Great warships

Chapter 811

Chapter 811
Shishkin understood that he came to the afternoon meeting not only because he was from the ship design bureau and could evaluate the modification plan of Mingzhou Group, but also because his design bureau had a relationship with Ah San, so now Selling warships to Ah San, you have to ask yourself to help!

Shishkin was a little speechless, you are so capable, you sell it yourself, why do you come to me?If something goes wrong, then our design bureau will be blamed.

"If Ah San knows that we are behind the scenes, he will definitely not take the bait. Therefore, the North Design Bureau must take the lead in this modification plan." Qin Tao continued to fool: "The gas turbines needed can be said to be purchased from Ermao. Yes, anyway, our gas turbines are jointly researched and developed. You can take the [-]-cent route. You can say that the generators and motors you need are produced by relevant domestic institutions. The ones we export do not have nameplates, and we leave them to you for OEM. That's it."

In fact, Qin Tao just thought about it casually just now, but he quickly refined the plan, and Nicholas nodded on it: "Yes, this plan is feasible, let's discuss the details next, and I will discuss it later." Will report to superiors."

In order to revive those giant ships, the first thing to do is not to improve electronic equipment and weapons, but to restore the power system. This is a road that must be taken!
Next, it has nothing to do with Qin Tao. These people discussed back and forth, Mutisin also participated in it, and put forward a few good suggestions. At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Nicholas ran to the general manager with the formed resolution. dude.

Although Nicholas is already a high-ranking authority, but now, Nicholas finds that he is not free. He cannot make decisions on many things, and he has to report to the boss. He is not as happy as when he was in the Far East.

After listening to Nicholas' report carefully, the boss didn't speak immediately, but pondered.

"The Type 1144 cruiser is our largest cruiser. Now that there is a possibility of recovery, we can't sell it easily. Can we sell one of our Type 1164 cruisers?"

Nicholas quickly shook his head: "No, no, the Type 1164 cruiser is mature, and the three ships that have entered service are the main forces of our fleets, even the flagships. We must not sell our main warships, rather We will not sell the Project 1144 without restoring the Project 1164 cruiser."

What a joke!
The Type 1144 cruiser is nuclear-powered, but the power system is extremely unreliable, and all three ships are lying on the ground. Back then, the old man also felt that nuclear power was too extravagant, so he built a shrunken Kirov-class, that is, the displacement is only 1164 tons. The early Type [-], namely the Glory class, uses gas turbines, is quite mature and reliable, and is the main force of each fleet.

The Moskva is the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the Varyag is the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, and the Marshal Ustinov in the Northern Fleet did not become a flagship because the Northern Fleet has an aircraft carrier (there is also a saying that Peter The Great is the flagship, did the Peter the Great become the flagship after the library ship started repairing?) However, it is still the most important warship of the Northern Fleet.

Therefore, this kind of warship must not be sold!

"What about our destroyer?" Obviously, the boss didn't want to sell the [-]-ton giant ship.

"Our destroyers are too old to adapt to modern operations, and Ah San doesn't like them either. They have their own Derry class, so they won't buy our second-hand warships at all. Only warships like Type 1144 can attract them." They." Nicholas said: "It is still a good deal for us to sacrifice one warship and restore the combat effectiveness of two warships."

The boss shook his head: "Then let's think of other ways, [-] million US dollars is not too much, we have a way to raise this fund, haven't you discussed the plan to mine Far Eastern timber? Then sell it for [-] million US dollars wood for them."

wood?This thing is worthless, how much wood is worth [-] million dollars!Nicholas took a deep breath: "In this case, it is estimated that it will take ten or eight years to cover the cost, right?"

"Then sign a long-term agreement." The boss made a final decision: "In short, the three Type 1144 ships, whether they can be repaired or need to be repaired, must not be sold. Since you and Mr. Qin are good friends, he should be able to accept this agreement."

Nicholas nodded: "Okay, I will try to convince him."

There is no way, you have to listen to what the boss says, and you have to work hard to do it well.

"Well, next, let's talk about gas turbines. If our navy wants to build brand-new warships in the future, we need new gas turbines. We can't always import them, we must be able to produce them ourselves."

Nicholas also got serious.

