finally a private rocket company going to Mars, and the future landing on Mars can only be entrusted to private aerospace companies!
"At the same time, our company will launch a brand new plan." Max continued: "In order to benefit mankind and allow mankind to use the advanced Internet anytime, anywhere, we decided to carry out the Starlink project."


The reporters were stunned for a moment, and then realized: This will be a brand new plan. Starship is indeed a high-tech company, and has repeatedly proposed refreshing plans!

"We will deploy tens of thousands of satellites in the low and medium orbits of the earth. These satellites receive ground signals and send corresponding network content. We will initially deploy 1.2 satellites and plan to complete them from 99 to 04. These satellites form a star chain to provide advanced Internet services, and any location on the earth, whether it is a boundless desert or an ocean, whether it is the North Pole or the South Pole, will receive the signal sent by our star chain satellites!"

There was a commotion below.

1.2, what does this mean?It will be more than the sum of all the satellites launched from the first satellite to the present!How many satellites are in space now?A thousand?Absolutely no more than two thousand, just a fraction of the star chain!
"Among them, 1584 satellites are deployed at an altitude of 550 kilometers above the earth. They are mainly used to improve the quality of the network. The remaining 1 satellites are arranged at an orbital altitude of about [-] meters. These satellites will become Starlink satellites. Backbone. We expect that after the launch of these satellites, countries will not need to spend a lot of effort to build the ground Internet system, as long as you open an account, you can use our advanced Starlink satellites!"

Regardless of whether it can be realized or not, let's talk about it first. This way, a large amount of funds will definitely be raised, and their starship company will have sufficient funds to carry out the research.

The reporters were in shock and hadn't figured out what this meant, but Max had already continued to introduce.

"This is just the beginning. In order to provide better services and meet the plan of connecting hundreds of millions of terminals to our Starlink network, we will launch [-] satellites in the future. The total number of Starlink satellites will exceed [-]. A more stable space network system!"

1 is just an appetizer!

Building the Internet on the ground requires burying a large number of optical fibers and traversing various complex terrains. It is difficult to cover the entire country, let alone oceans and polar regions. The Internet in space can easily do this.

This explosive news spread all over the world that afternoon!
The information highway in the United States has just begun to be laid, and the Internet in the East is only limited to the first group of people, schools, Internet cafes, institutions, etc. that have become rich, and has not yet spread to the families of ordinary people. At this time, Starlink The company is about to create a Starlink project covering the world, so that users anywhere in the world can access the Internet anytime, anywhere. What a spectacular plan this is!

Many people are excited.

At the Starship Company, Qin Tao finished his day's work and took his wife to the beach near the company. The place has not been developed yet, and it is relatively secluded. Zhao Ling feels the rare tranquility while sunbathing.

"Brother Tao, I'm afraid this is going to stir up a storm in the world, right?"

"Yes, our place is about to become a vortex of a storm." Qin Tao said.

"So, is it possible for us to succeed?"

"How do you look at it? Under the joint strangling of those aerospace giants, the Starlink project will definitely go bankrupt, but they also have to make concessions during the negotiation. If they dare to insist on strangling our Beidou, Then we will not back down, even if this space is full of garbage, we must continue the Starlink project! Could it be that they can come over with a missile and destroy our starship company?"

"For Beidou, isn't our sacrifice a bit big?"

"So let Max take the blame. He proposed the plan, and he is a person who likes to dig into the horns." Qin Tao said: "Once you decide on one thing, you will never turn back. So, let's first Take a vacation here and let Max draw the fire."

"Brother Tao, what do you think of this Starlink project?"

"If it is our company's product, then of course we have to support it. If it is another company's product, then we will strongly oppose it. After all, this thing is too much of a threat to space."

(End of this chapter)

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