Great warships

Chapter 757 The Flying Toad Almost Fell

Chapter 757 The Flying Toad Almost Fell
Leader Liu reacted.

Mr. Lin originally planned to participate in this project, and there was no need for the Air Force to send someone at all. However, just as Leader Liu was holding the button, Qin Tao took advantage of the problem. The person sent by your Air Force is Mr. Lin!
In this way, their millions of start-up funds will be wasted?

It seems that the settlement must not be settled by Mr. Qin.

"Okay, then let Mr. Lin take charge of this project." Leader Liu nodded: "This project is related to the future of the Air Force. Only people like Mr. Lin are in charge, and our Air Force can rest assured."

"Well, I am very satisfied to accept this kind of task after retirement, and I will try my best." Elder Lin said, "Okay, Taozi, let's go to Chengdu now!"

Mr. Lin has always been a character of doing what he says, and now he can't wait.

"I don't think we can find anyone in Chengdu. They are all in the flight test institute now." Qin Tao said.

If the aircraft is in the research and development stage, it will be in the aircraft design institute. When it reaches the prototype production stage, it will be in the aircraft factory. When the prototype is produced, it will naturally be in the flight test institute. It takes a long test flight to finalize.

Elder Lin nodded: "Okay, then go to the flight test academy."

The flight test yard is very busy. Aircraft of different sizes are conducting various test flights here. The yellow-skinned J-31A is a bit different among them, because it has never been on the runway since it flew here!
When other aircraft called during the test flight, I was already on the runway and requested to take off. The call of J-31A was always I was on the tarmac and requested to take off!

"President Qin, Lin, you are here, welcome." After meeting Qin Tao and Mr. Lin, Plesakov immediately greeted Qin Tao and Mr. Lin excitedly.

"Old Mao, how is the progress of the experiment recently?" Qin Tao asked.

"We are gradually expanding the flight envelope. So far, the test flight has gone smoothly." Plesakov said: "Qin, our vertical take-off and landing scheme is the most suitable choice!"

The Sea Harrier’s plan is not suitable, because the mid-mounted engine will bring huge structural waste. In the Yak-38’s plan, the lift engine will cause serious deck ablation. Now, using a lift fan is the safest vertical take-off and landing solution. up!
Looking at the fighter plane preparing to take off, Qin Tao nodded and asked, "What is the service life of our lift fan clutch?"

"Now after further improvement, the service life has been increased to ten hours." Plesakov said: "It is already capable of serving."

"Ten hours? So little?" Elder Lin was a little surprised.

"It's already quite a lot. This lift fan clutch is only used during take-off and landing, and it only takes two to three minutes to use each time. In this way, ten hours is enough for more than 3 sorties to take off and land." Qin Tao said : "When this thing was first developed, its lifespan was only a few minutes."

The biggest technical problem of the vertical take-off and landing method of the lift fan is the transmission shaft and the clutch. These have been overcome, which means that the vertical take-off and landing fighter has matured.

Of course, these studies also represent the progress of material technology in China over the years, and the products developed can also be used in other fields, such as the automobile industry and so on.

While talking, a well-dressed test pilot came over. He didn't wear a helmet, so he could still see his appearance. When Qin Tao looked over, he was overjoyed: "Lei Zi!"

Lei Qiang had a smile on his face: "Boss Qin, are you here? I thought I had to be at the air show to see you."

Lei Qiang is not only the chief test pilot of the J-31, but also the J-[-]A. He has accumulated a lot of flying experience on this type of aircraft. Therefore, he will definitely go to the Zhuhai Air Show this time, and he will also conduct air show.

"Have you thought about the project for the performance?" Qin Tao asked.

"Of course, we will definitely demonstrate the excellent performance of the vertical take-off and landing fighter." Lei Qiang said: "After the test flight is completed, if there is still fuel left, I will fly back and give you a demonstration."

After speaking, Lei Qiang walked up the gangway.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then let's wait and see!"

It's obviously not the first time for Mr. Lin to come here, and he doesn't know how many vertical take-offs and landings he has seen, so he is already very calm.

The roar of the engine sounded, and the J-31A pulled up the green onions on the dry land, took off slowly from the tarmac, and then changed its attitude. The whole process was smooth and smooth, without the slightest delay, which fully demonstrated the reliability of the flight control system.

Zhao Dangsheng stood there, watching the plane leave. As the deputy chief designer and flight control designer, he was also very satisfied with his product, and he was full of pride at this time.

