Great warships

Chapter 859 Borrow 2 Vertical Takeoff and Landing Fighters

Chapter 859 Borrowing Two Vertical Takeoff and Landing Fighters
"Damn it, how was this contract signed? Didn't you read the contract carefully?" Gao Bowen threw the canal excavation contract in front of Li Mingyao: "Look carefully!"

What could be wrong with the contract?
Li Mingyao took the contract with some curiosity, looked at it for a while, and then his face changed drastically.

"How is it possible? When we were talking, there was no agreement on the relevant time limit. We should have a special force majeure factor later. Now, the time limit has been added and the force majeure factor has been removed. This is not the one I signed. A contract!" Li Mingyao was surprised.

Of course he would not know that the contract was swapped.

The details and terms of the contract that were initially negotiated were all checked by the legal staff. It was definitely fine, but they were not signed at the time. When they were signed later, they were replaced with this contract. Most of them were the same. Li Mingyao didn't pay attention at the time. Just fell for it!

"The construction team has completely stopped work. They will ask the Orientals to re-construct. The attitude towards us is the last one left."

What is the last?Go through the legal process.

"I'm going to find Trasil, he and I are good friends." Li Mingyao said.

"Trasil has been arrested! He is currently being investigated for corruption and bribery. If you go to him, you have to go in!"

Has Siam changed?

Li Mingyao's mind was in a mess. He thought of something: "The United States, now the United States is putting pressure on them, and they will definitely give up the canal construction under the pressure of the United States!"

"Why are you so stupid? If they give up building the canal, the United States will compensate them. At that time, wouldn't it be the best plan to use our compensation to compensate?"

Li Mingyao's face was extremely ugly. He felt that he had fallen into a terrible vortex and would be completely swallowed at any moment.

"In short, this contract has nothing to do with our Port Group. If you really lose the lawsuit, you will go to jail. You are no longer a member of our Port Group. Go to the finance department to receive your last salary. .”

Li Mingyao was completely dumbfounded, what was he doing?Give up the car and protect the handsome?No, I have paid so much for the group, and the group treats me like this?No, absolutely not!

"Dong dong!" At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"what's up?"

"Just received the latest news that Siam will hold a military exercise tomorrow. All the main warships on hand will be dispatched, and they will also practice the subject of attacking warships at sea."

Rehearsing a sea attack?

Li Mingyao smiled: "They are so funny, they actually want to resist? What ability do they have to simulate an attack on an aircraft carrier?"

"I heard that there is a stealth machine."

Stealth machine?
"Are they going to completely fall to the east?"

Upon receiving this news, Swift was also surprised for a while, and then became very angry: "Okay, since this is the case, then let's see what wonderful performance their aircraft carrier will make people laugh out loud. Showing their strength? Huh, outside the defensive circle of our aircraft carrier, we will kill them!"

However, since it is a stealth aircraft, it has to be taken seriously: "The Air Force also has to cooperate with us and send an E-3 over to monitor the whole process."

Although the Navy also has the E-2 early warning aircraft, it is too small and the search range is too close. A strategic early warning aircraft such as the E-3 is easier to monitor stealth aircraft targets.

Of course, this is just Swift's personal imagination. In fact, if the E-2 is sent over, it should have better results, and they can find the correct way to detect the stealth machine as soon as possible.

Siam's action was very fast, and they responded within three days. They just wanted to tell the United States, don't try to threaten us this time, we won't do what you do!If Siam wants to build a canal, it must face the interference of various external forces, and they can only rely on themselves.

The Siamese Navy also demonstrated its most powerful naval power for this purpose: an aircraft carrier Chakri, four F-25T frigates, and two more backward Chao Phraya-class frigates.From a distance, it seems to be mighty, but the displacement of the entire formation has not reached [-] tons, and it is not even equal to the displacement of a medium-sized aircraft carrier. What strength does such an aircraft carrier formation have to challenge the US Navy?
Of course it is the J-31A fighter!

At this time, the small flight deck was empty, and no carrier-based aircraft could be seen, even the original J-31 fighters, that is, the batch of Yak-38s that were repaired to extend their lifespan were also missing.

Although Siam has acquired such an aircraft carrier for a long time, and has operated carrier-based aircraft for a while, it soon became slack, and they have no extra funds for them to conduct various trainings. is quite rare.

