555 The Aftermath
As the breeding female with the lowest defense among the Zerg, it was almost a face-to-face meeting with the "Heaven's Punishment" team, and it was split into countless pieces, and then it was time for everyone to collect the opponent's golden blood.

Afterwards, everyone got together again, and Jianmao directly threw a bottle of "Immortal Liquid" that he had collected to Jianjian.

"Thank you brother for the reward!"

Simple and not polite, I put the white jade bottle directly into my storage bracelet.

"Senior brother is really fast, I have prepared a bottle for my junior sister."

Jian Jing's sharp voice sounded, while still throwing the storage bottle in his hand, he smiled at Jian Jian.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for thinking about it. I'm not greedy. I've already accepted what Senior Brother gave, and I'll keep yours."

Said simply and with a smile.

"Okay! Then I'll put it away for you first, don't say I don't miss you then!"

When Jian Jing put away the Nawu bottle, her simple eyes glanced outside the barrier, someone was attacking her barrier.


Yanagawa immediately pulled his branch back from the mountain range, and returned to the simple wrist in an instant.

"Brothers and sisters, wait for a moment, I'll go and have a look, you first adjust your breath for a while!"

After all, after a fight, there is still some wear and tear.

Everyone nodded in response, as long as Jianlu's enchantment was open, they couldn't leave for the time being.

Jian Jian took the moon, walked through the barrier, and appeared in front of everyone outside the barrier.

After a brief glance, he found that it was an acquaintance from the past, Hao Meng from the Hall of Nine Evils.

Hao Meng was also taken aback when he saw the female cultivator coming out of the barrier, especially the other party was a high-level Taoist cultivator, and when he took a closer look at the other party's magic robe, he immediately recognized that the other party was a monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

"Hao Meng, who is in the Lower Nine Evil Palace, didn't know that senior was here, and thought there was an ambush, so he interrupted..."

Hao Meng was very self-aware, immediately bowed his hands and saluted, and spoke very carefully and politely.

He briefly glanced at the other party, did not answer the other party, but asked directly:

"This should not be the site of your Nine Evil Palace."

Immediately, she swept her consciousness and found that it was actually a part of the Chimei Mountain Range. If she remembered correctly, this should be the outermost mountain range of the Tianmo Palace.

On the back of the Chimei Mountain Range is the Chonglin Mountain Range of the Heavenly Sword Sect, which seems to be very close to the sect.

Moreover, there is a spiritual vein in this mountain range, which occupies two mountain ranges, and is currently being jointly mined by the two.

After simply confirming the location, he condensed a flying sword in his hand and sent it to Mo Su, telling him to come quickly.

After the return of Moyao Zhenzun from Tianmo Palace that day, Mo Su and Mo Yi went to see Palace Master Mo Lie, and explained in detail how he met Lord Jian Slaughter and how he killed the evil cultivator.

When Palace Master Mo Lie heard that something had been placed in his apprentice's body, even though it was a fairy artifact, he was still very worried.

Immediately probed into a trace of magic energy to check, but found nothing, so he took Mosu to see True Lord Demon Flame.

Zhenzun Moyan looked at Mo Lie's cautious look, his teeth became a little sore, and he decided not to tell him that Jianlu was Moyue.

Afterwards, a trace of magic power was also detected, but this time the true venerable was attacking Mosu's heart, and at the moment of being attacked, the half red concentric knot immediately emerged, protecting Mosu's entire heart.

And Jianhou, who is far away in Tianjianzong, seems to have felt it, half of the concentric knot in his heart is also faintly visible, Jianhou's heart is stuffy, the flame under the carapace of the black beetle that is being refined is a little unstable, Mosu is under attack up?

Mo Su was also surprised, and immediately said:

Mo Yan Zhenzun immediately withdrew his attack when the concentric knot emerged, and then said to Mo Lie who was standing beside him:

"Nothing, this is equivalent to one more life for Mosu."

Then he turned to Mo Su and said:
"The hidden danger of your physique has been removed. The fairy weapon will not harm you, but it will help you. Just use it with caution."

