Celestial Immortal

Chapter 29 Long Jun's Venture Capital

Chapter 29 Long Jun's Venture Capital

Great fortune?

Sure enough, the rumors were true.

Anyone who is valued by the Dragon Lord at the night banquet will have a chance to be blessed.

If an ordinary person encountered such an opportunity, he would be very excited.

Chu Chen was a human being in two lifetimes, and he was good at nourishing Qi, so he was not excited by it.

"This junior has never met Lord Long, and Lord Long treats him so kindly, and this junior is in awe and fear. If he is destined to be blessed by Lord Long, what will I have to pay?"

Chu Chen asked tentatively.

He dared to go whoring for nothing at the Dragon Lord's night banquet before, it was because there were so many people who went there, there was no shortage of him.

If everyone goes whoring for nothing, then it’s not called whoring for nothing.

But right now, Lord Long's great fortune is only aimed at him, so it's important to pay attention.

There will be no pie in the world.

There are huge risks hidden behind the huge benefits, and the demand and payment are always equal.

He really didn't dare to accept the chance that was suddenly brought to his lips.

"Hahahaha, little friend is such a wonderful person, this king is more and more convinced that you can become a person in the future"

Long Jun laughed, and said: "Ming people don't talk dark words, if you cover up, you must not be at ease in your heart. I don't ask for much, I only ask for three favors. If my little friend will be successful one day, don't forget your feelings and be ungrateful." That's it, nothing else to ask for."

That's it?
Chu Chen was slightly surprised.

"The Dragon Lord only wants favors? The juniors have a low level of cultivation. Maybe they will die in the hands of some monster in the future. At that time, the Dragon Lord's favors will be in vain."

Long Jun nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile:
"Since this king is willing to take out the treasures, he is naturally ready for nothing. Don't worry about this. This king likes to sponsor young leaders with potential. You are not the first, nor will you be the last."

The girl in palace costume on the side will now answer:
"My lord, don't be nervous. There are many great monsters, Confucian officials, and fairy officials in Qingzhou and even the Dachang Dynasty who have received the support of the father and king. They have achieved a lot. We have no malicious intentions. We are purely optimistic about the future of the lord. Make a deal or two."

Chu Chen looked strange.

Good guy, is this the Xianxia version of venture capital?
The Dragon King of Dilongkeng Ghost City is an angel investor.

Moreover, his business has been extremely successful. There are big figures in Qingzhou and even the Dachang Dynasty who have received his funding and support, and their connections are excellent.

No wonder the Dilongkeng Ghost Market can be opened upright, and the network of relationships behind it may be deeply rooted, intertwined, and so powerful that it is unimaginable.

After learning about this situation, Chu Chen finally let go of his uneasiness and suspicion.

Venture capital, he is familiar with this.

Seeing that the suspicion on Chu Chen's face disappeared, Mr. Long thought that his heart was moved, and he waved his hand with joy in his heart.

Not long after, a group of beautiful girls arrived with three trays, standing gracefully outside the octagonal stone pavilion.

The girl in palace attire behind Long Jun walked down, and with a smile on her face, she lifted the red cloth on the first tray.

In an instant, golden light shines.

Chu Chen looked along the aura, and found that it was a scroll of bamboo slips exuding golden light, surrounded by layers of golden halos, giving people a sense of sacredness and vastness.

Long Jun smiled and said:
"This volume is a superior practice method called "Thunderbolt Secret Edict". It cultivates the way of alchemy internally and the law of lightning externally. Down."

Chu Chen was secretly surprised.

Cultivated to the cultivation method of the third-rank immortal officials, this is definitely a top-level cultivation method, which is enough to cause countless monks to go crazy.

In this world, practice does not have a unified division of cultivation realms.

After all, each sect has a different approach to practice.

There are sects that start with refining and transforming qi, first refining the essence, then refining the qi, and then refining the spirit;

There are also other practice methods that start with gathering Qi, first convincing the Qi, and then refining the spirit;
There are also sects that take the cultivation of the primordial spirit as the starting point, cultivate the yin god, strip away all the yin, and cultivate into the yang god
Therefore, the realms of practice of each school and school are different and cannot be unified at all.

There are only two realms of unity, one is not attained, and the other is attained.

In order to uniformly measure the strength of monks, the world of cultivating immortals uses the ninth-rank immortal officials of Dachang Immortal Court as the standard to roughly measure the cultivation base and morality of monks.

Roughly divided by the amount of mana, the ninth rank is the lowest, and the first rank is the highest.

A third-rank immortal official, in the world of cultivating immortals and even in the Dachang Dynasty, he is definitely a big shot.

The practice method that directly refers to the practice of the third grade of Taoism is naturally the top and rarest practice method.

Although "Hunyuan Gathering Qi and Refining Shape" by Chu Chen's master Lingshan School has comprehended to the "Huang Ting Jing" and has a lofty intention, but its true grade is not high, far inferior to this volume of "Thunder's Secret Edict".

To be honest, Chu Chen was a little moved.

Long Jun saw that Chu Chen was a little moved, and smiled softly.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon girl in palace costume lifted the red cloth of the second tray.

Chu Chen looked away.

It was a green spiritual fruit, oval in shape, the size of a fist, surrounded by circles of faint blue light, and a burst of refreshing fruit fragrance entered the nostrils, making people intoxicated.

"This fruit is called Biyou Qingguo. It is an extremely precious spiritual fruit. Whether it is a human monk or a demon or a god, if you swallow a spiritual fruit, your cultivation level will skyrocket. With my talent, you can eat this spiritual fruit." , I am afraid that you will be able to step into the first rank and possess the ninth rank of Taoism."

Long Jun introduced the efficacy of the spiritual fruit in the tray, and looked at Chu Chen to measure his reaction.

There is no cultivator who is not excited to see such a spiritual fruit.

Chu Chen was not immune either.

Of course, Chu Chen still didn't reveal anything.

Long Jun smiled and clapped his hands again.

In response, the girl in palace costume lifted the red cloth on the third tray.

It was a yellow stone, as warm as jade, exuding a soft light.

This time, Chu Chen recognized the treasure.

"Dragon Stone!"

"Not bad~" Dragon Lord explained with a smile: "It's not an ordinary earth dragon stone, but an earth dragon mother stone, the ultimate rare treasure in the earth dragon stone. If monks and demons swallow this rare treasure, they can master the amazing earth trap. The art of escaping hundreds of miles is no problem, a rare life-protecting treasure, if my little friend has it, it will be difficult to fall in the future!"

The three treasures were displayed in front of Chu Chen's eyes one by one, the jewels and treasures made people's hearts flutter.

As long as Chu Chen nods his head, these top-notch exercises and rare spiritual fruits that are rarely seen outside belong to him, and he can take them all away.

And he only needs to pay a future favor, without any other conditions attached.

With such a temptation in front of him, not to mention Chu Chen, even a monk with many years of experience in the practice world can't control it.

"Little friend, how are you? Are you willing to accept this king's funding?"

Long Jun is very confident about this.

Needless to say, this time, another rare seedling was recruited.

However, unexpectedly, Chu Chen shook his head and refused:

"Thank you, Lord Long, for your attention, this junior is ashamed!"

Lord Long and the girl in palace costume were astonished, with expressions of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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