Chapter 1558 Meeting Junli 2
These simple words already sounded a little threatening, Jun Li was naturally very unhappy, and his face darkened:

"Anna, you are not the saint of the Shark Race, so you can say such things on behalf of the Shark King?"

"Isn't the Immortal Emperor's Mansion accusing me of unwarranted crimes on the Shark Race?
When my clan was in distress, I didn't extend a helping hand to take care of the clansmen I protected. When the human immortals encountered monsters, they would push them on my mermaid clan. How could there be such a reason in the world?
It seems that the same sentence, the knife will only know the pain when it falls on yourself! "

Simply stroked his long golden hair, and said lightly.

" you going to be an enemy of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion?"

The steward said loudly.

"What? You can't tell me? You can't tell me the truth? Just say that I want to be an enemy of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion? Please be careful with this steward, can you represent the Immortal King or the Immortal Emperor?"

To put it simply, Immortal King Junli didn't look very good. After all, during the time he was acting as an agent for the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, the steward always regarded himself as a helper, always pointing fingers at the things he handled, and he was already impatient.

"Master Zeng, please be careful! Anna is a guest of my Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and is not the object of your accusation."

Manager Zeng had no choice but to surrender and retreated to his original position, but his simple eyes became more and more unkind.

"Anna, once in charge is also concerned about chaos, you don't have to care."

In one sentence, all the questioning from Manager Zeng was overturned.

"Yes, Immortal King Junli, I know you understand righteousness. Anna is also heartbroken for the warriors in the clan. This battle will not be completely over until reinforcements arrive. Our clan suffered heavy casualties, and now we have lost all of our ancestor shark beads. After this battle, Bibohai will close the sea area and enter the time of recuperation."

These words were beyond Jun Li's expectation, and he could understand why the other party spoke in such a rush. After all, the loss was heavy and there was nothing to supplement, and it would take at least a thousand years to recover.

"Oh? You have suffered such a heavy loss?"

Jun Li asked with a little regret.

"If the Immortal King doesn't believe it, you can go to Bibohai to verify it yourself. Our mermaid race has always said something, we will not exaggerate, and there is nothing shady about it."

After finishing speaking, his eyes glanced at Manager Zeng who was at the side.

Guan Shi gritted his teeth angrily, he felt that he had been connoted.

"I don't think it's necessary to close the sea!"

Junli said again.

"It wasn't necessary at first, but now it seems necessary. If those so-called monsters really come from the depths of the blue sea and we seal off the sea area, they will naturally have nowhere to hide. If the sea area is closed, they will still appear , then the problem is not with me, Bibohai.

The Immortal King should ask carefully, what is the intention of the person who reported the letter. "

Simply kicking the ball back, and then acting like he was waiting for the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to make a decision, Jun Li was in a bit of a dilemma.

If the master knew that because of his decision, there was a rift between the Immortal Emperor's Mansion and Bibo Haiyuren, he would definitely be dissatisfied.

Therefore, Immortal King Junli considered for a while and said:
"This matter has yet to be verified, so there is no need to draw conclusions prematurely. You can temporarily stay in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion first, and I will give you an explanation after the situation is found out."

Junli's words were already very polite, and he simply went down the slope and went down the donkey naturally. After saluting, he insisted:

"Thank you for the kindness of the Immortal King, Anna has checked into the Xiping Inn, and is waiting for your call these days.

Anna is willing to confront the other party face-to-face, so that the Immortal King can see clearly the other party's sinister intentions and the true purpose of separating the two clans, and I can also make this trip worthwhile. "

Jian Jian replied humbly at this moment.

"Okay, since Holy Maiden Anna has made up her mind, I won't force her."

After Jun Li finished speaking, he picked up the teacup, intending to see off the guests.

Simple and winking, he immediately got up and bid farewell, and followed the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion out of the side hall.

After Jian Jian and his party left, Jun Li's complexion completely sank. Where did the Mermaid Clan find the saintess, her words were sharp, and she didn't even buy the face of the Immortal King.

"Immortal King Junli, this Anna is too arrogant, why don't you just buckle it down, and then..."

Manager Zeng suggested from the side.

"Hmph! If I detain the saintesses of their clan without a reasonable reason, do you think the Shark King will give up? Besides, they are obviously guarding against us, and they don't even want to live in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. trouble."

Junli waved his hands irritably.

Afterwards, he only dealt with a few minor matters in the afternoon, and hurried back to Dongting Immortal Mansion.

Here we simply left the Immortal Emperor's Mansion and returned to the inn, and then asked Zhima directly via voice transmission:

"Is there any problem with Junli?"

"Master, he has no problem, he is not possessed by Zerg."

Simply holding the teacup hand paused:
"Are you sure, Yueluan would be so kind?"

"Of course not. I haven't finished talking yet. Junli is now a strong outsider. This is because he didn't do anything. If he really did, you and Liu Chuan can fight together."

Sesame said proudly with her tail cocked.

"You can see that? Explain."

Simply smiled and continued to ask.

"He looks like a raging fire cooking oil on the surface now, and he has a tendency to improve to a higher level, but these are all false. If that Yueluan is willing, he can take away all his cultivation bases, at least let Yueluan enter the world. You have to be extra careful in the realm of the False Immortal Emperor."

Speaking of the latter, Sesame is also a lot more serious.

"I know that right now I'm not qualified to confront her head-on, but disrupting her arrangement and causing conflict between Junli and Yueluan is also a means to divide them."

"It's good that the master knows it well."

Zhima knew that her master always planned before acting, so she kept silent after reminding her.

At this time, Tianjun and Tianli who were out also returned to the inn, and handed a jade slip to Jianjian.

"This is the record."

Tian Jun didn't make it too clear, fearing that the senior officials of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion would show their spiritual sense to spy, so she entered Jian Aoxue's whereabouts in the Jade Slip.

With a simple sweep of consciousness, the jade slip was directly destroyed, and then her blue eyes narrowed. She didn't expect that Jian Aoxue saw Yueluan instead of Junli.


Jian Aoxue went to Dongting Immortal Mansion and stayed there for an hour. As for what she said, only the person involved knew.

"Can you continue to follow?"

"No need, now that you know where she is, you don't need to follow her, so you won't be exposed."

"Okay, I see! What's next?"

"After a while, I need to ask you two to do me a favor and report the safety of Jian's family and Immortal Sword Sect. At that time, I will feign death and leave Western Immortal Territory."

After thinking about it briefly, he talked about his initial plan.

"Some adventures, do you want us to stay and assist?"

"No, I'll pay for your boat fare. If someone asks, just say you've got rid of my control, and you don't need to know anything else."

Just another word of advice.

 Dear children, Chapter 2 is here. The most sad thing here is the headache, which makes me want to smash my temples. Now it has eased a lot, and occasionally twitches, Fengling's tolerance is still very high.

(End of this chapter)

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