Chapter 75
Bright rooms, luxurious furnishings.

Exquisite dishes, lonely back.

In Qiliu Youlan, there is such a room that the guests don't even know it exists.

But it exists.

There is a man who often drinks in this room.

Appetizers are the best.

But wine is the worst kind—the kind that can cost you one or two for a few pennies, the kind that chokes you if you drink it without water, and tasteless when you drink it with water.

He likes this wine because it reminds him of who he is.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door, two knocks, then three knocks.

"Come in." The man heard the signal correctly, so he answered.

Then, the bustard opened the door and came in.

"Master." That's what the bustard called the man after entering the door.

But in fact, this man's name doesn't have the word "shu", it's just that for some reason, he asked the other party to call him that.

"Say." Hearing the sound, the concubine turned around and looked at the bustard.

But I saw that the concubine was wearing a black shirt, plain clothes, fair complexion, thin and tall.Although his temples are gray and gray, he looks to be around forty years old, and his beard is not very long, but it is neatly trimmed.

"There is Sun Yixie, Mr. Sun, and Mr. Huang Donglai... want to ask to see Miss Chuxue." The old bustard replied.

This old bustard was still fighting against Sun Huang at "Le Busu Shu" just now, why did he come here now?

Because after she finished taking pictures of the table just now, Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai reported their respective names...

Although the old bustard had heard that one of them was surnamed Sun and the other was surnamed Huang through the few words they said before, but they always referred to them as sons and did not know their full names; Yixie and the others reported their full names.

The brothel is a well-informed place, and Xuzhou City is so close to Luoyang, it is impossible for the bustard to not know the deeds of these two popular martial arts rookies in Luoyang, so she came here after weighing...

"Sun Yixie, Huang Donglai..." The concubine repeated the two names again, and was silent for a moment thoughtfully, then he smiled, " tell them that it's okay to see Chuxue, but Of the two of them, only one can see Chuxue, while the other has to come and drink with me."

His words made the old bustard a little surprised.

The old bustard has been here for so many years. In her impression, the concubine invited others to drink with him... it only happened a few times, and he invited only his "friends"; while Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai were both It's the first time they come to Qiliu Youlan, they probably don't even know the concubine, let alone talk about friendship.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the bustard didn't respond immediately, Shu Ye asked again.

"'s nothing." The bustard hurriedly lowered her head and retreated towards the door, "I'll do it now, old servant."


When she returned to the gate of "Le Busu Shu", the cold sweat on the old bustard's forehead hadn't dried yet, she wiped it off before entering the house.

"The two young masters have been waiting for a long time." Back in front of Shuangxie, the old bustard calmed down a lot.

"How is it? What did Miss Chuxue say?" Sun Yixie thought that the old bustard was going to see Chuxue directly when she went out just now, so she asked this question.

He didn't know that in Qiliu Youlan, you could ask me directly if you want to see anyone, but Chuxue, if you want to see have to ask Shu Ye first.

"To see Miss Chuxue, you have to agree to a condition." The old bustard didn't answer Sun Yixie's question directly.

"What conditions?" Huang Donglai complained again at this time, "Could it be that you want to add money?"

The procuress ignored the second half of his sentence, and replied quite seriously: "You two, only one of you can go to see Chuxue, while the other has to go and have a drink with our boss."

"Huh?" Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai popped out such a modal particle from their mouths very synchronously, even the expressions on their faces were the same.

"You can discuss it first." The bustard didn't talk nonsense to them, and walked out after talking, "If you don't agree to this condition, then I won't talk about seeing Chuxue, you two can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, she walked out and closed the door behind her.

Since people leave you to discuss it yourself, then discuss it.

"I'm going... who is the boss here?" Sun Yixie asked with a puzzled face.

"Ghost knows..." Huang Donglai spread his hands, "Even a regular customer like Catcher Dong doesn't know, where can we find out?"

At this time, Sun Yixie rolled his small eyes, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he continued: "Hey~ Brother Huang, tell me, could it be that kind of setting..." He paused and raised his head The corner of his mouth smiled and said, "For example, the boss here is actually a woman, and she is even more beautiful than the four big oirans in spring, summer, autumn and winter..."

