Great warships

Chapter 76 Qin Tao is very humble

Chapter 76 Qin Tao is very humble

Everyone applauds.

Qin Tao expressed their aspirations, we are the masters of our own country, and we are upright Chinese people!We love our motherland and our career. Although foreign countries sound good, we will not abandon our country because of this. We will use our own hands to build our own country!

Carrasco gave a thumbs up: "I didn't expect that a truck driver in the East could be so powerful and patriotic. I admire it."

Shipyard canteen.

"Qin Gong, you pretended to be a truck driver today and showed our Chinese demeanor!" Director Wang raised his glass and said, "You also helped our shipyard solve a big problem. On behalf of the shipyard, I would like to toast you!"

It wasn't until the ship delivery ceremony was completed that Director Wang heard Cong Ju talk about Qin Tao's real identity. Now that he came to the cafeteria to eat, Director Wang's gratitude came from the heart.

"Director Wang, I don't dare to be the director. I was just passing by, and I heard Xiaoling talk about the things here, so I came over to have a look. Unexpectedly, the problem was really solved."

"Qin Gong, don't be modest. I just watched your operation. It's easy and natural. You know the equipment well, and repairing it is no problem. Talents like you, in the small Mingzhou The shipyard is too wronged, do you want to come to our research institute?" Zhao Dagang said.

Director Wang not only entertained Qin Tao and Cong Ju, but also Zhao Dagang and the others who came to help together. Although they didn't fix it, they did their best after all.

When she heard Zhao Dagang's invitation, Zhao Ling's heart suddenly beat violently.

If Qin Tao could come to their unit, wouldn't he be able to meet every day?

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Ling looked at Qin Tao, full of expectation.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Brother Zhao, you have never been to our Mingzhou shipyard, why do you call it a small shipyard? I am not happy if you say this, no, you have to punish yourself. "

Zhao Dagang was taken aback, did he say something wrong?

"Our Mingzhou shipyard has a long history. After the Opium War, the French once opened a shipyard in Mingzhou to manufacture gunboats. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we also had glory. Although we have fallen into a trough in the past few years, I believe that , we must have a brilliant future, don't look at the fact that we can only build small missile boats now, maybe we can build aircraft carriers in the future!" Qin Tao said: "The motherland is developing, and our Mingzhou Shipyard is also developing. In development, the workers in our shipyard are working hard for the development of the shipyard, and our tomorrow will be bright. You actually said that we are a small shipyard, which is contempt for us."

"Yes, the workers of Mingzhou Shipyard are full of energy and vigor. They will definitely grow and become a famous shipyard in the whole country and the world." Thinking of the experience in Mingzhou Shipyard, Cong Ju couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Said.

"Haha, it seems that I made a slip of the tongue. I will punish myself with a drink." Zhao Dagang said generously, raised his glass, and drank it down.

Zhao Ling lowered her head, her eyes were full of disappointment.

"Qin Gong, you are a person with ideals and ambitions." Director Wang said: "Under your leadership, Mingzhou Shipyard will definitely shine. We cheer for the bright future of Mingzhou Shipyard! "

"Qin Gong, you are really good. How did you know that the chip capacitor was the problem?" Xu Qiang finally said: "Tell everyone about your experience, so that everyone can learn from it."

How did Qin Tao know?
Of course it is the advantage of being a reborn.

In his previous life, after he entered the Huating Shipyard, he saw this ro-ro ship abandoned at the pier, and heard people around him talk about the sad past of this ro-ro ship, cursing foreigners for not practicing martial arts, and Qin Tao Unable to hold back, I asked the leader for instructions, and wanted to repair the radio on it.

Anyway, the shipowner didn't want it anymore. Qin Tao, a college student, wanted to make a fuss, so the factory agreed.

Qin Tao took it apart and studied it for half a month. He studied the internal circuit clearly, and at the same time found the cause of the failure: a failure caused by a poor-quality chip capacitor.

Now, it is easy to troubleshoot the same ship with the same fault.

Hearing Xu Qiang's words, Qin Tao smiled: "I'm blind."

"Qin Gong, don't be modest, you are afraid that we will learn your craft." Xu Qiang continued.

Zhao Ling frowned, what happened to Xu Qiang?Today, when he speaks, he is always sour, with an unpleasant tone in his words.

Qin Tao glanced at Xu Qiang: "You are an expert in missiles, but you still can't see the doorway at that time? Well, since you are so humbly asking for advice, I will tell you the trick, which is actually a very simple touch method. Take it apart After that, if you touch which component is hot, it must be a component that is faulty!"

Easiest touch method?
That's it!

Everyone knows the touch method, but the question is, who dares to dismantle those imported electronic devices?Do they dare to do it without a circuit diagram?

This is stupid and bold, plus luck!Pure shit luck.

Looking at the radiance in Zhao Ling's eyes, Xu Qiang felt an unknown fire in his heart. After drinking another glass of wine, Xu Qiang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Those who are able work harder, Gong Qin is so powerful, and the captain of the 105th ship The problem has troubled the relevant units for a long time, maybe you can solve it like today, with three times, five times and two divisions. Xiaoling, what do you think?"

Zhao Ling raised her head and looked at Xu Qiang with some surprise: "The big problem of the 105 ship was taken care of by a team composed of old professors in the academy. They have been studying it for more than half a year and have not solved the problem. The equipment imported from France is different from the general radio equipment used by cargo ships. Brother Tao is the backbone of the shipyard, so don’t make trouble for him.”

Xu Qiang chuckled: "Yes, those are all professional equipment. Qin Gong must have never seen it before, but Qin Gong is lucky. Maybe he just reached in and touched it a few times, and the fault was eliminated. This fault It has troubled our navy for so long, if the fault gets bigger and the navy's carrier-based helicopters dare not take off and land, it will delay the pace of our navy's modernization!"

Xu Qiang glanced at Qin Tao sideways, and continued: "In front of that foreigner, Qin Gong said that he will never forget that he is the master of his own country and an upright Chinese! If anyone wants to make things difficult on purpose, just masturbate Roll up your sleeves and go on stage, you can't be manipulated by others. Now, when the door is closed and your own people encounter difficulties, Qin Gong will not stand idly by, will he?"

Of course, Qin Tao knew exactly what Xu Qiang was doing.However, Zhao Ling's words of defense just now warmed Qin Tao's heart. Since Xu Qiang wanted to seek abuse, of course Qin Tao had to show it to him.

"Okay, I can go and have a look, maybe it's just a few clicks. Xiaoqiang, just wait and see!"

 PS: Thanks to the book friends who feel that the account has been emptied, and thank you all book friends for voting and supporting!
(End of this chapter)

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