On the island of the Chakri aircraft carrier, Lacourt stood there confidently, looking at the rippling sea. Although Siam's navy is not very strong, with the opening of the canal, the country's economy will For the better, the navy will continue to purchase a batch of warships.

The warships they escort are too backward, they need advanced Aegis warships!Mr. Qin also introduced their 054 modification project, which was very attractive to him. There is also a lack of submarines underwater. We should purchase a few submarines from the East. As for the aircraft carrier, we can also purchase another one with a larger displacement. Time to form a dual aircraft carrier formation.

Asan just broke the aircraft carrier, and still want to compete with Dongfang?At that time, even our Siamese country can't compare!
He is very confident, but others are not necessarily so. Soracha, the captain of the Chakri aircraft carrier, has a nervous expression on his face: "Will our maritime formation exercise this time anger the United States? If they What if we make trouble during our exercise?"

"Enrage the Americans? It's none of our business to do exercises in our own territorial waters." Rakul said, "Solacha, you are in such a state that you are not suitable to be the commander of our navy's most advanced warship!"

Soracha hurriedly remedied: "No, no, as a naval officer, I strictly implement the orders of my superiors, but as a captain, I have to consider not only military but also political considerations. Every qualified aircraft carrier Captain, you have to be a politician."

Aircraft carrier captains are different from ordinary captains. They often undertake diplomatic missions, and they must be good at considering political aspects at critical times.

"From a political point of view, we should hold this military exercise." Rakul glanced at Soraza: "Do you remember the economic crisis a few years ago?"

"Of course I remember, if it wasn't for the damn economic crisis, our navy wouldn't have had no funds for training in the past few years."

"Then do you know what's going on with this economic crisis?"

"You mean, it's the work of the Americans?"

"It's not a joke, it's aboveboard. That damn Soros has long admitted that he sniped our currency and caused our economic crisis. Our whole country is a mess. He returned with tens of billions of dollars in profits! This Such people have committed unforgivable crimes against us, but they have become the most famous capital tycoons in the United States, why?"

Speaking of the economic crisis, everyone is angry.

"That's right, the Americans are vampires who plunder the wealth of the world. They are sucking our blood, and now they are preventing us from building the canal. Faced with such people, should we continue to compromise?"

"No!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Fortunately, we have the help of the East. This time we want to deter the Americans and let them know our determination and will to build the canal. We have the ability to protect our own country's key projects. We will not let the Americans over our heads Pointing fingers!" Lacour said: "This exercise is the beginning of our great country journey!"

In fact, they don't want to fight against the United States, but the Americans are on the side of Singapore. If they want to build the canal, they must go against the will of the Americans. They hope to show their will to tell the Americans, you It's better not to interfere!
"When will the J-31A arrive?" Soracha asked.

Relying on their formation, they are destined to be unable to pose a threat to the US aircraft carrier formation. They need advanced stealth fighters!
"Soon, now they are flying over, we just need to wait in the corresponding frequency band." Lacourt said.

Just then, a voice came over the radio: "Wild Dog Calling Chakri, Wild Dog Calling Chakri."

This is a standard English call, Lacourt was very emotional, look, how high the quality of the Eastern pilots are!Spoken English is so good, pure English communication is no problem!

English is the first foreign language in Siam, and 60.00% of the people can speak it. Every school has English teachers. After all, they are a big tourist country. Every year, a large number of foreigners come to their country. Fluent cockney accent.

The officers of the Siamese Navy also speak fluent English.

"This is the Chakri, where are you? We haven't seen your shadow on the radar."

"At a distance of [-] kilometers, we have visually spotted the aircraft carrier, and we will continue to approach."

Thirty kilometers away, their fleet's radar didn't find anything!The people on the warship were surprised.They went to the porthole and looked around.

Time is passing slowly.

"The distance is five kilometers. Now we need to lower the landing gear and request landing."

"Two bright spots appeared on the radar!" The radar soldier shouted loudly.

With the release of the landing gear, the stealth shape of the J-31A was destroyed, and the shape of the stealth machine appeared on the radar screen. Feeling these things personally, everyone was very itchy.

Buy it, even if you want to sell it, you have to buy it!
The canal must be built. After the canal is built, the country's economy will develop, and then there will be money to buy advanced stealth machines!
In order to build the canal, it does not matter against the will of the United States!
Following the direction guided by the radar, the naval officers finally saw the traces of the two stealth planes. They were no longer pure black coatings, but a low-visible gray coating. If they did not know their location in advance, It's really hard to find out in the first place.

