Great warships

Chapter 766 Disagreement?

Chapter 766 Disagreement?

In fact, in winter, the grassland is also covered with ice and snow, but after all, the latitude is lower than that of Lao Maozi, and the freezing period is not as long as Lao Maozi's. Compared with Lao Maozi's side, the difficulty of mining must be lower.

However, if you want to develop the resources of a certain place, you must consider the folk customs of that place. Otherwise, outsiders will go to other people's land to develop, and they will be bullied by the locals and have nothing to do.

After all, Da Mao's side is about martial arts, but it's not necessarily the case on the grassland side.

"President Qin, do you have concerns about going to the grassland for development?" Effendiyev said, "If we jointly develop together, what can go wrong? If anyone dares to make trouble, we will let them know with our fists who is the boss. "

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, Mr. Effendiyev, we trust your judgment. Since you said that you want to mine, then we will mine!"

There are old men, what is there to be afraid of?

"However, our company has no extra funds. If we want to go to the grassland to develop, can you give us some funds in advance, Mr. Qin?"

The old man is not a good thing either, he clearly wants to be a white wolf with empty hands.

"Our group has encountered a lot of difficulties recently, and we are also a little nervous about funds." Of course Qin Tao would not agree, he wanted to find a way out for Lao Maozi: "However, we have heard that you not only export finished steel products, but also How about exporting crude steel, you can provide us with crude steel so that it can be used to offset investment?"

Most of the iron ore mined by Da Mao is for its own use. Some of these iron ores for self-use are smelted into high-performance steel, and some are smelted into crude steel, which is directly exported to Europe. European steel companies complete refining, and then Sell ​​for big bucks.

Da Mao is also taking the low-end route, and there are not many high-end steel products.

Now, Qin Tao can completely stop Hu and ask for the crude steel provided to Europe, so as to better complete the industrial upgrading of Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant. In the future, their crude steel smelting will be less and less, and they will mainly produce high value-added products. of steel.

In this way, even if some people fail in the end, Mingzhou Group doesn’t have to be afraid. It’s a big deal not to import iron ore from Pocket Mouse Country. Other steel factories can import it if they want. They can buy crude steel from domestic steel factories. Just refine it directly.

Now, with one more supplier, the crude steel from Damao can also be transported away.

"Okay." Effendiyev nodded: "Then let's make an agreement. We can jointly issue a statement later. We will form a joint venture to jointly develop the iron ore in the steppe country. This should be beneficial to you. .”

in such a hurry?
Qin Tao also became curious. The other party is probably not only trying to help his side, but also planning to use this incident to create momentum, right?What are you doing to build momentum?It must be driving up their stock prices.

"Well, let's work together to develop the resources of the grassland country. In addition to iron ore, there are also coal mines. We can even build a coking plant in the grassland country to directly smelt coke for steelmaking." Qin Tao said.

It is not easy to mine iron ore on the prairie, because it is also a deep mine, but the coal mines on the prairie are different. Whether it is the prairie country or the prairie in the East, they are all open-pit coal mines.

The soil on the top is removed, and the coal is below. The trucks transporting coal mines are driven directly below, loaded, and then climbed up. The entire mining and transportation process is one-stop. This is of course very efficient and low mining costs.

and then?
The steppe country has no choice but to sell to the east, because this open-pit coal mine is very close to the east.

It is actually very difficult to open a coking plant and the like, but if it is only mining and transportation, it should be no problem. In this way, it will not only reduce the dependence on the Kangaroo Country for iron ore, but also reduce the dependence on the Kangaroo Country for coal mines. rely!

You must know that among the various resources exported by the Kangaroo Country, there are not only iron ore, but also coal. With the environmental governance in the East, after various small coal mines are shut down, the mining volume of large coal mines is insufficient, and the coal purchased domestically is getting worse. more and more.

Especially in winter, coal will be more and more tight.

Coal is not only needed for heating, but also for ironmaking. More importantly, thermal coal is needed for power stations. When coal is in short supply, many thermal power plants will be in a hurry.

Now, simply plan ahead and solve the coal problem.

Although Mingzhou Group is building a nuclear power plant, the use of nuclear power will reduce the dependence on coal in the future, but the proportion of nuclear power is still not high, and the main domestic power plants still burn coal.

At this time, when Qin Tao mentioned coal mines, Effendiyev was a little puzzled: "We don't lack coal mines."

