Great warships

Chapter 866 Export of C602 Missiles

The train roared into the LS, and the test run was a complete success!

At the station, countless people watched the domestically-made locomotive drive in and cheered happily.

"It's done, our locomotive is coming!"

"You guys will continue to test in the future, and when we transport it in the future, we will designate the Snowy Shenzhou!" Qin Tao reassured Zhang Guangming that they are customers, and they have the final say!
"The scenery along the way is really good." Wu Shengli said: "However, I can only accompany you here, and I have to go back to the capital."

It can be said that it is a normal arrangement to go to the 611 to see the J-[-]. After all, the J-[-] can still be carried by ships. However, coming here to experience the plateau railway has nothing to do with the navy. It took a day and a half to get here. Stop, Wu Shengli's time is precious and cannot be delayed any longer.

"Well, I'm going to see the construction of our oil pipeline." Qin Tao wrapped his body in a warm cotton coat and said to his father-in-law.

The two parted ways at the train station, and Qin Tao, accompanied by Xu Zhengyang and others, went to inspect the construction site.

"President Qin, welcome to our construction site." said Zhang Jian, the project leader who came to greet Qin Tao.

The start of the construction of the Kra Canal has shown the world the strength of the East. Although it has not been stated explicitly, everyone knows that it was created by the Mingzhou Group. This is simply a miracle in the world. The little witch sees the big witch.

Looking at the construction team in the cold weather, Qin Tao was also very moved. This kind of project can only be done by us in the East. We are infrastructure madmen!

"Although it's freezing cold, we've been working hard all the time, so that we can get through it one day earlier, and deliver oil one day earlier." Zhang Jian is enthusiastic and heroic.

"That's right, once it's repaired here, the oil can reach LS. Next, we have to continue to build it." Qin Tao said.

It is an established plan to connect the oil pipeline to LS and transfer it out by rail first, and then use the oil pipeline after the oil pipeline to the east of LS is built. This is an established plan, and it also tests the strength of the Eastern infrastructure team.

"It's a pity that our Gela oil pipeline is too small. Otherwise, we can reverse the output and solve the problem of fuel transportation." Zhang Jian said with emotion.

"Gera Oil Pipeline?" Qin Tao was a little curious: "What kind of pipeline is this?"

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the continuous development of the West, a large amount of fuel needs to be consumed every year. These fuels are all transported by cars, but cars also burn oil. The fuel consumed by cars accounts for 30.00% of the transportation fuel. Therefore, in the 70s , the state decided to build an oil pipeline from Golmud to LS." Zhang Jian introduced to Qin Tao: "This is the highest product oil pipeline in the world. It started construction in 72 and was completed in October 77. Since then, XZ has used The refined oil products are transported through pipelines.”

Qin Tao really didn't know that there is such a refined oil pipeline!

"Pipeline transportation capacity is not enough?"

"That's right, the pipe is as thick as a fire hydrant, how much fuel can it transport?" Zhang Jian said looking at the one-meter-thick oil pipeline being welded in the distance.

It was not easy back then, all of which were excavated by hand. I don’t know how many soldiers were sacrificed to build the refined oil pipeline. Looking at it now, although Yishui’s mechanized equipment works on the plateau, the efficiency will be reduced, and it is not as efficient as it is. Much better on the plains.

"In the future, we need to build a petrochemical plant in LS, so that refined oil can also be transported through this pipeline, and we can also build another oil pipeline next to this pipeline." Qin Tao made a decision immediately .

The canal project in Siam is also being excavated in full swing. Lacour personally sits in charge. He knows that this matter is of great importance and absolutely does not allow any accidents.

Qiu Daxin also came to inspect from time to time. When Qin Tao was inspecting the oil pipeline on the plateau, he also came to the canal to inspect the site.

"The construction team from the east is progressing too fast! In just half a month, they have excavated ten kilometers. If this continues, the canal will be completed in less than half a year." Lacourt excitedly said to Qiu Daxin arrive.

"The Orientals are our true friends. They came here to help us. Others have ulterior motives!" Qiu Daxin was very emotional: "Lacour, we can't forget the friendship of the Orientals, and we will never forget them." Neither!"


There was thunder outside.

It's raining?
Qiu Daxin's face changed: "There is no rain in the recent weather forecast?"

Is it a conspiracy deliberately made by someone?
Hush, big raindrops fell, which is very rare in this season.

"Please don't worry, our construction team in the east will be rain or shine." Kong Laoer said: "Even if it rains, it won't stop us from working."

