fake prince

Chapter 1240 What a Divine Strategy Army

Chapter 1240 What a Divine Strategy Army

"Oh, so that's the case, then you have to be more careful." Hearing what Zheng Huai said, Bo Yan was taken aback for a moment, and didn't say whether he believed it or not, just looked at him and said something like this.

After finishing speaking, Bo Yan waved his hand: "I still have to go to other places to inspect, so let's go first, and we'll talk later."

"Yes!" Zheng Huai cupped his hands, looking at the back of Bo Yan leaving, knowing that he couldn't hear him, Zheng Huai's friendly face showed ferocity, and he spat fiercely on the ground.

"Bah! This traitor lackey!"

Zheng Huai gritted his teeth and was just in a daze, but he knew in his heart that if he was given this chance, he might not be able to do so.

For Bo Yan, Zheng Huai envied and hated him at the same time. He was also an undercover agent, so why did Bo Yan go ashore?

And he still hangs his head on his pants and works hard?

Qi Wangfu

It was late at night, except for a servant who lightly cut off the wick, everyone bowed and waited.

King Qi leaned back, the wax fire was burning brightly, just like the heart at this moment was also burning fiercely.

"God help me too!"

Even a few days ago, he never thought that he would still have a chance to stand up!

It's just that the Shu Prince's Mansion has already been stared at by people, and he lost his temper when he learned that the King of Shu was indeed grounded. Inquire about the news, but there is no news.

The news I got some time ago was all trivial, either the mansion bought food, or someone in the mansion had a little friction with someone, but what is the use of this information?What a waste of his time!
Never expected that at this juncture, such a big event happened and such a big rumor spread.

And he had originally given up letting people get useful information from the Taisun Mansion, but after such terrible rumors came out, he made people rush again.

No matter what, we must get information from the Taisun Mansion!
"Report, the Taisun Mansion has information." Someone hurried in and handed over the note, King Qi grabbed it and looked carefully at the candle.

"There is still no movement in Taisun's mansion?"

Seeing the latest information just sent back, King Qi couldn't help showing a disappointed expression.

Then, I couldn't help but walk around the room with my hands behind my back, feeling that something was wrong about this matter.


King Qi turned around and asked the people who sat down.

"This king originally thought that the grandson used this king's people to frame him, but according to the information, everything in the grandson's mansion is normal, and no one has done anything during this period, let alone contacted."

"This is a strange thing. Tell me, what's going on?"

"What do you think about this matter?"

King Qi was happy that King Shu and his grandson were both unlucky, it was true, but the person who framed King Shu was his own, which made King Qi a little uneasy when he was happy.

He is not only aware of impulsiveness, but rationality exists at the same time as impulsiveness, as long as he thinks about it, his head, which is almost dizzy with joy, will naturally wake up.

The people sitting below are Zhao Buwei on the left and Zhang Bolai on the right.

These two people are the most trusted people of King Qi, so they were naturally called at this juncture to ask their opinions.

Although Zhang Bolai was still considered by King Qi to be the mastermind, he was also called over, but he was a bit disappointed.

Zhao Buwei glanced at it and smiled inwardly, but he began to answer King Qi's question: "Your Majesty, I feel that the Taisun did not do this. After all, the biggest victim of this matter may be the Grandson." .”

"Oh? Can you tell me?" King Qi was also interested, and motioned Zhao Buwei to continue talking.

Zhao Buwei said with a smile: "This rumor, Your Majesty thinks, is it true or false?"

Without waiting for King Qi to answer, he continued: "If it is true, the exposure will make the Taisun and the Emperor a life-and-death enmity... It is a rumor, and it is not true, but who knows what the Taisun will think? As long as this As the rumors spread, there will be an unresolved knot between the emperor and the grandson, how can the emperor feel relieved to pass on the throne to the grandson?"

"Whether it's a rumor or not, it's hard for the grandson and the emperor to understand."

Zhao Buwei almost said the same thing as Ma Youliang. Hearing this, King Qi immediately understood, stood up with a bang, and stood up so fast that he spilled the tea bowl and smashed it to pieces on the ground.

"Don't come in!" Stopping the guards and servants who heard the voice, King Qi turned around and paced around the room, fire suddenly appeared in his eyes, not anger, but a flame of ambition.

If the king of Shu is finished, the grandson is also finished, wouldn't it be...

However, if this matter hadn't been done by the grandson, it would be impossible...

"Is that the King of Shu?"

But afterward, King Qi shook his head: "Impossible, the King of Shu would not use his own people to spread such rumors. If this kind of thing gets a little contaminated, yellow mud will fall into the crotch. It's not shit, it's shit!"

Although the king of Qi knew that this person was his own, the king of Shu didn't know, even if he knew, he was still a member of the mansion of the king of Shu in name, so he couldn't let go of the relationship.

But neither the grandson, nor the king of Shu, nor himself, who else could have done such a thing?
"Who is it? It can't be the father, the old man, right?" This is a secret room, and King Qi doesn't shy away from outsiders. He opened his eyes wide and said something that even he didn't believe at all.

If this rumor is really spread by his father, then his father is really mad, and he is completely stupid-this rumor is the most harmful to his father, it is absolutely impossible!
Just like Ma Youliang, Zhao Buwei also thought of a possibility for a moment. With a gloomy face, he sneered and reminded King Qi: "Perhaps, he is the one who can make the most profit..."

As soon as Zhao Buwei said this, King Qi also thought about it, and his color changed immediately.

However, what he thought of was not Cao Yiyan. After all, he was not the king of Shu, and there was an affair with Cao Yiyan. King Qi didn't know whether Cao Yiyan was in the capital or where these remnants of the previous dynasty went.

Even, he didn't take these remnants of the previous dynasty to heart at all.

The possibility that came to mind at this moment was closely related to him, just as soon as he thought about it, King Qi's hair suddenly trembled, a chill came from the bottom of his heart, and his whole body trembled.

It was still raining outside the house, King Qi glanced through the rain curtain and glanced at the monster general outside, with a faint expression: "Could it be... the monster clan?"

"Father was stabbed the most deeply."

"Being king is second, I'm afraid it's a rare good fruit."

"Both the king of Shu and I are suspected of being contaminated with yellow mud."

"This is a strife between my Dazheng royal clan, almost to the point of a sword-to-hand confrontation."

"Historically, there have been many cases of civil strife among kings leading to the overthrow of the imperial court. Therefore, whoever can benefit is nothing more than the Shence Army."

"It's really bold and has a big appetite." King Qi was startled and angry, gnashing his white teeth, wandering around the room.

In an instant, he became murderous, almost wanting to kill all the Yaozu and Shence Army immediately.

But in the blink of an eye, he was forced to suppress it again.

"Don't say whether I can kill, even if I can, but if I kill, how can I fight for the big position?"

"What a magical army, what a monster, Gu, I really underestimated you!"

(End of this chapter)

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