Chapter 1510
Three days later, the woman who claimed to be Qingcheng simply settled down on a separate mountain peak and opened up a cave specially for her. Then she brought over twenty humanoid Zerg and said to her:

"Since you and I have reached an agreement, we will naturally not embarrass you. You just need to teach them some common sense things in the fairy world."

He simply nodded, indicating that it was okay.

In fact, when that Qingcheng made this request yesterday, she was very puzzled. After all, when the high-level intelligent Zergs replaced the human races, they would accept all the memories and skills of this skin, so how could there be such doubts.

Later, it was Qingcheng who explained the confusion:
"The human race is a bit stubborn, and the spirit sometimes explodes, and the inherited memory is incomplete, so I need you to explain it hard."

I will just pass this matter over, but I will not believe it if it is simple. This reason is too far-fetched.

But she didn't ask this question any more, but answered the questions of the twenty humanoid Zerg with all her heart.

A month later, the Qingcheng female fairy came again, and brought the storage bracelet that belonged to Ziyan and a set of fairy robes.

"Zi Yan, you did a good job, the storage bracelet will be returned to you, and this robe is your reward."

"Thank you!"

Simply bow your hands to thank you, bring the storage bracelet back to your wrist, then glance at the other party, and then ask:
"Fairy Qingcheng, when can I return to the fairyland battlefield?"

"Don't worry, we still need to make some arrangements here. If you go back like this, they will also suspect you. Besides, you haven't completed what you promised me!"

What Jian Jian discussed with Qingcheng at the beginning was to solve the confusion for a hundred humanoid Zerg, so that even if they enter the fairy world, they can also integrate into the human race. They will send Jian Jian back to the battlefield of the battlefield, and even assist her in revenge. And the female fairy who was used to being pampered and pampered, she agreed immediately.

In fact, from a simple point of view, the other party's words are full of pitfalls, and you didn't give yourself a way to pretend to be Ziyan Fairy. After all, you have taught these hundred bugs. They are all exposed, and their Zerg are not stupid.

Then there is only one way to go, and that is to turn the current Ziyan into the same kind. Then, as long as these hundred insects enter the fairyland, it will be a drop of water falling into the sea, and it will really be a fish entering the sea, which will not cause any harm. After all, there is no magic bicao in Xianyu, and the soul is not marked, so it is easy to lurk in.

It's just that it's even more impossible to return to the battlefield. After all, Ziyan will definitely be interrogated after all if she wants to go back. Why is it that you are the only one who can come back alive?Just because you are beautiful?
Then according to this line of thinking, it is speculated that the Zerg has a way to avoid the heavy defenses of the fairyland, and send Jian Jian and the hundred humanoid Zerg into the fairyland. Jian Jian thinks that this possibility is very high.

Because when he entered the first gate of the battlefield with the team, Hong Qing Demon Monarch joined forces with the sudden swarm of insects to put her to death, so it is easy to reason in the opposite direction.

Simple also communicated with Zhima privately:

"Master, your speculation should be valid. Back then, Hong Qing died too quickly. You used the devil emperor's life-saving talisman to kill almost all the bugs in seconds. You really didn't touch that passage. This time may be an opportunity, but if You were sent back to Immortal Realm, what does Zhanyu say?"

Sesame also analyzed clearly and logically, and made supplements.

"Anyway, it's sneaked in. Take a step at a time, and sometimes the plan can't keep up with the changes."

Simply close your eyes and pass the sound channel.

"When will that bug replace you?"

This is what Zhima cares most about. After all, he will make a move when the time comes. Otherwise, if the master reveals his secrets, they will hide in the space again. There is no Zerg's lair for fun.

"I guess it's coming soon. When I bring out these hundred bugs and relax my vigilance by the way, it's the best time for them to replace them."

"Okay, Zhima will be on guard at any time."

Sesame voice transmission.

"I want to release the silver armor and survey the terrain here, do you think it's feasible?"

Simple sound transmission to ask Zhima, after all, this is the lair of Zerg, any mistake will have immeasurable consequences, besides, her little Yinjia is also very precious.

"Master, let the highest-level little silver armor go out and attach to the one hundred humanoid Zerg that you meet every day. Only one a day. If it is not noticed, we will continue. What do you think?"

Sesame is influenced by simplicity and becomes more cautious.

"Okay, listen to you."

In this way, Jian Jian continued his great cause of solving puzzles, and then almost every few days he would secretly release a little silver armor out. According to the feedback from the little silver armors, because of their transparent and small dust-like qualities, there is no Discovered by the Zerg.

After observing for half a year, Jian Jian was completely relieved, and the little Yinjia also began to send back various news, and the so-called agreement between Jian Jian and the Zerg was coming to an end.

Jian Jian has been very happy recently, and seems to be preparing to return to the battlefield, when Qingcheng popped up again.

"Fairy Ziyan, seeing that the agreement is coming to an end, I'm here to tell you in advance that when you are ready, we will send you back to the battlefield."

"Thank you Fairy Qingcheng, what preparations do I need to make?"

"Zi Yan, you have stayed here for a year after all. If you go back alone, you will definitely be made things difficult by the people of Immortal Realm and your enemies."

"Yes, that's what worries me too."

Frowning simply, he followed the other person's words.

"We set up a bureau, saying that after you were captured by us, you waited for an opportunity to lurk down, touched the place where the captured immortals were held, rescued them, and then fled all the way back to the battlefield. What do you think?"

Qingcheng said with a smile.

"It's only if I can really rescue it, otherwise, if the two sides confront each other, I will be exposed."

"Of course, for your smooth return, it is not difficult for you to take away a few fairies."

Qingcheng said generously.

"Since that's the case, I would like to thank Fairy Qingcheng for planning for me. If I promise you, I will definitely not break my promise."

Simple and immediate thanks.

"Okay, I'll start to arrange, you wait for my good news."

Qingcheng didn't delay, after saying this, she turned and left.

"Sesame, the other party is about to attack, you can't lose the chain!"

"Master, don't worry!"

Two days later, Qingcheng came again, handed Jian Jian a jade slip, and said with a smile:

"This is the road map and plan. After you memorize it, you will destroy the jade slip."

"it is good!"

Jian Jian pretended not to doubt him, and after receiving the jade slip, his consciousness penetrated. The next moment, a black beetle went straight to Jian Jian's sea of ​​consciousness, and instantly sank between his eyebrows. This change was very sudden.

Simply only had time to say the word "you" before falling to the ground.

"Hmph! Idiot! You are such a good skin, why would we give up, if it wasn't for waiting for the little master to be born, and paralyze you by the way, let you relax your vigilance, why waste so long time."

 Babies, let’s have four chapters today!After receiving a video call from a nurse friend, Feng Ling was in a bad mood. The epidemic situation in XJ seemed to be not optimistic. I decided to watch a drama to change my mood. I will make up the missing chapter tomorrow!Good night! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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