Quickly cross Su Daji

Chapter 755 Fake Gold, Really Awesome (202)

Chapter 755 Fake daughter, really awesome (202)

It's not just the face, the living habits, the way of communication and even the level of thinking are not at the same level.

For example, Shen Xuan still can't understand that for rich people, time is always more expensive than money.

Not long after she came back, Father Qiao arranged for her to go to work in the company. Because the newly recruited driver hadn't arrived yet, he was very thoughtful and put a sum of money into her account for her to take a taxi to and from get off work.

But that morning, he realized something was wrong.

She is late.

He obviously went out earlier than himself, why was it too late?

After inquiring, Father Qiao found out that she walked from her home to the nearest bus stop, then took the bus to the subway station, and then went to the company.

He was very strange, and asked her if she forgot to bring her mobile phone, so she couldn't take a taxi to pay, but Shen Xuan shook her head and said, "No, it's just 100 yuan to take a taxi from home to the company, which is too expensive. The subways add up to only six yuan."

Father Qiao was stunned by these words.

It was hard for him to imagine that the Qiao family's assets exceeded tens of billions, and the only biological daughter, Miss, had to take public transportation to travel, and she couldn't even afford 100 yuan.

Although buses and subways are cheap, how can the 94 yuan saved compare to the work that can be done in the time lost in the middle?

Fortunately, new drivers were recruited quickly, and this did not happen again.

But Shen Xuan still felt that there was no need to provide her with a private driver. It was too extravagant to find someone to take care of her just to take a car to and from get off work.

But when Joe's father told her that no matter whether he took the trip once or several times, the salary would still be paid so much, she seemed to want to pay back her own money, and even had to take a car to buy things across the road.

After Joe's father found out about this, he didn't know what expression he should make to face it.

She has a small peasant mentality deeply rooted in her body.

Although in an ordinary family, this is praiseworthy for being diligent and thrifty, but in a family like theirs, it is completely unnecessary.

He is the one in this family who can best understand the incompatibility brought about by this class difference, so Su Daji mentioned it on purpose.

On the surface, it seemed that he was talking about his own affairs, but in fact, he quietly put some eye drops on Shen Xuan.

After successfully eliciting this topic, Su Daji turned the topic back.

"I tried to work and live like ordinary people who came out of the slums. I was really peaceful and contented at first, but after encountering such things in the workplace where people were oppressed by money and almost ruined my future, I suddenly felt that it is not It should be."

Her eyes swept away the hesitation and hesitation just now, and she was determined and burning, "I am so lucky to have lived and studied in Qiao's family for more than ten years, and the experience of living and studying with my parents and you has given me the opportunity to embark on a better life. , Why should I give up? This not only wasted the resources that have been poured into me for so many years, but also failed my parents’ expectations of me.”

"Why should I give up what I could have done? Just because of my background, I choose to suppress my talent with low self-esteem, and become an unknown little person, buried in the long river of history, without leaving even a trace?"

The more Su Daji spoke, the more passionate she became, "So I'm back, and I want to prove that even if I'm not my father's daughter, I can still lead Joe's on a more glorious path with my own abilities!"


Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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