Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 451 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 46

Chapter 451 Cat Demon Girl VS Undescribable Owner 46
After the fight between the two goblins was over and they were all tidied up, the voice of the system sounded faintly in Xia Yichu's mind: "It seems that when the system is not around, the life of the host is quite good?"

"... When did you come back?" Xia Yichu asked, who had just taken a shower, was wearing a bathrobe, and was lying on the wicker chair on the balcony on the second floor basking in the sun.

"Just now, when your waists were fighting." The system said quietly.

"Hold the grass, then An Yi will be seen by you?" Xia Yichu looked angrily.

"...You think too much. It has a blocking function. If you want to show it to me, I won't watch it."

"Hey." Xia Yichu smiled, and he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he became playful: "Tongtong~ I want to ask you something~"

"Then you can shut up." The voice of the 233 system responded without any waves. According to the tacit cooperation of one person traveling through so many mission planes, the system knew what she was talking about when she called it so intimately. There must be no good words to say.

Sure enough, after the system's voice fell to the ground, Xia Yichu directly ignored its reply, and asked: "Hey, all, you said that you have a set of data, is there such a time, seeing that your mood is so changeable, After all, I haven't seen your real appearance yet? Did you see your sweetheart when you went back to the headquarters this time?"

This was the first time Xia Yichu opened his mouth to inquire about his private affairs after the two were bound together. The system felt a mess of codes in its database, and its voice said calmly: "No, my entity, you want to You will only be able to see it after upgrading to V7."

"Then how old are you now?"



After so long, it is only V2. If it is upgraded once, it will skip one level.

#It’s not easy to be a system#
Xia Yichu thought about its upgrade speed, and also thought about his current points. I'm afraid that before it upgrades to V7, he has accumulated enough merits to go back to the original world.

Those things are too far away for now, Xia Yichu refuses to think about these issues.

Now, since the system is back, someone can clear up her previous confusion.

Xia Yichu immediately asked the system several questions that she was confused about, and the system answered her one by one.

Especially about the issue of traveling back to rescue An Yi, it was actually the same as Xia Yichu thought before, because of the disorder of time and space, maybe she was in the process, but for An Yi, it happened in his previous life between things.

In the end, it was inevitable to talk about An Chun.

An Chun is missing now, Xia Yichu doesn't know his current whereabouts, but Xia Yichu feels that An Yi must know his whereabouts.

This plane is a bit different from the plane Xia Yichu used to do tasks before, not only because her identity became a cat demon, but also because after she came to this world, such an identity was destined to make her unable to establish her own power.

Especially there is a very possessive owner next to him, watching over him 24 hours a day, what Xia Yichu wants to know, he can only know from the system.

After working on the task for so long, Xia Yichu also knows what to ask and what not to ask.

After all, even if she asked those questions that shouldn't be asked, the system would not answer her.

Xia Yichu spent [-] points to exchange for two small search experts, and let the system mark the coordinates of An Chun and Xu Zhengchang. Xia Yichu looked at the two small red dots next to each other on the virtual map , smiled, it turned out that An Chun was with Xu Zhengchang.

Not only did they leave the capital, but looking at the location where the two of them are now, it can be considered a very remote place. No wonder the police and those sent by the An family couldn't find them.

If An Yi didn't take any action, Xia Yichu naturally wouldn't do anything either.

Moreover, it's not her who can't hold back now.

In the past half month, not only did An Chun not turn on her cell phone, even Xu Zhengchang didn't turn on her cell phone and TV.

He didn't even know that the mobile phone was out of battery and turned off.

An Chun's obsession with cultivation for the past half month has been unable to extricate herself, and Xu Zhengchang has been busy all day because he has to prepare something to catch Xia Yichu, and he has to find time to give An Chun guidance and lessons.

So, after the food in the refrigerator and the food available in the basement were all eaten, the two of them went out to buy something to eat together. As soon as An Chun turned on the phone, she found the bombarding text message in her mobile phone.

After thinking for 10 minutes, the vibrating mobile phone stopped.

An Chun opened those messages and saw that except for the missed call reminder from the mobile company, the rest were all text messages that cared about him, asked him where he was now, and asked him to turn on the phone and please call back.

Among them, Yang Yiyi had the most phone calls and text messages.

An Chun looked at the time, only to realize that he had lived with Xu Zhengchang for half a month.

Because it was in the basement, and he often practiced sitting for a whole day, so he didn't realize that time passed so fast at all.

An Chun quickly dialed Yang Yiyi's number and called back.

Almost the moment the call was connected, Yang Yiyi answered the call: "Chun'er? Chun'er, is that you, Chun'er?"

Hearing Yang Yiyi's anxious voice on the phone, An Chun quickly responded: "Mom, it's me."

Listening to An Chun's words, Yang Yiyi hurriedly asked him what happened recently, but she couldn't contact anyone for half a month.

An Chun was wronged by herself, so she didn't follow Yang Yiyi stubbornly, but simply said that she met a pair of expeditions temporarily, and followed them into the mountains to explore.Because this was his temporary idea, when he went to the mountains and wanted to call his family, the mobile phone had no signal.

Although it is a bit far-fetched here, it makes sense, Yang Yiyi is over there, telling him to go back quickly with tears in his eyes.

An Chun kept responding.

After hanging up the phone with Yang Yiyi, An Chun ran to find Xu Zhengchang, and told him about her plan to go back to the capital.

Xu Zhengchang didn't object to his going back, on the contrary, Xu Zhengchang also said that he wanted to go with him.

Hearing Xu Zhengchang's words, An Chun's expression suddenly brightened: "Grandpa Xu, if you go, are you going to catch that nine-tailed cat?"

"Yeah." Xu Zhengchang nodded: "It just so happens that I have a mission over there, and my partner will go with me when the time comes."

"Okay, Grandpa Xu can go with me. I really wish for it. After it's over, I'll pay for all the expenses!" An Chunhao replied in a loud voice.

After the two went back, they simply packed up their things and set foot on the road back to the capital.

 [Six thousand~four thousand more in the afternoon or evening~good noon]

(End of this chapter)

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