Great warships

Chapter 882 The Eye-Opening Giant Ship

Chapter 882 The Eye-Opening Giant Ship

The heads of people on the outfitting pier of Mingzhou Shipyard were shaking, and their eyes were looking at the direction of the estuary in the distance, where a ship was slowly moving over.

Thick black smoke rose from the chimney of the tugboat. Compared with the giant ship it was towing behind, it seemed too small. When the outline of the giant ship gradually became clear, countless people on the scene also opened their eyes wide and fixed their eyes. , Their hearts also began to beat faster.

The Project 1144 cruiser, a monster with a displacement of [-] tons, is finally here!
In addition to aircraft carriers and amphibious ships, the largest destroyer built by Mingzhou Group is six to seven thousand tons of displacement. The [-]-ton destroyer has not yet been manufactured, let alone this [-]-ton monster. Shocked by the size of this warship.

Looking from the direction of the bow of the ship, all you can see is the height. The height of the radar antenna like the huge orange petal on the top is at least 50 meters above the waterline. Even if it is placed with the aircraft carrier, it is probably about the same height.

Below this huge radar, there are messy antennas and various radars. As for what it is, Qin Tao is not very clear. No one knows except the engineer who built the ship.

However, he doesn't need to understand these, because these radars look very powerful, but they are actually very weak, not as good as the four-sided phased array on his own 052.

"I haven't seen a Type 1144 cruiser for many years." Beside Qin Tao, Makarov said with emotion.

Although this warship was built by the Baltic Sea Shipyard, although this warship has never served in the Black Sea Fleet, Makarov, as the most important chief shipbuilder at that time, was of course familiar with other warships. A huge warship came over, and he seemed to see the slow decline of the once powerful empire.

When did it start to decline?
If it was before, he would only think it was the time when it suddenly collapsed, but over the years, he has been working in the East while thinking, and a lot of history has appeared in his mind, so he can deduce that the 80s has already begun, and the 70s The fuse was laid in the [-]s. Of course, Ge Tutu was to blame for the sudden collapse.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Now, he is living a very good and fulfilling life in the East.

"That's right, it's true that we haven't seen each other for a long time." Babiqi was also very emotional, and those who came from Lao Maozi were very emotional.

"Don't look at the rust now, but after repairs, it will definitely look brand new. Qin, since it is going to be rebuilt here on your side, and it is going to enter the floating dock, how about cleaning the hull and spraying it with anti-rust paint?" Nicholas said.

"Of course it's no problem. We can help with it. However, this cleaning work also costs money. We are all good friends. Just give a cost price. How about 1000 million?"

"Deal." Nicholas nodded.

Anyway, it’s not spending money in the country, it’s just mining timber. Nicholas has also experienced the generosity of those package project customers for weak countries and strong armies. We have enough to mine casually, but for this warship, we need the best.

Of course, it meant more to him. According to the previous rules, a large sum of money would enter his account.

Money is a thing, more is a number, but the more the better, no one will dislike their lack of money.

"Woohoo!" The tugboat in the distance blew its whistle, saluting everyone.

"Woohoo!" The Shenzhou Floating Dock also let out a whistle, and then went up to meet it.

If you dock first, it is not conducive to the work of the floating dock. It is most suitable to complete the handover on the river, and then carry the floating dock to the shore.

Shenzhou Floating Dock played a key role in transporting the 001 aircraft carrier back then. Its big belly can hold an aircraft carrier of [-] to [-] tons. It is of course a piece of cake to welcome the Admiral Razaev now.

It drove out slowly and started working one kilometer away from the pier.

The tugboat untied the cable, and the work was over. The high-powered tugboat behind has been very leisurely all the way, but if it encounters a critical moment, it can play a huge role and is used for life-saving.

Several small tugboats moved over, adjusted the huge cruiser hull, and slowly aligned it in the direction of the floating dock.

The Shenzhou began to sink with water, and then approached the cruiser from underwater, slowly approached, and then wrapped it in it.

"Isn't this too fast?" Nicholas on the shore looked at all this, a little incredulous: "How did you adjust the boat?"

This kind of work is very cautious, and you have to do it for three to five hours, or even a whole day. After all, a slight mistake is the terrible result of two ships colliding. It is not bad to be hit by a [-]-ton ship. It's a good feeling, or it will sink.