Damao's iron ore mining is insufficient, and the export volume is not much, but coal is different. The mining volume is large, and Damao's coal export is also large, so now, when Qin Tao said that he wanted to develop coal in the grassland country, he was a little curious.

"You don't lack coal mines, but your coal mines are complicated and costly. The coal mines on the grassland are easy to mine and low in cost. If you mine them, even if you don't use them, you can make money by selling them. Let's go to the grassland country to develop them. It must have cost a lot of money, after managing those officials, wouldn’t it be too bad to only mine iron ore?”

The grassland country is very corrupt. If you want to develop the resources there, even if you have the name of an old man, you need to manage it up and down, expecting those big people to nod, anyway, you need public relations fees, so you can simply ask for more projects at once.

Effendiyev nodded: "Good!"

"Report, we have tested it. The samples provided by Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works are as high in quality as the samples provided by Rheinmetall, far higher than the quality of steel in the island country."

Zhang Jinxi followed behind the analyst, with a proud smile on his face. Our Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant is already as famous as the world's number one Rheinmetall!

The quality is the same, but the price is halved. It is definitely a good deal for Damao Metal Investment Company!

Soon, that night, Da Mao's TV station announced the news.

"The Da Mao Metal Investment Company located in the Ural region and Dongfang Mingzhou Group have reached an agreement to provide Dongfang with 1000 million tons of iron ore and 2000 million tons of crude steel every year. At the same time, the two parties also decided to jointly establish a grassland country mineral development company to jointly develop resources such as iron ore and coal in the grassland country. Now, the two parties have gone to the grassland country to negotiate, which is very important for Dongfang, Da Mao and the grassland It is a win-win situation, and we look forward to good news from them."

With the radio waves, this news spread to the whole world, and also to BHP company.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, looking at the TV screen. They haven't received any good news in the past few days!
Originally, they thought they could control the Mingzhou Group to death, but now, they realized that they were too naive!
After being suppressed, Mingzhou Group will immediately find a solution to the problem. They will never be threatened by others. They are like springs. When they encounter pressure, their rebound will be even greater!
First, they stored a large amount of iron ore to meet the needs for several years, and then went to find a new iron ore supplier, Da Mao, and jointly developed iron ore and coal in the grassland. After this, the momentum was amazing.

"Da Mao can't export much iron ore, and mining on the grassland is not easy. They need at least three to five years." A person said, trying to comfort himself.

"Yes, they will need several years, but their existing iron ore is enough to support such a long time."

"The iron ore in Da Mao and the iron ore in the grassland are not of high grade. If they use that iron ore, they will not be able to smelt advanced steel at all, and the cost will increase." Another person said.

"That's right, the grade of iron ore over there is not the highest, but don't forget, they still have the iron ore resources of the football country!"

Up to now, Ender is still keeping calm, he can see the situation clearly, otherwise, he is not qualified to be the person in charge of BHP company.

The highest-grade iron ore in the world is in the football country, and Mingzhou Group owns the national mine in the football country. They can completely mix the iron ore purchased from the football country with the iron ore mined from Damao and the grasslands in the future. In this way, it is almost the same as the iron ore in their kangaroo country.

In other words, the Easterners have been looking for a solution, an alternative to the Kangaroo Country's iron mines. The Kangaroo Country's plan to use iron ore to suppress the Easterners is probably going to fail, and they have to face their own problems .

"The world needs a certain amount of steel. The East is the largest country for smelting and consuming steel. If we lose this market, our iron ore exports will plummet." Ander said: "It is already December , we are going to sign the Changxie ore import agreement next year, if we can't do something, then our iron ore will definitely be unsalable!"

A few years ago, the Orientals imported a large amount of iron ore, and their mining scale became larger and larger. They never imagined that the Easterners actually bought the iron ore back and stored it, and began to use [-] million tons of iron ore. Their iron ore exports will definitely decrease.

If the East completely gives up importing iron ore from them, then they may have to lay off staff.

Ander looked at Wayne: "We did this to cooperate with you and suppress the rise of the Mingzhou Group. Now, do you have any plan to reduce our losses?"

Wayne shook his head: "It is impossible for us to subsidize you. After all, this is against WTO rules."

The faces of the people present were all ugly. After such a big battle, they were treated like this in the end?The other party's casual attitude makes people very uncomfortable!

