Quickly cross Su Daji

Chapter 364 Sick little brother, are you playful? (43)

Chapter 364 Sick little brother, are you playful? (43)
The muscles in his whole body were extremely stiff, and he tried hard to relax himself, afraid that she would feel that he was still awake.

He didn't dare to open his eyes until the sound of soft and shallow breathing came from his ears again.

Turning his head slightly, he saw Su Daji who was sleeping very close to the ground, facing him.

In hand, there is no knife.

Xi Xingye was puzzled. She got up suddenly in the middle of the night to sharpen a knife. It couldn't be sleepwalking.

Under the clear silver moonlight, her eyelashes drooped like feather fans, her expression was relaxed, and her whole person seemed soft and not aggressive at all.

But it was this person who did such terrible and vicious things when he was a child.

Could it really be as she said, did she already know she was wrong?
The strangeness and suspicion in his eyes were intertwined, and he turned his head back with a complicated expression.

I closed my eyes, and I didn't feel sleepy anymore.

He doesn't believe it.

A tightly sealed heart, a heart that no longer trusts anyone, will not melt so easily.

However, there is still a little ripple.

And the instigator, Su Daji, after disturbing a pool of water, felt at ease and fell asleep again without any burden.

Heartless, like a scumbag.

Xi Xingye was left alone, unable to sleep at night, tossing and turning.

The result of insomnia with so much preoccupation is that he fell into a deep sleep the next morning, and he didn't even know that Su Daji had woken up.

Even, it is easy to be molested!

"Young man, night owls do too much, which affects growth and development~"

The old fox smiled wickedly, and then turned over and got out of bed.

But Xi Xingye was completely unaware of all this. When he woke up, the sun had already risen high, drying his buttocks.

He was startled, and quickly touched his whole body, his arms were there, and his legs were also there.

lift the quilt,

Putting his heart down a bit, Xi Xingye reflexively looked to the side, but there was no one there.

Reach out and touch it, it's completely cool.

She left long ago.

Did this cunning woman escape while she was asleep?
Xi Xingye grabbed the remote control voltage switch in his hand and pressed it hard.


A scream of pain came to his ears immediately.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of "ding ding bang bang" when something fell to the ground.


Knowing this, Xi Xingye breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

The sound came from downstairs, he turned off the current, went down to take a look, and saw the naked Su Daji sitting on the ground in embarrassment, with juice scattered all over the ground beside him, and bones and vegetable pieces scattered around.

He was a little surprised that he was cooking something?
"what are you doing?"

Xi Xingye asked knowingly.

Su Daji didn't care to rub her swollen knee, raised her head cautiously, her eyes were a little dodgy, and she replied in a low voice: "Cook, cook soup."

"Why, I'm short of food for you? Do you want to do it yourself?"

Seeing the scalded red spots on her body, Xi Xingye only felt that it was extremely dazzling, and his tone could not help but aggravate.

Su Daji shrank her neck, and was at a loss what to do. She muttered, "I, I...always eating takeaway is unhealthy, high in oil and salt, not good for your health..."

If it had been placed before, Xi Xingye would have continued to make sarcastic remarks.

But after hearing that endless murmur last night, his mentality unconsciously changed a bit.

She is a young girl, and she does not have geriatric diseases such as high blood pressure and high blood fat. Why is she so concerned about diet?
What needs extra attention...is the patient himself.

So, she made it for herself specially?


One chapter is also love, one chapter is also love, adding another chapter is worth the little fairy's praise~
Good night, one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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