"Mr. Qin, if the test flight goes well, it is estimated that this aircraft will be ready for service soon." After the aircraft left, Zhao Dangsheng walked over and said to Qin Tao: "Our research and development of this foreign trade aircraft can be said to have achieved an overall success."

Thinking about the hardships of development along the way, Zhao Dangsheng was very moved. Their aircraft has created many firsts: the first stealth aircraft, the first fighter developed with self-raised funds, the first large-scale military sales fighter, The first vertical take-off and landing fighter...

Now, this aircraft is finally going to be finalized, and he looks back on the past with excitement.

"Yeah, it's almost finished, what do you think next?"

Hearing Qin Tao's question, Zhao Dangsheng was taken aback for a moment, yes, what are you doing after finishing the work?They haven't thought about this.

The aircraft must be further modified, but that is a small project, not worth mentioning, they still need other models, otherwise, their design unit will have nothing to do!

"Qin, I am very satisfied to see the success of the vertical take-off and landing fighter, and our Yak-141 has finally achieved a positive result in the east." Pleshakov said: "However, if there is a new project, then Better."

Thinking of the experience of these years, Plesakov is also full of emotions. On the side of Damao, the Yak-141 has died, and in the East, he has finally reached the end. He is very pleased. At the same time, he is also looking forward to new The model number appears.

"We'll talk about the new model after today's test flight is over," Qin Tao said.

I can’t say it now, what if I said they were too excited and affected the flight test work?
"I heard that the Americans on the opposite side made a big circle, and finally returned to the same technical route as us." Pleshakov said: "However, they have been delayed for several years. It takes at least five years for the fans to mature, and within five years they don't want to make the first flight of a VTOL fighter."

Zhao Dangsheng did the work of fooling the outside world, but Plesakov has been paying attention to it all the time. Now thinking about these methods of President Qin, I admire him very much.

Qin Tao smiled: "This has nothing to do with us, old Mao. We have an old saying in the East, which is called Dongshi imitation if it sounds good, and painting a tiger is not like a dog if it is not good. It is their fault that they failed to learn from us. Own."

across the ocean.

The engine test bench let out a roar. On this test bench, there was a huge F-135 engine. At this time, the designers of Pratt & Whitney were talking endlessly there.

"This is the most powerful fighter engine in human history. This engine makes us feel like we have alien technology!"

The F-135 engine is improved from the F-119 engine. The core engine is basically the same, but the air flow and bypass ratio of the engine are increased, and the operating temperature of the engine is increased; this further increases its thrust.

The price of this increase in thrust is the decline in high-altitude and high-speed performance. After all, the windward area has increased. However, fighters driven by this engine do not pursue strong air superiority combat capabilities, but are multi-purpose, more similar to attack aircraft, so they can still be used. accepted.

Now, an additional drive shaft is added to the front of this engine, which is connected to a cylinder placed vertically in front. It looks a bit weird, but if compared with a certain equipment exhibited by Mingzhou Group, it is very similar.

"Yes, with the F-135 engine, coupled with our lift fan, we will be able to complete the research and development of our vertical take-off and landing fighter as soon as possible." Daniel said: "Our progress is far behind the East, we must speed up .”

On the list of the upcoming Zhuhai Air Show, they have already seen the figure of J-31A. Unlike the last time, this time J-31A is not a general term for the three types of fighters, but the one that specifically refers to vertical take-off and landing.

"Our technology is higher than that of the East. We just took the wrong route before." Stanley said: "Now, we are advancing on the right route, and we will definitely be able to catch up and surpass it soon."

"Now, it's time to officially test it, combine power!" Daniel shouted.

Just now, it was only the F-135 engine roaring, but now, following his order, the cylinder placed vertically in front, that is, the lift engine, whistled with the combination of power, and the huge thrust from the circle From the bottom of the barrel, the first test run is about to be a complete success!
At this moment, a pungent smell came, and everyone's expressions changed.

"Quick, stop immediately!" Stanley shouted loudly, he had already seen that the part of the fan clutch had started to smoke!

The power of tens of thousands of horsepower is transmitted, and the fan clutch can't stand it anymore!
The engine stopped for a test run, and when it was disassembled, it turned out that the fan clutch had burned to death!
"Is this technical route correct?" Daniel wondered again: "Dongfang's test run went smoothly, and there was no similar situation at all. How could this happen to ours?"