Qiu Daxin nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

In the heavy rain, the construction team continued to work, which was in stark contrast to the European construction team that had to rest at every turn.

"Although we have financial difficulties now, in order to protect our hard-won achievements, we have made a decision to purchase an advanced anti-ship missile from the East and introduce a production line." Qiu Daxin continued: "La Kur, you need to find time to go to the East."

"No, I'm still here to watch. After all, there can't be any problems here. As for the anti-ship missiles we need, just ask Mr. Qin to recommend them to us. We can rest assured that Mr. Qin recommends them."

Last time for the exercise, they borrowed two J-31A from the East. This fighter is equipped with C704 anti-ship missiles. However, these are only air-launched missiles after all, and the range is very short, which may not meet their needs.

Qiu Daxin nodded: "Okay, then you can contact Mr. Qin, this time we will pay in cash."

We can't always ask the Orientals to pay in advance. They have already paid a lot for the canal project, and Siam also knows how to reciprocate.

When he received the request from Siam, Qin Tao had just finished his inspection work and stayed in LS to continue enjoying the beautiful scenery here.

"Siam wants anti-ship missiles? Or cash?" Qin Tao said with a smile on his face, "It seems that their position has completely leaned towards us."

"Yes, it's all thanks to our construction team. They have won the trust of the Siamese people. They directly asked us to recommend them, and they don't plan to come and inspect them."

"We can't live up to their trust and send all the anti-ship missiles that we can trade abroad, and ask them to choose them, right on the canal." Qin Tao made a decision.

The construction speed of the Kela Canal was quite fast. When Qin Tao passed by, he was very moved when he saw the canal that had been dug out for more than ten kilometers. His construction workers were so awesome!

The rain had stopped long ago, and the canal was still very muddy. All kinds of crawler equipment continued to move in the canal, fully reflecting the hard-working spirit of the oriental people.

"Mr. Qin, your construction workers are so awesome. We believe that the canal can be cleaned up within the stipulated time, and our official navigation time will never be delayed." Lacourt excitedly said to Qin Tao: "Even, the month that was delayed by the damn Singaporeans can be brought back."

Qin Tao nodded: "That's really great. Now, in order to defend the canal, you need an advanced weapon and equipment. I brought all the anti-ship missiles we have on hand. Please see what you want. one.

Off-road trucks were driving on the muddy road, from Siam Airport to the excavation site of the canal. Along the way, they also showed the strength of Dongfang equipment. Although every tire was covered with mud, But it can still be driven safely without being restricted by road conditions. "

At this time, they were all lined up on the bank of the canal. Looking at the line of launching vehicles, Lacourt was very excited and was quickly attracted by one of the big guys: "Excuse me, which one is the biggest?" What are anti-ship missiles?"

The other anti-ship missiles are all square launch boxes, which don’t look too big. They use six-wheeled off-road trucks, while the equipment pointed to by Lacourt uses round launch boxes, triple-packed, and eight-wheeled ones underneath. The off-road chassis, a discerning eye can know that this anti-ship missile must be bigger than others.

"This is the largest anti-ship missile we can export at present. The code name of the foreign trade missile is C602."

In the past, the main anti-ship missile exported domestically was C802. This is an improved foreign trade missile based on the Eagle 82 missile. It has a range of more than 800 kilometers, a weight of more than 0.36 kilograms, and a diameter of 801 meters. The shape is very similar to the C[-] with a rocket engine. , but the length is slightly longer, and a special turbojet engine air intake has been added. For a long time, this kind of anti-ship missile has been the main force of the East. Can be launched from underwater submarines.

In the 80s, this was an advanced anti-ship missile, but in the 90s, this missile quickly became obsolete. Although some improvements have been made, for example, it can be guided by the music station radar imitating Lao Maozi, but it still cannot be concealed. Live it out of date.

However, the development of a new generation of anti-ship missiles was not smooth, so the relevant domestic departments adopted a simple and enlarged method to develop the Eagle Strike 62 anti-ship missile.Its diameter has increased to 0.54 meters, its length has increased to 6.8 meters, and its weight has increased to 1.25 tons, of which the weight of the warhead has increased to 400 kilograms.

With the increase in volume and weight, the range of this anti-ship missile has also been increased to [-] kilometers. Ton-class warships form a deterrent.

In terms of body layout, it is also different from the previous missiles. It started to use a straight wing with a wingspan of 2.9 meters. It is no problem to let this huge missile fly at a height of three to five meters.

