Quickly cross Su Daji

Chapter 74 President, put on the green hat (44)

Chapter 74 President, put on the green hat (44)


God damn child!

Su Daji was stunned for a few seconds before realizing what he meant, and almost didn't laugh out loud.

At this time, the chief executive was really in a hurry to go to the doctor, and he came up with such a crooked trick to threaten himself?
She blinked her eyes twice, and looked at him with the expression that you are probably mentally retarded, "President Shi, you are too worried, I have already taken medicine, and it is impossible to get pregnant."

Su Daji also deliberately said every word, as if afraid that he would not be able to hear clearly, and added an accent to the word "impossible".

Shi Ting's face darkened when he heard the word "****".

Hearing it again, it was even more gloomy that the rain was about to come out.

She was provoking herself by saying in the morning that she was going to be taken to the hospital for an examination, so she went there on purpose?

She actually did this to draw a line with herself?

How dare she despise herself!

No matter how many people ask for it, they can't ask for it!Even the black market offered high prices, and she asked for a lot of money, but she...!

Before Shi Ting could speak, Su Daji snorted again.

"Besides, I've already greened you, and you still let me have a baby. Isn't this just to make Xi a father?"

How sweet and sweet Ning Junxuan was in the past, now Su Daji is just as irritating.

She wants to irritate herself every second now, doesn't she just want to escape?

Shi Ting had already seen through her tricks and was not fooled at all, "Have you read the instruction manual of the pill? There is no [-]% success rate of contraception, so..."

He viciously pulled the tie that bound her, pulled Su Daji staggeringly, and hit his chest, "You can't go anywhere until the possibility of pregnancy is ruled out."

You can only obediently stay under my nose!

In the second half of the sentence, Shi Ting didn't say it directly, but changed to a more awkward way, "In order to prevent you from turning my child into a criminal, from today onwards, you can be the financial secretary you wanted to be before. "

Yo, what's up with this tone of grace?

Su Daji rolled her eyes without losing face, "President Shi, memory loss is a sign of Alzheimer's disease. You won't forget the door that you almost broke down at that time, right?"

When Ning Junxuan found out that Tao Wanxin was secretly in love with Shi Ting, in order to prevent them from falling in love with each other day and night, it's not that she didn't think of a more gentle method than drugging.

She took advantage of the financial cooperation case between Ning's and Shi's to come over as a financial secretary in the name of a "Wall Street elite". In name, she wanted to supervise the case, but in fact she wanted to sit in the palace and warn Xia Tao Wanxin.

Unexpectedly, Shi Ting was brainwashed by Bai Lianhua at that time, and when he saw her, he slammed the door without giving any face, which made Ning Junxuan not only hurt his face, but also hurt his heart.

Su Daji is a vengeful fox, she remembers revenge for more than 3000 years of resentment, let alone this matter?

So when she insisted on looking for that Wall Street elite in the morning, she made trouble on purpose to let him taste what it was like to be treated like a fool!

Shi Ting, who was slapped in the face again, was at a loss for words.

Just when he couldn't think of anything to do to get back the situation, Su Daji spoke very understandingly, "But... if it's the secretary-general, I can think about it."


Bald Nana:
Oops, it’s so troublesome, it’s updated on time, but it seems that there is a delay in this system, it will be a bit slower, goblins can be patient and wait for the refresh!
Next chapter, 18 o'clock.

System: Why did you add another update?

Na Na: Pet fans!No way! What the hell!
(End of this chapter)

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