Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 491 The villain raised, he blackened 26

Chapter 491 The villain raised, he blackened 26
That bug was obtained by An Qianqian through untold hardships.

To put it bluntly, she saved An Tianyu from the hands of her through untold hardships.

At that time, when An Tianyu got this worm, he wanted to kill that worm, but An Qianqian finally persuaded him, and when An Tianyu was not paying attention, An Qianqian used other worms Instead, he lied to An Tianyu that the bug was dead.

But in fact, the real one has been kept by An Qianqian in private.

This is a Gu insect, and it is also a love Gu that can only be solved after the non-heaven.

But it is different from other Gu insects, this is the king of love Gu.

After it gets into the body, not only does it need to have sex with the opposite sex to suppress it, but it even becomes restless every half a month.

However, because of its existence, the two of them will get a great improvement in cultivation every time they enjoy each other.

In a way, this can be regarded as double cultivation.

Moreover, it also has a very clear requirement, that is, the lover of Acacia must always be that one person.

An Qianqian knew that she was able to meet An Rui twice within a period of time, which was really fate and luck.

But this kind of fate and luck doesn't happen every time, that's why she wanted to take out the love gu in her hand, and when she wanted to get close to An Rui, just touch him, and the love gu would slip into it. into An Rui's body.

At that time, An Qianqian is not afraid if everyone finds out.Anyway, in this cave, Xia Yichu is his elder sister who can be ruled out directly, but the people behind him are not enough to curry favor with him, how dare they fight with him.

But An Qianqian didn't expect such a mistake to happen, she watched helplessly as the Love Gu slipped into Xia Yichu's clothes, and then disappeared into the white cloth.

The Gu worm was very small, Xia Yichu felt a little itchy on her arm, but when she lowered her head, she didn't see anything.

Seeing that An Qianqian didn't answer, but looked at herself in shock, Xia Yichu squinted her eyes and absolutely ignored her.

She's just a pretty girl spoiled by everyone.

Xia Yichu walked up to An Tianyu, pointed at these people and said to An Tianyu, "Are you guys going to save them?"

An Tianyu recovered from the shock just now, he looked at Xia Yichu, and knew in his heart that Xia Yichu was definitely not such a person, but Xue Qing's expression when he spoke was not fake.Moreover, if something really happened to Xue Qing here today, not to mention that Xia Yichu and An Rui would be in trouble, even the whole group of him would be helpless...

If the head of the Qingyun Sect found out, it might cause even more trouble for himself and even the Floating Cloud Sect.

An Tianyu gathered himself together, and said to Xia Yichu: "Miss An, you have to forgive others and forgive others. Besides, you have already got the treasure, why don't you let Cultivator Xue's life go."

Although he spoke like this, he stepped in front of Xue Qing.

Xia Yichu looked at his actions and smiled suddenly: "An Rui, let's go."

After all, the two bypassed everyone and left directly.

Everyone present was stunned, looking at what Xia Yichu did just now, it was clear that he wanted to kill Xue Qing fiercely, but now, why did he leave so easily?
Unthinkable things flashed through everyone's minds.

An Tianyu glanced at Xue Qing who was trapped by the spider web, but he didn't have a good impression of them. After taking a step back, he asked the brothers behind him to help them get them off the spider web.

Xue Qing was the first to get it off. He straightened his clothes, stood in front of An Tianyu like a dog, and thanked An Tianyu: "There are more monks, and I would like to ask the two names. After entering this secret realm, I will definitely ask my grandfather to send a letter to the government to thank you."

What Xue Qing said made An Tianyu frowned, but Xue Qing didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said. The status of the leader of Qingyun faction is so noble. If ordinary people don't have a thank you letter from his grandfather yet? .

However, even if he didn't like it in his heart, An Tianyu still wouldn't express it, so he opened his mouth and said to Xue Qing: "Cultivator Xue is serious, but I don't know, what kind of grievances are there between Cultivator Xue and the An family? When we were in the swamp forest for a few days, we also met their siblings, and they were the ones who rescued us from the Seven Star Wolf."

An Tianyu opened his mouth tentatively, but when his eyes inadvertently fell on the twelve rescued people behind Xue Qing, An Tianyu was stunned.

An Tianyu came from a century-old family, and the family also raised a lot of secret guards.

He is no stranger to the dark guard An Tianyu, just like the few people standing behind Xue Qing at the moment, his waist is straight, his expression is cold and hard, there is no color in his pupils, and there is only loyalty to his master in his eyes.

The purpose of coming to the secret realm is to practice, why does Xue Qing bring so many hidden guards?
Moreover, Xia Yichu and An Rui, are they really the kind of people who snatch each other's monsters for their treasures, and then kill them to silence them?

An Tianyu suddenly felt that he had made a very big mistake.

Xue Qing was answering what he said before, but An Tianyu didn't have the heart to listen to it. He turned around quickly and ran out of the cave quickly, with a group of people hurriedly following behind him.


Outside the cave, there is greenery, and Xia Yichu and An Rui are not seen.

There was a bitter smile in An Tianyu's eyes, he really felt terrible.

"Brother, what are you doing running so fast?" An Qianqian chased him out, looking at An Tianyu who suddenly became listless and hit hard, asked in confusion.

An Tianyu shook his head, An Yi said dumbly: "It's okay. It's rare to open this secret realm once, maybe next time our cultivation base won't be able to get in, let's go, let's go treasure hunting and see if we get anything. "

Although An Qianqian's methods of doing things are sometimes not very clever, but when she is not in a daze, she still knows how to read people's faces. Looking at An Tianyu's current appearance, she simply regrets not leaving with Xia Yichu just now!
An Qianqian glanced at her mouth in private, not knowing how Xia Yichu was doing now.

How is Xia Yichu?

Of course her situation is very bad!
Xia Yichu himself didn't know what was going on, and when he left the cave with An Rui, the two of them used their internal strength to shuttle directly through the forest.Then, all of a sudden, Xia Yichu felt an unignorable hotness gushing out of her whole body, which made her cry "ah", and almost fell off the branch.

 [Isn't the toy car a surprise?Then come to the plane?tank?Maglev train?Ask for a ticket (~ ̄▽ ̄)~]

(End of this chapter)

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