Great warships

Chapter 707 The Old Bus Wants to Buy a Submarine

Chapter 707 The Old Bus Wants to Buy a Submarine

"Mr. Qin, good news!" Qin Tao just finished his trip to the capital and returned to Mingzhou. Zhao Ling, who came back one step earlier, greeted him with a smile: "The 039B submarine we produced is famous!"

famous?Qin Tao was also a little curious: "Why are you famous?"

"During the joint military exercise with the US aircraft carrier formation, this submarine successfully broke through the opponent's heavy defenses, rushed to the front of the US aircraft carrier and then floated up, which shocked them!" Zhao Ling said excitedly: " Now, it is being rumored internationally that only our submarines can do it, and other submarines simply cannot confront the US aircraft carrier."

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "Every weapon and equipment produced by our Mingzhou Group is the most advanced. They can all play a huge role in future naval battles! Taking advantage of this opportunity, let's promote it well. A wave."

The 039B was originally a foreign trade submarine. Taking advantage of this Dongfeng, selling another wave will definitely increase our orders.It seems that it is time for Mingzhou Group to prepare for the construction of its third domestic shipyard.

Originally, there was only a local shipyard in Mingzhou in China. Later, it jointly established a shipyard with Sanhang Heavy Industry. Now that Sanhang Heavy Industry has withdrawn its shares, the shipyard in Huating has become wholly owned by Mingzhou Group. After that, the main production of liquefaction is there. Aircraft, and the berth here is free to build other ships, especially warships.

But now, there are sparks of electric arcs everywhere on the berth, and the orders are still full. In the future, we will undertake a large number of foreign trade orders, and our side may not be able to produce here.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we should do a good job of promoting it. We have already made a publicity plan, can you show it?" Zhao Ling said.

Now that she is the secretary of President Qin of Mingzhou Group, she must do her best, especially when Qin Tao is not around, she must show her ability.

Now, after hearing her words, Qin Tao took over the publicity plan with satisfaction.

Newspapers, TV, especially the Zhang Zhong said program, and other media such as the Internet will promote it together, and the specific content will also be compiled. However, Qin Tao frowned when he looked at these publicity plans.

"Why, Mr. Qin, this plan is not suitable?" Zhao Ling looked at Qin Tao worriedly.

"True and false, false and true, this is the most suitable publicity strategy." Qin Tao said: "Anyway, it's not our publicity, it's other people's publicity. It's better to set these figures higher."

Speaking of fooling people, Zhao Ling is still a little bit hesitant.

"For example, in terms of the steel used in submarines, it can be advertised that we use advanced steel with a yield of 1500 MPa, which is the first in the world." Qin Tao said.

Yield 1500 MPa?Zhao Ling opened her eyes wide: "Will this be too high? After all, the yield of the most advanced steel in the United States is less than 1200 MPa."

"Why is it so high? On the road of pursuing advanced materials, we have been advancing all the time. We can't rest on our laurels. In the future, there will be steel products of more than 600 gigapascals. What is this now? It can be left to military critics According to the analysis, our submarines are able to approach American submarines because they have dived to a depth of 600 meters and used the ocean to cover their own noise, by the way, the sea area where the exercise is performed is at a depth of [-] meters, right?"

Zhao Ling nodded.

"Also, our steel not only has high yield, but also has excellent welding performance." Qin Tao continued: "We can weld without preheating, or only need simple preheating. The strength of steel and the use of steel All aspects have reached the world's most advanced level."

A few decades ago, the mainstream steel was still C-Mn steel, with a yield of only three to four hundred MPa. After the 50s, the United States began to use a large number of martensitic transformation-strengthened heat-treated steels, that is, HY series steels. These steels have high strength and good low-temperature toughness, but their welding performance is not very good, and they need to be preheated in advance. Large US warships, especially aircraft carriers, and submarines, all use HY series steels.

Now, Qin Tao just wants to let the outside world know that when it comes to steel for shipbuilding, he is the number one in the world!The performance of our own steel far exceeds that of American steel.

Then what?Let the Americans continue to catch up and surpass, and see if they can develop steel with the same performance.

Zhao Ling already understood Qin Tao's thoughts, she nodded: "Okay, I will arrange it."

"Steel is only one of them, and there are many subsystems. For example, we are also very strong in terms of underwater quiet performance. We have transitioned from seven-blade large-slope propellers to pump-jet propellers. Our underwater noise can Reduced to 90 decibels, fully integrated into the background noise of the ocean, we are also very strong in AIP performance, we already have a new generation of more powerful Stirling engine, and we are still planning to use lithium batteries to replace existing Some lead-acid batteries."

