Chapter 632
"Report to Your Majesty, the Heavenly Demon Palace Demon sent a message for help, and their group was intercepted by a high-level monk in the fusion stage, and they are passively defending."

After Jianhou entered the lobby, he didn't wait to ask a simple question before expressing his intentions.

"When did this happen?"

"just now."

Although Jianhou had no expression on his face, he was actually a little anxious in his heart, and the worry in his eyes flashed, but he still answered the simple question calmly.

"How many fit monks are besieging them?"

Jian Jian had already walked out of the hall, and all the members of the battle hall immediately stepped out of the way and followed their own hall master.


Jianhou replied immediately, which was why he was worried.

"Okay, then let's meet each other."

Simply said with a smile.

"You should know his exact location"

"Please allow me to go with you, Your Majesty."

Jian Hou blurted out before Jian Jian could finish speaking, apparently in a hurry.

He briefly glanced at Jianhou, then smiled and said, "Okay."

Then, directly tearing the void, he teleported in with the sword and disappeared in front of everyone.

The simplicity in the void, even with the sword, the moving speed is still not slow, and quickly escapes in the direction pointed by the opponent.

When Jian Jian tore through the void again and appeared in the clouds, he saw two fit monks expressionlessly destroying the defensive cover of the moving mountain, and the defensive cover seemed to be unable to last long.

The appearance of Jian Jian and Jian Hou also immediately attracted the attention of the two of them, one of them directly appeared in front of Jian Jian, and the other continued to attack the defensive cover of the moving mountain.

"I advise you not to meddle in your own business and leave here immediately."

The male cultivator in the middle of the fusion said directly.

"Oh? The tone is not small."

Simple and calm, after speaking, he waved a red sword light and hit the opponent's face directly, implementing the usual style of sword repair, if you can do it, you won't make noise.

The male cultivator on the opposite side obviously didn't expect that Jian Jian shot so quickly, and immediately teleported away from Jian Guang's attack range.

But the simple sword is just a cover, and the one who really wants to attack is another fit monk who continues to destroy the moving mountain's defensive cover.

The simple fire-type sword shadow approached in an instant, and the other person sensed something was wrong, and immediately turned around to defend, but was also hit and retreated a hundred meters in the air, leaving the moving mountain.

Simple voice transmission told Jianhou:

"I want to open the realm and keep these two fit monks. You go to join Mosu and tell them not to get in the way."

"Yes, my lord, please be careful."

Jianhou was very confident in the strength of his lord, and upon receiving the order, he immediately dodged and disappeared beside Jianjian.

The two fit male cultivators had turned back at this time and launched an attack on Jian Jian.

One of them is holding a sword, the other is holding a mace, the attack has already rushed to Jian Jian, one black and one white attack, one left and one right to Jian Jian.

The monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace on the moving mountain saw the appearance of the Sword Slaughter, and the combined monks attacking the moving mountain were led away. Mo Su decisively opened the defensive cover, and everyone appeared outside the peak.

With a wave of Mo Su's hand, he directly put away the moving mountain, and at this time Jian Hou also came to everyone.

"Your Majesty wants to keep these two, let us get out of the battlefield as soon as possible, and don't hinder her!"

Jian Hou's low voice sounded, but his eyes were looking at Mo Su.

Mo Su appeared from Jianhou, his eyes were on him as soon as he heard Jianhou's words, he nodded immediately.

With a wink at Mo Yi, Mo Qi and Heipaowei at the side, everyone understood, and quickly teleported away from the air where the three combined powers were fighting.

However, the few people were not too far away. Mosu released a shuttle this time to let everyone go up, and then he explained:

"The defense and speed of this flying shuttle are better than those of moving mountains, but the space is small, so let's make do with it and wait."

Before Mosu could finish his words, he felt that the top of his head was covered by a shadow, and the next moment, the sharp yellow claws grabbed the shuttle.

"Hmph! There are helpers!"

Mo Yi is not a vegetarian, they can't deal with the fit monks, and this beast can't deal with it, so it's a bit embarrassing.

"Break up the world!"

Mo Yi's giant ax has been swung out to meet the giant claws, and Mo Qi's double knives are already in her hands. When Mo Yi's attack comes out, she swings her two knives and follows closely behind, and the two knives strike first To, sparks sparked with the giant claw.

Both the shuttle and the giant claw deviated from their original tracks.

Mosu's poisonous dagger Hanyue Blade has also swung out, and with a cold breath, he slashed at one of the claws.

"Hey!" With a long cry, the spirit beast attacking the shuttle revealed its true colors. It was a seventh-order goshawk, with its huge wings covering half of the sky.

"The black-robed guard stays behind the flying shuttle!"

Mo Su ordered directly, and at the same time gave Mo Yi a wink, and then said to Jian Hou beside him:

"The few of us teamed up to deal with this goshawk first."

"it is good!"

Jianhou was also unambiguous, holding his re-refined natal sword in his hand, and began to cooperate with the three people from Tianmo Palace to attack.

The black-robed guard and his party of nine stayed in the shuttle and let Bi Shu enter the cabin to escape. In this kind of high-level battle, she went out with a Nascent Soul, and she was used as cannon fodder, so she was protected.

At this time, the air was divided into two battlefields. The cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace were dealing with the goshawk that attacked them, and Jian Jian had successfully dragged the two fit cultivators into his realm.

The attack of one left and one rear just now was simply dodged. The marshmallow wrapped around its master and teleported away from the original position. The one who was attacked was the afterimage.

When she reappeared, Jian Jian had already come behind the two of them, and the moment she revealed her figure, she opened the boundary. She didn't want to destroy the mountains below.

The two fit monks sensed something was wrong, and immediately swung their spirit swords and maces, hoping to interrupt the opening of the opponent's realm.

However, it was too late, the simple boundary flew out of his hand, instantly pulling the two of them into it.

The faces of both of them were very ugly, and they were tricked by a female cultivator who was in the early stage of fusion.

The two of them entered the realm, and they relaxed a lot. He sent a voice transmission to Yanagawa:
"Chuan, reinforce the boundary, neither of these two guys can run away."


Liu Chuan fluttered down from the simple cuffs, and then floated onto the boundary wall like dust, and then stretched out branches, spreading to the boundary wall in an instant, making the boundary like a life vein.

After simply looking at the two fit monks standing in the boundary, he asked:
"Report your family name, I will not kill unknown people."

"What an arrogant tone. You are only at the initial stage of fusion. Why do you want to kill us so brazenly?"

The fit male cultivator with the mace cast a contemptuous glance.

"Since it's your own realm, it just saves us a lot of trouble. After killing you, we can leave naturally, and all your worth is also ours."

"Hehe! I like your arrogance."

Jian Jian was still smiling, and he was not angry. It was a rare opportunity to go all out, just to try his sword domain.

Feeling Jian Jian's fighting spirit, the silver armors in the pendant on his chest surged out, and instantly armed his battle robe, and Jian Jian also summoned the Mo Xi Sword from his dantian.

Teleported to the middle of the two, the two swords slashed at the two of them, one left and one right, without holding back at all.

The two swords full of unparalleled sword power made the two of them feel a sense of crisis, and the two of them immediately swung their swords to meet them. For a moment, the shadows of the sword were heavy, and the three of them almost turned into afterimages in the boundary, moving from left to right, up and down. Next, they have fought for a hundred rounds.

(End of this chapter)

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