Chapter 2040
"Hahaha! It's going to be cheap for me this time, that old ghost will have no luck!"

A hoarse voice echoed in the black mist, mixed with Xi Niang's exclamation.

"Huh? Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains! Today's luck is really good!"

At the same time as the words fell, a puff of black smoke filled Jian Jian and Tazhuo's positions in an instant, and he obviously regarded them as his prey.

Ta Zhuo immediately got up, stood in front of Jian Jian, and was about to punch the black mist, but Jian Jian stopped him.

"Ta Zhuo, follow me closely, let this old ghost take us for a ride, just to eliminate our traces."

After hearing this, Ta Zhuo immediately lowered his fist, but still followed Jian Jian closely.

After the black wind passed, the sending-off team, Jian Jian, and Ta Zhuo all disappeared without a trace.

Five days later, the old ghost who tracked here stood at the place where Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo had stayed, wandering for a long time, but could not determine their whereabouts.

Jian Jian and Ta Zhuo, who were taken along the way, were trapped in a mountainside at this time, and the two were separated. Jian Jian was with the kidnapped bride, and Ta Zhuo was imprisoned because of his strong spirit. dungeon.

The female ghost cultivator in red is staring at Jian Jian, who is sitting on a stone chair casually, spreading out her divine sense tentacles, exploring the terrain here, ignoring the female who is watching her. ghost.

It didn't take long for her spiritual sense to go out, and she encountered an obstacle. It seemed to prevent them from escaping the enchantment set up. It could be easily broken through by force, but this would alarm the person who set up the enchantment. Shining Armor was released.

At this moment, the old matchmaker from before appeared again, followed by two ghost cultivators. The ghost cultivator took out a jade card and pasted it on the barrier. After the barrier was opened, he respectfully invited the old matchmaker in, and Little Yinjia also took advantage of this gap and left here quietly.

Seeing the little Yinjia scattered in all directions looking for a way out, Jian Jian looked at the ghost matchmaker with her mouth opening and closing in front of her.

"Based on the looks of the two, if you marry the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor, you will definitely be held in the palm of your hand and love you. You can get what you want, and your cultivation base will definitely increase slowly."

(Omit a thousand words to praise the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor!)

The spirit that the matchmaker said faded a bit, but the two people in front of her still didn't respond.

"Fengzi, didn't you refuse to marry Bai Si Ghost Emperor before life and death? Now that you have come to Heishan Ghost Emperor, you have got your wish."

The female ghost cultivator known as Fengzi raised her head at this time, looked at the matchmaker with resentment in her eyes and said:

"Ghost, if Ghost Emperor Bai Si knows that you sold me to Ghost Emperor Heishan, what will happen to you? If I agree, what will happen to my family? Ghost Emperor Bai Si doesn't know that I was forced to, What if I find my family to vent my anger?"

After speaking, he began to wipe his tears again. There was a kind of weak and sickly beauty of sister Lin, but it was a pity that he couldn't appreciate it simply.

The matchmaker saw that this didn't make sense, so she turned to simplicity:
"This little lady, with your alluring face, you will definitely be loved by the Ghost Emperor of Montenegro, you."

"I am so beautiful, why do I have to bend over to the side of a ghost emperor who can't see the light? Wouldn't it be better for me to go directly to Lord Yan Luo? If Lord Yan Luo is happy, he can let me reincarnate into a wealthy family. If I give birth Spiritual roots can still cultivate to ascend, if I agree with you, wouldn't it mean that my path to heaven will be cut off."

Jian Jian stroked his sleeve, and interrupted the matchmaker with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the cave immediately fell silent, even Feng Zi, who was crying at the side, stopped crying, staring at Jian with a pair of almond eyes, obviously did not expect this female ghost cultivator to have such a lofty ambition.

The hag was blocked and had nothing to say. After all, what they said was correct. She had a stronger backer. Why did she choose a lesser one? However, she reacted very quickly. She rolled her triangular eyes and said displeasedly:
"You are indeed beautiful, but you have to be seen by Lord Yan Luo. You are now in the territory of the Black Mountain Ghost Emperor. I advise you to be more aware of current affairs. Don't become a ghost servant at that time. You will cry when you do."

"Tsk, you were trying to force us, but you still insist on wasting your tongue, boasting that Black Mountain Ghost Emperor into a flower, and you finally tore off the fig leaf yourself."

Said simply and disdainfully.

"You, you, you are very good!"

The hag was so angry that she turned around and left. The cave became quiet all of a sudden, and the moment the hag left, the brave little silver armors had already sent back the news.

"Hmph, I have to talk to the Ghost Emperor and let him directly absorb this female ghost cultivator. Let's see how crazy she is!"

The hag muttered in her mouth, and hurried to see her new master.

"Senior, aren't you afraid?"

Fengzi asked cautiously.

"Afraid! Even if the soul is scattered, I will not be a concubine. I will not be a human being, and I will not be a ghost."

Said simply and decisively.

"You are so powerful. Unlike me, I have too many worries. In order to let my brother improve his cultivation as soon as possible, the family promised me to Bai Si Guihuang. I am not willing, but unfortunately they took the soul stone and forced me I sent the sedan chair.

If the ghost emperor Bai Si is a good one, I will follow, but I heard that the ghost emperor likes to absorb the power of concubines, and those concubines that disappeared before have become part of his body, I am too scared up! "

Speaking of this, Fengzi began to wipe her tears again, crying about her tragic experience.

Rolling her eyes in a simple and elegant way, for this kind of self-pitying female ghost, I am afraid that marriage is the best way out, why do you still practice, anyway, there is no hope of soaring.

Jian Jian did not comfort Feng Zi, the news from the little silver armors appeared in her mind, knowing where Ta Zhuo was locked up, she was going to find a time to leave here, first meet Ta Zhuo, and then plan other things.

Fengzi on the side looked simple and ignored her, crying alone was boring, so she stopped crying, and was about to find a topic to inquire about each other's background, when suddenly the place where they were was shaking, and the rocks "crashed" fell, and at the same time a thunderous voice came:
"Heishan, you old ghost, dare to rob my concubine, get out!"

"Bai Si, what do you want to do? This is Lao Tzu's territory, it's not your turn to show off your power, get out!"

Apparently Heishan is not a good person either, so he jumped out and scolded Bai Si.

Jian Jian waited until there were no more falling rocks in the cave, then broke the barrier and left, taking the opportunity to meet Ta Zhuo.

Fengzi looked at the simplicity of leaving, gritted her teeth, and followed, but the figure of the person in front disappeared after turning around, leaving Fengzi to advance or retreat.

Outside, Hei Shan and Bai Si had already fought each other, and the whole valley was full of flying sand and rocks, and the cries of unjust souls made the low-level ghost cultivators unable to maintain their figure, and they hid in the crevices of the rocks in fright.

And under the leadership of Xiao Yinjia, Jianjian has successfully arrived at the prison cell, and Ta Zhuo has violently broken the black stone prison, and is shaking a ghost cultivator up and down:

"Give me back my baby, or I'll beat you to death!"

 Babies, I'm really uncomfortable today. I wanted to write another chapter, but my back hurts and I can't sit still. Let's update it tomorrow!That's all for today, sorry!Rest early after watching, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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