"Everyone, we don't need to mess around at all." Wen continued: "We just got the news that there are 38 small and medium-sized steel factories in the East, and they have joined forces. They are negotiating with Vale and plan to sign a 5000 The import agreement of the Changxie Mine of [-] tons. The Orientals are not of one mind. As long as this opening is opened, other steel mills will definitely have to find a way out for themselves. They will come to sign a purchase agreement with BHP as before. Yes, that China Iron and Steel Association is only beneficial to Mingzhou Group, not to other steel mills. This time we only target Mingzhou Group, and it has nothing to do with other steel mills. We just need to send representatives to express our goodwill. They'll come up wagging their tails like a pug."

"Our goodwill?"

"That's right, as long as we express that they are willing to continue to sign the long-term ore import agreement with us, we can give them two percentage points of the price, why don't they rush to sign the agreement?" Wayne said.

They originally wanted to raise the price, but now that the situation has changed, they need to lower the price. As long as they make a profit, other steel mills in the East will definitely come.

If these steel mills have signed the agreement in private, the China Iron and Steel Association will become a joke.

It is difficult for Mingzhou Group to stand alone, and it will still be isolated at that time. Of course, it is still very difficult to let Mingzhou Group fall. After all, they have stored a large amount of iron ore, which is enough for several years.

I can only wait for the opportunity to make a fuss from the football country.

"Why lower the price to them?" Some people were dissatisfied.

"The current price reduction is for better price increases in the future. As long as we break them one by one and sign an agreement with us, they will have to accept the price increase next year. After all, they have become a mess. I don’t trust them any more. Orientals are used to this, they compete with their peers in the international market, isn’t there such a thing?” Wayne seemed convinced of the Orientals.

"That's right, you're right, we'll give them some benefits." Ender nodded, "Let them know that they can't unite at all."

At this moment, Wayne's cell phone rang. He opened it, and a short message appeared on it. After seeing the content clearly, his face changed slightly.

"What happened?"

"The Orientals have arrested the purchasers of their steel mills, and our informant is gone." Wayne said, "However, it's nothing. When the long-term mine agreement is signed next month, we can win over some more people." , as long as you give them some benefits and promise that they will immigrate to us in the future, they will be able to serve us.”

Recently, too many things have happened in the steel industry, which makes people feel unacceptable for a while, and each thing comes too fast.

This is definitely a major change in the steel industry!
It was originally only an activity in the business field, but when someone was taken away, some people began to panic.

"Old Zhao, do you think we will be in danger?" Luo Jinquan asked Zhao Mangui.

"What's the danger? We didn't disclose the secrets to foreigners." Zhao Mangui said: "Those two people were arrested because they were bribed and leaked the content of our last meeting. They are too stupid to use their brains." Think about it, now all eyes are on BHP, they actually ran to leak the secrets, if they don’t arrest them, who will they arrest? We didn’t go to BHP, we went to Vale, this company is very low-key, we here A little business is nothing to others.”

"However, if we do this, after all, we are dismantling the China Iron and Steel Association. Will it be settled by Qiuhou?"

"How to settle accounts after the fall? Don't let us import iron ore? As long as we sign the agreement, we must implement it. Otherwise, wouldn't we have broken our word in the international market? If we didn't sign it, we would be in trouble Duo, let's go!"

Luo Jinquan and Zhao Mangui walked into Vale's office in the capital, where they signed relevant agreements.

The 5000 million tons of iron ore is really nothing to Vale. After all, their daily export volume can reach millions of tons. This long-term agreement is for five years, and the annual export of 1000 million tons is also It is only ten days' production, but it is enough for 38 small and medium-sized steel mills in China, and there is still a lot of surplus. They are considering increasing production in the future and even reselling this batch of iron ore to make money.

This kind of small business can be handled by Vale's office in the capital. As for the fee, it can be paid for the first year first.

Seventy U.S. dollars per ton, which is seven hundred million U.S. dollars. These 38 small and medium-sized steel mills worked hard to get it together, and almost mortgaged their factories. Otherwise, how could they get so much money together? .

Seeing that the money was directly given to Vale, for some reason, Luo Jinquan felt empty in his heart.

After signing the agreement and completing the transfer procedures, Luo Jinquan felt more and more uneasy.

Walking out of the gate of the office, Luo Jinquan looked at the snowflakes floating in the sky outside, and said, "Old Zhao, this time we are fighting with our backs. If something happens, then we will be finished."

"How can something happen? No matter how much iron ore Mingzhou Group has, it will be used up one day. At that time, they will have to come and beg us to sell the excess iron ore to them. What about China Iron and Steel Association? Negotiating the price, can the price be reduced? If the price is reduced, can we have our share? Huh, colleagues are enemies, and they don’t even understand this kind of truth?”

