Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 139 Inferiority Girl@campus男神7

Chapter 139 Inferiority Girl@campus男神7
A series of dark and unfamiliar images kept playing in Xia Yichu's mind, and an inexplicable sense of fear gradually rose from her heart.

"Don't, little brother, I won't play with other people anymore, please forgive me, please forgive me?"

Xia Yichu looked in pain, tears flowed down unconsciously, her mouth unconsciously made a sound, even she herself didn't know what she was talking about.

But next to him, Gu Yusheng, who was coughing unceasingly, suddenly raised his head and looked at her after hearing her words, his eyes opened wide, and he reached out and hugged her tightly into his arms.

In the end, Xia Yichu passed out directly from the pain.

When he woke up again, when he opened his eyes and saw the slightly familiar environment in all directions, Xia Yichu knew that she was in the hospital now.

In the empty ward, she was the only one.

"Host, you're finally awake~~~" In my mind, the faint voice of the 233 system sounded, but the difference from before was that there was a hint of guilt in its voice this time.

If it hadn't been for suddenly giving Xia Ri and the missing part of memory to Xia Yichu, Xia Yichu wouldn't have passed out from the pain.

Xia Yichu obviously thought of what happened before she passed out, and after hearing the system's voice, her face turned dark.

"I was wrong, I really didn't do it on purpose." In Xia Yichu's mind, the system transformed into a chubby guy, and he kept twisting his chubby figure while talking.

This picture, no matter how you look at it, is vivid and funny.

"Okay, I don't blame you, it's not an example." Xia Yichu said, thinking about her and Gu Yusheng's situation before she passed out, and asked the system: "By the way, what happened to Gu Yusheng and I after I passed out? Who rescued us?"

"Yes, host, Gu Yusheng is the only son of the Gu family. After his homeroom teacher found out that he was missing, he immediately reported the matter to the principal. It just so happened that the earthquake stopped at this time. So the principal checked the surveillance video. Knowing the situation of you and Gu Yusheng, I led someone to rescue you and Gu Yusheng."

When it came to this, the system paused, and then continued to speak: "However, I don't know what happened, after you passed out, Gu Yusheng hugged you tightly in his arms, even if the principal and the others came They were also inseparable. It wasn’t until the two of you entered the hospital that the dean gave him a tranquilizer and sleeping pills before he passed out. And you were rescued from his arms by everyone.”

"What about others? Is there anything wrong?"

"Yes, after Gu Yusheng passed out that day, he has not woken up until now, and has been lying in the intensive care unit. But the host can rest assured that this system has already invaded the system in the hospital and checked the results of Gu Yusheng's examination. He Now it is very normal, and the body is very good, healthier than the host's body!" The system responded crisply.

"Yeah. I'll sleep for a while." The system's words reassured Xia Yichu a lot.

After admonishing the system, she closed her eyes and retracted into the quilt.

Xia Yichu didn't continue to sleep, but flipped through the missing small part of the memory sent from the back of the system.

Sure enough, it was similar to what she had thought before, Xia Rihe's feelings for Gu Yusheng were not love at first sight.

But at a very young age, Xia Rihe had not entered the orphanage at that time.

The young Xia Rihe got lost with his family and was abducted by human traffickers.

There were other children, but somehow, only young Xia Ri and another little boy remained in the dark room at the end.

The little boy had a cold, cool face, and the words "Do not let strangers in" were written all over his face.

When the young Xia Rihe encountered such a thing, he just curled up in a corner and cried.

The child was sitting next to her, probably because she disliked her crying too loudly, so he turned his head and said two words coldly to her: "Don't make noise."

Little Xia Rihe was frightened directly, and looked at him with teary eyes, biting his lips and not daring to cry any more.

The child was stared at by Xiao Xia Rihe all the time, and finally frowned. After thinking hard for a long time, he stretched out his hand and hugged the little girl into his arms as if disgusted.

The two little guys seemed to be forgotten, and they were kept there for many days.

Until the two little guys were rescued by the little boy's family, the little Xia Rihe, who had nowhere to go, stayed at the little boy's home for a long time.

Little Xia Rihe followed the little boy all day, little brother, little brother yelling, the relationship between the two is very good.

However, on a certain day, the little boy was not at home, but there was a guest at the little boy's home, and the guest also brought a boy who was the same age as Xiao Xia Ri and the two little guys got acquainted immediately.

When the little boy came home and saw Xiao Xia Rihe playing with other boys, he immediately became angry, with a gloomy face, and didn't say a word to Xiao Xia Rihe.

Finally, one night, the little boy fell down the stairs.And Xiao Xia Rihe was sent to the orphanage.

The little boy here is Gu Yusheng.

At the opening ceremony of the first year of high school, Xia Rihe recognized him the first time he saw him. He was the little brother who had shared weal and woe in childhood.

Therefore, there was the last year-long secret love, and that confession to him on the back hillside that exhausted all my courage.

Xia Yichu huddled under the quilt. After reading this memory, he didn't know if it was because he was affected by the emotions of the original owner, and a touch of sadness and sourness rose in his heart.

When Xia Yichu came to this world before, when he knew that Xia Rihe's wish was to make Gu Yusheng love her once, he actually didn't understand.

But now, after reading Xia Ri and all the memories, Xia Yichu feels that he understands a little bit.

Xia Rihe ran into a human trafficker at a young age and got lost with his family.

She was too young at the time, and she couldn't remember the past clearly.And later, no matter whether it was in the orphanage or in the home of her adoptive parents, she never had a good time, not even a happy day.

In the orphanage, the dean can ensure that everyone is fed and clothed every day, so there is no energy to take care of other things.So the young Xia Rihe was actually bullied a lot in the orphanage.

Later, after being taken back by her adoptive parents, she was actually raised as an outsider, so naturally she would not put her heart into it, not to mention that her adoptive mother was pregnant and had a new brother.Because adoptive mothers are superstitious, I heard people say that if you don't have children, you can have a daughter if you adopt a daughter.

Finally, the same is true of her life in school, because of her low self-esteem and cowardly and quiet personality, no matter how good her grades are, she doesn't even have a friend to talk to.

In this short life, the only warmth is probably the time spent at Gu Yusheng's house when he was young.

It's no wonder that Xia Rihe's love for Gu Yusheng is so persistent.

After all, she is just a girl longing for love and tenderness.

 [The first update in the early morning, a mistake, the hero didn’t come out, he was on his way~~~ Gentle reminder from Jun Bao: Enough tickets and collections can summon the hero to go online. 】

(End of this chapter)

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