When they wanted to build a brand new warship, they had made a lot of assumptions. At the beginning, they planned to build a warship of eight or nine thousand tons, but their financial resources were limited, so they could only downgrade to four or five thousand tons. At this level, they still have difficulties. In addition to design, phased array radar, vertical hair and other issues, the most important thing is the engine!

In the era of the Red Empire, all the gas turbines for ships were placed on Ermao's side. After the separation, Da Mao found sadly that he no longer had qualified gas turbines for ships!If you want to build a warship, you have to buy gas turbines.

Outsourcing is obviously risky.

They are a big country and absolutely cannot tolerate the continuous purchase of gas turbines. However, independent production is easier said than done!
"Now, we don't have much money, and we simply don't have the ability to develop advanced marine gas turbines." Nikolai said, "Even improving our aero-engines requires a lot of time and capital investment. Next, it will be more cost-effective for us to purchase.”

Nicholas knew about this problem, but he had no way to solve it, because it needed money, and without money, nothing could be done.

The boss nodded: "Yes, it will take a long time if we develop our own, but now, Genghis Khan Aviation, a subsidiary of Mingzhou Group, already has a [-]-megawatt gas turbine, so can we... "

An ominous premonition surged in Nicholas' heart, can you come here?Is not this nonsensical?Of course not!Even if I have a good relationship with Mr. Qin, it's not so good!Business is business, and friends are friends!
However, he couldn't say anything else, he could only listen quietly.

"Can we use the technology we have to exchange with them?" Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief when the boss said this. It is still possible if the technology is exchanged.

"Now, they are still importing AL-31F engines from us. This is the aero engine they need most. It should be fair and reasonable for us to exchange the production technology of gas turbines with them with the full set of production technology of this aero engine. After Genghis Khan Aviation obtains the technology, they can produce this advanced engine and make their business bigger, which should be beneficial to both of us.”

The boss has already planned it!

"Okay, I'll ask Mr. Qin." Nicholas said.

When he returned, the people who attended the meeting had already had dinner and dispersed, and Qin Tao also checked into the hotel. Nicholas rushed to the hotel and told the big brother's request.

"We can accept the agreement on wood exchange and modification fees." Qin Tao said, "It's okay for us to advance the funds to you in advance. Who makes us good friends? However, the technology exchange of gas turbines is absolutely not acceptable."

In Lao Maozi's eyes, it will take ten years to mine [-] million dollars worth of wood. However, they will never know how fast the technology in the East is developing. With a few advanced machines, it can be mined in a year. The old man was taken aback!
This is not a problem, but if the old man wants the technology of gas turbines, that is a dream.


"Because your AL-31F engine won't be sold for a few years." Qin Tao said: "You should also know that we have been developing our own turbofan 31 in China. The progress has been rapid in the past few years, and we are currently preparing for it on a twin-engine fighter. I have used it, and in the future, it can also be used on the single-engine J-[-]. Your AL-[-]F engine is already a product that we are ready to give up at any time. If we exchange technology, we can get this engine technology back. There will be no market in a few years, and it will become a loss-making project for us.”

The old man is so naive!
Uncle San’s engine has not changed for decades, and he has been eating his old money, and with fewer and fewer skilled workers on the production line, the product quality is getting worse and worse. Now, the old man actually wants to exchange such an old antique for [-] Megawatt gas turbine technology, isn't this a joke?
Besides, the domestic turbofan [-] has also been used in large quantities, so there is no need to introduce the third uncle's production line.

In fact, although there is no production line of the third uncle in China, there is an overhaul line of the third uncle. With the update of technology, the overhaul technology is getting more and more advanced, and the life of the third uncle is getting longer and longer. The overhaul line can produce the third uncle. .

However, there is no domestic production, because the turbofan ten is the most important thing in China.This project is used to replace Uncle San, with more advanced design and higher performance.Qin Tao wouldn't want the third uncle's production line.

Nicholas nodded: "I will take your words to the boss, you don't need this kind of engine, because there are already alternatives, and the boss can't be too aggressive. However, if you provide a new Are you willing to exchange engine technology? For example, AL-41F engine?"