Zhao Ling thought about it seriously: "Lithium batteries have higher energy density. If lithium batteries are really used to replace lead-acid batteries, it is really possible to improve the underwater endurance of submarines a lot."

What Qin Tao meant by saying these words was to fool the outside world and make others go the wrong way. Now, the technical route of this lithium battery seems to be correct.

"That's right, if the lead-acid battery can keep the submarine running for four days at low speed, then the lithium battery can keep the submarine running for more than [-] days at low speed, but don't forget that lithium is a very active chemical element."

Now, the energy density of lithium-ion batteries has reached the order of 100WH/KG, which is two or three times higher than that of lead-acid batteries. Under the same weight, lithium-ion batteries have more energy, and the charging and discharging characteristics are good. In addition to current discharge, other aspects are fully surpassed.

In later generations, this value has reached two to three hundred, which is also the main factor for the continuous improvement of the battery life of electric vehicles, and some special batteries have reached four to five hundred.

However, the disadvantages of lithium batteries are also obvious: this thing is more likely to explode!Once a battery inside is squeezed and damaged, or a battery circuit fault is short-circuited, etc., it will cause the lithium battery to burn, and then the entire battery pack will be ignited. Magnificent.

Zhao Ling felt a chill in her heart. Qin Tao's goal was actually to turn the submarines of those deceived submarine manufacturers into chicken ribs that could burn at any time.

Xu Zhengyang remained silent. Mr. Qin had already released the news, and the islanders had already been fooled. Now, they just continued to wave the flag for this route.

"Wait, since lithium batteries are so dangerous, why do you still use lithium batteries in the electric vehicle route you proposed?" Zhao Ling looked at Qin Tao curiously, this is unscientific.

"The greater the quantity, the greater the danger, of course. The quantity of lithium batteries carried by a submarine is dozens or even hundreds of times that of electric vehicles." Qin Tao said: "Also, we did not launch this product immediately, but It is constantly researching the management technology of the battery pack, developing special chips to monitor the battery, and making the battery pack as safe as possible. Moreover, we are still developing larger lithium batteries to increase the power of the single unit and reduce the battery life. The number of cells in the battery pack."

Zhao Ling nodded, Qin Tao's consideration must be very sound, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

"By the way, some very suspicious people appeared outside our shipyard recently. I guess they want to inquire about the news. In order to avoid leaks, I have issued an order recently. Our shipbuilders have nothing special. Try not to go out, just spend time between the berth, the canteen and the dormitory of the family home in the shipyard." Zhao Ling said.

There have always been spies, and they have been infiltrating. This cannot be prevented. It is mainly to strengthen the quality of the crew. However, with the popularity of 039B recently, more people are active outside. There are foreign intelligence personnel and media, etc. They all Looking for more information.

"Well, your approach is appropriate. However, the foot ban cannot last forever, and you have to let it go. It is better to arrange some people to publicize what we just said. Those people have enough news and they will I will leave." Qin Tao said.

Zhao Ling's eyes lit up. That's right, pass on the false information, and you can't blame the Mingzhou Group afterwards. After all, these materials were disclosed by the media and have nothing to do with their group!

Kill two birds with one stone, perfectly solve the problem.

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang received new news. He patiently waited for Qin Tao and Zhao Ling to finish talking about these things, and then said: "President Qin, just received the news that the old bus wants to come to us to inspect the 039B diesel electric submarine."

"Old Ba? Of course you are welcome!" Qin Tao said, "Old Ba is our true friend. If they want to order 039B, we can provide the best price."

"What if the old bus asks for more?" Zhao Ling asked.

Qin Tao glanced at his wife approvingly. His wife's thinking became more and more flexible, and she could immediately think of what might happen: "At most, the old bus asked to start construction in their shipyard, and we can agree!"

Of course, this is also in line with Laoba's style. After all, Laoba has limited funds at hand. If he wants to spend less money to do big things, but also improve his industrial strength and employment rate, of course he has to build it himself.

The Air Force's Xiaolong fighter jets, the Army's Khalid tanks, and the Navy's frigates can all be built by themselves, including submarines, but is it appropriate to export this advanced submarine technology directly to Lao Ba?

Both Zhao Ling and Xu Zhengyang were surprised, can this be agreed?

