Quick Pass: The President's Guidebook

Chapter 97 Adorable husband, a bit fierce (31)

Chapter 97 Adorable husband, a bit fierce (31)

(Sultry ghost husband, please don't bite) ([-])
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Because Mrs. Shen and Shen Lan and his wife are getting older, they are human beings again.

So Sun Tian and Shen Zimo decided to let them go back to the room, and Sun Tian was still outside the room without the formation.

Tell them not to come out no matter what happens or what sounds they hear.

He even told them that even if they came out, it would be useless, and it would even drag them down.

The Shen family was not angry when they heard what Sun Tian said, because they knew what Sun Tian said was the truth.

After arranging the worthies, Sun Tian and Shen Zimo went downstairs again.

"There's no formation on the third floor, Zixuan is still sleeping."

Shen Zimo suggested to Sun Tian.

Sun Tian shook his head after hearing this, "No, she'll be fine, and it's impossible for something to hurt her."

Shen Zimo frowned when he heard the words, why couldn't he hear that there was something in Sun Tian's words.

Seeing Shen Zimo's strength, Sun Tian smiled wryly with a questioning look.

"I can't calculate her fate, but she is really safe. As long as she is on the third floor, nothing will hit her."

"If you really want to say it, she is a monk who hates flesh. For all souls, it is hard to find, but this monk flesh is poisonous. Unless she is willing, no one can get close to her."

"So if you can meet her, if the other party is willing to feed you with blood, you should be content."

After Shen Zimo heard this, he didn't continue to ask. He knew that there was something of unknown origin in Shen's villa. What's the matter, he could ask after this incident.

Seeing that Shen Zimo was not asking, Sun Tian breathed a sigh of relief, because he didn't know the details.

He only knew that when Su Yun entered Shen's house, he brought out a bowl of his own blood, and he knew that it was a great tonic for the soul and body.

Even what kind of existence his blood can create.

He also tested the other party, knowing that the other party did not have mana and Taoism, but no ghost could touch her.

Except for one person, that is Shen Zimo.

Sun Tian and Shen Zimo were sitting in the hall of the Shen family.

At this point they are waiting.

As for what was waiting, of course it was the enemy.

That elusive thing is most likely the little ghost raised by Li Dafu.


The clock in the hall is already pointing to 12 o'clock.

At this moment, a dark wind suddenly blew in the hall.

The wind kept coming, and I didn't know where it came from.

Sensing a change, Sun Tian picked up the mahogany sword beside him with his right hand and the talisman with his left hand.

And Shen Zimo tensed his body, he kept sensing the changes in the villa, but found nothing.

Right now is Zishi, the time when their abilities are strongest, so he felt the ability to meet the opponent.

Although the two were ready, the other party refused to show up for a long time, and the dark wind in the hall became stronger and stronger.

Shen Zimo and Sun Tian exchanged glances, and both of them stood still.

It wasn't until [-]:[-] that the gust of wind slowly dissipated, and then something seemed to come towards them.

Sun Tian and Shen Zimo sensed it at the same time.

The two stood up together and faced the kitchen.

The kitchen, right there.

They looked towards the kitchen, where the Yin Qi was the heaviest, and there was even a smell.

It was a stench, and there was even a cloying smell, just weird.

Soon they met Li Dafu's little devil.

It was a child of seven or eight years old, but the face of the other party was very distorted.

At first glance, it was a murderous ghost, even a great evil.

When Shen Zimo saw the other party, he already knew that maybe the other party's ability was higher than his.

Because this brat has sucked the blood of two women in the villa today.

And he himself vomited after eating human food today, so he is a little weaker than before.

Even so, he had no intention of backing down.

Sun Tian and Shen Zimo faced the little ghost, their faces were extremely serious.

On the contrary, when the little devil saw the two of them, he seemed to see some favorite toy.


Weird laughter resounded in the hall.

The sound was extremely ear-piercing and uncomfortable to listen to.


"Hee hee hee……"

Shen Zimo had never seen little ghosts before, but Sun Tian knew and killed many of them.

He knew from this situation that the opponent was about to launch.

"Be careful, it's about to shoot."

Sure enough, the little ghost stopped laughing weirdly, and instead rushed towards the two of them quickly.

Look again, that brat's long black nails are heading straight for the two of them.

Sun Tian dodged away, but Shen Zimo was a little too late, and his arm was cut off by that brat. "

He really underestimated the other party.

The little ghost flew in the air, looking at the blood on the nails in his hand, he was very ignorant. ,

But no matter how ignorant it is, it can't hide that distorted face.

It is no longer a child at this time, but an evil ghost that hurts people's lives and commits heinous crimes.

Seeing Shen Zimo's injury, Sun Tian also knew that the other party was careless, so he gave him a soothing face.

Then the two looked at the imp floating in mid-air together.

At this time, I saw the kid looking at the blood on his nails with a very excited expression.

Sun Tian was devastated at first glance.

And Shen Zimo didn't know what was going on at this time.

Then I saw the little devil put the blood-stained nails into his mouth and slowly licked them.

After licking the blood, the kid's expression became even more excited, and the way he looked at Shen Zimo revealed his huge greed.

At this time Shen Zimo also found something wrong.

The blood that the kid licked into his mouth was his blood.

Seeing each other's crazy and greedy appearance, both Sun Tian and Shen Zimo immediately raised alarm bells.

The kid didn't disappoint the two of them either, and immediately rushed to Shen Zimo.

The posture of rushing over was very crazy, as if he was going to die.

But both Sun Tian and Shen Zimo knew that he was bound to win Shen Zimo's blood.

Shen Zimo put on a defensive posture, with a thick black mist emitting from his hands, and when the kid attacked the front door again, he directly threw the black mist out of his hands.


The little ghost was attacked by Shen Zimo this time, and for a while the sharp and ear-piercing child's voice rang out, which made people feel horrified.

Sun Tian also quickly came to Shen Zimo at this time, and the two of them faced the kid together.

Because of Shen Zimo's successful attack, the kid's face became even more distorted.

I saw that his whole body was slowly soaked in blood, which made him look even more terrifying.

Seeing this, Sun Tian said loudly to Shen Zimo who was beside him, "Attention, this is a soul sacrifice, don't be hurt by him, otherwise the Da Luo Immortal will not be able to recover!"

Hearing Sun Tian's eager tone, Shen Zimo also knew the seriousness of the situation. Now he just needs to protect himself and slowly consume the kid's abilities.

After all, twelve o'clock is when the ghost's ability is strongest, but after another hour, that ability will be greatly reduced.


Sun Tian and Shen Zimo were fighting against the kid downstairs, while Su Yun was still sleeping soundly in the bedroom on the third floor.

She didn't know what happened to the Shen family while she was asleep.

I don't know the situation Shen Zimo and Sun Tian are facing at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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