Celestial Immortal

Chapter 1082 9 Dragons’ Golden Mace

The breeze is blowing and the shadows of the trees are dancing.

Mr. Ming Jing seemed to have been cast a restraining technique. He looked at Chu Chen, a little stunned, and his heart was faintly touched.

Since the outbreak of the Demon Realm a few years ago and the fall of the eight southwest states, the situation in the entire Celestial Court has become somewhat unbalanced. After successive failures in expanding territory, his personal prestige in the court has gone from bad to worse.

Facing criticism and even accusations from all directions, even though he has a strong Taoist heart, his heart is full of torment and pain.

Over the years, he has withstood the overwhelming pressure and immersed himself in work in order to make a breakthrough and regain the situation.

However, it is counterproductive.

After the "Battle of Canglan Mountain", from the ministers of the court and the high-ranking officials to the common people, he was constantly criticized, and his prestige fell to the bottom.

At this moment, he finally understood what it meant to be "alone" and what it meant to be alone and helpless.

Even though his Taoist heart is strong, he can't help but feel powerless in his heart.

Although Chu Chen's sonorous and powerful "King Qin" remarks were a bit offensive and rude, Mr. Ming Jing couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

After all these years of operation, he still has a group of close followers in the court, and many people support him.

However, Chu Chen was the first among the government officials, ministers and "peerless" level experts to take such a clear-cut stand and directly take sides.

As the saying goes, Lu Yao knows horsepower, and he knows people's hearts over time.

Mr. Ming Jing was quite pleased, but with a wry smile on his face, he shook his head and said:
"Ling Xiao, if my opponent is a demon and evil spirit, no matter how powerful I am, I will not retreat even half a step and fight to the end. But the situation is different now. The clan wants to depose me. If I stand up to fight, we will definitely fight with each other afterwards, and an explosion will occur. Civil unrest.”

After finishing speaking, Mr. Ming Jing sighed quietly:
"At present, the Celestial Empire is surrounded by external troubles, and it cannot bear the civil war. Once civil strife breaks out, the outcome will inevitably be pain for relatives and happiness for enemies."

Chu Chen nodded slightly, understanding Mr. Ming Jing's concerns in his heart.

This time, the Dachang clan deposed Mr. Ming Jing. Although it was unexpected, as a clan, it was the last resort to check and balance the "Emperor".

If any emperor did not do well or acted recklessly, the Dachang clan had the right to depose the emperor and establish a new emperor.

It is a fact that Tianchao Xianting suffered successive defeats, the situation in the DPRK and China was turbulent, and public dissatisfaction boiled. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with the Dachang clan's actions.

However, Chu Chen broke into the extraterrestrial demonic realm [Luo Guixiang] and knew the behind-the-scenes of the matter very clearly.

The situation in front of us is not that Mr. Ming Jing is "acting wildly" and doing nothing, but that Luo Guizhen has been plotting and planning for decades.

As early as the reign of Emperor Lingwei, Luo Guizhenmo began to make plans. Now, it is the moment when the conspiracy reveals its ferocity.

It has to be said that Luo Guizhenmo's skills are extremely powerful.

Mr. Mingjing has been in charge of the Divine Artifact of Sheji for more than [-] years, and he has gathered great power into one body. Looking around the world, no one can kill Mr. Mingjing in a head-on battle. No matter it is the Demon Emperor of Ten Thousand Methods or Luo Guizhen Demon himself, they cannot do it.

The only person who can check and balance Mr. Ming Jing is the Dachang clan.

If the husband resists, there will be internal fighting in the Celestial Court and his vitality will be severely damaged;

If the husband does not resist, the Celestial Empire will establish a new emperor with a shallow foundation, and it will be even more difficult to expand the territory in the future. It will give the Demon Court a good opportunity to develop and grow under the suppression of Qiankun Zhengqi.

It has to be said that using the Dachang clan to get rid of Mr. Ming Jing is a real conspiracy. It is clearly visible, but it is difficult to crack.