"This is also in line with international practice. The old bus must order a sufficient quantity, at least five. The first few ships will be produced by us, and the next few will be produced by them. When they can produce, it will already be five. Years later, by that time, we will already have more advanced submarines, so even if it is handed over to the old bus for production, it will be nothing. Moreover, the old bus can produce it by itself, which can not only improve the industrial level, but also reduce the cost. They It is also beneficial to us to have more submarines to fight Ah San. We have no nuclear submarines to lease to Lao Ba, so we can only improve Lao Ba's strength in this way."

After hearing Qin Tao's words, Zhao Ling and Xu Zhengyang nodded. That's right. If you think about it this way, it's really a win-win result.

This is not the first time I have dealt with Laoba. Take shipbuilding as an example. When Mingzhou Group developed an advanced frigate, it exported it to Laoba, but the anti-aircraft missiles on it changed from Hongqi-16 to Shiji Li, of course, that was only the first one. The missiles that Lao Ba ordered later were all made in China. The two missiles are completely interchangeable, and the fire control system does not need to be modified.

Now, the old bus is coming to order submarines again!The one who led the team this time was still Mahmoud, whom Qin Tao had known before.Mahmoud was also very happy to see Qin Tao again, an old friend who had led the frigate order.

"President Qin, it's a pleasure to meet you." Mahmoud stretched out his hand: "We thank Dongfang and Mingzhou Group. With your help, we have realized the modernization of our warships. Our frigates are well used. Very good, now it is the main force of our navy."

Asan on the opposite side is building aircraft carriers one after another, but the old bus has no money and cannot support a navy of that level. In their equipment sequence, the frigates built by Mingzhou Group are already the largest and most advanced The battleship is over, and the rest is the old-fashioned Perry class.Relying on their small and capable navy, they safeguard their maritime rights and interests.

"We are also very happy." Qin Tao said: "I look forward to more cooperation between us in submarines. Now, please take a look at our submarine production line."

Unlike shipbuilding, submarines are built in a closed workshop. After entering the workshop, Mahmoud and the officers he brought were stunned looking at the huge factory building.

"President Qin, does it need to be built in such a large closed factory building?" Mahmoud asked.

"It can also be built in the open air, but in order to avoid being discovered by aerial detection and to avoid rusting of steel, general submarine production is in closed workshops." Qin Tao said.

He knew what the old bus was worried about. It was too expensive to build a submarine in this workshop. If you want to build a submarine, you have to build a factory first. This is a huge expense!

Seeing their worried eyes, Qin Tao said: "Of course, if you want to save costs, you can also build a simple shed." Qin Tao said: "At present, our Mingzhou Group has a special simple shed construction plan. Concrete factory buildings save half the investment and half the time, and they can be dismantled and sold as scrap iron when they are not used in the future.”

Mahmoud's eyes lit up, is there another way?However, what does Mr. Qin mean by this?Has he decided to export the production line to us?I haven't mentioned it yet!
"Mr. Qin, we have seen more and more underwater threats in the past few years. The Ah San Navy has rented nuclear submarines from Da Mao again. We also need advanced submarines to fight against them. Therefore, I learned about the advanced capabilities of your 039B submarine. After the performance, we finally made a decision and purchased from you." Mahmoud was also open and honest.

"Well, you didn't come here before, did you hesitate?"

Mahmoud did not hide: "Yes, a few years ago, we imported four Guishushen-class conventional submarines from France, that is, our Hanguo-class submarines. In the third India-Pakistan war, this submarine was the largest Brilliant, raided the west coast of Asan, sank an anti-submarine frigate of the Asan Navy and escaped in the anti-submarine pursuit of the Asan Navy. Therefore, we were very satisfied with the French goods. Later, we bought two more Agostas The Type 70 submarine also feels good. Over the past few years, we have been inspecting French submarines and want to purchase its further improved model, which is the Agosta Type 90.”

There is inertia in weapon sales, and once you get used to it, customers will continue to choose.

The original Guishushen-class submarine was purchased by Laoba on his own initiative, but this Agosta 70 type was a bit lucky. In 77, the Rainbow Kingdom was sanctioned due to domestic policies, and this type was ordered from France. The submarine could not be delivered, so the old bus was missed. The two submarines were delivered in 79 and 80 respectively.

The old man has always used French submarines, so he is used to French submarines. If there is no accident this time, he will definitely continue to choose French submarines. The French have long thought that this is their own business. After all, this kind of Argo The Star 90 submarine is tailor-made for the old bus. Although they are actively promoting it to other countries, the final user is the old bus.

Unfortunately, things have changed.

