Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 515 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 13

Chapter 515 Raiding the Spirit of Resentment 13
Because she didn't want Ye Han's birthday to be disturbed, so today, Liu Mei drove her own car and didn't ask for a private driver.

Maybe it was because of today's birthday, maybe it was because of Liu Mei, Ye Han was very happy.

Xia Yichu originally wanted to sit in the back, but Ye Han pulled him into the passenger seat.

Liu Mei is too busy, she either leaves early and returns late, or goes on a business trip, and the time she spends with her is very short each time.

Ye Han cherishes every time he spends with Liu Mei. Of course, Ye Han would not be willing to leave the passenger seat empty when Liu Mei was driving today.

However, he and Liu Mei were sitting in front of each other, and he felt very sorry if Xia Yichu sat in the back alone, so he hugged Xia Yichu, and the two of them sat in the passenger seat together.

Moreover, the two of them are not very big, even if they sit together in the passenger seat, they can still wear seat belts.

Ye Han chattered, and kept following Liu Mei about what happened in school these days. Liu Mei responded from time to time, and sometimes asked Xia Yichu back.

The atmosphere among the three is very good.

When she was in front of a cake shop, Liu Mei parked her car on the side of the road and asked Xia Yichu and Ye Han to wait for her here, and she went inside to take out the cakes that had been ordered before.

Xia Yichu and Ye Han sat in the car, watching her drift away.

"First day of junior high school, when is your birthday? Do you remember? When it's your birthday, I will also give you a birthday cake." Ye Han looked at Xia Yichu's eyes all the time on Liu Mei, and thought she was Also wanted a birthday cake.

"I don't know, I don't remember." Xia Yichu shook his head and took his gaze away from Liu Mei.

"Ah..." Ye Han was a little surprised, he didn't expect to ask such a stupid question, he reached out and scratched the hair on his head, his expression suddenly lit up: "By the way, then you can live with me Birthday, mom will bring back the birthday cake later, when we go to the restaurant for dinner, we can make wishes together, blow out candles together, and eat cake together. From now on, you will have the same birthday as me!"

"Okay, okay." Xia Yichu listened to his words, although it was said by a child, but Xia Yichu was very happy to hear it.


Xia Yichu didn't dare to recall what happened later, it all happened in an instant.

Xia Yichu was hugged by Ye Han and sat on his knees, so Xia Yichu didn't see what was going on outside the car, but only saw that there was a big car in Ye Han's suddenly widened eyes. The picture of the truck rushing towards.

Xia Yichu was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look, at the opposite intersection, for some unknown reason, there was a large truck driving erratically and fast on the avenue as if out of control, and finally headed towards Xia Yichu and Ye Han The place where the shock comes!

Xia Yichu reacted quickly, reaching out to open the car door, but found that the car door was locked suddenly.

Time was running out, and the out-of-control truck was close at hand, Xia Yichu called the system's name over and over again in his mind, but there was no response.

Xia Yichu looked towards the driver's seat, vaguely, among the fleeing crowd on the side of the street, she seemed to see a familiar silhouette standing in front of the cake shop, watching her and Ye Han's direction.

"Little brother, don't be afraid."

Xia Yichu hugged Ye Han tightly, in a panic, Xia Yichu felt a huge impact, a sharp pain came from his body, and Ye Han's painful humming and the sound of bones breaking rang in his ears...

Xia Yichu fainted unbearably, and when she woke up again, her ears were filled with the sound of police sirens and ambulances, as well as cries and loud discussions intertwined.

Xia Yichu woke up from the confusion, she felt light on her body, looked down, and found that she was floating in mid-air, her whole body was transparent.

Xia Yichu looked down, and within the cordon, a red Ferrari was crushed under the wheels of a large truck.

It's just that the Ferrari couldn't bear the weight of the big truck, it had already been deformed by the collision, and it couldn't see its original appearance at all.

Xia Yichu knew that it was the scene of her accident with Ye Han.

But now, she has turned into A Piao, so she must be dead.What about Ye Han?
Xia Yichu glanced around, but didn't see any other Ah Piao.

She slowly manipulated her soul, allowing herself to slowly fall from midair.

Surrounded by police, beside a red Ferrari, there is a woman crying in mourning.

Xia Yichu saw that it was Liu Mei.

She was crying out of breath, and several passers-by were comforting her and handing her tissues.

But when Xia Yichu looked at her weeping make-up, he didn't feel any sympathy or discomfort in his heart, instead he was filled with anger!

She was absolutely right just now, the person who stood at the door of the cake shop watching this scene before she and Ye Han had an accident, not only did not look panicked at all, but also had a smile on his face, was definitely Liu Mei!
If she guessed correctly, the accident between her and Ye Han this time was not an accident at all, but a premeditated plan that Liu Mei had planned long ago!

Xia Yichu looked at her, feeling chills in his heart.

"Hey! Come out, come out!"

I don't know who called out, Xia Yichu looked back as if feeling something.

A policeman finally opened the deformed car door, and the first thing that came out was a bloody corpse with blurred limbs. She could only be judged to be a girl from the school uniform skirt she was wearing.

Xia Yichu knew that this was her body.

She is dead.

After Xia Yichu glanced at it, he didn't look again. Instead, he ran to Ferrari, wanting to know Ye Han's condition.

Afterwards, Ye Han was carried out. Although his body was also covered in blood, one of the policemen put his hand under his nose and found that he was still breathing.

Human life was at stake, and the police immediately carried Ye Han into the ambulance.

Liu Mei, who was about to faint from crying, was also helped up by kind passers-by.

Xia Yichu's soul also floated into the car, looking at Ye Han who was already wearing an oxygen mask, Xia Yichu felt a deep worry in his heart.

After the ambulance went to the hospital, Ye Han was immediately pushed in by the nurse.

Because he is dying now, he was directly pushed into the operating room.

And Liu Mei was taken to the payment office by the nurse.

Liu Mei glanced at the life-and-death contract that the nurse asked her to sign, and asked, "My son, what is the current situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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