Now the docking is completed in such a short time, and the next step is to drain the water and lift it out of the water. Isn't this too fast?
"Our floating dock was upgraded last year, and an automated operating system was installed. During the rescue process, it does not require human intervention and is completely automatic." Qin Tao said: "This not only speeds up the speed, but also There is a higher security guarantee."

Nicholas swallowed: "Qin, our PD-50 floating dock has sunk and we need a brand new floating dock. Can you help us build one?"

"Of course there is no problem. As long as the funds are in place, we can start construction at any time." Qin Tao said: "However, it is a bit wasteful for you to build a floating dock for that aircraft carrier. Why not drag it to us and let us refit it."

Nicola smiled wryly.

That's right, modification by you can certainly guarantee the progress, but the boss disagrees!Even if the aircraft carrier is handed over to you to modify, then our Da Mao will be pointed and despised by others. Moreover, the transformation will also provide opportunities for the country. If it is all handed over to you, then Da Mao's domestic shipbuilding industry will be over.

Seeing his wry smile, Qin Tao said, "Why, is there any difficulty?"

"Let's talk about it later, anyway, our aircraft carrier can last for a few more years." Nicholas said.

The mid-term overhaul of an aircraft carrier takes at least a ten-year cycle. Their aircraft carrier is not used much at ordinary times, and it will be no problem to persist for 15 to 20 years.

I will worry about things in the future. For now, let's repair this cruiser first. If it can be repaired, the strength of the Pacific Fleet will increase a lot.

While the big guys were chatting, the floating dock had slowly risen, and the cruiser sandwiched in the middle also began to slowly surface, exposing the part below the waterline, which was even more rusty, and There are countless dirty things, those are marine plankton.

"It's time for this warship to be cleaned up. After it's cleaned up, it will definitely be rejuvenated." Qin Tao said, "Don't worry, I'll give you a brand new warship for $1000 million! By the way, do you want to renovate the interior? If it is, the price will be more expensive, it is estimated to be 5000 million U.S. dollars."

Nicholas quickly shook his head. It is understandable to increase the price by 1000 million, even if it is to reason about inflation, but if the price is increased by 5000 to [-] million, then there is no way to explain it. Besides, they need a brand new outside, so they can save face when driving. , The typical donkey dung eggs are shiny on the outside, but no one looks at the inside after renovation, it is unnecessary.

The bottom of the Admiral Lazayev also left the water. Since it was launched, this is the first time it has left the water. It is completely exposed to the air. The hull is still dripping, and it seems that it is unwilling to leave the water. Like the embrace of the boat, the hull made a stressful sound of creaking, and seemed to be expecting something.

The floating dock of the Shenzhou was approaching the shore, getting closer and closer, and finally touched the shore.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look." Qin Tao said.

Hulala, a large group of people followed Qin Tao onto the warship.

Nicholas frowned a little. This is a nuclear-powered cruiser of type 1144. Is it appropriate for so many of you to come up?However, it's all here, and it doesn't make sense for him to stop it now.After all, he has participated in all the launching ceremonies of Dongfang's aircraft carrier. Now that a cruiser on his side is launching, it is normal for people to see it. (It was written earlier that Nicholas was scolded for participating in the launching ceremony of 002. Is it okay to invite foreign officers to participate in the launch of a warship?)
Fortunately, the cabins are all closed, and the guests cannot see inside.

Wu Shengli didn't come over. After all, it's not appropriate for someone of his level to come to see the dilapidated warship, but a lot of other naval officers came, including the commanders of the two aircraft carriers.

Li Yan stepped onto the warship, stood at the bow, and looked at the vertical launchers behind him.


Never before in human history has a warship equipped with so many missiles been built.

At this moment, seeing that the big guys were interested in the weapons on the warship, Nicholas also introduced: "Our Type 1144 cruiser is a giant at sea. It carries a large number of missiles. You can see that the deck is very flat. All the missiles are below, especially the anti-ship missiles, which, like Kuznetsov, have integrated the anti-ship missiles below the deck, just in front of the bridge."

The largest missile is placed at the back, which is more spacious. After all, the bow of the ship is narrow and gradually widens backwards.

"Nicholas, your warship carries a large number of missiles, but it has a big problem, that is, it is single." Qin Tao began to point out Jiangshan: "Each missile has a special launcher, so that it does not It is flexible, if there is a need to carry other missiles, it cannot be used due to problems with the launcher, and when we have finished modifying the power system, when you go back to modify it, you should replace it with a general-purpose launcher.”

The United States has been tinkering with vertical launchers since MK41, and the East has also begun to develop brand-new vertical launchers. This is definitely a trend, but what about the old man?Of course, we have to work hard in this direction.