"That's right, the material from the East is definitely not as good as ours. How did they do it?" Stanley murmured.

Of course they don't know that it took Dongfang several years to find suitable materials, and several years to perfect it. In this field, Dongfang is already more advanced than them!

They still look at the East with the perspective of the past, thinking that the East is backward. These are illusions. In fact, the East has already caught up in many fields. Whether it is fighter planes or warships, the East is no worse than theirs.

In the future, it will even go beyond.

"Should we go to the air show in the East, maybe we will gain something." Stanley said.

Although I was fooled by the orientals before, after all, only the orientals have succeeded. Now if you want to find inspiration, of course you have to go to the east to find inspiration.

"Okay." Daniel nodded: "We have to gain something. We can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, Boeing's X-32 will be developed."


"Our Boeing company is the strongest in the development of fighter jets!" Hudson looked at the plane in front of him, very excited: "Our vertical take-off and landing fighter jets are about to start testing, but Lockheed's Bian is still overcoming the difficulty of the lift engine, their progress is too slow, the final victory must belong to us!"

They originally completed their first flight three years ago, and it was a version with conventional takeoff and landing, but the military was very dissatisfied after seeing it!The landing performance is too bad.

This is the weakness of traditional delta-wing fighters. Since the military is dissatisfied, they will of course make modifications. They have done a lot of work and launched a new 373 configuration. Compared with the previous 370-type aircraft, they have greatly revised the main wing: From delta wing layout to regular layout!The sweep angle of the leading edge of the wing remains unchanged, but the trailing edge of the main wing changes from 20 degrees forward to 20 degrees backward, which greatly reduces the area of ​​the wing, leaving room for the tail and adding a horizontal tail. For an aircraft It is said that changing the shape of the wing almost means overthrowing it and starting over again, but Boeing just got it done!

Moreover, not only conventional takeoff and landing fighters, but also this vertical takeoff and landing model, has also begun testing.

Compared with other models, this model has added lift nozzles on both sides of the fuselage, just like the Pegasus engine of the Sea Harrier, which can spray air front and rear, so that the entire aircraft can be supported.

"Now, let's focus on the most glorious moment!" The person in charge of Boeing was also very excited: "Get ready to take off!"

The front mouth of the X-32 engine with a big mouth is opened, which is Boeing's first: add a retractable lower mouth, when the large flow of vertical take-off and landing is required, open this shutter, the engine can suck a lot of air When the air is out of the air, when it is flying normally, retract this mouth, so that it can meet the needs of stealth and completely cover the engine blades.

So, when you see the X-32's lower mouth open, it means it is about to take off and land vertically!
The roar of the engine sounded, and the F119-PW-614 engine at the rear started to work.

Since their prototypes were manufactured relatively early, they can't wait for the F135, so they can only use this engine to make do with it temporarily and change it later.

Below the fuselage, the nozzles began to spin.

The design of the X-32 was heavily based on that of the Sea Harrier, but with some improvements.

The Pegasus engine of the Sea Harrier fighter is placed in the middle of the fuselage, so that not only the front nozzles must extend from both sides, but the tail nozzles must also be deflected from both sides, but the nozzles of normal fighters should be at the tail.

Therefore, the X-32 fighter forcibly lengthened the engine, extending from the back of the big mouth to the tail. (There is no exact data, but visually it is at least eight or nine meters. Among them, there are at least two or three meters of pipes as thick as the engine, which are used to transmit airflow and have no other function. They are properly wasted. These spaces can be arranged as Built-in bomb bay.)
In this way, the two front nozzles are not the airflow drawn from the engine compressor, but directly drawn from the engine's external duct. As for the rear, it uses a simple baffle-style two-dimensional vector nozzle. , even if it is a conventional fighter, it can have the effect of a vector engine.

However, in terms of efficiency, it definitely cannot be compared with the three-section vector nozzle that rotates to [-] degrees.

If there is no advantage of the traverser, the current X-32 and X-35 are both innovative, and the X-32 is not necessarily bad, but it has not reached the end.

Because the engine occupies a lot of space, the X-32 cannot arrange the belly bomb bay, so it arranges the bomb bays on both sides. These two bomb bays are destined not to be connected.

