Quickly wear the female supporting role and rush forward

Chapter 543 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 21

Chapter 543 Fat Girl’s Counterattack: Hello, Young Master 21
"It's okay to meet you for the first time?" Wang Xiuxiu looked at Xia Yichu after reading the contract, and didn't speak for a long time, feeling a little uneasy.

"Yes, yes, but, do you read this contract?" Xia Yichu asked.Look at her stupid appearance, don't ruin the company for nothing.

"I see, is there anything you are not satisfied with? You can bring it up and we can discuss it together." Wang Xiuxiu nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

This contract was the one she got when she broke into her brother's office yesterday morning and threatened him in countless ways.

My brother said that this contract is the last one in the company, and only the master level, and the author who is the master level can only get the treatment.

QAQ couldn't be dissatisfied with the first meeting. In fact, she also felt that it was the case. The manuscript fee was too little, and the signing time was too long. This was simply damaging the interests of the first meeting.

QAQ, she is a big bad person...

Wang Xiuxiu's head kept turning and turning, and she was filling her brain crazily, and then the villain in her heart was also crying uncontrollably with a small handkerchief.

"I'm not dissatisfied, but I think the conditions are too good, and I thought you got it wrong." Xia Yichu smiled.

Wang Xiuxiu blinked and looked at Xia Yichu: "So, when I first met you, did you agree?"

"Well, if you're sure it's really this contract, then I'm going to sign it." Xia Yichu picked up the pen next to him, and his gaze fell on her.

"Yes, yes, this is yours." Wang Xiuxiu said hastily.

So sign it now, sign it now.

Xia Yichu didn't have any ink marks either. After getting Wang Xiuxiu's confirmation, he took a pen from one side and lowered his head to sign his name on the contract.

Before Wang Xiuxiu came to the contract, he had already put the company's name, address, and company seal on it. Now that Xia Yichu wrote his name and today's time on it, the contract came into force.

The official business of coming here today is over, and Wang Xiuxiu's heart gradually relaxes.

Moreover, Xia Yichu made her feel not only not cold at all, but also very gentle. After Wang Xiuxiu restrained for a while, not long after, she exposed her talkative nature in front of Xia Yichu.

Xia Yichu's feelings towards Wang Xiuxiu are actually quite good, and he has nothing else to do, so the two sat in the coffee shop, chatting all the time, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

On the street outside the coffee shop, people come and go.

Qin Shi was sitting in the car, he turned his head and glanced at the coffee shop, his eyes fell on the two women who were talking happily inside, and his eyes stopped on Xia Yichu for an extra second.

It was her.

Qin Shi retracted his gaze, and the black car drove past the coffee shop.

Xia Yichu and Wang Xiuxiu were chatting, and when they saw that it was almost time for dinner, Xia Yichu invited Wang Xiuxiu out for dinner.

Wang Xiuxiu didn't come by car, Xia Yichu drove her towards the place to eat.

When following Xia Yichu into Tianxiaju, joyful bubbles bubbled from Wang Xiuxiu's heart.

Wang Xiuxiu felt that after meeting Xia Yichu, her luck improved, and she was able to eat at Tianxiaju for two consecutive days, which was simply the greatest happiness for a snack foodie.

After the two of them ate, they settled another plate of fruit after dinner. Because they had to go to work in the afternoon, even though Wang Xiuxiu was very reluctant to part with Xia Yichu, she still had to say goodbye to her.

Xia Yichu drove Wang Xiuxiu to her place of work. After Wang Xiuxiu thanked Xia Yichu, she unbuttoned her seat belt and was about to open the door to get out of the car, but she didn't know what she thought of. Wang Xiuxiu paused and looked back at Xia Yichu with a confused expression Asked: "When I first met Da Da, do you have any friends in the army?"

"No, what's the matter?" Xia Yichu asked back, not understanding why Wang Xiuxiu suddenly asked her this question.

The original owner doesn't have a single friend, and the army is even more out of reach for the original owner.

But... Qin Shi's face came to Xia Yichu's mind. Although she had said a few words to Qin Shi because of Li Guoguang's relationship, she shouldn't be considered a friend, could she?After all, there is not even a contact information left.

"Ah, it's all right, I just think the major you wrote is really charming, I'll go down first, bye~ Be careful when you go back~" Wang Xiuxiu said, and got out of the car flexibly.

"Yeah, bye." Xia Yichu nodded and drove away.

There are no classes at school in the afternoon, and Xia Yichu doesn't plan to go back to school.

She drove back to her villa complex, and when she passed by Li Guoguang's house, Li Guoguang just got out of the car. Xia Yichu glanced at the black Ferrari and wondered if Li Guoguang's family had guests. Guoguang saw Xia Yichu with sharp eyes, and waved at her enthusiastically: "Hey, Xiao Chu, come to Grandpa Li for dinner this afternoon!~"

Have a meal?

Xia Yichu looked at the warm smile on Li Guoguang's face, and felt vaguely familiar in his heart.

"Grandpa Li, you are so happy. Is there any happy event at home?" Xia Yichu stopped the car, lowered the window, and asked Li Guoguang.

"There's no such thing as a happy event. Qin Shi came to see me again, an old man. If you were asked to marry me and be my god-in-law, you wouldn't do it." Li Guoguang said here, and he gave Xia Yichu a look of hatred.

After he finished speaking, Xia Yichu watched a familiar figure slowly get off the black Ferrari.

"Grandpa Li, I'm still young." Xia Yichu laughed dryly twice, looking a little embarrassed.

The last time Qin Shi came here was half a year ago.

Unexpectedly, Li Guoguang was still thinking about this matter in his heart all the time, and before, he had dragged himself to secretly say it behind his back, but now, he actually brought this matter to the front.

Moreover, it was still in front of Qin Shi.

"Young?" Li Guoguang glanced at Xia Yichu: "I think back then, when we were your age, children could make soy sauce."

"It's different now." Xia Yichu tried hard to argue: "The country now promotes late marriage and late childbearing."

"Really? I also saw news on the news yesterday, saying that there is a pair of children who have been in love since kindergarten. When they were 16 years old, they were already the mother of two children."

Li Guoguang's defensive skills were beyond the charts. He not only answered Xia Yichu's question, but also taunted her.

Xia Yichu suddenly.

"..." Damn it, the matchmaker is too good to talk about today.

[Ben Junbao can already foresee that when the hero is in OOXX, he touches the heroine's chest, saying that she is not small anymore~]

(End of this chapter)

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