Chapter 1248 Jane’s Family Visit 2
Simply reporting the matter of the Jian family and expressing his own attitude made Master Lu very satisfied with this. After Jian Jian said goodbye and left, he reported the brief matter of the Jian family's visit to Sect Master Wan Jian.

When Jian Kui came to visit, Master Wan Jian had already received the news. After all, he was a Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, but this was a private visit, and he didn't take the initiative to ask. He didn't expect that the newcomer, Jian Jian, came from the Jian family in the Eastern Immortal Realm. .

"Lord Lu Feng, I remember that Jian Jian is an Ascension Cultivator."

Sect Master Wan Jian held the jade slip of news and asked Lu Lian.

"It's the suzerain, this simplicity is indeed a monk who ascended, and he also went to the Eastern Immortal Realm after ascension, and once rescued a young son of the Jian family, but something happened when he went to the Qingshui Rain Forest to pick the dream fairy fruit. It will appear again in the secret place of the ice field.

According to Jian Jian, the people of Jian’s family tried her a lot and invited her to Qingshui Rainforest to pick the Dream Fairy Fruit. As a result, something happened and she was trapped in Qingshui Rainforest alone. Afterwards, she struggled to survive in the rainforest and was promoted to Jin After the Fairyland, he left the Qingshui Rainforest. During this period, the Jian family never sent anyone to look for it, but only stayed in Qingshui Fairy City to wait for news.

So after leaving Qingshui Rainforest, she didn't take the initiative to contact Jane's family, and came directly to our northern fairyland by spaceship, but encountered a black hole in the starry sky on the way, and it was also because of the teleportation pattern she invented, which bought her a little more time , sucking her and the spaceship into it when the black hole disappeared.

When he was thrown out again, he was already in the secret realm of the ice field, and he also met Tian Hong, who was from the same sect when they were in the lower realm, and only then did they find out about Shi Meimei.

The spaceship was simply returned to the clan and placed in the Artifact Refining Hall. My disciples and grandchildren all saw it. It was indeed damaged by the force of space compression, and there were obvious traces of starry sky meteorites on it. "

Wan Jian smiled, put down the jade slip, and said to Lu Lian:

"The Jian family doesn't cherish such a good seedling. Now that they have joined our Immortal Sword Sect, it is impossible for them to snatch it back. Their Jian family will divert resources and cultivate more. Is our Immortal Sword Sect worse than them? As far as her contribution in the transformation of warships is concerned, she is also worthy of the sect's emphasis on training."

Wan Jian is in a very good mood. Some things happened and they happened. These things left traces in Jian Jian's heart, which made people feel uncomfortable. If she doesn't go back to the Jian family, no one has the right to blame her, because she once expressed her feelings to the Jian family. Kindness and kindness were only rudely rejected.

"Simple's attitude is very clear. There is no problem in recognizing the ancestor and returning to the clan, but she will continue to practice in the Immortal Sword Sect and will not return to the Jian family. If the Jian family disagrees, she has no intention of returning to the Jian family."

Lu Lian said Jian Jian's attitude towards this matter.

"There is nothing wrong with making such a simple decision. After all, she was not carefully cultivated by the Jian family in the fairy world, and she does not have a strong sense of belonging to the family. Besides, she will not lack training resources after joining our Immortal Sword Sect. It doesn't matter if she returns or not. "

Sect Master Wan Jian saw it very clearly.

"You can handle this matter at your own discretion. You belong to Qi Refining Peak. As the peak master, you should be tough when you speak hard."

"Yes, suzerain, I understand."

Lu Lian's mustache curled up, and he returned to his head in satisfaction, ready to reject the person from the Jian family, but he didn't expect that it was the fairy king from the Jian family who came.

It was a sunny day with a gentle breeze, and Jian Jian was studying the immortal text transformed from the divine text, so Huo Zan came to report in a hurry:

"Fairy Jian, someone from the main peak invites you to the Suzerain Hall."