After hearing this, Mo Su immediately bowed and saluted:

"Thank you, master, Mosu has recorded it."

So far, this matter has come to an end, and then Mosu is busy assisting his master to deal with the daily affairs of Tianmo Palace.

Seeing that the task had been completed, Mo Yi immediately rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and went to Sister Mo Qi to gossip. Hearing that the senior sister had just left the customs and the opponent missed a big battle, Mo Yi decided to show off.

On this day, Mo Su was inspecting the jade slips in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, when a guard entered the hall with a flying sword and reported:
"Lord Mosu, this is your flying sword letter!"

Mo Su took a look, frowned slightly, and said directly to Palace Master Mo Lie above:

"Master, Master Jian Slaughter is currently in the Chimei Mountain Range, and seems to have found something, let me go there immediately."

"It's her again?"

Mo Lie had some small opinions on this Heavenly Sword Sect's Sword Slaughter, so when he heard that it was the other party, he felt a little uncomfortable, but his own strength was slightly inferior now, so he couldn't challenge him face to face.

Mo Su could not know the temperament of his master, so he shook his head helplessly, and then said:
"Palace Master, you can send a team of black-robed guards to accompany you, I'll go and see what happens."

Mo Lie did not refuse this time, picked up his palace lord token, and sent a message to the black robe guard.

A moment later, the nine members of the "mo" character team left the Tianmo Palace with Mosu.

Mo Su directly tore through the void, and when he appeared in front of Jian Jian, he shocked Hao Meng from the Hall of Nine Demons.

"Mo Su has seen Master Jian Slaughter!"

Mo Su led the crowd to salute, simply raised his hand in vain, and then said with a smile:
"You're welcome. This time I returned to the sect with the sect. I made some mistakes and was sent here. However, I discovered this place by accident."

Hao Meng, who had been standing with his head bowed, heard Mo Su call the other party "Sir Sword Killer", and immediately realized that this was the recently rumored powerful monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect who possessed two ancient weapons.

Hao Meng rolled his eyeballs, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Jian Jian was talking to Mo Su, he just glanced at Hao Meng with his eyes, and felt that the other party was really a dog who couldn't change his shit.

Immediately in front of everyone, he stretched out his right hand and retracted the barrier.

When the magnolia flower returned from full bloom to flower bud, and returned to the simple palm, the figures of Jian Mao and his party of nine people also appeared, and the mess on the mountain range behind them.

Both Hao Meng and Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator behind him gasped, and intimidated by the aura of Tianjianzong, they unconsciously took a few steps back, while Hao Meng put away all his little thoughts.

Mosu looked at the almost turned over mountain range and all kinds of insect corpses on the ground, and there was nothing he didn't understand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your action!"

He simply waved his hands and said:
"The Zerg is our common enemy. Now that we have discovered it, there is no reason not to take action."

The nine members of the "Heaven's Punishment" team had already been riding around outside in Jianjian, and when the breath was adjusted, they came to Jianjian's side when the barrier was put away.

"Tianmo Palace Mosu has seen all of you, your lords!"

Mosu led the "mo" team to salute.

Jianmao nodded, and then asked simply:
"Is everything done?"

"Okay, this is the territory of Tianmo Palace, they will deal with the aftermath."

"Then let's go back to the sect!"

Simply nodded to Mo Su, and was about to leave, but Mo Su handed over a jade slip:

"Your Majesty, please bring this jade slip to Chen Feng. A few days ago, my 'Unity Knot' was activated. I'm afraid it will disturb him."

"Pu Chi" laughed out loud, then waved his hand to accept the jade slip:

"I see!"

"Thank you sir!"

Jian Mao has torn open the void, and everyone has entered one by one, leaving only Jian Jian and Jian Jing.

Simple eyes swept over the people in Jiusha Temple twice, the hairs on Hao Meng's back stood up, and the Nascent Soul cultivator behind him didn't dare to show his air.

Taking one last look at Hao Meng, he simply turned around and entered the void, disappearing in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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