Chapter 724
"Is the Dijinze Grassland still stable these years?" Shao Shude asked while sitting on the purple prince's robe.

Of course he has a lot of information about the Wei Cai Department, but what he knows and what others know may not be exactly the same, so he asked.

Yang Anji didn't pause for a moment, and said without hesitation: "The Weicai family worshiped Buddhism wholeheartedly and built many temples. It is very convenient for monks to spread the Dharma in various tribes. The reputation of the king has spread to all tribes, and everyone knows it."

"Can the Abbess believe in Buddha?"

"Very pious."

"Can the hostility be resolved?"

"Your Majesty." Yang Anji glanced at Shao Shude, and said, "The foreign people are much more obedient than before, but I think it's not due to the missionaries, but to the King."

"Are you here too?" Shao Shude smiled and said, "To tell the truth."

"It is indeed the work of the king." Yang Anji said without changing his face: "Although the land is not suitable for farming, he has earned a lot of money by renting cattle to the people of Lingxia. Every time he sent troops and conscripted the people to go to battle, there were many Thanks to the reward, the life of the people is not so difficult, so the hostility can be resolved."

It turns out that this set of rhetoric is not unreasonable.Shao Shude nodded, and said: "The Weicai family annexed the tribes of Dijinze and ate the tribes of Kujie and Shafan. There are a lot of people, but they can't farm. Now there is not much shortage of cattle in Guanbei. The future livelihood, How are they going to solve it?"

Yang Anji obviously thought about this issue, and only heard him say: "The Weicai clan is located in the Hetao grassland, with Lin, Sheng, and Yin in the east, Xia, You, and Yan in the south, Lingzhou in the west, and Fengzhou in the north. , are all Han land, they are surrounded on all sides, so there is nothing to worry about. If you want to solve their livelihood, I think about it, the only way is to recruit them into the army and work hard to gain wealth."

Of course, if they are rich, there is a high probability that they will not go back.The grasslands are still poor, and their main products are in direct competition with the Han people. Shao Shude doesn't know how to make them develop.

Perhaps, there is really only recruiting.Jing Zhuang was recruited away, and the rest of them couldn't afford to make big waves.And after fewer people, per capita resources are abundant, maybe it doesn't have to be so difficult.

The situation in Guanbei is complicated, with mixed places of Fan and Han.

There are three plains in the north and west, which can use the water resources of the Yellow River and its tributaries, and are suitable for grazing and farming.Due to the terrain, the water resources of the Yellow River cannot be effectively used in the east, but the area around the Kuye River has relatively more precipitation, and is known as the "Rain Nest", which is also suitable for grazing and farming.

The northern foot of Hengshan Mountain in the south is not too bad. It can also be half-grazing and half-cultivating, but the population carrying capacity is not as good as Lingzhou and other places.

The tribes in these places have been organizing the households of Qimin for many years.For example, the Dangxiang small tribes in Suizhou and Yinzhou have completely disappeared, and the Hexi Dangxiang in Lingzhou has also become a historical term.

These people who have registered households are under strict government control, and they are basically a reliable basic disk.Shao Shude walked all the way from Yanzhou and found that the people lived well and supported him.

Fanbu's words are the only thing to worry about.Support it now, will it still be supported in the future?
The disadvantages caused by the geographical environment are really not easy to generalize, and can only be analyzed in detail for a certain tribe.If it doesn't work, recruit soldiers and recruit those who are capable of rebellion to serve as soldiers.

Anyway, Wufu of Guochao didn't discriminate against Qiang and Hu soldiers. He was used to fighting side by side with Han soldiers and Hu soldiers, and killed the Han soldiers and Hu soldiers on the opposite side.Every time the military strength is mentioned in the official documents, it is the number of "Fan Han soldiers and horses" of a certain general.

Give them a promotion channel within the system, treat them equally, and select strong warriors from the grasslands, that's the only way to do it.

"After the Zhe family moved south, I heard that there are many tribes attached to the Yang family." Shao Shude asked suddenly.

"King Haojiao knows that if these tribes are left unchecked, they are afraid that they will cause disaster, so the Yang family divides them into pastures and strictly prohibits private fighting. Regularly dispatch elites and send them to Lingzhou Academy. In the past, Zhe Linggong went to Guanbei To recruit soldiers, my Yang family will also select thousands of soldiers and hand them over to Duke Zhe Ling to take away. If the king refuses, the Yang family will naturally no longer be good at managing them." Yang Anji said calmly.