After being developed, this missile quickly became the strongest anti-ship missile in the navy. It was equipped on some warships, and then quickly fell behind, because the navy already had supersonic anti-ship missiles such as the Eagle Strike 12 and the Eagle Strike 18. A sub-super-combined anti-ship missile, and even an anti-ship ballistic missile such as the Eagle Strike 21.

Therefore, Eagle Strike 62, as a transitional missile, propped up the navy's long-range attack capability, quickly fell behind in a few years, and then was eliminated. It has not been equipped in the navy for a long time.

Now, just in time to take it out.

Seeing that customers were interested in this anti-ship missile, Qin Tao immediately introduced it.

"Its maximum range is [-] kilometers, which is just within the scope of international control. At the same time, this range is sufficient for customers."

Lacour opened his eyes wide: "Three hundred kilometers?"

In fact, although Qin Tao was asked to recommend it to them, Lacourt had already come to a conclusion in his heart: the star bomb of Dongfang Foreign Trade is the C802, and it has even introduced production lines to many customers, so President Qin will definitely put the C802 missile Promoted.

This kind of missile has a range of more than 100 kilometers, which is enough for them to use. Who would have thought that President Qin would actually sell a larger anti-ship missile!

The range is [-] kilometers!

In fact, the East has not joined any anti-missile treaty, and they can sell whatever they want, but the East is very disciplined, except for occasionally giving some big guys to big dogs, to ordinary customers, what they give is within the international rules. inside.

As for whether the customer will modify it to increase the range, I don't know.

"That's right, [-] kilometers. This is the longest-range anti-ship missile we can export. Moreover, it uses a warhead of [-] kilograms. Just one warship can severely damage a [-]-ton warship. Even in the face of large warships of [-] to [-] tons, our missiles can also use the method of attacking the top to make them lose their combat effectiveness."

The [-]-ton warship is of course aimed at the Ticonderoga class. As for the [-]-[-]-ton warship, of course it refers to Ah San’s aircraft carrier. Although it cannot sink the opponent, it can attack the top. The opponent's deck exploded. In this way, even if the aircraft carrier is useless, it will not be able to recover its combat effectiveness in a short time.

Lacour's eyes were full of excitement, but when he thought of something, he asked with some concern: "Then how is this kind of missile guided?"

The C801 with a range of 100 kilometers can be guided directly by its own radar, the C802 with a range of more than [-] kilometers needs a guidance helicopter, and the missile with a range of [-] kilometers needs a special early warning aircraft?
"This kind of missile has a variety of guidance methods. The most suitable one is to use an early warning aircraft. As long as your canal is opened, you will have more income. At that time, you can purchase two early warning aircraft from us to meet the requirements of the missile. The two J-31As leased by you can also undertake the search mission, and then send back the target coordinates through the data link."

Lacour nodded. Purchasing a piece of military equipment means the introduction of a military system. From then on, all their weapons need to be based on the East, not to mention anything else, just the data link, only the weapons of the East can Form a network and nothing else.

Lacour thought for a while, and then said: "If we purchase a special sea search radar from your side and install it on our C130 transport aircraft, can it form a sea search and patrol aircraft?"

The early warning aircraft is still too expensive. Anyway, it is just looking for targets at sea. It is also a good plan to find a transport aircraft and install radar to form a search and patrol aircraft.

"Of course no problem." Qin Tao nodded: "In this way, you only need to change the nose and install a large radar on the nose. However, I still suggest that you purchase early warning aircraft when you have sufficient funds. After all, the search distance of early warning aircraft It is farther and safer. Moreover, we are modifying the early warning aircraft based on the C130 airframe platform for Gou Dahu, and we can completely transplant the technology over, and only charge you the cost, not the design fee."

Lacour became excited: "Okay, this is also a good plan, but we have to wait until later, and we still can't afford so much money now. If this missile is only guided by shore-to-ship radar, how far will it be?" ?”

"That depends on how high the shore-to-ship radar is installed, but when precise guidance is not possible, blind firing is also possible."

"Blind shot?"

"That's right, the warhead of our anti-ship missile has a special active monopulse radar terminal guidance seeker with frequency agility technology. This seeker can not only guide the missile for terminal attack, but also has The target search function, without knowing the precise target information, our missiles can be launched to the general area of ​​the target, and then we can rely on this active cable with a distance of 45 kilometers and a horizontal scanning angle of plus or minus [-] degrees. The radar seeker searches for the target and conducts an autonomous attack."