Of course, understanding is understanding.

Chu Chen didn’t take Mr. Ming Jing’s words seriously and said without mercy:
"Sir, you are cowardly."

These words, pointed at and scolded Mr. Ming Jing in front of his face, can be described as "treasonous".

Mr. Mirror was also stunned:
"Nonsense, when did I become cowardly?"

When Chu Chen saw Mr. Ming Jing blushing, he was completely unafraid and upright, but he did not hold back at all and gave a warning:

"Sir, as the current human emperor and the Emperor of Dachang, it is your duty to shepherd and protect all living beings in the world for 50 years. How can you be cowardly without fighting? This time, on the surface, the Dachang clan was impeached and deposed, but in reality, the devil from outside the territory secretly The purpose of manipulating the situation is to weaken the Celestial Court."

"You must have vivid memories of the scene when Mr. Master took over the divine weapon of Sheji. In order to take over the divine weapon, he first entered the Taoist Academy of the Imperial City, and then was appointed as the Celestial Master to take charge of the Immortal Court. Finally, he practiced in the army for many years. After more than ten years, he gradually took control of the situation in the Celestial Empire. "

"Right now, if sir is deposed and the clan is asked to choose another person to take over the sacred weapon of Sheji, I am afraid that sir will know the consequences better than anyone else."

"Now the universe is dormant, and evil spirits are sweeping across the world. It is when the demons are most rampant and wreaking havoc. When you step down from the throne, it seems that you are caring about the overall situation and sacrificing yourself for others. In fact, you are cherishing your feathers, being timid at heart, and surrendering without a fight."

Chu Chen stood in front of the courtyard like a javelin, with a majestic aura and white sleeves. He was gushing incessantly, and his words were like thunder from the nine heavens, deafening and enlightening.


Mr. Mirror was a little angry at first, but at the end, he fell silent.

Chu Chen's words were rough but not rough. They were a wake-up call and revealed the struggling side of his heart.

Everyone in the world can be timid and avoid it, and the impact will not be too great.

But as the emperor of Dachang, his choice to avoid fear will affect the situation of the world.

"Ling Xiao, you are right."

Mr. Ming Jing looked gloomy and explained:

"It's just that you don't understand the inside story. It's not that I'm timid and afraid of escaping, but it's hard for me to have room to express myself. The clan not only controls me according to the legal provisions, but also has methods to restrain me. Once I really want to depose me, , it’s hard for me to resist.”

Chu Chen was shocked when he heard this. The clan indeed had a magic weapon that could restrain the emperor.

Previously, the Dachang Dynasty had not deposed the emperor, and he didn't know much about it.

But thinking about it, it's not surprising.

Once the emperor was in charge of the sacred weapon of the country, his Taoism and magical powers were unparalleled in the world, and he had few opponents. Without the means of restraint, the so-called "abdication" would be a phantom and impossible to realize.

The last "Emperor Lingwei" was an accident. The situation at that time was that there was a problem with the "Ascension God", and a group of high ministers and ministers in the court and high-level officials supported him. Without his personal action, he could shake the foundation of the Celestial Empire. , which is completely different from Mr. Spiegel’s current situation.

For a moment, Chu Chen couldn't help but feel curious and asked:

"Sir, I wonder what the sacred object is that the clan uses to restrain you?"

"This object is called the Nine Dragons Golden Mace, and it is under the control of the Emperor's Elder Council!"

Mr. Ming Jing's expression was calm, but a hint of fear flashed in his eyes:
"This mace is a divine object that is in the same line as [Ancestral Dragon Qi]. The dragon and tiger Qi of the country and the luck of the country are extremely restrained. If it is what the people want, it would be better if the luck is added to it. I still have the power to resist." , but the current situation is extremely unfavorable to me. Once the golden mace comes out, the Ancestral Dragon of Luck in my body will be taken away, my Taoist cultivation will fall, and I will have no power to resist."

"That's it!" Chu Chen suddenly realized.