A distance of five kilometers is enough to drop all kinds of precision-guided bombs!
The big guy watched the stealth plane gradually approaching, and was very shocked. This is the stealth plane, the most advanced aircraft in the world!
Delano looked at the aircraft carrier gradually approaching below, and he also felt emotional in his heart. He came out, and finally came out. After being hidden in the snow for so long, he finally wants to show his ability again!
After hearing about the lease of two fighter planes this time, Delano was very itchy and immediately sent a report, asking himself to fly. Originally, he thought that there would be no chance of appearing on the stage, but who would have thought that it would be approved!

Not only him, the pilot of another fighter plane, but also the former pilot of the US Navy who came with them, the pilot James code-named Caddy!

Delano can also guess that the choice of the two of them is because the Easterners try their best to restrain themselves and avoid direct conflicts with the United States. In case of any accident, it is not the Eastern pilots who will be exposed. Just be happy.

"Cadboy, I'll land first, look at my trajectory." Delano continued to shout over the radio.

The vertical take-off and landing J-31A was the last to be successfully developed, so there are not many pilots who can fly it, and there are many dangers when operating it to land on the ship. The deck of the Chakri is too small, and there must be no accidents. The experienced Delano will of course be the first to fly.

The vertical take-off and landing fan cover on the back of the aircraft has been opened long ago, and the speed of the fighter plane is getting slower and slower. When it reaches the sky above the aircraft carrier, it turns into a vertical state, lands slowly, lands again, and finally the wheels are stable landed on the deck, right in that circle.

First-class technology!Everyone on the ship island admired it very much. In fact, Draenor didn't take over the control at all. It was completely landed by the flight controller, unless he felt there was a problem, he would only touch it manually.

He landed at the tail of the deck, leaving the easier landing in the middle to the caddy James, and James' fighter plane also landed smoothly after a few minutes.

When the canopy was opened, a gangway had already been set up below. At the same time, Lacourt and other senior naval officials also walked down. When they saw the western faces of Delano and James, they were surprised: "Where are you two?" Countryman?"

"Of course they are Orientals." Delano said: "When you look at a person, don't look at his appearance, but look at his inner heart. Our hearts are all Chinese."

Lacour was surprised, but he couldn't lose his composure at this time. He quickly stretched out his hand: "I welcome you on behalf of the Siamese Navy. Next, you will undertake the most important exercise mission. You must first Would you like to have something to eat in the aircraft carrier's restaurant?"

"No, is the target ship ready?" Delano said, "We have weapons in the bomb bay, and we can launch missiles at any time to destroy the target ship."

What's the point of eating? What Draenor wants to do most now is of course launch missiles and attack the target. It would be even better if he could meet confrontation.

Now, upon hearing his words, Lacour nodded immediately: "Of course I'm ready, and I can act at any time."

"Okay, then refuel our plane. After filling up, we will take off from this aircraft carrier."

"Ski jump to take off? Can it work?" Rakul was a little worried.

Don't think that the aircraft carrier Chakri has a jumping deck, but in actual operation, they have never used it. After all, an aircraft like the Yak-38 can only take off vertically, and has never tried short-distance takeoff.

Now, their jump deck is finally going to be used.

"Of course there is no problem. Your aircraft carrier will be equipped with this kind of fighter plane in the future, and you must use the ski jump take-off method." After Delano forgive me, he thought of something: "You should have cleaned up the deck, right? Even a small keychain can cause us an accident during takeoff."

"Let's clean it up again!" Soracha said.

So, while the two fighter planes were refueling, a large row of vests of various colors lined up in a neat line and walked slowly from the middle of the deck to the front, not letting go of any small objects along the way.

In the distant sky, on the E-3 early warning aircraft that has been monitoring, many people have serious faces.

"Our AWACS didn't find the two fighters flying over, and they didn't appear until the two planes approached the aircraft carrier at a distance of five kilometers. If we guessed correctly, it should have opened the landing gear and the air intake of the lift fan. Our early warning aircraft cannot detect the J-31A fighter!"

"They use the vertical landing method, which is already deployed in actual combat. The Easterners have conquered the technology of vertical take-off and landing fighters without knowing it! But we haven't selected the type yet!"

