Chapter 1847
"Immortal Lord Yinzhan really thinks highly of me!"

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, he said with a smile.

"I, Wan Jianzong, took the liberty of this matter, but I can't find out the reason, and it's not good to keep restricting disciples from going out, so I just"

"A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor!"

Simply smiled and said.

"Cough!" Wan Heng coughed lightly in embarrassment, as a cover, but looked at Jian Jian, waiting for her reply.

Jian Jian shook his head helplessly, are sword immortals so straightforward?But Ru Tianjun, a fellow student of the Heavenly Sword Sect, would not come to him so directly.

Seeing Jian Jian shaking his head, Wan Heng was a little anxious, frowned, and was about to continue lobbying when he heard Jian Jian say:
"Since you want to ask me for help, you must let me know what happened, right? There are some things that I can't solve with just a glance."

"What Jian Xianjun said is that I am in a hurry."

Wan Heng bowed his hands, and then glanced at Xu Kuangshi behind him. The other party understood, and immediately took a step forward, bowed his hands to Jian Jian, and then said:

"On that day, the three of us, brothers and sisters, were originally watching the arena competition with Mr. Beiming, but we received a summons telling us to return to Wanjianzong's residence as soon as possible."

Having said that, he glanced at Bei Mingzhi, who nodded. The four of them left in a hurry that day, which proved Xu Kuangshi's words.

"When we got back to the station, we found out that there was a private fight in the station. It was because of a word that two senior brothers who didn't get along with each other fought directly at the station. We were originally persuaded.

But they each had good friends, so the conflict escalated. Those who had persuaded them joined in the fight, and a scuffle broke out, which almost broke the restraint of the resident. Fortunately, I returned in time, so the two sides were separated.

But when I asked them individually, they said that they didn't know what happened, and rushed into the battle group as soon as they disagreed with each other, and they couldn't explain why.

It is certain that these people were punished, and they accepted the punishment, but three days after being punished, the two met again, and this time they fought for no reason. The incessant appearance was finally sealed by Immortal Wan Heng's dantian, and then it subsided.

Afterwards, the two couldn't say the reason for their attack this time, they only said that they couldn't understand each other, so they did it.It was like this once, and it was still like this twice, something is a little strange, so Xianjun ordered me and my senior sister to start investigating the cause of this matter. "

When Xu Kuangshi said this, he motioned to his senior sister to continue, and the purple-robed female sword fairy stepped forward, cupped her hands at Jian Jian and said:

"Jian Xianjun, I'm Master Xu's elder sister Qianluo, and I investigated this matter with my junior brother. The two people who had conflicts before were just different opinions on swordsmanship, and both of them wanted to convince each other. It's just that they can't be persuaded, and occasionally they will compete in the ring, but they won't go to the point of fighting.

Those who joined the melee that day, my junior brother and I also asked them one by one. They also didn't want to see their companions suffer, so they made a move. After being separated, they all calmed down and did not participate in the friction between the two of them. .

The two parties, whose cultivation bases are in the Emerald Golden Immortal Realm, are expected to hit the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm. They are key disciples trained by the sect. Consciousness Sea also had a blood test, and the two of them were not poisoned, nor did they show signs of being manipulated by divine consciousness. "

After Qian Luo finished the investigation results, he also returned to his original position, and the living room fell into silence for a while.

Simply turning the round fan in his hand, the sound transmission asked Zhima:

"What do you think?"

"It's possible that after being planted with the child Gu, the mother Gu controls the child Gu, causing them to conflict for no reason. Only when you see it will you know."

"It seems that Yin Zhan also has this suspicion, but he can't explain it clearly, so he just asked Immortal Wan Heng to ask me to take action."

Simply sighed helplessly.

"Master, how many immortal monarchs and immortal kings can there be in this world? They probably all know each other. No one has two friends. This Wan Heng looks very upright. You are also a sword fairy yourself. Why don't you sell one of them?" ?”

Sesame whispered quietly.

"Well, I have a clue."

Then he simply spoke to break the silence:

"I probably already understand the situation. It's true that we need to meet the two to make a judgment, but if I make a move, what will Wan Jianzong have to pay?"

Looking at Wan Heng with a smile on his face, he simply said.

Wan Heng was also choked, but he forgot about this, she was at the same level as her, obviously the other party already had a general direction, and asked Xianjun to make a move without (dei) paying.

Xu Kuangshi and Qian Luo looked at each other, looked at the tangled face of their own fairy, and could only keep silent, but their storage rings were cleaner than their faces, and they were powerless!

Beimingzhi was a little moved, he wanted Wan Jianzong to owe them a favor from Beiming's family, but just as he was about to speak, he was swept away by a simple look, and instantly lost his temper.

Simply looking at the other person's expression, he knew that this Wan Heng couldn't offer anything of value, so he said with a smile:

"Wan Jianzong is the leader of the sword sect. I have also cultivated a sword. I want to learn the tricks of Wan Heng. How about a competition as reward?"

These words hit Wan Heng's heart, and he immediately agreed:

"Why is this difficult? It should be my master Jian Xianjun's brilliant move."

Simply smiled, then turned to Bei Mingzhi and said:

"Is the final selection of concubines for the Huangfu clan after seven days?"

"Yes! Their posts haven't arrived yet!"

Bei Mingzhi was obviously a little unhappy because he was neglected.

"Since that's the case, we don't need to give them face. My duel with Immortal Wan Heng will be on that day. You set up the arena in advance and spread the news an hour in advance to see if those aristocratic families and sects are willing to see their Huangfu If you want to put on a show there, you'd rather watch the competition between our two immortals."

Simply shaking the round fan in his hand, he said casually.

Hearing this, Bei Mingzhi's eyes lit up. He liked this high-end face-slapping method, which made the Huangfu family suffer so much that he couldn't tell. He liked it, and immediately responded:

"Elder Jian, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders, and it must be properly arranged."

"Does Immortal Wanheng have any objections?"

Simply asked with a smile.

If Wan Heng had any opinions, he had never seen such an upright slap in the face, and he didn't know how the Huangfu family offended this Immortal Jian, or the Beiming family.

"I have no objection, just set a time and send me a summons."

Wan Heng said directly.

"Okay, without further ado, I will follow Immortal Wan Heng to Wan Jianzong's residence to have a look."

Said simply and crisply.

"That would be the best, Xianjun Jian, please!"

Wan Heng liked the simple and straightforward temperament very much, and the smile on his face deepened a bit.

Afterwards, Jian Jian and his party went to Wan Jianzong's residence together with Immortal Wan Heng.

 Babies, upload three chapters first, and then upload the remaining two chapters together. Before ten o'clock, read these three chapters first!
(End of this chapter)

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