Mr. Ming Jing's ancestral dragon of the country is the creation of the great road of heaven and earth. The dragon and tiger of the Dachang Dynasty's country are gathered together, and the luck of the country is condensed. When the ancestral dragon enters the body, it means that it is "ordered by heaven". It is in charge of the sacred weapon of the country. It has boundless magic power and can be transformed in an instant. Be among the strongest in the world.

This is the source of Mr. Ming Jing’s tyrannical power.

Without the "Ancestral Dragon of Luck", not only would Mr. Ming Jing's magic power plummet, but even the sacred weapon [Jiangshan Sheji Sword] and [Nine Dragon Jade Seal] would lose control and become an ordinary practitioner.

Although Mr. Mingjing has been practicing so far, he has become one of the most powerful people, but when it comes to the struggle between the country and the country, ordinary powerful people cannot make any waves at all.

It can be said that the Kowloon Golden Mace is the weapon used by the Dachang clan to control the situation in the court and turn the tide.

This is also the biggest reason why Mr. Mirror "accepts his fate".

It's not that he was really cowardly and escaped, but it was forced by the situation.

Without personal magical power and force, if Mr. Ming Jing wants to reverse the situation, he will have to rely on his subordinates. But once he does this, regardless of whether it will be successful afterwards, there will definitely be an internal fight within the Chinese dynasty.

"Ling Xiao, things are not as simple as you think."

Mr. Ming Jing saw Chu Chen nodding and sighed:
"I didn't know that there were extraterrestrial demons wreaking havoc in our court, and I didn't know that they were hunting me, but the current situation is really difficult to handle."

"What's so hard to do!"

Before Chu Chen could speak, a kid appeared on his shoulder, smiled and said to the "finance owner":

"Sir, ask my senior brother to help you steal the [Nine-Dragon Gold Mace], and the matter will be solved. Hehehe, the Nine-Dragon Gold Mace falls into our hands. With your supernatural power, no matter how much they jump around, they can't lift it." storm!"

After the kid finished speaking, he had a proud look on his face, as if he was about to compliment me on my wit.

"What do you know, you brat!"

Mr. Ming Jing couldn’t laugh or cry, shook his head and said:

"If it were so simple, how could I be in a dilemma?"

When Chu Chen heard this, he was slightly surprised.

On weekdays, most of the kid's ideas were whimsical and nonsense, but he always scoffed and ignored them.

However, this time the little ghost boy blurted out his words, and he fully agreed with them.

Directly "seizing" the Kowloon Golden Mace is the simplest and crudest method. It will not only preserve Mr. Ming Jing's throne, but also minimize the conflicts that may break out. Kill two birds with one stone and get the best of both worlds.

Chu Chen's mind moved and he immediately asked:

"Sir, could it be that there is something wrong with this Nine Dragons Golden Mace? Why doesn't it work?"

Mr. Spiegel did not hide anything and explained:

"The [Nine-Dragon Golden Mace] is a genuine artifact. Although it cannot compare with the [Jiangshan Sheji Sword] and [Nine-Dragon Jade Seal] in terms of killing power and power, the golden mace is also made from the power of the dragon and tiger of the country and the luck of the country. Not only It can take away the [Ancestral Dragon of Luck], and it also has a strong suppressive power on the artifacts enshrined in the court."

In the past, Taizu of Dachang united hundreds of families into one family, subdued all the families and factions in the world, and unified the ten thousand people. The destiny of the country, dynasty and society was restored. It was difficult for the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism to refine the artifacts of the town sects, even if the magical weapons and weapons broke through the first. The fourth-level "divine transformation" lacks luck enshrinement, and it is just an inherited divine artifact, which is worse than a real artifact.

The artifact belongs to Dachang Celestial Dynasty, which is extremely beneficial to the centralization of power, and greatly enhances the control power of Celestial Dynasty Immortal Court over all parties.