X-32 and X-35 are still in the process of bidding, and the military has not made a final decision. From a technical point of view, X-35 is obviously more practical, but X-35 is simply an imitation of the Eastern J-31A!This made the proud U.S. Air Force very dissatisfied.

Anyway, the U.S. Air Force does not need vertical take-off and landing fighters. They try their best to reject the X-35, while the Navy has discovered the tastelessness of the X-32 and no longer cares about face. It wants the X-35. The two services are quarreling. The joint fighter program encountered significant resistance.

"It's all those guys from the navy who are against our air force everywhere. At this critical moment, don't we still have to rely on our air force's early warning aircraft?"

Swift also received the news, with a cloudy expression on his face, and then said: "The Siamese country held exercises in that sea area, which clearly does not take Ah San seriously, Ah San should also send A warship went to join in the fun, if they don't even have this kind of courage, they are not worthy of conducting joint military exercises with us."

"Yes, I will notify them immediately." The assistant said.

On the aircraft carrier, the preparations were soon completed. A group of naval officers surrounded the two aircraft almost all the time, staring at them enviously. They really wanted this advanced aircraft so much!
"Report, the takeoff deck has been cleaned up!"

"Report, the fuel has been filled!"

News came one by one.

"Now, please move our aircraft to the appropriate position."

"Okay, bring our trailer over here!"

pull over?
Delano and James looked curiously at the green vest on the deck, and they pulled a trailer over, which was almost like pulling a shelf in a supermarket!

Can this thing tow a plane?

Both Delano and James stared wide-eyed at the work of these men.

Moving fighter jets on the deck is a technical task. Both the United States and the East take a professional route. There are special deck trailers, which cost tens of millions. Countries like Ah San can't afford it, so they just go directly to the tractor.

What about Siam?What technical route does Siam use?
For an aircraft carrier with a displacement of [-] tons, the deck area is too small, and there is no space for a dedicated deck tractor at all, so they simply used the simplest and most direct method: a hand-drawn trailer.

In fact, even on land, moving aircraft is often pushed by people, and a dozen ground crews can push the aircraft into the hangar.

On the deck, if you are in a hurry, everyone will push it together, but it is too difficult after all, so I simply used a hand-drawn trailer. This thing is simple and has a good view. Just hook the front landing gear, and then there are two Individuals can drag it hard in front, and it is also convenient to drag it to the corresponding position.

"Where did the trailer for this deck come from?" Delano asked curiously.

"The second-hand goods purchased from the UK only cost a few thousand dollars. After we improved them, we can hang on the wheels of the J-31. Your J-31A is similar to the J-31 and can also hang on it."

While talking, the fighter plane that landed last has been dragged to the right side of the deck, out of the way of the take-off line.

The Chakri aircraft carrier has no take-off point, nor does it have a flame shield. Since the deck is not long, a take-off line is drawn across the entire deck on its left deck. Fly all the way to the jump deck at the head, which can maximize the use of the length of the runway. Of course, the price is that the aircraft cannot be parked on the rear side of the deck, and the dispatch efficiency is low.

At this time, the plane in the middle of the deck had been removed, leaving only the one at the rear of the deck. The manual trailer went up again, and adjusted the attitude of the fighter plane three times, five times and two times, and finally aligned it firmly with the take-off line.

"Although our aircraft can take off in a short distance or even vertically, this is the first time to take off on an aircraft carrier. Therefore, to be on the safe side, please use the longest runway. The takeoff distance is 70 meters, which should be sufficient. It's fully loaded for takeoff," Soracha said.

"That's right, this will not only take off with a full load, but also save fuel." Delano said, stepping into the cockpit: "Everyone, I'm going to take off now, let's communicate on the radio!"

The canopy closed slowly, and everyone got out of the way. As the engine started, a huge roar sounded on the deck.

Delano and the deck crew communicated by hand gestures, stepping on the gas and releasing the brakes.

The cover of the lift fan on the back is still open. During the short take-off and landing phase, the lift fan can also provide a lot of assistance. The beautiful fighter slides in front of everyone, and the speed is getting faster and faster, rushing across the straight deck , rushed onto the leaping deck.

The 12-degree jump deck ushered in the opportunity to use it for the first time. It felt the huge impact of the fighter, and then sent the fighter away. Delano easily drove the fighter to take off and left the small aircraft carrier Chakri.

There were bursts of cheers from below.

(End of this chapter)

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