Lao Ba took a fancy to Dongfang's 054 frigate and ordered several ships. After this, the navy would have no money, so he didn't buy this kind of submarine in 94, and he continued to think about it. This consideration lasted for several years The time passed, and the French waited and waited, and they didn't know how they would feel when they heard the news that the old bus had gone to the East to purchase submarines.

"Your choice is correct. Our Type 039B submarine outperforms the Agosta Type 90 submarine in all aspects of performance." Qin Tao said: "When the French sell you, they always show off their AIP system? In fact, their system is very dangerous. In addition to using liquid oxygen, they also need special ethanol as fuel. Ethanol is volatile. Once ethanol appears in the submarine, it is very likely lead to fires and even explosions."

When it is necessary to pour dirty water on others, Qin Tao will never be soft-hearted.Moreover, he was not wrong.

If you want to improve the submarine's underwater endurance time, you need a special air-independent power system. Mingzhou Group uses a Stirling engine. It needs an additional liquid oxygen tank to provide oxidizers, but the fuel only needs to be carried by the submarine. Diesel will do just fine.This is already a mature AIP system.

However, the French, who have always liked to pursue romance, have to be unique on submarines. Compared with the Agosta 90, the biggest improvement of the Agosta 70 is the addition of a nine-meter-long AIP cabin. The cabin is equipped with a closed cycle steam turbine AIP system developed on the basis of a closed "Rankine" cycle engine.

The principle of this system is different from that of the Stirling engine. It is also an external combustion engine, but it uses a steam turbine scheme. Specifically, after the liquid oxygen is oxidized, it enters the combustion chamber and burns with ethanol, and the high-temperature gas passes through the steam generator. Cool down and return to the combustion chamber, and the steam generator turns into high-temperature and high-pressure steam after washing the heat, driving the steam turbine to do work, and driving the generator to generate electricity.

The only advantage of this method is low noise, but the disadvantage is that it is bulky and economical.And, most importantly, it also needs to use ethanol as fuel!
If the user is an old man, then Qin Tao will definitely say that this thing cannot be used, otherwise after going to sea, the ethanol will be drunk before it is useful, and it is impossible to drink alcohol here at the old bus, but an accidental fire is a possible.

Of course, the more dangerous thing is the German fuel cell, not only liquid oxygen, but also liquid hydrogen. If this thing explodes, it is no joke.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Mahmoud nodded: "Yes, carrying extra ethanol is a big problem, but the sincerity of the French is good. They not only exported the whole submarine to us, but also promised us to produce it ourselves. .”

The French also spare no effort in sales promotion. They plan to build three submarines. The first one will be built at the Cherbourg shipyard of the French DCNS company. One ship became the Laoba Navy's own construction, so that after three ships, Laoba will have the ability to build.

Qin Tao nodded: "The French allow you to build by yourself, of course we can, but you have to think carefully, if the number of construction is too small, it may not be more cost-effective than purchasing."


"Because you lack relevant equipment." Qin Tao said: "If you want to build a submarine, you must have a rolling machine. Do you have it?"

Of course this old bus is gone!
"Think about it, if you get the design drawings of the submarine from the French, and then start construction in your shipyard, at that time, you find that you don't have a plate rolling machine, do you have to ask the French to buy it?"

Mahmoud nodded, this is natural.

"The French will quote you a ridiculously high price. Will you buy it or not?"

If you buy it, the price is too expensive, and the old bus is too disadvantaged. If you don’t buy it, how can you produce advanced submarines without a plate rolling machine?There will definitely be a dilemma at that time.

Mahmoud was startled. Fortunately, the 054 frigate project has been carried out in the past few years, and he has not cooperated with the French to purchase submarines. If he purchases them, he will definitely fall into the pit!

At that time, riding a tiger is hard to get off, and the French must make a fortune!
Thinking of this, sweat broke out on his back. Fortunately, Dongfang's 039B submarine was brilliant. They decided to come to Dongfang for investigation and communicate with President Qin by the way, only then did they know how deep the water inside was.

"Mr. Qin, if we want to build it ourselves, can you provide the plate rolling machine? How about the price?" Mahmoud asked Qin Tao.

Now, when they come to the East to purchase, they actually have their own little ones. They want to use France's promise to bargain with the East. The French promised that we can build it ourselves. How about you?Will you give us this chance?
"Of course, what we can provide is a fully automatic plate rolling machine. The performance is better than that of the French ones, and the price is only half of theirs. But, are you sure you want it?" Qin Tao began to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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