"Brother Sun." Huang Donglai looked at Sun Yixie with serious eyes, "Don't you just want to fool me into drinking with a man and meeting the top card by yourself... I just go and drink, what you made up now Even Lei Buji won't believe it."

"Oh~ what is editing, people have dreams, what if..." Sun Yixie said, quickly grabbed the wine glass on the table and took a sip, slightly covering up the embarrassment of being exposed by Huang Donglai.

These two people really knew each other too well, and they couldn't fool each other, so they discussed quickly.

Not long after, the two called the bustard in and gave an answer; the bustard didn't delay, and immediately asked Sun Yixie to wait in the room for a while, and then took Huang Donglai to the room where the concubine was.



It was still the knock of two plus three.

After the concubine in the room said "Come in", the bustard pushed open the door, stood at the door and said, "Concubine, Mr. Huang will bring you here."

"Mm." The uncle answered, stood up, walked to the door, cupped his fists and said, "Young Xia Huang, I have admired your name for a long time."

Huang Donglai also sized up the visitor, while returning the salute: "It's easy to say, Huang is not talented, and I don't know how to respect you..."

"My friends praised me and called me 'Shu Ye'." Shu Ye continued.

"Oh~" Huang Donglai also cupped his fists and said, "Okay, then Huang is more respectful than obedient..."

He didn't say anything on the surface, but he knew in his heart that this was a difficult person to deal with—a person who didn't even want to tell others his real name must have many secrets hidden in him.

According to Huang Donglai's experience, this kind of person is basically the type who "as long as he gives his name, he brings a lot of information with him"... You have to be extra careful when dealing with this kind of person.

"Go and do your work." After greeting Huang Donglai, the concubine casually dismissed the bustard outside the door.

After getting the order, the bustard closed the door and left.

At this moment, the bustard just went to Chuxue's place to inform her that someone is asking for an interview, and asked the girl to dress up and get ready, so let's talk about Sun Yixie and Chuxue's matter later.

For now, let's continue talking about the conversation between the concubine and Huang Donglai.

After a few "pleases" to each other, Huang Donglai and Shuye both sat down.The food and drinks are all ready-made, Huang Donglai sits down, that is, adding a pair of chopsticks and a cup.

"Young Master Huang's name is like a thunderbolt. When I saw him today, he really is a young hero and a good-looking talent. Let Rong Shu give you a toast first." The concubine had already thought up this set of words. If the person who came at this moment was Sun Yixie, He just replaced the "yellow" in this sentence with "sun", which can be used in the same way.

"Master, you are being polite, Huang deserves it." Huang Donglai raised his wine glass with a smile on his face, and while replying these words, he had already calmly checked whether there was any drug in the wine test.

After all, he is the young master of the Huang family. Before he puts something from a stranger into his mouth, he basically has to observe it carefully. This is also a good habit that his father has cultivated since he was a child.

After drinking the first glass of wine, before Huang Donglai put the glass on the table, the concubine immediately asked, "Young Xia Huang, how about my wine?"

"It's hard to drink." Huang Donglai almost followed the beginning of the sentence to the end of the sentence, and gave the answer immediately after the uncle's question.

This answer was not because Huang Donglai was honest and spoke without thinking. On the contrary, he thought very fast, so he immediately understood that this question was a temptation.

"Oh?" The concubine was really taken aback by Huang Donglai's super fast answer, and then smiled, "Oh... Huang Shaoxia is really quick to talk."

"No, I'm already very polite." Huang Donglai said.

"Then why do you call it impolite?" said the concubine.

"The way to put it bluntly is..." Huang Donglai frowned, and pointed the rim of the empty wine glass at the other party, "...Did you mix wine in your urine?"

"Hahahahaha..." Shu Ye laughed, laughing loudly.

After laughing, he said again: "Young Xia Huang, wait a moment."

As he spoke, he got up again, went to the side of the room, opened a cabinet, and brought over a jug of wine again.

"Is this good wine?" Huang Donglai raised his eyes and asked the other party.

"It's good wine." The concubine said as he walked back.

"Why didn't you drink just now?" Huang Donglai asked.

"When I'm alone, I only drink bad wine, and only when my 'friend' comes, I drink good wine with me." The concubine said.

"Then are you stingy? Or generous?" Huang Donglai said.