In everyone's eyes, the X-32 fighter's landing gear cylinder began to buffer, and slowly, slowly extended to its original length, and then, the wheels left the ground, one centimeter, two centimeters, three centimeters …

This is the most exciting moment!
Their plane is finally flying!
One machine with three types, everyone knows that the type of vertical take-off and landing is the key.As long as the VTOL can be performed perfectly, they win!
"Great, we succeeded!" Hudson said excitedly, but as soon as the words fell, his face changed: "Damn, no!"

Just after taking off at a height of less than half a meter, the X-32B suddenly fell down!In front of everyone's eyes, the plane was about to fall to the ground.

With a height of half a meter and no horizontal speed, even if it falls, it shouldn't cause too many problems. At most, the landing gear will be broken. However, for everyone, this is unacceptable, which means they The first flight of the VTOL fighter failed!
At this moment, the engine roared even louder. Obviously, the test pilot fully opened the throttle after discovering the accidental drop in altitude!
The output of the engine became stronger. Finally, the X-32B staggered and ended its fall and continued to rise vertically.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The test flight is over! Check the cause!" Hudson shouted with a dark face.

"Our vertical take-off and landing has achieved a complete success. Let the people in the White House and the Pentagon House know the news." The person in charge of Boeing exhaled a long breath, and then said.

It is a universal truth to report good news and not bad news. There was indeed an accident here, but they must never tell the military. They have to say that their test flight was very successful. As long as they can fly, it is considered a success. As for the accidental drop, it was just a small episode.

Immediately after the plane landed, Hudson began analyzing the data and quickly found the problem.

"During take-off, the air intake sucked in overheated exhaust, causing the engine thrust to drop sharply." Hudson said: "Damn, this should be a shortcoming of the lift engine. How can we encounter this kind of problem? gone?"

The jet engine needs to inhale fresh air to have enough thrust, inhale the exhaust it emits, overheating is on the one hand, and on the other hand, these exhaust gases are all burned, there is no oxygen in them, so it cannot support the engine to continue to burn, the thrust is of course will plummet.

The vertical take-off and landing of the lift engine method is easy to be inhaled by the engine air intake due to the direct injection in front of the ground, causing the thrust of the main engine to drop sharply, but they are not in this layout, why do they also encounter this problem?

This first vertical take-off and landing was no-load, so the engine still had extra thrust, and the full throttle saved the fall, but what about normal use in the future?How to deal with it?

"Can it be solved?" the person in charge asked.

"If you want to solve it, you need a more powerful engine." Hudson said: "Maybe we should try to use the F135 engine on the next prototype."

"That engine is thicker, which will further reduce our normal flight performance." The designer in charge of aerodynamics immediately expressed his objection.

The unique layout of the X-32 originally resulted in a thicker fuselage with greater wind resistance. Although many performances are better than the Sea Harrier, their aircraft is not compared with the Sea Harrier, but with the X-35.

"After solving the vertical take-off and landing problem first, the powerful power of the F135 may further enhance the performance of our aircraft." Hudson insisted.

They must ensure their lead. Although they are ridiculed as flying toads, they must win the bidding!

Lockheed already has the F-22, they Boeing if they lose the program they have nothing.

How could the colleagues on the other side of the ocean make such rapid progress?
Just when Boeing and Lockheed were both having headaches for vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, Qin Tao's side was already brightly lit at night.

In the conference room, everyone's face was full of excitement.

"In terms of take-off weight, it is not as good as the Tu-160. After all, the engine used by the Tu-160 has afterburner. However, we can't be inferior in terms of ammunition load. In terms of range, it is even larger than the Tu-160. This is really a difficult task. Engineering."

"The key is to have stealth, but the shape of this bomber should be different from that of our fighter jets. After all, four engines need to be arranged."

"It is difficult and challenging to be interesting. Our team is to challenge difficult projects."

Everyone is very excited.

"Everyone, at present, the most mature stealth bomber project is the B-2, so our stealth bomber should also have a flying wing layout." Qin Tao unifies everyone.

"The most difficult thing about the flying wing layout is the flight control!" Zhao Dangsheng said.

"Yes, our domestic drone manufacturing factories are also studying the layout of flying wings, so we can learn from each other and work together on flight control." Qin Tao said: "In terms of aerodynamic shape, we can also learn from and Improve. Let’s not worry, even if it takes five years to conduct basic research, it is still worthwhile. Now, let me introduce it to you grandly. In the future, Elder Lin will stay in our team and join the research and development of this project together!”

"Welcome Mr. Lin!" Zhao Dangsheng took the lead in applauding.

(End of this chapter)

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