This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1842 This time, I may be extra cruel

Chapter 1842 This time, I may be extra cruel
Seeing the opponent's hesitation, KT has already guessed the opponent's thoughts.

Mr. Dai: "Lin Cheng's signboard is about to be released!"

Rokie: "They want to trade Zeli, can Zeli handle it?"

Beryl: "Lin Cheng can grab Zeli first, but the opponent will definitely not take Camille and Irelia."

Lin Cheng: "The last time any of you said that, my Camille was robbed."

Beryl: "This time for sure!"

Kang Dongxun: "This time it's really for sure."

Lin Cheng: "Hehe! Look! If they ban Irelia, I can bear it, but if Irelia is released..."

Lin Cheng sat up straight, "I'm sorry! Who stopped me today..."

Before the words were finished, the third BAN of the red side finally decided on Galio.

Lin Cheng decisively locked Daomei on the first floor of the blue square.

Zeyuan: "Sister Dao! Sure enough, there was no hesitation. Brother Cheng locked up Sister Dao in seconds."

Wanwan: "Wow!!! This is the first time this season! Brother Chengzi finally got Daomei again. I even thought that he might not be able to choose this hero until he retired."

Remember: "It depends on whether the things T1 exchanged with Daomei can show value."

The camera was shown to Lin Cheng.

This guy is saluting towards the opposite T1 player seat.

With two fingers together, he waved suddenly in front of his forehead.

"Thank you T1 old iron! I will perform well."

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

"Ha ha!"Brother Orange's face"

"Congratulations KT3:0"

"Life and death game let the knife girl carry away for myself, T1's BP is too top-notch"

"Don't panic!What if Brother Chengzi loses for the first time in his career (funny)"

"Brother Chengzi hasn't played Daomei for half a year, and he has absolutely no proficiency. This one is optimistic about T1"

"Eyes in!waiting to dig

"At this time, if the blue side grabs Zeli, it will be the lore"

"really!Daomei Qinggangying let T1 dare not take it first"

"But that doesn't fit Brother Orange's personality"

"It's really that bad, T1's hard-grabbing knife girl probably made Chengzi so angry that he couldn't eat for three days"

After releasing Daomei, T1 locked the Zeli + card in the red square as he wished.

These two heroes were basically banned on the red side this season. It stands to reason that T1 exchanged a sewer-level hero for two versions of OP, which is a huge profit in any case.

But Daomei's ID is Lin Cheng.

At this time, even Tie Tan Zaza dared not open champagne.

Too scary!

Zeus communicated urgently with the team members with a serious face.

Only little Lu Bu was smiling.

Anyway, he didn't go up to fight against Daomei, of course he could still laugh.

Even little Lu Bu interacted with the camera.

Extend two fingers on the left hand and three fingers on the right hand.

Korean Stream is very lively.

"He means a 3:2 reversal! "

"Guma Laughed Again, Scary! "

"Don't tm laugh anymore!If you lose, come back from the tour in Ulsan"

"This big yusi is going to be carried"

"I'm so confident!I love Gumayusi so much »

"He has the self-confidence of Cheng, but he does not have the strength of Cheng, and it is enough to be slapped in the face every time"

"He was laughing, Zeus was about to cry"

Seeing Ze Li, the blue square locked Ashe + Titan on the second and third floors.

To deal with a flexible hero like Zeli, Titan's lock mechanism is the common understanding of all LCK teams at present.

But if the teammates protect well, a Titan's ultimate move is far from enough to limit Zeli in team battles.

In fact, there is another hero with a strong lock mechanism that restrains Zeli.

This year's Spring Split, Hanwha jungler Onfleek was the first to use Wei. As a supplement to the mid laner Fox, it can form a perfect chain of control.

Karsa on the LPL side also took it out later.

However, Wei's wild area is really weak. At present, the wild area can't beat any of the strong junglers in the version, so Wei has not really become popular in the spring game.

The old mechanism is secondary, LOL is still the value is king in essence.

The beauty of stats can truly create version monsters. Once a hero with a rough mechanism like Wei has a beautiful stats, it will definitely flood the arena.

The red side sacrificed Lulu in the third hand.

Rarely, neither side played a jungler in the first round.

In the second round of BANs, T1 disabled Ice Girl + Nightmare on the red side.