Zhao Mangui is very confident. If they were the only ones, they might be the ones who came out ahead. Now that they have joined together 38 small and medium-sized steel factories, how can that Qin Tao attack them?
"I hope it's okay." Luo Jinquan was still very worried. When he was speaking, the cold wind was blowing into his mouth, making him feel that his lungs were getting cold.

Just then, the phone rang.

Luo Jinquan picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, and a panicked voice came from inside: "Director Luo, it's not good! Several big blocks came, saying that our environmental protection is not up to standard, and we are required to suspend business for rectification."

"What?" Luo Jinquan's face changed drastically: "Who is leading the team? Hurry up and send money, don't we still have more than 100 million in our account? Give them all!"

"They won't take it. If they force me, they say they will arrest me. Come back quickly."

"Okay, hold on, I'll go back right away!"

"What's the matter, Lao Luo?" Zhao Mangui was a little curious: "Do you want my help? Now we are on the same boat, and we need to help each other and help each other."

"I'll go back and have a look first."

Looking at the back of Luo Jinquan leaving in a hurry, Zhao Mangui had a bad feeling for the first time, and at this moment, his cell phone rang.

"Director Zhao, something happened!"

"what's up?"

"The power bureau cut off our electricity."

"The electricity is cut off? How is this possible? Bureau Zhang of the Power Bureau has a good relationship with us."

"Zhang Bureau has already been transferred, and a new Wang Bureau has arrived. He said that it is winter and the power supply is tight, so he pulled our brakes."

Zhao Mangui was not in a hurry: "It's okay, it must be done. I'll talk about it when I go back. In less than two days, we will be able to supply electricity to us."

Ironmaking requires electricity, blast furnaces need feeding, and blowers are needed. If ironmaking is followed by steelmaking, it will consume even more electricity. Generally, small and medium-sized iron and steel factories use electric furnaces to make steel, and the temperature required for steelmaking is full. Burn by electricity.

Without electricity, their factory would have to shut down completely.

Therefore, it is not easy to open a factory. The relationship between all aspects needs to be managed, otherwise, a small big block can cause trouble.

Zhao Mangui returned to the factory with this emotion, but when he returned, his face changed.

"The electric stove is broken?"

"That's right, when the power was cut off, our electric furnace had just half-melted the steel in it, and suddenly the power went out, and now that furnace is all scrap steel, and it's still solidified inside."

Zhao Mangui's face completely darkened.

He came from a large iron and steel plant, so of course he knows all kinds of operating rules clearly. However, since he contracted Cao Gang, he has never had this kind of power outage problem. As time goes by, the content of training in the past is slow. Slowly forget.

Iron and steel plants must not accidentally cut off the power, otherwise the loss will be heavy!

Historically, in February 2001, an unexpected power outage occurred in the HD Iron and Steel Plant with an annual output of 2 million tons. All blast furnaces in the plant were cut off from water, electricity, and gas, and slag filling occurred, and the cooling equipment was burned down.

How bad is this outage?Part of the molten iron and steel fell to the ground, the ladle and iron ladle were damaged, and some steel rolling equipment was also damaged.The accident caused economic losses of tens of millions of yuan.

In addition to iron and steel factories, there are glass factories that cannot be powered off. Once the power is cut off, the molten glass liquid will cool and freeze in various places, and the equipment will be scrapped immediately. Maintenance and replacement will take half a year.

Although Cao Gang is a small steel mill, it is also a big local profit and tax household. The power supply has never been a problem, and he usually manages it well enough. Now, the sudden power outage has caused him a lot of losses.

"Where's the blast furnace?"

"The blast furnace was fine. When the power was cut off, the blast furnace had just been fired. We took advantage of the heat and released the molten iron in the blast furnace."

Zhao Mangui breathed a sigh of relief, and they can still produce. Even if only the blast furnace is used to make iron, they can slow down. When the imported iron ore arrives, they resume production. After that, they can make a lot of money, and it will not be too late to repair the steelmaking furnace .

With this expectation, he came to the front of the blast furnace, and when he looked in from the tapping nozzle, his expression changed: "Why hasn't the slag been cleaned out?"

"After the power outage, the water was cut off, and the slag couldn't be cleaned up."

If it wasn't cleaned up, the slag was already stuck inside, so what's wrong with it, the blast furnace was also scrapped!

(End of this chapter)

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