The Celestial Court gave the artifact to the important ministers of Zuo Guo, who held important positions. They were relieved that the emperor could receive the artifact with a single order.

Chu Chen was not surprised that Mr. Ming Jing had such a method, but he did not expect that the Dachang clan also had such ability.

It's no wonder that Yu Xuzi and Senior Yulou are very taboo about interfering with the clan.

Not only are they taboo about participating in the infighting within the royal family, but even if they are willing to participate, it will be difficult for one or two people to reverse the situation.

After all, the "artifact" in their hands has been defeated, making it difficult to intervene.

In other words, if the Dachang clan is really determined to depose Emperor Dachang, it would be difficult for the outside world to intervene, especially when Mr. Ming Jing suffered setbacks during his tenure and his prestige and public support were damaged.

This situation can be described as a "desperate situation" for Mr. Spiegel, and it is difficult to reverse the situation.

Chu Chen suddenly understood the difficulty Mr. Ming Jing was facing at this moment.

Of course, knowing is knowing, but there was no trace of embarrassment on Chu Chen’s face, and his expression was calm:
"Sir, I wonder who is in charge of the Nine Dragons Golden Mace at the moment, and what is his Taoist practice?"

"Originally, the [Nine-Dragon Golden Mace] was enshrined and managed by the elders of the Imperial Sect's Elder Council in turn. However, in the past hundred years, the [Nine-Dragon Golden Mace] has been controlled by the Supreme Elder of the Jing Sect."

Mr. Ming Jing sighed quietly and said:
"The Supreme Elder of Jingzong is a rare Taoist genius in the clan. Although he is not as good as Ling Xiao, he is still astonishing in the world. He is devoted to cultivating immortality and has no interest in the throne or official career. He has been selected as the crown prince several times. He refused all of them."

"To this day, the Supreme Elder Jingzong has reached the second level of Taoism and the first level of magic power. He ranks among the top peerless experts and is the sacred pillar of our Dachang royal family."

Speaking of this, Mr. Mirror shook his head repeatedly and was very pessimistic about the next situation.

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

When Chu Chen heard Mr. Mingjing mention "the Supreme Elder of Jingzong", his heart trembled:
"Sir, have you checked, Grand Elder Jingzong?"

Mr. Ming Jing naturally knew what Chu Chen was referring to, and his heart moved slightly.

It is no secret that there are alien demons dormant at the highest level of the Celestial Court.

Since the defeat and fall of the eight southwest states, he has started investigating, trying to uncover the demon lurking in the dark.

It's a pity that after many years of investigation and many attempts on the important ministers of the country, no clues were found. They only caught some small fish, but the highest-ranking demon in the court had no clues.

It has to be said that the Supreme Elder Jingzong is very suspicious. Compared with ordinary ministers of the country, the Supreme Elder Jingzong is a veteran of several dynasties and has a very high prestige in the court. He is also the Supreme Elder of the Imperial Sect's Elder House. His influence The power is extremely high, and he can be called half the "Top Emperor".

If the Supreme Elder of Jingzong is a "celestial demon", with his influence, he can easily influence the situation in the DPRK.

Not to mention, it is the clan elders who are taking action to dethrone the emperor, so the suspicion is not small.

"I had my doubts at first, but the Supreme Elder of Jingzong has been in seclusion all year round and has great supernatural powers, so there is no way to start."

Mr. Mirror shook his head and couldn't help but sigh:
"With the magical power of the Supreme Elder of Jingzong and the [Nine-Dragon Golden Mace] at his side, few people in the world can restrain him. Whether it is investigating him or stealing the [Nine-Dragon Golden Mace], it is not easy!"

When Chu Chen heard this, he smiled brilliantly:
"Sir, there is no need to worry, I have everything under control!"

Mr. Ming Jing was stunned when he heard this, and then looked Chu Chen up and down. Finally, he perhaps noticed something, and his eyes fell on the three-three-foot green peak behind Chu Chen, and he was shocked:
"Ling Xiao, you fairy sword"

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