Shao Shude showed a smile and said: "The Yang family will share my worries, why should I be afraid? Let's choose two hundred brave men and send them to the army together with those Yang's children. I want to form Yin An Zhi, it is precisely When employing people."

"Of order." Yang Anji replied.

"Young family, I trust you. From now on, I will take good care of the area of ​​Linzhou. If there is anything to do, we will discuss it with the prefectural government and the shogunate. Let my nephew work in the Governor's Mansion. He has made outstanding achievements. As long as he is diligent, the Yang family will also be rich in the future. "Shao Shude finally encouraged.


The armored cavalry, which has been expanded to nearly [-] cavalry, started routine training.

The men and horses were all in armor, shining with silver light, and charged in groups, their power was earth-shattering.Yeli, Wuzang, Weicai and other tribesmen who lined up in the wilderness were stunned, subconsciously substituting themselves into those straw people, wondering if they could stand it.

In fact, the Tibetans on the grasslands are not very afraid of cavalry, but this mainly refers to light cavalry and medium cavalry.

In the 19th year of Zhenguan (645), Xue Yantuo took advantage of the opportunity of the Tang Dynasty to conquer Koryo and entered the Hetao area. The Tang army fought against it and eventually destroyed it.

Xue Yantuo's tactic for dominating the grassland is cavalry infantry.Their men rushed to the battlefield on horseback, dismounted and fought on foot with long spears. Their equipment was not good, and their infantry tactics were very general, let alone an army formation.

In fact, there is no trick.Just don't be afraid, spotting the cavalrymen rushing forward, stabbing them down with a long spear.Don't be afraid if you are scattered, continue to fight in small groups and stab the cavalry one by one.

Getting rid of fear is number one.Cavalry is no big deal. Xue Yantuo has defeated many with less, thousands of infantry defeated more than ten thousand Turkic cavalry.

Their infantry is often scattered by the Turkic cavalry, but they disperse without breaking up, and continue to fight on their own, because the cavalry is not as capable of fighting frontally as the infantry, so don't be afraid.As long as you get rid of the fear in your heart and feel that cavalry is no big deal, Xue Yantuo's infantry can dominate the old land of Eastern Turks and become the overlord of the grassland with 20 troops.

Of course, wait until Datang's mounted infantry enter the Yinshan grassland.When the two sides dismounted and fought on foot, Xue Yantuo's unprofessional infantry were beaten to the point where they couldn't find their way.But the Tang infantry did not fight the Turkic cavalry as easily as Xue Yantuo.

All of the above are light cavalry and medium cavalry. If they were replaced with armored cavalry, Xue Yantuo's infantry would also be hated if they came.

At this time, the Fan infantry who were watching in the arena were not really afraid of the cavalry, but they were still shocked when they saw the armored cavalry, because this is really not something you can stab down with a long spear, so everyone is afraid.

Shao Shude was happy, and quietly said to Princess Zhe Fangai: "During the Northern Dynasty, armored cavalry ruled the roost, but they were beaten out of the battlefield by heavy infantry, so they had to lose weight and dared not go straight. Tough and heavy armored infantry, I dare not show off this armored cavalry."

"Fan people can't learn this, so why worry about your husband?" Zhefang Ai said softly.

"But there are always some barbarians, the infantry is better than the cavalry." Shao Shude said.

He didn't know whether Xue Yantuo was the first nation to use infantry to rule the grasslands, but they were very weird and different.

After Xue Yantuo, Liao and Jin infantry were actually pretty good.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the infantry of the Manchu and Qing Eight Banners beat the Mongolian cavalry violently.

Facts have proved that as long as the mobility of the infantry is resolved, the impact of the cavalry will not take any advantage in front of the heavy armored infantry, and they have been defeated repeatedly.

"Could it be that my husband wants the three armies of black scorpion, golden knife and flying dragon to sweep across the grassland?" Zhe Fangai asked.

"If you can free your hands, with these [-] armored soldiers, maneuvering on horseback, and supplemented by some cavalry, who can fight on the grassland?" Shao Shude said: "If I really want to give Yeluyi a shot, he will be surprised."

While the two were talking, the Black Knife Army and the Golden Sword Army who had just arrived also started their drills.

