fake prince

Chapter 954

Chapter 954
King Qi has done this in the past, because the two kings are not able to go to the hall to discuss matters every time, and sometimes the two people do not see each other for ten days and a half months, and there is friction between the people below, and it is nothing more than a small friction, it is really moving When it came to the other party's interests, King Qi was violent. Although he couldn't call the door directly, it was common for him to send someone to send a letter to be angry.

After receiving the letter, the King of Shu opened it directly, and after reading only two lines, he gave a soft "oh", as if he saw something that surprised him.

Ma Youliang was sitting on the side. Seeing this scene, he felt like a little paw was scratching in his heart, but he didn't dare to take the initiative to go over. He could only wait for the King of Shu to read the letter before asking himself.

With the king of Shu's character, he always likes to discuss matters related to the king of Qi with his advisers.

But he didn't expect that the king of Shu read the contents of only two thin letters for a long time, no, he was silent for a long time after reading it.

The King of Shu didn't even show the letter to Ma Youliang directly, but asked the servants outside the door to bring in a brazier, and threw the letter, including the letter and the letter skin, into it until the thin letter was swallowed by the tongue of fire. I just gave up, and I didn't know what to think of, so I laughed out loud.

"I don't want my brother, but I'm a little scared." The king of Shu shook his head and smiled. After laughing for a while, he restrained himself: "No, it should be said that he has grown."


Ma Youliang immediately guessed the content of the letter based on these few words. Could it be that the king of Qi wrote the letter to ask the king of Shu for peace?
That's true, it's really surprising, after all, with King Qi's character, it is harder than killing King Qi to make him bow his head to King Shu and take the initiative to seek peace.

In the past, the two kings also had a short-term alliance, but both sides were evenly matched, and they cooperated tacitly with foreign enemies. When was it like this time, the king of Qi bowed his head first?

I heard the King of Shu sigh: "... King Qi..."

He suddenly took a few steps outside, walked to the door with his hands in his hands, and looked at the courtyard. The sun was setting in the west, and the light was gradually dimming. A shadow was cast on the face of the king of Shu, thinking.

Sure enough, people will not grow if they do not reach the pain point, but when they reach the pain point, no matter how unruly they are, they will have to admit defeat and change.

King Qi was afraid.

But why not myself, Daiwang has two biggest flaws, the first is the emperor, he is the son of the crown prince, and his father is guilty of being a thief, so how can he not be afraid?
The second is that after all, it has been less than two or three years since I came to Beijing, and my foundation is shallow, but if the shrine in the capital is subdued by the king, this shortcoming will be made up for immediately.

"If it is done for the acting king, is it possible that only the emperor's will can be suppressed? No, this is not possible."

After thinking for a long time, the king of Shu turned around and said, "The king of Qi sent a letter just now, and he wanted to join hands with this king to deal with the king of Dai, and promised to divide the shrine in half. What do you think?"

Ma Youliang had guessed the content of the letter just now, and had already thought about it in his heart. At this time, when he was asked by the king of Shu, he calmly said, "Your Majesty, this is a good opportunity."

"The former Wei general Tian Bingyu was imprisoned. He was wronged. The jailer said that the general was innocent and the powerful were guilty. The same is true for the acting king now."

"Dai Wang is becoming more and more powerful, and now is not the time to be difficult to remove. It is the right time to join hands with Qi Wang, and we will surely win."

The king of Shu glanced at it with a smile, and said, "Mr. Ma, you should go to Mr. Zhao Xu, the first assistant, and pass me the post to discuss the list of gifts for the officials for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

As he spoke, he took a jade pendant from his body and handed it to Ma Youliang.

"Take this."

When Ma Youliang heard that the king of Shu had asked him to go to Mr. Zhao Xu, the chief assistant, he was startled, his body trembled, and his face showed some expressions.

Does the king still have a close relationship with Chief Assistant Zhao Xu?
This is really unexpected!

Those who can achieve the position of chief assistant are people with solid foundations, and they are definitely not people who are willing to take risks just to learn from the dragon. Jin, if you intervene in the fight for the heir apparent, let alone choose the wrong person, which will harm the family, even if you choose the right person, there is no reward, only death.

The more high-ranking people are, the less likely they are to express their opinions easily.

In the past, he also looked at Mr. Zhao Xu, the first assistant, in the same way. At this time, he was shocked to hear that the king had a relationship with the first assistant.

But under the gaze of the King of Shu with a smile on his face, he quickly straightened his expression and said respectfully, "Yes, I will do it now."

In response, seeing the king of Shu waving his hand, he backed out.

The king of Shu got up and stretched his body, then walked to the secret door of the study, and turned the mechanism slightly, a door slowly rose behind a landscape painting, revealing the room inside.

This is not an important place. The reason why it is a dark room is because all high-ranking people like to hide some secrets of themselves.

The King of Shu entered the room, and when he looked up, he saw a painting hanging on the wall. This painting depicts a Jiao with its tail half out of the water. , that is, in general.

The king of Shu walked under the painting, looked up, and after a long time, he turned around, just thinking.

"Thinking back 20 years ago, my father visited Jinhe. Although it was nothing more than hunting deer, everyone rushed to participate. Even the orphan accompanied him, but the orphan fell seriously ill in the hunting ground, and the medicine stone was ineffective."

At that time, he was not yet ten years old, he had just been promoted to the county king, and he only brought a few entourages to follow him.

Unexpectedly, he fell seriously ill on the way and was about to die, so he met a mysterious Taoist who laughed loudly, the laughter was close to his ears, but he was still several miles away.

He just watched the mysterious Taoist "walk" in front of him easily from hundreds of meters in a few steps. This was the first time he had seen such a strange person and strange thing, even if he was already the king of the county at that time.

Even thinking about it now, it's terrifying.

When the mysterious Taoist saw him, he was amazed again and again, saying that although he is only a dragon, he has the potential to become a dragon, but he needs careful planning to achieve his wish.

"Then he gave Gu medicine to cure Gu, and he also gave me this painting. Unfortunately, I still can't figure out the mystery of it."

Before he could stop him to ask what he meant, the mysterious Taoist jumped over several guards who rushed forward, and disappeared in an instant.

Not long after he recovered from his illness, something happened to the crown prince. Thinking back, the king of Shu only felt that this so-called mystery was a blessing or a disaster, which is hard to say.

Daoist back then, did you ever think something would happen to the crown prince?Did you know that now there is another prince's son?If he hadn't been able to find this person all these years, he really wanted to ask again.

"Also, these strange people, who are hard to distinguish between good and evil, are really a disaster for the court. If they can be killed, the world will surely have peace."

"It's just that before killing, it may also be used alone."

The king of Shu was speculated, which naturally shows that he has a bit of destiny, and he is considered a rare commodity to live in, so he is naturally happy, but it is out of another instinct, but his expression is gloomy.

At this time and at that time, as the age grows, the original longing fades away, and the fear arises spontaneously.

(End of this chapter)

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