Quickly cross Su Daji

Chapter 353 Little sister, flash marriage? (108)

Chapter 353 Little sister, flash marriage? (108)

The soldier captain's eyes suddenly turned round in surprise, and he stuttered in disbelief, "You, you remember?"

Li Shaoyan didn't answer, but raised his voice and asked sternly: "Liu Ruifang, answer me! Is there any?!"

He showed the aura of the chief executive, with an orderly tone, just like he usually trains in the army, the soldier captain reflexively reported loudly: "Report to the chief executive, no!"

The simple and common words drained Li Shaoyan of all his strength.

It was... so tragic that nothing was left?
Haven't you left even a little thought for yourself?
As soon as the strength in his hand was loosened, the soldier captain stepped on the ground again, and suddenly realized what he had just said.

Seeing that Li Shaoyan had returned to the distraught look he had on the day of the big bang, he was afraid that he would suffer another trauma, so he hurriedly made amends, "However, there are some other things left behind by the acid, do you... want to see it?"

He watched Li Shaoyan's expression nervously, seeing his dull eyes turn a little after hearing these words, and he was relieved.

Anyway, it's better than crashing on the spot.

However, this tone has not yet relaxed, and a heart is raised again.

The chief executive has already become so affectionate towards Sour, how on earth is he going to spend his long life without her...

All the things in the camp were destroyed by the big explosion. What the soldier had on hand was just the things that Su Daji had left in Li Shaoyan's dormitory.

I was afraid that he would be stimulated when he saw and remembered something, so he put it away nervously, but unexpectedly, it failed to prevent him from recovering his memory.

He never imagined that it was the little flower pot that he didn't notice at all, which reminded Li Shaoyan of all this.

Lin Suanlian's relics were very few, and they were packed in a small box. The soldier captain easily picked them up with one hand, but Li Shaoyan took them with both hands, but felt that they were heavier than a thousand catties.

The blue veins on his hands burst out due to the force.

After getting the things, he hurried back to his dormitory without stopping for a moment, shut the door of the soldier captain who was following him, turned on the desk lamp, and gently and solemnly put the things into the small box take it out.

The first thing that appeared in front of him was a faded and rusty hairpin. It was vaguely visible on the mottled surface that there was once a cute little butterfly painted on it.

It was the gift I gave her when I met Sour for the first time.

Sour liked it so much, she laughed happily with two dimples, just like the day she turned and left, except that one was pure joy, and the other was a smile with tears...

Li Shaoyan's heart twitched violently, and he quickly stopped his memory.

Stretching out his hand again, it was a cold and angular badge.

Just by touching it, Li Shaoyan knew what it was.

It was the medal awarded to him by the team after Brother Lin's sacrifice, and he took it to the Lin's house, and found Aunt Lin lying in a pool of blood and sour with fear.

That was the most painful memory for both Sour and himself.

He closed his eyes, not having the courage to look, and put it back in the box.

The box was very shallow, and there were not many things in it. He fumbled around and took out the last item inside.

With just a glance, Li Shaoyan's hand shook violently, almost dropping it to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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