If the Red Empire hadn't collapsed, then this kind of engine would have been manufactured a long time ago, but now, the MiG 1.44 has been dusty, and the fourth-generation engine developed by Rurika-Saturn for this fighter has been tested for hundreds of hours. However, the old Maozi used the technology of this engine to transform the original three uncles into models of AL-41F1 and AL-41F1S, the latter of which became the famous 117S.

In other words, even if the AL-41F has been tested, it is still immature. Although the thrust and thrust-to-weight ratio are sufficient, it may have a lifespan of dozens of hours. Qin Tao would not like this kind of engine, let alone , domestic engine research and development has been on the right track.

"We still have Turbofan [-] in our country, and we are still improving on the basis of this engine. We are not weak in aero engines, so there is no need to introduce your engine technology."

Qin Tao knows that he must speak clearly. If he just wants to give some charity and then ask us to hand over the most advanced technology to you, then you are making a big mistake.

"Yeah, you have developed very fast these years." Nicholas said: "In many fields, you are no longer weak, so there is no need to use ours. However, our navy needs advanced gas turbines."

"If you need it, you can purchase it from us, Nicholas, as long as I am still in charge of the Mingzhou Group, I can open the supply for you, and you can also use your own aero-engines to modify, for example, if you have If the NK231 engine is modified with this engine, the output power can reach [-] megawatts."

Of course we know we can change, but it takes money!
"Then if we exchange, what can we use to exchange gas turbine technology?" Nicholas still didn't give up, he had to explain to the boss.

"If it has to be exchanged, it should be exchanged with the technology of Tu-160."

Da Mao's strategic bomber?Nicholas opened his eyes wide: "Qin, your request is too much!"

Nicholas could imagine that if he said these demands, the boss might not be so angry.

"At present, this is what we need. Even if you don't give it to us, we can research it ourselves." Qin Tao said, "Isn't it too much for you to ask for our gas turbine technology?"

Nicholas fell silent.

After coming out of Qin Tao, it was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and Nicholas knocked on the boss' door again.

"The issue of refitting the wood for the nuclear-powered cruiser has been settled, and then we have to discuss it with the Orientals in detail." The boss began to arrange the work: "Although it is the technology they provide, the refit has to be done in our country. "

"Here we are? We don't have the conditions for modification. Our workers are procrastinating and our equipment is outdated. If the Orientals can complete the modification in half a year, it will take us two years." Nicholas was very anxious.

"If we don't support our own business, then we will be even more unable to refit in the future. How can our navy revive?"

Nicholas can only nod: "Okay, this kind of modification needs to change the power system, the mooring state is inconvenient, and the floating dock is still needed. Currently, we only have the PD-82 floating dock in the 50 ship repair yard that has this kind of maintenance capability. , then hand over the upgrade work to 82 Ship Repair Yard.”

Other modifications can be carried out directly on the dock, such as upgrading electronic equipment or something. In fact, this is also an illegal operation. After all, many radars need to be installed precisely, shaking on the dock, and being as stable as Mount Tai in the dock, the installation accuracy is different. , but the old man has no choice but to make do with it.

However, this power system must not be parked on the pier for renovation, because it is prone to danger. For example, if the transmission shaft leaks suddenly during the renovation process, the warship will sink.

Lao Maozi's navy can't stand the toss.

The boss nodded, even if this matter is finalized, the next step is to deal with the gas turbine.

"The technology of the Tu-160 bomber? They really take it for granted. If they have this kind of bomber, they can fly to Moscow!" The boss was not angry, but his tone was already very cold.

Although Da Mao has fallen, Da Mao still has dignity. Da Mao still has reservations about many principled things, just like the bomber we are talking about now, that is an advanced technology that Da Mao will never export.

It is good that Da Mao can provide Dongfang with Su-30 fighter-bombers. When he provided Dongfang with Su-27, he also made an agreement. This kind of fighter can only be deployed in the south, and must not be deployed in the northeast.

Tu-160 is a strategic bomber, how can it be exported to the East?

"If this is the case, then we can only suspend the technology introduction of the gas turbine project. Now, directly purchasing gas turbines from the East to meet our current needs is also a temporary emergency method." Nikolai said.

The boss frowned: "How did they develop their [-]-megawatt gas turbine?"