It is all to create a team battle output environment for Zeli, otherwise Titan Lock + Ice Big Move + Ice Maiden Nightmare enters the field, no matter how flexible it is, it will be useless.

KT banned the pig girl + Viego on the blue side.

Start picking.

People on the fourth floor of T1 go out first.

In the playoffs, apart from Lee Sin, Centaur is the most eye-catching jungler. Peanut and Canyon both like to use it. There are not many other options for this Oner.

The blue side showed Jess + Leopard Girl in the last two hands.

Zeyuan: "What does Nakano say about KT? It doesn't seem to cooperate, it's a bit weird."

"It means that the upper half of the area will fight a strong invasion."

Wanwan expressed her own understanding: "Brother Chengzi has a natural advantage against everyone on the road. Jess in the middle lane must also have the right to play cards in the early stage. Cuzz's Leopard Girl is going to destroy the Ueno area of ​​the team."

Remember: "This style of play sounds very similar to the wild core, two lines of right to protect the jungle invasion, but I don't know if Cuzz can take on the heavy responsibility?"

T1 finally came out of the barrel.

This hero is really good at fighting swordsmen online. Anyway, Zeus's task today is to stay in the mix, so don't let Lin Cheng break through.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Blade Dancer, Irelia)

Jungler: Cuzz (Wild Huntress, Nidalee)

Mid lane: Rookie (Future Guardian, Jayce)

Bottom lane: Deft (Ice Archer, Ashe)

Support: Beryl (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

Red square T1.

Top Road: Zeus (Barrel, Gragas)

Jungle: Oner (Shadow of War, Hecarim)

Mid lane: Faker (Cardmaster, Drizzt)
Bottom lane: Gumayusi (Zun Fireworks, Zeli)

Support: Keria (Fairy Witch, Lulu)
"The lineup of both sides is very clear! KT's upper half must play an advantaged invasion, and they must raise the rhythm to win the game."

Ze Yuan carefully analyzed: "On the contrary, T1 does not have much offensive pressure. They can use cards to grab the edge to start the rhythm, or they can force Zeli to fight in the later stage. As long as they keep Zeli in the team battle, they can fight casually in the later stage .”

Remember: "In terms of the lineup alone, I am optimistic about T1. KT's offensive pressure is too great, but they don't have much cooperation in the middle and field. It is actually not that easy to completely tear the hole."

"But after all, the user of Daomei is Brother Chengzi! You can always trust him."

Wan Wan's tone was high, "We don't know how strong little Lu Bu's Ze Li is, so T1 is willing to pay Dao Mei as a price to exchange with KT."

After a pause, she added: "Even oh! It's very likely that we won't know the answer to this question after this game is over."

The barrage exploded.

"Ha ha!The night begins again"

"Already booked 3:0, right?I know how to open champagne every night"

"I also want to know how strong little Lu Bu's Zeli is"

"It's not that I haven't taken it before, and I don't feel so perverted"

"T1's truck has set off!It is expected to arrive at the T1 headquarters in half an hour"

"Can!It happened that the T1 base exploded"

Lin Cheng had already chosen his champion skin and finished adjusting the runes.

Before leaving the player's bench, Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

"Come on! This is up to you."

Lin Cheng nodded seriously: "Coach, you can go at ease."

Kang Dongxun: "..."

Why does this sound wrong?
Mr. Dai: "Is this Lin Cheng able to carry? It's my first Ashe this year."

Cuzz said: "The other side has a lot of control, Lin Cheng, I can make a crucible for you."

peanut butter!What you can do for Lin Cheng, so can I, the grapefruit thief.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Don't forget, my girlfriend is here."

"Possibly, I mean possibly."

"I might be extra cruel today."

While talking, I found that the live camera was brought over.

Facing the camera, Lin Cheng once again stretched out his hand to make a half-hearted gesture on his cheek.

Han Seo-yeon, look after you!

There was a roar of cheers at the scene, and KT enthusiastically interacted with Lin Cheng. Both male and female fans showed their hearts to Lin Cheng in the same gesture.

"This guy... really is."

Han Shuyan pursed her lips and waved the fluorescent stick in her hand, her curved eyes were filled with a gentle smile.

Come on!
Use my sister's black silk skin, don't lose.

 I seem to be going blind, looking at the computer screen is blurred

(End of this chapter)

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