"Is this very important?" Shu Ye asked.

"Indeed, it's not important." Huang Donglai said, "What's important is that when I sat down just now, I wasn't your friend, but after I drank that piss-like thing, I seemed to be."

"Hehe..." The concubine smiled again, "Brother Huang Xian..." His address to Huang Donglai suddenly changed, "You should understand that people like me prefer to listen to 'good words' The truth', so you can be my friend as long as you tell me the truth."

"'Can be'?" Huang Donglai picked out the key point in this sentence, and threw it back in a questioning tone.

"Yes, 'could be'." The concubine said, "Because it's not enough just to speak the truth."

"Anything else?" Huang Donglai asked.

The concubine had already sat down again at this time, and personally filled Huang Donglai's second glass of wine: "Yes, you have to be smart."

"So, I'm smart?" Huang Donglai said.

"You are very smart." The concubine said, "So at this moment you have been asking me stupid questions, but in fact you know everything, and you know that most of the questions you ask are nonsense."

Huang Donglai nodded: "Then let me listen to what you say."

"You are here to investigate Zheng Mukai's death, aren't you?" The concubine really didn't talk nonsense, and suddenly brought the topic to the purpose of Sun and Huang's visit.

Huang Donglai picked up the second glass of wine, drank it down again, and then said: "Since the concubine already knows, why don't you... tell me the ins and outs of this matter now, so that we won't be blinded by you." toss."

"Heh..." The concubine laughed lightly when he heard the words, and then drank a glass of the good wine, and said, "All I can tell you is that no matter how hard you try here, you can't find anything. of."

"Then what do you mean..." Huang Donglai's eyes changed slightly, "...let us stop investigating?"

"Yes." The concubine said.

"But one of our brothers... including ourselves, is now being watched by the Guangxing Escort." Huang Donglai said, "If we don't find out the truth, we won't be able to wash away our grievances."

Ordinarily, at this time, the concubine can completely answer: "That's your business."

But he didn't say that.

He actually said this: "Then... how about I help you in another way?"

Huang Donglai looked at the other party with a solemn expression, "Oh? What method?"

Don't look at Huang Ge's superficial composure at the moment, in fact he is panicking in his heart, for fear that the other party will reply him at this moment, "I'll kill you two right now, it's over once and for all".

"Brother Huang Xian..." After a breath, the concubine continued slowly, "If I tell you, I can make the Guangxing Escort Bureau disappear overnight, what do you think?"

When Huang Donglai heard this, his scalp went numb from the show.

Although the Escort Bureau is not an orthodox martial arts sect, but a special organization that focuses on business and secondarily on teaching skills, but in terms of strength, the Guangxing Escort Bureau can barely rank in the bottom of the second-tier sect of the righteous way.

Today, even if it is the head of a first-tier sect, I am afraid that I would not dare to say that any second-tier sect can "disappear overnight", but this concubine actually said it, and he said it lightly, it does not seem to be saying anything. Just kidding.

" willing to do this kind of thing for us?" Huang Donglai asked after taking a sip of wine to suppress his shock.

He didn't ask the other party "is it okay" at all, but started to lead in the direction of "why".

"Yes." Shu Ye's tone was taken for granted, "It's not difficult after all."

"Could it be second?" Huang Donglai continued, "Why did you do this for us?"

"Because we are already 'friends'." The concubine said, "Isn't it normal to do something for a friend within our capacity?"

Huang Donglai thought about it, and he came to his senses: "Then... this matter, are you going to do it yourself, Master Shu, or..."

" could I do it myself." The concubine smiled, "I am friends with you, and I am also friends with others. In the past, I have helped other friends with many things, so today, I just You can ask those friends to do this for you."

When Huang Donglai heard this, he complained in his heart: "You don't call yourself 'friend', you call 'Godfather', okay?"

"Hahaha..." In the next second, Brother Huang laughed loudly, "Then can I think so... Today, after you destroyed the Guangxing Escort for us, in order to repay your favor, and at the same time to prevent you from Get this matter out, and one day in the future, my 'friend' will probably help some of your friends who have never met me before... to deal with similar things."

The concubine smiled, drank another glass of wine, and looked at Huang Donglai after putting down the glass: "I just are a smart person."

(End of this chapter)

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