"Universal launcher?" Nicholas said in a complicated tone: "Yes, we also want to use a universal launcher, but this research and development is a bit slow."

Not only their cruiser, even the 22350 frigate, the reserved vertical launch unit also hopes to have an advanced general-purpose vertical launch, but unfortunately this cannot be achieved overnight.

"Your navy doesn't have it, but the air force does. The S-400 anti-aircraft missile developed by the Diamond Design Bureau has already integrated various anti-aircraft missiles. Just transplant their launchers." Qin Tao began to give ideas. Anyway, idle is idle, if you don't talk about something, you will go down soon.

The anti-aircraft missile developed by the Diamond Design Bureau is still advanced to a certain extent. Just like the Su-27, it has a good export prospect. It has been exporting continuously since the S-300 era, and then develops a more advanced system. The NATO code name is SA-21. The air defense missile is their latest research and development achievement: the S-400 Triumph land-based long-range air defense missile system.


Among them, the medium-range missile technology comes from R77, which uses the active radar guidance at the end stage, does not need to illuminate the radar, and also has a special ability to start deflecting the rocket inside the launch tube, without needing to rise to mid-air and then dive, with the unique characteristics of the old man brutal methods.

As for short-range missiles, they can be placed in the original launch tube in a way of four bombs in one hole, with excellent performance.

Such an excellent air defense missile, of course, must be transplanted to the navy's warships. In history, this is called the Bastion system, which is Lao Maozi's most advanced shipborne air defense system. Of course, it will not be developed until 19.

Now that Qin Tao said it, it would not play a role in promoting it, it was purely for mouthfeeling.

"These anti-ship missiles occupy the largest space. The space freed up can accommodate at least [-] anti-aircraft missiles, which will further increase the firepower density of this warship and realize its performance as an arsenal ship." Qin Tao continued to point out Jiangshan.

The space occupied by the P-700 anti-ship missile is indeed the largest.Despite the fact that there are only 96 pieces, they actually occupy a larger space than the previous [-] pieces.If these anti-ship missiles are changed into anti-aircraft missiles, many of them can be deployed. Although this anti-ship missile has advanced performance, it has never been used, and no one knows how effective it will be in actual combat.

"We need a strong anti-ship capability." Nicholas shook his head: "This missile launcher is our most important, and it must not be moved."

"But this anti-ship missile is indeed too big. Don't you have a more advanced model? The one that can be installed in a general-purpose launcher. When needed, it can even be fully loaded with anti-ship missiles."

"Yeah, it's time to develop a brand new anti-ship missile." Nicholas murmured, they should have advanced models to replace the old ones, and they can't always hold on to the weapons of the past. The weapons are outdated.

What is advanced?Anti-ship ballistic missiles?Nicholas had a thought and wanted to talk to Qin Tao about this, but after thinking about it, it’s better to forget it. If you want to talk, it’s the most cost-effective to buy from the East, but the boss will not agree.

The big guy stood on the deck, looking at the huge launch platform with emotion, but Li Yan frowned.

"With so many weapons arranged together, if one hits a missile, it may cause a chain reaction."

This is like a battleship. Once a battleship is hit by a missile, it will end badly. A battleship with thick armor will generally not sink because of one or two armor-piercing projectiles that penetrate it. If it dies in an explosion, it will definitely explode in two.

Is it appropriate to have so many missiles concentrated in the front?

"There are not many places where missiles can be placed. If it is a new design, it is more appropriate to put half in the front and half in the rear of the hull. However, no matter how many places are placed, this vertical launcher is an unstable factor. If it is used Hit, the end is the same, so we still have to focus on interception and try to intercept all anti-ship missiles." Qin Tao said.

The domestically produced 052C also put the vertical launcher in the front, and put the anti-ship missiles next to the chimney at the back. Later, in the 052D, the anti-ship missiles in the back also became vertical launchers, and became the layout of the front and rear vertical launchers. The same is true for the 055, and the front part , the latter part, this is safer, and of course it is also a comfort to the heart. After all, once it is really hit, even if only a dozen missiles are killed, the warship will not be able to bear it.

The warships of this era are all made of high-strength steel, and the hull is very thin, which simply cannot withstand the power of ammunition explosion.

Anyway, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he simply focused on interception, practiced his internal skills hard, and enhanced his defense ability.