Lacour opened his eyes wide, can he still play like this?

The previous Eagle Strike 8 series of anti-ship missiles did not have this capability. After all, the diameter of the projectile was small, and the radar antenna of the seeker was small. The search distance was only [-] kilometers, and it was inconvenient to scan left and right. This attack capability cannot be achieved.

That's the benefit of being large.

As long as other methods are used, such as civil aviation airliners, fishing boats on the sea, etc., to find the sea area where the target is located, and send back the general target, the shore-to-ship missile force here can conduct blind fire, although this kind of attack may be hit by mistake. Risk, but when it comes to impatient, who will care so much.

"At the same time, our Beidou navigation system is also developing. Beidou-[-] will develop from regional navigation to global navigation system. At that time, the missile can also increase the Beidou navigation guidance method. As long as the coordinates of the target are determined, it can be used The missile strikes."

"Does the GPS work?"

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "However, we cannot guarantee that this kind of navigation will still work during wartime. We still have to rely on our own navigation system at critical times."

Needless to say others, when they arrived, even the Yankees themselves were afraid of being interfered, and practiced how to fight without the support of GPS.

The first generation of Beidou has been successfully launched, and the second generation of Beidou will follow. After the second-generation network is established, the entire Southeast Asia can be covered. In fact, the current Beidou-[-] can also cover Siam, but the way of double-star positioning is too complicated. Data The update is delayed, which is not as good as the regular multi-satellite positioning method.

Hearing Qin Tao talk about this at this time, Lacourt nodded: "We are also looking forward to your second-generation Beidou navigation system. When this navigation system comes out in the future, we will force all ships passing through our Kra Canal to Everyone has to install the Beidou navigation system!"

Qin Tao nodded, what a child can teach!

Now GPS is the most widely used in the world. Since customers are used to it, it is difficult to correct it. Unless the government enforces it, when Beidou was launched, all trucks were forced to install Beidou terminals. That thing is not cheap.

But now, the openness of the motherland has to be developed to the whole world. Once the Kra Canal is opened, it can save a lot of freight. All ships that can pass through the Kra Canal will not go to Malacca again. It is installed to pass through the Kra Canal. An extra set of Beidou navigation terminals does not matter, anyway, compared to the fuel savings, it is only a drizzle.

In this way, more than 50.00% of the cargo ships in the world have to install Beidou navigation terminals, and the Beidou system has naturally developed rapidly.

"Let's talk about anti-ship missiles." Qin Tao said, "Did you take a fancy to our C602 missile?"

"Qin, can we introduce technology and produce it ourselves?" Lacourt asked rhetorically.

"Of course, but the electronic equipment and engines used on it are very sophisticated. If you want to produce them, these devices need to be imported from our country."

Just like the old Maozi sold Dongfang Su-27's production technology, it just doesn't sell engines. As long as it relies on engines, it can limit the development of Dongfang's technology. It is the same now. Siam can obtain the C602 production line, but the engine cannot be produced by itself. , and have to be purchased from the East, which can play a restrictive role, not to mention the above electronic equipment.

As long as these electronic devices move their hands and feet, they can prevent them from attacking warships in the east. Although the relationship with Siam is very good now, what should be guarded against is still to be guarded.

"Okay." Lacour said: "Let's introduce [-] missiles, three launch vehicles, and related equipment first."

There is no need to show it, just send these vehicles over, and Lacourt has already made a decision.

Although it is said to be introduced, after all, there is not much money, so we can only introduce part of it first. After these shore-to-ship missiles are deployed and the operation essentials are mastered, it is estimated that the canal will be opened, and the task of protecting the canal can be undertaken. When the canal is opened to navigation, After charging a large amount of fees, they can continue to purchase missiles and introduce production lines. At that time, not only shore-to-ship missiles, but also airborne, shipborne, and even early warning aircraft can be purchased.

"Okay, then this prototype car will stay with you." Qin Tao said: "When necessary, you can test shoot one to let some people know how good you are."

Multiple methods can be used together to effectively contain the target. Although the stealth aircraft is powerful, there are only a few of them after all. Although the aircraft can be invisible, the base is exposed. Once the face is really torn apart, the opponent can attack the base where the stealth aircraft is located first , Blow up all the stealth planes onto the runway.

The concealment of shore-to-ship missiles is higher. After all, they can be maneuvered, and they can be driven casually on the road or even in the wild, and the chance of survival is higher.The range is [-] kilometers, which is enough for those guys who want to get close to the exercise to exert pressure to drink a pot.

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