Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1531 Watching and helping each other

Chapter 1531 Watching and helping each other
King Yadisha looked at Anna and Prince Neil who came together, and was very puzzled. The vest of this human fairy did not fall off in front of the real little prince of Bibohai, and depending on the situation, this Prince Neil Still trust her very much.

"Anna has met Yadi Shark King. This is my little prince Neil from Bibohai. This time, he is here to meet you King Shark."

Simply said with a smile.

Neil immediately swung his tail forward, clenched his fist with his right hand, pressed it against his left chest, and saluted:
"Bibo Hainier, pay homage to King Yadi Shark!"

"You have traveled thousands of miles and crossed the fairyland just to meet me? Recently, you people from the blue sea have come to the South China Sea one after another. Is there something wrong?"

Adi asked bluntly.

Neil glanced at Jian Jian from the side, and then nodded slightly, before he turned his gaze to Shark King Yadi:
"Dear Shark King, Neil is here to seek your help on behalf of the Bibo Sea Merman Clan. The battle between us and the sea beasts has reached a stalemate, and we can't tell the winner for a while, but the Merman Clan has been greatly impacted. Some vicious human races are waiting for the opportunity to capture the sharks, which put our family in a difficult situation, so I ask for your help."

Neil said sincerely.

After listening briefly, she frowned beautifully. She didn't expect that there would be a human fairy in it. Neil didn't say it directly before, probably out of concern for her face, after all, she is also a human fairy.

"I will discuss this matter with the saintess of the family before giving an answer."

Yadi didn't refuse directly, but said it tactfully.

After Neil heard this, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he still bowed politely.

"Thank you Shark King."

At this time, Jian Jian stepped forward, bowed to Shark King and said:

"Your Majesty Yadi, Anna knows that the South China Sea Merman should not be allowed to contribute in vain. I will give up the reward this time. Can I change the support? Of course, if Your Majesty has any other requirements, you can also tell me. If I can do it, I will help you." Will answer."

Neil was both moved and surprised by the simple words, but the Shark King was purely surprised. After all, she is a human race, so there is no reason to use her favor to help the sharks who are not of her race.

"You all go down!"

The following words were not suitable for too many mermen to hear. The merman waved his hand to make all the guards in the hall retreat, and Neil also made Ni Kun and his party to retreat.

After there were only Shark King, Jian Jian and Neil in the hall, Shark King lazily asked Neil:

"Neil, do you know her identity?"


Because Jian Jian had greeted him in advance, Neil knew that the shark king was asking about Jian Jian's identity as a human race.

Shark King turned to simply asked:
"You are very interesting. The human immortals are catching the mermaids, but you are helping the mermaids. If it weren't for you helping me eliminate the hidden dangers of the mermaids in the South China Sea, it would be impossible for you to leave the South China Sea safely."

"Your Majesty Yadi has a broad mind, and he will ascend to the God Realm in the future. Naturally, he should understand the truth that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The immortals in the Western Immortal Territory have problems, but the immortals in the Southern Immortal Territory have no malicious intentions to arrest the Merman.

Of course, there are also some greedy immortals who covet the beads and scales of the mermaids, just like some mermaids also covet the bodies of immortals. This is a very small part. Such human or mermaids, In the future, there will be no relationship with the Dao, and the sins committed will be liquidated by the Dao of Heaven. "

He replied simply and neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hahaha! What a dead lips and cold teeth, really sharp teeth! You guys go down first!"

King Yadi Shark smiled loudly and asked the two to leave first.

Neil bowed briefly and respectfully, then exited the Crystal Palace, and went to the palace where Simple lived before.

Nichkun, as the captain of the guard, came to see his prince and that Anna alone after everything was arranged:

"Prince, Your Highness Anna, is there any progress?"

"King Yadi Shark didn't reply us immediately, maybe we have to wait for two days."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

Nichkhun lowered his eyes and was about to exit, but was stopped by Jian Jian.

"Fennie has told you, what will happen to you if the appeal for help fails?"

Ni Kun only took a brief look, but still didn't believe the female mermaid, and didn't answer her question.

And Neil could also see at this time that his mother might have something else to explain to Ni Kun, and he didn't know it. He frowned and said directly:
"Anna is acquainted with both father and mother, and she is my savior. If mother really tells you anything else, you can tell me now."

Nichkhun let out a low sigh. Anyway, he had already arrived in the South China Sea, so he didn't need to keep it secret anymore, so he said directly:
"Queen Fanny said that if the mermaids in the South China Sea are unwilling to send troops to help, let us hand over some of our resources in exchange for the opportunity to stay in the South China Sea, and try to integrate into the mermaids here so that we don't have to go back to Bibohai."


As soon as Neil heard this, he immediately realized that the situation in Bibohai might be worse than he knew. He wagged the fish's tail anxiously, frowned, and then naturally looked at Jian Jian.

"Neil, don't be impatient, King Yadisha hasn't replied to us yet, the situation is not that bad yet."

Jian Jian immediately comforted him, after all, he is still a young mermaid who has just grown up, and his parents are not around, so it is inevitable to be worried.

"Nikkhun, what if we can find support?"

Neil looked at the other party and asked directly.

"If the prince can find support, we will obey your orders."

Nichkhun gave an affirmative answer.

"I see, you should also go to rest first, and I will chat with Anna for a while."

After Nichkhun withdrew, Neil lost interest in chatting and was also sent to rest by Jane.

Yadi saw the situation of the small palace clearly, and was also considering Anna's proposal at this time. After all, she was right in saying something, her lips were dead and her teeth were cold. It will not be found in the South China Sea.

Sea beasts are easy to deal with. After all, they are not spiritually intelligent. No matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to ascend, let alone leave the blue sea. However, it is easy for human immortals to come to the southern fairyland. As Anna said, there will be some damage everywhere. There are decent people.

After one night, Neil waited for Jian Jian to get dressed, and wanted to meet King Yadisha again, but was stopped by Jian Jian:
"Neil, you are too anxious, just keep calm and wait for the Shark King to summon you."


"The Shark King will not change his decision just because of your meeting. Instead of doing this, you might as well maintain your dignity as a prince."

simply reminded.

"Okay, Neil understands."

Nichkhun watched the simplicity of persuading the prince with just a few words, and frowned slightly.

A quarter of an hour later, Nan Feng came to the guest house and invited Neil and his party to the Crystal Palace.

Neil had already calmed down, saluted the Shark King respectfully, and then looked at him.

Yadi looked at Neil and Jian Jian with deep eyes, and said in a deep voice:
"You and I are of the same race, so we should watch over and help each other."

(End of this chapter)

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