Jian Jian put down the jade slip in his hand and asked:
"But what did it say?"

"It's someone from the Jian family who came to visit and asked to see you by name."

Huo Zan answered truthfully.

He was also very puzzled, didn't he just come to see Fairy Jian the day before yesterday, why did he go to the main peak to ask to see him again.

Jian Jian also frowned, but then said:

"I see, you will go with me."

Without any delay, the two went directly to the suzerain's main hall on the main peak, all the way unimpeded, obviously they had received the suzerain's order, and in the end Huo Zan was left outside the hall, and simply entered alone.

The moment she stepped into the main hall, she simply felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, she lowered her eyes and saluted politely:

"The Refining Peak is simple, meet the Sovereign, the two seniors!"

Because she felt the presence of the other two very powerful, she did not raise her head to observe hastily, and saluted first.

"Jianjian called you here today, it is indeed something, but this is your private matter, but you are already a disciple of Immortal Sword Sect, so I invited Immortal King Ziyin to entertain the Immortal King of Jian's family."

Wan Jian explained with a smile.

Jian Jian's heart skipped a beat, how did it startle the Immortal King of the Zongmen, Jian's family also came from an Immortal King, she felt that she didn't have such a big face, so she looked up at the first Immortal King Ziyin.

Immortal King Ziyin has a handsome face, sharp edges and corners, and is very kind to simplicity:
"Simple, since you have joined the Immortal Sword Sect, you are a member of my sect. As for whether you are a member of the Jian clan, it doesn't matter. I heard Wan Jian say that even if you recognize your ancestors and return to the sect, you will continue to stay in the Immortal Sword Sect." Zong Xiuxing, we will respect your decision."

"Thank you Immortal King Ziyin."

After simply cupping his hands in thanks, he turned his gaze to the Immortal King of the Jian family who had been sizing her up since she entered the hall, but hadn't spoken.

Seeing this, he was simply stunned, and said in a little surprise:
"Patriarch Qingyue!"

Immediately, he felt that something was wrong. The extremely elegant Immortal King who was waving a folding fan in front of him seemed to be somewhat different from Qingyue Patriarch.

"Little girl, since you can name the first Patriarch of my Jian family, he must be a direct disciple of my Jian family. The things left by Qingyue's great-grandfather should be handed over to you."

Jian Qingjun said with a smile.

Simply frowned, and didn't deny it, but didn't answer either.

Immortal King Ziyin on the side raised his eyebrows and smiled, but did not intervene. This is the matter of the ancestors of the Jian family, so it is inconvenient for him to say more.

"Simple, I already know everything about you in the lower realm. The world is unpredictable. It is estimated that the great-grandfather did not expect this kind of thing to happen to his direct descendants, but you have to believe that in the fairy world, the Jane family will never let you go. You were wronged."

The fairy kings have said so, and it is not easy to lose face, so I saluted Jian Qingjun respectfully:
"Meet Immortal King Jane!"

Immediately lifted up by a gentle force, she glanced at Immortal King Jian again, and said:
"The day before yesterday, Jian Jian had met Elder Jian Kui and Jian Qi, and explained what he meant. I did not deny that I belonged to Jian's family. After all, I was able to ascend, and it was Qingyue ancestors who passed on my complete exercises, but I Since the beginning of cultivation, I have never relied on my family, and I don't like to be bound.

Joining the Heavenly Sword Sect in the Lower Realm was also a coincidence. In order to seek asylum and improve my sword skills, I also obtained my natal sword from the sect's sword mound, so I have a more sense of belonging to the sect.

And Immortal Sword Sect immediately stood up to defend me after I accidentally appeared in the Ice Field Secret Realm, and asked me to join the sect. "

 Good evening, folks!The fourth one is here!Let me be pleasantly surprised~ Feng Ling added a chicken leg to herself, and continued to type.

(End of this chapter)

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