"There is no definite evidence yet, but it is rumored that this gas turbine is improved on the basis of the D-18T engine production technology owned by Ermao Motor Sich." Nikolai said, this is no secret.

The Red Empire collapsed, and Ermao got a lot of good things. The D-18T engine is one of them. However, since this engine is used for large aircraft, there is no similar large aircraft in the East, so the engine is useless. However, the East Obviously they will not give up. On the basis of this engine, they have improved the marine gas turbine. The [-] megawatt gas turbine has been born, which has solved the power problem of many large warships. Whether it is an aircraft carrier or a cruiser, there are Without reliable power, even Lao Maozi's warship transformation had to purchase related gas turbines from the East.

"Since they can change it, so can we." The boss said: "Although we don't have D-18T, we have NK-32. Based on this high-thrust engine, can we improve it ourselves? gas turbine?"

The technical route of the boss is correct. After all, in the East, a group of people are trying to use this method to develop naval gas turbines. At first, Mr. Qin agreed, but then he turned around and supported the D-18T project.

However, it turned out that the D-18T was more suitable. After all, this engine is a turbofan engine of a high-thrust transport aircraft, and the modification is the most suitable. The NK-32 is a bomber engine. After the afterburner is removed, the thrust is not so much.

Nikolai frowned: "The production line of this engine has been closed."

NK-32 is the engine used by the Tu-22M and Tu-160 bombers, but these bombers currently have no production plans. What Lao Maozi has on hand is nothing more than the legacy of the Red Empire. They have not produced brand new bombers at all, and They already have a batch of backup engines on hand, so the production line has long been closed.

"It can be restarted after it is closed." The boss said: "Or use the existing aero engine to modify it first. In short, we cannot be controlled by others in key projects."

Nicholas frowned. If we want to talk about improvement, what they need most is a 22350 megawatt gas turbine to power the current [-] frigate. But since the boss has already spoken, he can't say anything more What's the matter, and he knows that the boss also likes big ones.

It was already late at night after leaving the big brother, but Nicholas still came to Qin Tao in a hurry. He wanted to convey the big brother's intentions to Qin Tao so that he could make preparations.

"Your leaders are wise. The power system of a warship belongs to the heart. It is always risky to be controlled by others in this kind of project. No matter what I promise, it will not reduce their worries." Qin Tao said: "You want to It is very far-sighted to develop your own naval power system based on the bomber engine, and I wish you success!"

"Qin, I know your intentions are good, but you should know that our demand for 22350 MW gas turbines is only those three cruisers. We even plan to abandon one and rebuild two. Only four gas turbines are needed. It can be purchased from you. If we really need independent research and development, we should develop a [-]-megawatt gas turbine to equip our [-] frigate. This needs to be built in large quantities. We should build on the basis of existing aero engines Remodeled one."

Qin Tao nodded: "Your idea is very good, but if you develop a 22350-megawatt gas turbine and use it on the [-] frigate, you only need to use one."

"How about one, our frigate has two shafts and two oars!" Nicholas was a little speechless, Qin, you are a professional, and you don't even understand this?

General warships have two shafts, two propellers and two rudders. This is of course for insurance. In case one of the power outputs is interrupted, the other set of power can still be used on top. Take the current 22350 frigate as an example. The low-speed Sometimes, a diesel engine drives a propeller each, and these are independent. At high speed, a gas turbine drives a propeller that should have been driven by a diesel engine through a reducer.

Now, with only one gas turbine, how do you drive two propellers?
"Nicolas, don't forget that we also encountered power transmission problems during the transformation of the cruiser, but we used all-electric propulsion to solve the problem easily. Now, a [-]-megawatt gas turbine replaces It’s no big deal to have two diesel engines, they can directly drive the generator, and there will be no problem of combining vehicles.” Qin Tao said: “At low speed, the diesel engine generates electricity; at high speed, the diesel engine and the gas turbine generate electricity together. This is enough to use, and all-electric propulsion has this advantage."

Nicholas's eyes lit up, that's right, why didn't he think of it?Sure enough, I am still too behind!
All the navies in the world have begun to study the comprehensive power system of the whole ship. Only Da Mao has been living on his laurels. He has no plans or funds for research and development at all, so they are outdated. If it is not for the help of the Orientals, they will Will stay at the low level for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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