Chapter 2044 Be careful to verify 1
Simple and not tedious, she repeated what she said to Jiudian Yan Luo before. This time, in order to verify her guess, she thought it over before she said:
"Lord Yan Luo, I would like to ask, the one who disappeared in the sealed secret realm was reincarnated and rebuilt in the God Realm. What is the difference between him and Lord Yan Luo or the underworld?"

Although he didn't name her name, Yan Luo naturally knew who she was asking, and said directly:
"His name is Chen Hai, and he stole the first soul tree of the underworld. After stealing it, in order to avoid being traced, he found the Yan family in the fairy world as a scapegoat. Although there is no evidence to prove that he did it, he was also punished. , was forced to reincarnate and recultivate, if he cannot ascend smoothly, his spirit will not be able to return to his place, and he will be useless."

In this matter, it was simple but contributed a lot of effort, so Yan Luo, the first palace, did not hide it and told her directly.

Simply drooping his eyes and pondering for a while, he asked again:
"He stole the soul tree before the battle of the gods, and before pestering the Priestess Commander. What is his purpose?"

Simply ask yourself.

"I'm afraid of death! With Chen Hai's level of cultivation, he entered the battlefield of the gods. He only has the way of falling into the gods. In order to avoid entering the battlefield, he made a small mistake and was punished. He was reincarnated and repaired. Entering the battlefield, this is the most effective way to avoid war."

Yan Luo of the first hall raised his thick eyebrows, and said quite disdainfully.

"He was sure that he would perish on the battlefield, so he found an opportunity, or with the help of God Zangde, he came to the underworld and stole the first-generation soul tree. It's a minor crime, but why did he choose to go to the underworld, and the target is the soul tree?"

Simply turning the soul ring in his hand, he said following the train of thought of Yan Luo in the first palace.

"The soul tree is the sacred tree that breeds the soul. Without this first-generation soul tree, the soul that has been reincarnated many times will become weaker and weaker, and even slowly transform into an evil soul due to the erosion of some filth. They all need to be purified by the soul tree, or to breed new souls to replenish consumption and maintain a balance."

Nine Temple Yama explained aloud.

"Then he did this in addition to incriminating himself, he should also want to leave a way out for himself. If he was reincarnated in the mortal world as an ordinary person, and started to practice from the bottom again, he would still have a chance to ascend.

Since he wants to stay behind, it proves that he knows very well that the souls that enter the fairy world through the commanding priest may not be able to ascend smoothly. "

"How did you know?"

Yama of the Nine Palaces asked.

"If someone threatens you and asks you to do something against your will, will you let the other party do what they want?"

asked simply with a smile.

"Of course not!"

"The same is true for Priestess Commander. That person first entangled her, then framed the evil god Wang Ning who helped her out, and then threatened her with Wang Ning, the benefactor's god, and asked her to devote it to a gifted On the body of a fairy who has excellent luck, good aptitude, and can ascend smoothly, he is fully prepared for his smooth return to avoid the battle of the gods.

In order to keep the soul of her benefactor, Priestess Commander could only compromise, but when she sent him to the lower realm for recultivation according to the other party's request, she also sent away Wang Ding's soul, and even sent Wang Ding's natal evil The knife was also sent down, and she even entered the battlefield of the gods when the other party framed her. Even Shen Yun did not send back her natal artifact, and threw herself into the lower realm.

During this process, she must have done something wrong, otherwise there would not be that sealed secret realm, and Wang Ning would not be completely awakened. In order to carry out all this smoothly, she chose Shenyun and disappeared in the crowd with all the secrets. before God. "

Yan Luo of the First Hall and Yan Luo of the Ninth Hall looked at each other, and there was a subtle change in their simple expressions.

"You know it in detail. You are also a reincarnated and recultivated person in the God Realm? The ninth brother sensed that you have a divine weapon, so he brought you to see me."

Yan Luo of the first hall said lightly.

"I don't know about that, because even if the artifact 'Wheel of Fortune' recognizes me as master, I don't have the memory of awakening the so-called God Realm. I'm not sure if I'm reincarnated and rebuilt."

Simple show your hands.

"The natal artifact of the Priestess Commander is in your hands!"

Yan Luo, the first hall, was quite surprised.

"Yes, after I returned to the Jian family in the fairy world, he took the initiative to recognize me as the master, and so far I haven't really used the 'Wheel of Fortune', but used him to strangle some enemies."

"The things you know are all told by the artifact?"

"No, the evil god Wang Ding, who was reincarnated and rebuilt, told me."

"Wang Ning is in the same realm as you?"


"It's getting more and more interesting!"

Yan Luo, the first hall, said with a smile, gloating in his eyes that couldn't be hidden.

Immediately he said:
"Do you suspect that Chen Hai still has a trace of soul reincarnated in the underworld?"

"Well, I don't know if Master Yan Luo remembers that in the sealed secret realm, that person claimed to be one body with two souls, and the two brothers were called Xingchen and Xinghai, but there was only one person from the beginning to the end. Can it be said that the other person has been separated from the main body? gone?"

Simply stated his guess.

"There is such a possibility!"

"Then, can Lord Yan Luo find the reincarnated soul of the other party? The other party's soul is very powerful, and now he has a ready-made body. If he seizes the opportunity, he will not have to continue to wait in reincarnation, and he can ascend smoothly."

After saying this briefly, he glanced at Ta Zhuo who was next to him with a puzzled look on his face.

At this time, Yan Luo, the first hall, re-examined Ta Zhuo, his eyes flashed and turned completely black, and he scanned the suspicious Ta Zhuo up and down twice, then turned his head and asked:

"Is Ta Zhuo's body unusually strong?"

Shoudian thought about it and thought of this word.

"Lord Yan Luo means that Ta Zhuo's physical body can bear the soul of the God Realm, and the physical body will not collapse."

Simple reacted immediately.


"I didn't expect that Ta Zhuo is now a favorite, no wonder he asked me to escort him."

Now it seems that only she can completely wipe out that soul, and only she can help Ta Zhuo find that soul and prevent him from becoming the carrier of other people's soul.

Jian Jian turned her phoenix eyes and felt that Yue Luan's soul seemed to have a good place to go, so she said with a smile:

"Lord Yan Luo, it is possible to find that divine soul, and we will never suffer from future troubles."

"I didn't expect you to be more active than me!"

Yan Luo, the first hall, said with a smile.

"Since I have already participated in this matter, then I and the underworld are natural alliances. After all, I will go to the God Realm after my ascension in the future. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, I will naturally be more active. I am good, this is a win-win thing, why should I refuse."

Simply explain everything on the table, very calm.

"Okay, since we've cut the weeds, we have to get rid of the roots!"

 Babies, there is one more chapter, watch it first!Is it the same as your guess?

(End of this chapter)

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