The big guy watched for a long time, and finally started to walk backwards, strolling backwards on both sides of the ship, and along the way, you can see AK-630 naval guns. This kind of naval guns is already an old acquaintance of the Eastern Navy. This close-in defense gun was used in many domestic warships.

However, in recent years, with the service of the domestic 730 naval gun, this kind of naval gun has been eliminated, but here in Lao Maozi, it is still the main close-in defense gun. On the huge cruiser, in order to improve the interception ability, it is directly installed. There are eight towers, and every two towers together make the view of the mountain even more spectacular.

"From the third ship, the close-in defense gun has been replaced with the CADS-N-1 close-in defense system, which is the Kashtan shell and gun system." Nikolai said: "This system was designed by Tula Instruments. Bureau research and development, each set consists of 2 AK-630K 6-tube 30mm naval guns and 8 9M11 air defense missiles, installed on the same base, receiving the same fire control system information, while turning and pitching, the close defense capability is greatly improved Enhancement is our most advanced close-in defense weapon. After the power system modification of this warship is completed, it will be dragged back to modify the weapon and replace it with Kashtan. You should not have a similar system. Do you have any idea to import some from us? ?”

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "We don't have this plan yet."

The bullet-gun system is an ideal product. The anti-aircraft gun has a fast rate of fire, but the range is short, and the missile has a long range, but the anti-interference ability is low and the cost is high. Therefore, the integrated system of the two appeared. The combination of long-range surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft guns forms an integrated system of bombs and guns.

These systems have also appeared in China, and even hung anti-aircraft missiles directly on both sides of the anti-aircraft artillery positions, but they were quickly eliminated.


There are of course many reasons. The projectile-cannon integration system needs to be deployed together, so it will increase the weight of the entire system, which will affect the rotation speed and pitch speed. Oil bottle.

At the same time, the time to attack the target is very short, the anti-aircraft gun and the missile may not necessarily fire successively, there may be only one chance, and the whole system needs reaction time to switch from the anti-aircraft gun to the missile.The smoke emitted by the missile will affect the optical sighting device of the anti-aircraft gun, and the vibration of the anti-aircraft gun will affect the launch of the missile. These are mutual checks and balances.

Now, Dongfang already has the 730 close-in anti-aircraft guns of external energy sources. The next development route is to urgently expand the firepower density to 11 tubes. As for changing to an integrated artillery system?Before Qin Tao traveled to this world, there were indeed some design plans, but they were all for foreign trade, to meet the needs of foreign customers.

What's the use of combining a cannon with one cannon? Anyway, warships will be equipped with short-range missiles, especially in the future. After the successful development of the Red Flag Ten, this short-range missile will play a better role. Separate cannons are the kingly way.

"We don't have qualified missiles, and we won't introduce a missile specifically for close-in defense." Qin Tao continued to explain.

Of course he couldn't say that he didn't like Lao Maozi's equipment, he had to change his rhetoric.

Nicholas nodded, without saying anything, the big guy continued to walk backwards, and finally came to the stern of the ship.

"Where's the hangar?" Someone asked.

In general warships, the stern is a helicopter deck, and the front of the deck is a hangar, which is very convenient for helicopters to take off and land.

However, there is no hangar at the tail of the Kirov-class cruiser, only a large helicopter deck, and then the AK-130 naval gun on the second deck, and there is no hangar at the tail!

Although there is a big hole in the front of the deck, it doesn't look like the hangar has been dismantled. Is it the same as the modern class, with a simple hangar behind it?impossible.

"Our warship has a large displacement, so the hangar used is the same as that of an aircraft carrier, which is on the lower deck." Nikolai introduced: "The big opening in front is actually the opening of the hangar elevator, but because it is not big enough , so we removed the clamshells on both sides, and then enlarged the opening to hoist the nuclear reactor out."

A warship with a displacement of [-] tons is too big!Big enough to operate according to the aircraft carrier, after all, the Invincible class aircraft carrier is only [-] tons.

The layout of the inboard lift, with flaps on both sides, the helicopter is usually placed in the lower hangar, and it can accommodate up to three helicopters.

When maintenance is required, this opening can be used as a lifting port for the internal power system.

If I haven't seen it, I can't believe it. The cruiser can still be designed like this!

A [-]-ton cruiser is a beast!It's a pity that such a huge battleship was ruined.

Makarov and Babich stood on the second deck, looking down at the big hole next to the naval gun, with complicated eyes.

"Okay, then let's study the installation plan, we have to go down and have a look." Qin Tao said.

(End of this chapter)

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