Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 505 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 1

Chapter 505 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 1
When Xia Yichu woke up again, the original owner was being dragged away.

At the same time, the man was also chattering, and said to Xia Yichu: "On the first day of the junior high school, thank you very much for coming with me, don't be afraid, with An Cheng and Liu Yi here, nothing will happen. "

"En." Xia Yichu subconsciously responded, his voice was small, not much louder than that of a mosquito.

But Yue Xiaoluo, who was pulling her away, didn't feel anything wrong, she just thought that Xia Yichu was really scared and felt a little guilty but didn't dare to let her go back just like that.

The two walked slower and slower, and soon fell behind.

Liu Yi in front turned his head, his eyes fell on the two of them, and he said, "Hurry up, you two, don't get lost before you get in."

"Yeah, I wanted to urge you just now. My phone doesn't have much battery. Let's go quickly. After going in for a stroll, I want to go back to sleep early." A voice sounded behind Xia Yichu, it was Liu Hui.

He was holding a screen phone in his hand, which seemed to be recording.

"Sorry, we'll follow up now." Yue Xiaoluo said apologetically, pulling Xia Yichu to speed up the pace.

Xia Yichu's mission this time is very special, she doesn't need to receive the memory of the original owner, because the system has analyzed this mission and her current situation in her mind before.

What Xia Yichu traveled through this time was a CEO novel.

This is a very sweet and sweet childhood novel.

The general meaning of the content is that the male protagonist Ancheng and the female protagonist Yue Xiaoluo, the two have been in love with each other since they were young, and then lived harmoniously and beautifully, a consummated love story.

Because in the current online novels, the more words there are, the more money they make.

So when the author of this novel was writing this novel, the first 80 million words were all about what happened to the hero and heroine when they were on campus.

And I don't know what the author was thinking, it was obviously a sweet pet article, but she added a supernatural plot to it, adding a different style to this sweet pet article.

This supernatural plot is probably in the first year of high school, Liu Yi, the brother of the hero Ancheng, because of his hot temper, bet with others, and for a while he put down the idea of ​​going to a haunted house.

As Liu Yi's good brother, An Cheng naturally wanted to go with him.

And the heroine Yue Xiaoluo had already quietly fallen in love with Ancheng when she was in junior high school, so naturally she had to go with her.

But after all, she is a girl and timid, so she called her best friend and coward Xia Chuyi.

Then, on a dark and stormy night, Liu Yi took his own brother Liu Feng, his good brother An Cheng, his good brother's girlfriend Yue Xiaoluo, and his good brother's girlfriend's best friend Xia Chuyi.

A total of five people broke into the haunted house at night.

In the original plot, there is indeed a ghost in the haunted house this time, but not only did the ghost not harm Ancheng and his party, but also became confidantes with Ancheng under the influence of the protagonist's halo.

Finally, when he graduated from Ancheng University and started his own business, the ghost in the ghost house helped him a lot.

However, in the actual novel world, not only did the ghost in this ghost house fail to become confidantes with An Cheng, but it also directly wiped out An Cheng and his party.

When the hero and heroine die together, the world derived from the novel will naturally collapse.

And Xia Yichu's task this time is to resolve the resentment in this ghost's heart.And, let the hero and heroine successfully escape from here.

To put it simply, from a certain point of view, Xia Yichu's mission this time can actually be regarded as saving the world.

After Xia Yichu digested the information in his mind, he began to think about how to act in the future.

Xia Yichu didn't read that novel, but according to the system, in this world, what the hero and heroine do has not changed, what has changed is the ghost in the ghost house.

In other words, it was actually the ghost who destroyed the plot and the world because of its high resentment value.

The person Xia Yichu transmigrated in was the heroine Yue Xiaoluo's good best friend who was so timid—Xia Chuyi.

When everyone came, it was Liu Yi who drove here by himself.

Liu Yi and Liu Feng are both second-generation rich brothers. Although they are only freshmen in high school, they already own their own cars.

Because the villa is on the mountainside, after everyone parked their cars at the foot of the mountain, everyone walked up the rest of the road by themselves.

The night was dark and windy, and the bright moon was covered by clouds.

When a group of people climbed up, the boy was fine, but Yue Xiaoluo was already panting from exhaustion.

An Cheng walked to her side and helped her to the side, took out water from the bag for Yue Xiaoluo to drink, his eyes were clearly full of worry and concern, but what he said was: "I told you not to follow, you I still want to follow. At this time, isn't it good to have a beauty sleep at home?"

Yue Xiaoluo didn't like sports at all, not only was he struggling to climb the mountain in the middle of the night, but now his whole body was exhausted, not only did he not get his understanding and comfort, but he actually said that about her?
Yue Xiaoluo thought about it for a while, and felt so wronged in her heart. She lowered her eyes and said with a choked voice, "Okay, you guys go, I will go down the mountain after a short rest."

Ancheng was frightened by her words, and he withered after only three seconds: "Don't, I came up with great difficulty. If I go down again, all my previous efforts will be wasted? And I don't feel at ease if you go down the mountain alone. How about this?" , I will accompany you down the mountain together!"

Yue Xiaoluo thought about it, and the grievance in her heart had long since disappeared because of An Cheng's last words. She lowered her head and asked softly, "What about Liu Yi and Liu Feng?"

"It doesn't matter, they are not as important as you!" An Cheng threw away his two good brothers in minutes.

Yue Xiaoluo said in her heart that it would be a lie if she was not moved, she lowered her head shyly, "Forget it, I don't want to go down, let's go in with Liu Yi and the others. Just like you said, If you go down now, all previous efforts will be wasted. Besides, you can't rest assured of Liu Yi and the others."

Yue Xiaoluo's understanding words touched An Cheng's heart.

An ambiguous atmosphere spread around the two of them, Xia Yichu, who was stuffed with dog food beside him, hurriedly hid aside, instead of watching the scene of you and me, he started to observe the ghost house in front of him instead.

It is said to be a ghost house, but in fact it is just a villa building that has been abandoned for many years.

Because of the remote location and the fact that the owner of the villa didn't know where to go, the villa building has been abandoned here, and no one has come to live and take care of it.

After the passage of time, it became a barren and old look.

 [Jun Bao cried for a long time last night, and then woke up today and found that he has a fever... QAQ is now in the hospital. 】

(End of this chapter)

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