This is Shengzhou. On August 26th in the third year of Qianning, Shao Shude ordered the troops gathered here to give a martial arts lecture.

Armored cavalry are not suitable for sparring, and their opponents in martial arts are "straw men".

The Heiwu and Jindao armies practiced to dismount and fight quickly after arriving on the battlefield on horseback.

Some auxiliary soldiers came to lead the horses and lined up in the back formation, and some auxiliary soldiers armed guards. After the soldiers formed the formation, they continued to change their formations and advance.

People like Ye Li Jingchen and Mei Zang Qingxiang who had experienced the infantry tactics of the Central Plains did not change their faces, but the faces of the party soldiers under them were very exciting.

Some have been conscripted, and though greatly shaken, hold on.

But there are still many Tibetans who have been in the mountains all year round and don't hear anything outside the mountains, or the young men who have grown up in the new generation, but they look ashen-faced.

All members are heavily armored, with a murderous aura, and the fierce smell can be felt a hundred steps away.

"Thank you Zhu Quanzhong for your sponsorship." Shao Shude laughed, very satisfied.

Zhe Fangai looked at him strangely, but generally understood.

Aren't the two armies of Heiji and Jindao mainly focused on surrendering troops?The battle of Luoyang captured more than 3000 long straight troops, and about 5000 at Yique Pass and Taigu Pass. With these more than 2 elite soldiers, it is enough to build a skeleton of [-] people.

"My concubine, wait a moment. I want to inspect the two armies of Heiji and Jindao." After the drill was over, the two armies disengaged and each formed a square formation.

Shao Shude rode on his horse, and under the guard of his own soldiers and the newly formed Silver Saddle Knights, he walked slowly past the front of the two armies.

Halfway through, he dismounted suddenly, causing people to remove their armor and walk forward slowly.

The front row of the two armies was only more than [-] steps away from it, and the soldiers were amazed when they saw this.

"Someone told me that the Heiji and Jindao armies have not been formed for a long time, and people's hearts have not been attached. They advised me not to parade the army, lest thieves do harm." Shao Shude said as he walked slowly.

The soldiers were sweating profusely, but still passed his words to every corner.

[-] officers and men of Heiji and Jindao shouted loudly.

"What kind of nonsense am I talking about?" Shao Shude laughed and said, "I always treat people with sincerity, so why should I be suspicious? The Long Straight Army fought bravely in Luoyang, and I also sigh with emotion. I wish I could have all these warriors."

The clamor of Heiji and Jindao soldiers suddenly subsided, and everyone listened with bated breath.

"I was ordered to be the king and the commander. If the original evil is punished, what is the crime of the generals of the Changzhi army? Fighting and killing is the duty of a warrior. You will be loyal to your duties and fight bravely without retreating. I love them very much. Xia Bing is my soldier, Liang Bing and Huai Bing are also my strong men."

The arena was extremely quiet, only the voices of the guards continuing to pass on their messages.

Shao Shude pressed the sword with his left hand and swung his right hand vigorously. Everyone's eyes were chasing him.

"Using troops in the march is based on great faith." Shao Shude continued: "After you surrendered me, did I ever kill someone without authorization?"

After the personal soldiers passed it on, people shouted one after another: "No."

Gradually, the voice became louder and tidier: "Never!"

"After your military registration is compiled, is there any shortage of money and food?"

"No no!"

Shao Shude approached a sergeant of the Black Army, and asked loudly, "Since that's the case, is there someone who wants to harm me?"

"No!" the sergeant yelled, his throat breaking.

"No no!"

The sound was earth-shattering.

"I will sleep in the clouds tonight, will the black and golden sword warriors be willing to watch for me?"

"Wish! Wish! Wish!" [-] soldiers shouted in unison, hitting the ground with their spears and cutting the ground with their blades.

"True my son!" Shao Shude laughed loudly, patted his shoulders and walked past one by one, saying: "Today's soldiers present, I will give you two bolts of silk."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" 2 people bowed down in unison, sincerely saying.

The new wind was blowing, Shao Shude stood with his sword in his hands, calm and unhurried.

On the high platform, Zhu Zi's crown, Yingying and Yanyan are all intimidated by their power.

Shao Siwu stared at it for a long time, and his skin got goosebumps.

 Thanks for the reward, Red Bull has been placed on the table, try to code, and slowly pay off the debt.

(End of this chapter)

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